Biquge, the fastest update of Jiao's wife is on the latest chapter: the latest chapter of a perfect marriage of 100 tricks!

"Who is missing me."

Long Yan children's shoes in the United States sneeze one by one, and his tears are coming out.

Watching him cough, the black brother next to him immediately handed over a cup of hot tea: "Brother, drink some water, what shall we eat at night? Sea cucumber abalone? Or bun dumplings?"

"Did you catch a cold? Would you like to increase the temperature of the air conditioner a little bit more?" The younger brother looked down at Long Yan with respect and asked for instructions.

Behind him is a group of people with black nets. Just now they received news that although the big guy in front of them was not a real King, it was also a role they couldn't bear,

And the above also said, the auction does not terminate, but it can no longer abuse people, otherwise the real King will be unhappy.

In response, the younger brother who answered the phone expressed great grievance!

What is their abuse?

Apparently they were abused by Long Yan?

Are their black clubs very civilized? On the contrary, it was Long Yan, but when the auction film was shot, the younger brother pinched his little Tintin for the advertising effect, and then was beaten into a pig head!

"Forget it, don't know what to eat, I went back to bed."

Sneezing kept making Long Yan feel very unhappy.

He glanced at the trembling cameraman in front of him, and walked over by himself.

"How much am I online now?"


"Aren't you going to auction me? How much is the price now?" Long Yan gave him an impatient look. Why did this person do so?

"Oh ... brother, wait, our auction price is updated in real time, the current highest price is 40 million ..."

"US dollars?" Long Yan raised his eyebrows, his tone cold.

The cameraman didn't understand what he meant, only when he was angry, his voice was lowered a bit: "Lova ...

"Convex (艹 盘 艹)!" Long Yan roared suddenly.

The people in the room were collectively aggrieved.

Do you think the money is too much?

After all, he didn't lose much to the casino at that time, that is, 5 million US dollars. Now converted, he can already pay for his previous consumption.

Thinking of this, the younger brother who just delivered water to Long Yan thought about it and thought of the phone call he just received. He suddenly had an idea and immediately approached Long Yan to please.

"That's the case. After all, you wear a mask, so this value is also a bit higher, but you can rest assured that our casino is child-friendly and never bullying customers, so the extra part is still yours. "

"Are you really here to sell?" Long Yan's pupils shrank, and his eyes were murderous.

The younger brother took a few steps back quickly and shook his head decisively: "Of course not, I will explain it to you, it's a lot of money ..."

"Is this too much?" Long Yan was even more displeased.

"Isn't that much?" The black brother asked a black question mark.

"Multiple hammers!" Long Yan roared while coughing: "Laozi **** to sell his body to pay off the debts! This group of people even bought me 40 million Luohua dollars? What a joke! Do I have such a cheap price?

Everyone :? ? ? 40 million is still cheap?

"What kind of eyes are you! Lao Tzu sells hue! Hue! I'm the king of killers! I'm King of your black net ... Actually worth it!"

"No, it must be that the shooting method was just wrong. Come and come and get me some essential oils. I want to shoot another ... It's just such a little money, it's not enough for Laozi's appearance fee.

Everyone: "..."

"What are you still doing? Come and shoot the auction video for me! Your boss wants to make money! I tell you, I don't care about the money anymore! How much you shoot, it's your black net!"

While talking, Long Yan poured the essential oil he had just poured onto his body. His already strong skin, after applying the essential oil, the muscle lines became more compact.

He raised his hand to cover his hair, and vigorously flirted in front of the camera.

He will never let go of the opportunity to blacken Qin Chen's image.

. . .

The video soon spread across the entire network.

Qin Chen, as the real King, naturally saw the rising rewards in his account for the first time.

Long Yan's "selling performance" not only increased the popularity of the auction, but also made some women directly appreciate the various gift gifts under his video.

And that reward account was used by Qin Chen when he was on the hacker net.

Qin Chen's account kept ringing for a while.

His face also became darker.

Ken and Ben happened to be back on a business trip, standing aside and watching, trying to laugh but afraid to laugh.

"I used to think that the boss's nemesis was our wife, but now I found out that it was Mr. Long. You are simply the lover of the previous life. In this life, you were born with the wrong baby to love each other. Now, the boss, you can become those women completely. Our hearts are ready ... "

Ken couldn't help but talk aside.

Qin Chen rubbed his eyebrows and silently turned off the video.

I really want to ask Rao, otherwise, let Long Yan be chopped off, this guy is just to plug himself up to save it!


God **** even dancing seaweed in the video!

Does he think he is the celebrity of Douyin!

Qin Chen shivered with anger at his fingertips, but was helpless.

While thinking about how to get some interest back on Long Yan, Yu Qi made a phone call.

Suddenly, Qin Chen had an idea in mind.

While answering the phone, he tapped on the keyboard and sent an email to Leng Snow.

He will keep a separate copy of this video.

Humph, gentleman revenge, not too late ten years, Brother Long, let's go and see!

. . . . . .

Just as shocked as Qin Chen were the voluptuous and Yusinuo in the villa.

Luo was thinking about wording, how to comfort Yu Sinuo.

Suddenly Yusinuo's cell phone rang the melody of seagrass dance.

Nuo was unable to stretch her rigor at that time, and looked at the source of the sound.

She looked silly at this.

Was n’t the person with a golden mask shaking his head shaking his head in the video? Is his head squeezed by the door? Make yourself like this!


For the video effect, Long Yan also specially changed a triangle small pants, the already strong Xiao Long Yan is highlighted by the domineering / dripping, if you look closely, you can even see the above lines!


Wao silly ... Long Yan is letting himself fly, or is it deliberately discredited!

Yu Sinuo couldn't help frowning when he saw her holding her mobile phone motionlessly, why was it doing this, why should he keep staring at his mobile phone?

The irritability in his heart caught him again, and Yu Sinuo looked at the delicate profile of Luao, and couldn't help being jealous.

Just when she wanted to speak, Rao returned her cell phone generously.

Nijun pointed to the man who twisted his **** on the screen: "Sinuo, is this really your family?"

Your home, Ayan ...

This name made Yu Sinuo very satisfied, and his heart was also relaxed about the hostility of Luwao.

She frowned and looked down at her fingers.

On the screen, Long Yan is still twisting hard, and the amount of rewards and auctions next to it is also rising.

It's just Yu Sinuo's face, but he shrugged it down.

There was even an abnormal blush on the pale face.

Nuo asked her cheeks for a long time without waiting for her to speak. When she looked up, she was startled by her abnormal expression.

Why is her cousin getting stranger.

But Rao didn't think much.

I used to think that I didn't do something wrong, which made Yu Sinuo uncomfortable. Now I just got a reason for Yu Sinuo. The pregnant woman's **** is a ghost animal.

"What's the matter? Cousin, you are so blushing!"

"He was like this!" Yu Sinuo was angry with his fingertips.

"Ah ..." Luo said he was very ignorant.

"He is a long patriarch of the Dragon family, even if he learns those coquettish people, or wears such scarce fabrics, does he forget his identity?"

"This ... I think it's okay. He's not wearing the identity of the young patriarch of the Long family, or Qin Chen of my family." Whispering whispered, the pregnant woman, the horse, could not afford it.

"Okay? Wasn't you forgetting our family's rules? How could he get Lou **** outside!"

Rao: o ((⊙﹏⊙)) o? ? ?

"But ... with this mask, no one should find out who he is?"

"That will not work! He can see the shape and size there! There are a lot of women on the black net, which is not to be seen!" Yu Sinuo was still angry, silently using his account to reward One million went in.

Rao twitched the corner of his mouth.

Xin Dao, this is not a matter of etiquette, is it that you do n’t want Long Yan to be seen there?

She wanted to vomit, but when she thought of her cousin's current style of ghost and beast painting, she chose to be silent and let Yu Sinuo ventilate herself.

In fact,

Yu Sinuo did not disappoint her. The whole person was indeed caught in a frantic frenzy and pinched with the people on the Black Net Forum.

There is no reason for him, just because there are a few people who are suspected of being men. It is said that Long Yanqi is large but not necessarily easy to use, and it may be the silver wax gun head, which can finish in minutes.

In fact, this acid is also very normal, after all, not only women in this world will be jealous of others.

According to normal logic, there is no need to ignore it.

But Yu Sinuo's idea was that you said my husband wouldn't do it! Then I can't bear it!

Although divorced.

But even Yu Sinuo didn't find herself, she never really put the man down at the moment of self-control, even, she still has a strong possessive desire for Long Yan ...

It ’s already time to hear someone saying that he ’s a bad word!

Another woman who fell in love.

Watching Yu Sinuo once again smashed the reward for Long Yan, Lu Wao felt a little bit of pain. She wanted to say that the money you won was also in the hands of my Achen, and Long Yan could not get it.

But I thought about it again, it was a fool to make money or not, and she decided to be silent.

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