One Hundred Ways to Satisfy Your Beloved Wife

Vol 2 Chapter 435: Why are you reluctant?

Biquge, the fastest update of Jiao's wife is on the latest chapter: the latest chapter of a perfect marriage of 100 tricks!

"Lao ... It ’s not that I do n’t want to help you. You also saw that your cousin is so annoying! I wonder if I had a grudge against her in my life, or I owe her money. Blow it up! "

On the pretext that there was a business to talk about, Long Yan pulled Nuo out of the ward.

Nuo was drinking tea calmly, listening to Long Yan's accusation of Yu Sinuo's ten crimes, and by the way poured him a cup.

"I'm thirsty to death ... Still hello, I know that people are distressed ..." Long Yan lifted the tea cup with a sigh of relief, and did not forget to praise the word.

But next second.

His face became sullen blue, and his pupils enlarged to the apex in a flash.

"Don't vomit ... this is a good thing! So expensive to say!" Luo said.

Long Yan stared at his eyes, rolled his throat hard, and swallowed the tea with his desire to vomit.

With a grin, I just felt that my tongue was bitter and unconscious.

"Oh my **** ... wouldn't you be infected by your cousin, what the **** is this ... I'm bitterly dead ..." Long Yan bald with a tongue that didn't listen Face grudge.

Luo calmly collected his cup, replaced another disposable paper cup, and poured some boiled water back to Long Yan.

"The good medicine is bitter ... I made it from the best snake gall bladder and mixed with a lot of herbs. The average person can't drink it, you can get it cheaply and sell it well!" 娆 娆 looked serious. It's embarrassing to get Long Yan.

He coughed and picked up a disposable paper cup and poured himself several cups, which only diluted the little bit of numbness at the tip of his tongue.

"It's always your cousin ..."

"My cousin has less than a month left ..." Rao took another diagnosis and prescription from Yu Qi's handbook.

"Then ... you look like my cousin, do you understand what I mean?"

It seemed that he was afraid of Long Yan's unbelief, and Nuo took out an old photo from the bag for a few years. On the screen, beside Yusinuo, a man was indeed standing.

And that man has 6,7 points similar to Long Yan.

Long Yan picked up the photo, and the knots that froze were slightly loose.

"So, you always wanted me to be by your cousin's side, just hoping that she could see Wusi people?" Long Yan answered smoothly and couldn't help shaking.

It hurts ... is it because she treats herself as someone else?

"Yes ... Uncle said this might be the best way for the cousin. The cousin we originally expected might not be able to survive for half a month, but since I met you, her condition has improved."

"Even after being shot, it can still be carried over! This is simply a medical miracle!" Suddenly, the tone of the voice rose octave suddenly, watching Long Yan's eyes with dizzying admiration.

Long Yan opened his mouth and suddenly felt a little embarrassed, and his resistance was also much less.

But he still didn't say anything ... his eyes flickered and he didn't know what he was thinking ...

Seeing that his expression was loosened, Suolu suddenly felt even more impressed!

She didn't believe it, she would fail for the first time as a matchmaker!

Her eyes rolled round and round, and she suddenly pulled up Long Yan and said infinitely affectionately: "A Yan, don't you always say, do you want to do something for me?"

"Then I beg you to accompany my sister for the rest of her life? You are now her beam of light, a long lamp of hope, only you can light up the cousin's dark sky."

"Saving one's life is better than making a seven-level float, Ayan ... I beg you ..."

Rao quietly used a little psychological talking skills and started brainwashing. She did n’t use her own abilities (because of her bloodline, it was invalid for the Long family ’s lineage), but the sincerity of her eyes made Long Yan unable to bear and refuse.

"You let me go and say ..." Long Yan only felt that if he dared to say no, he would be a sinner with no evil!

"Then you promised!" Rao took his hand excitedly and thanked him again. The affectionate money simply claimed the old life of Long Yan.

It wasn't until Long Yan promised herself that she would keep her promise, she let go of his hand.

In his hand, Long Yan calmed down.

But the thief got on the boat, and wanted to get off again?

"Since that ... I can feel at ease to help us evaluate the matter, but sister A is temporarily unable to help, and I am not safe there. Should I rent another house for you?" Suggested.

Although the iron egg is fierce, but it will happen! I came from the family this time and secretly brought a little money from Yu Fei to Lulu!

"No, I actually have a two-room, one-room dormitory on the side of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Let your cousin live with me in the past. It is relatively safe to say there, there will not be too messy people. Can take care of her better. "

"Do you have a dormitory?" Rao was shocked!

What Long Yan said at the beginning was not for food or food!

"Hey ... I just got it down ..." Long Yangan smiled, and moved to the side without looking for traces ... Before waiting for the whistle to react, he had escaped from the lounge and went straight to Yusinuo Going to the ward.

"It's shameless! You're still the chieftain of the Dragon family!" Rao looked angrily at the disappearance of Long Yan's figure.

I thought I was pitted enough! Acting is good enough!

But I didn't expect Long Yan——

Nima this is the level of the film emperor!

She squeezed several disposable paper cups in situ before going out.

Coincidentally, classmate Iron Egg (Qin Chen) came over carrying the fruit platter that he had just sat down. When he was angry, he asked a few questions with concern.

Nuo didn't hide him, thinking that the person sent by his uncle must be reliable and accused Long Yan of the bad deeds in a few words.

After Luo finished speaking, he felt that the distress dissipated in the chest.

But the iron egg classmate behind her had a thick haze in her eyes.

Qin Chen secretly made up his mind that he must make some stumbling blocks on the road of Long Yan chasing his wife, otherwise he would be sorry that he regarded himself as a rival!


Long Yan thought that let Yu Sinuo go to live in her own house, will certainly be met with her strong resistance and ridicule, after all, her environment there is no comparison between the Yu family or Qin Chen's villa, do not know how much worse.

It's strange that when Luwao put a few words in Yu Sinuo's ear, Yu Sinuo calmed down. Not only did he not mock him, but he cooperated abnormally.

After the stitches were removed, Chong Longyan bowed for half and a half, and really thanked him.

This made Long Yan surprised and happy.

I ran to ask what Yaoluo said was a good idea, but Luoluo only returned a mysterious smile, which made Long Yan's psychology more tickling.

Iron Egg (Qin Chen, for the sake of convenience, the following lectures are collectively referred to as Qin Iron Egg, everyone knows who will do.) The special medicine brought back allows Yusinuo's trauma to heal in a few days.

In order to hide people's eyes and ears, Long Yan deliberately took a half-day leave on Friday to come to Yusinuo for discharge procedures, and also asked Lu Wao to borrow Qin Tiedan as a driver.

It happened that Luo was going to enter the biological laboratory for an experiment in the afternoon, and Qin Tiedan also ran with Long Yan.

Coincidentally, as soon as they and their party entered the community, they met Qin Yilan and dragged their salute out.

Watching Long Yan help Yu Sinuo get down from the "Baochang River", Qin Yilan's corner of his mouth was astonishing to the corner of his eyes.

I don't care about the driver waiting for her outside, and the little suitcase dragged towards Longyan and Yusinuo.

That posture, that expression. At first glance, it's a matter of choice!

Her stepping on the hate sky is very loud, making it difficult to block.

Long Yan looked at Yu Sinuo, whose face was still pale, afraid that she would be uncomfortable in the wind, so she turned around and walked away, not planning to tangle with Qin Yilan.

Unexpectedly, he had just turned around, and Qin Yilan's dizzying Taiwanese accent had filled the courtyard.

"Teacher Long! You are moving! Use no help!"

Long Yan's face turned black all at once, and the finger holding Yu Sinuo began to bend into a strange shape.

Yu Sinuo and Long have been spawning for several years, but he is familiar with some of his habits, but Long Yan has already killed someone.

But there are so many people here.

Plus it is just a little girl.

Yu Sinuo felt that killing was really a waste of energy.

So, she gently took back Long Yan's arm and took the initiative to return to God and said to Qin Yilan: "I haven't seen you for a long time, Qin Yilan."

Qin Yilan was startled!

She never dreamed that the woman next to Long Yan had Yu Sinuo, and her mouth suddenly opened to put an egg!

In her limited cognition, Yu Sinuo was a widow who stepped on **** and transported money. She had nothing to do with food and clothing. She started with five figures. How could she be with a poor man like Long Yan, Not to mention getting down from such a broken van.

Could it be said that her family went bankrupt?

She remembers that Yusinuo once said that she is in business.

Qin Yilan made up her mind and couldn't help but happily, nodding cleverly, she whispered: "Yes ... Mrs. Yu ..."

"What's the matter with you?" Long Yan stared at the woman in displeasure, but she hadn't seen it in a few days. The fragrance of the woman's body became more intense, so that she could not stand it.

"I ... I was just going to move, and went to live in Taikoo Cang, to see Teacher Long moving, as a student, come and see if I need help."

"Oh by the way, Mrs. Yu, you should know the Taikoo Cang Hotel? The day after tomorrow I held a birthday banquet in the hotel over there, as well as an engagement ceremony, and you and Teacher Long must appreciate the light ..." Qin Yilan eyes BinglingBingling Flashed, and grumbling bad water in his stomach.

"I didn't ..." Long Yan just wanted to refuse.

But Yu Sinuo took a half step, blocking Qin Yilan's invitation in front of him.

"Okay ... we must go."

"I haven't been to the Taikoo Cang Hotel yet ... is it super five-star, right?" Yu Sinuo turned over the invitation and said with a pretense.

Long Yan's face twitched ... and he couldn't help glancing at Yu Sinuo: Hey! Woman, what are you doing!

"That's right ..." Qin Yilan's face was ashamed: "My fiancé said that although the engagement is only a ceremony, but also want to give me the best!"

"Oh ... congratulations ..." Yu Sinuo said with a smile, completely ignoring someone's blackened pan's face.

"Then ... see you then, and I must leave a good place for the two." The position closest to the main table! Let you know what is the real world of the rich! Qin Yilan was thinking about it, pulling up his suitcase and preparing to go.

But just turning around, Yu Sinuo stopped her again.

Qin Yilan :? ? ?

"Classmate Qin, you just said that Long Yan is your teacher, right?"

Qin Yilan nodded, nodding.

"Oh ... that's all right, the master has something to do with his disciples. I just came back from the hospital for surgery. Here, I'll trouble you ..."

"Ah ..." Qin Yilan stared blankly at Yu Sinuo, his head hadn't turned yet.

Yu Sinuo sneered and turned to knock on Qin Tie's car window.

"Iron Egg, without your help ... Ayan's disciples are here, you can go back."

Qin Tie egg glanced out of his head, looked at the small Qin Yilan, nodded, and started the car flashing with a strange smile ...

In front of the empty building door, Qin Yilan looked at each other with a pile of large boxes ...

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