One kind of unlimited supplies every day, I pushed through the doomsday

Chapter 11 The temperature drops suddenly, and quilts are sold

No. 35233: "I feel a little cold now... How long will this rain last? If it rains the next day, I will be frozen to death in the wild..."

No. 233333: "My small broken house is leaking wind on all sides, and it can't withstand it. I feel like I'm going to catch a cold."

Chen Dong looked at the sky through the glass, and there was no sign that the heavy rain would stop.

Someone in the chat channel just now complained about whether it would rain the next day. Chen Dong felt that it was not impossible.


Sitting on the sofa in the living room of the villa, Xie Anqi sneezed.

She touched her arm with goose bumps and rubbed it to keep warm.

Chen Dong sat over and asked, "Do you feel cold?"

Xie Anqi nodded honestly.

"It's a little cold... The temperature dropped too fast, and I can't react."

Indeed, Chen Dong, who has upgraded, can still feel a little cold, not to mention that Xie Anqi has not upgraded yet and is still a weak woman.

I have to find something to keep warm.

Chen Dong thought about whether to light a fire to keep warm.

Suddenly, I thought of today's unlimited supplies.

Isn't this a coincidence!

Cotton can be used to make quilts!

It can't make a strong quilt that is too warm, but it is not difficult for Chen Dong to stuff the cloth with cotton.

And there is enough cotton. If one sheet is not warm enough, two sheets will do at most!

Chen Dong clicked on the trading platform to collect fabrics and needles and threads, and said to Xie Anqi: "Wait a moment, I will show you a magic trick."

Soon, he took out the collected materials for making quilts.

Xie Anqi looked at the cotton and fabrics on the ground with a look of surprise.

"Chen Dong, how do you have cotton?!"

Chen Dong smiled and said: "Of course I exchanged it on the trading platform. Doctor Xie, if you want to cover the quilt quickly, help me sew the fabric. I am not used to using embroidery needles."

Xie Anqi nodded quickly.

"Hehe, this is my specialty."

Xie Anqi, who got the needles, threads and fabrics, made several quilt covers in no time.

This difficult job is nothing for her who is a doctor.

Soon, Chen Dong and Xie Anqi covered themselves with quilts as they wished.

Chen Dong took out hot food and warm coffee from his backpack, curled up in the quilt and ate and drank, as if he was on a weekend vacation.

Many players shivered in the cold despite the wind and rain outside the villa, and all this had nothing to do with them.

After eating and drinking, Xie Anqi huddled in the quilt and murmured happily: "Well... so comfortable!"

Chen Dong leaned over and asked: "Where is it comfortable?"

Xie Anqi's ears suddenly turned red when she felt the strong male breath.

She huddled her head in the quilt and said coquettishly: "Stinky Chen Dong, you are making fun of me again!!"

Chen Dong laughed and rubbed Xie Anqi's hair.

Unlike seeking caution and even ruthlessness in battle, Chen Dong hoped that he could relax when he was not in battle, and he could make fun of Xie Anqi unscrupulously and have someone to chat with.

If he kept his fighting nerves tense, he felt that he would not be able to hold on for long.

Xie Anqi also found that after just a few days of life and death escape, she actually couldn't leave Chen Dong.

Sometimes she felt uneasy when she found Chen Dong was not there.

Thinking that she wanted to assassinate Chen Dong at the beginning, but ended up following Chen Dong, she couldn't help but feel ashamed.

But she knew that her choice was right.

Beside Chen Dong, she found the sense of security that was lacking in this doomsday world.

At this moment, Xie Anqi suddenly had an idea.

Biting her lips, her expression was hesitant and tangled, and suddenly raised her head and asked: "Chen Dong, how about, tonight, you come to my room..."

Chen Dong was frightened.

He had been single since birth, and a beautiful woman came to him on her own initiative.

Chen Dong's mind suddenly went blank, and he blurted out: "No! Women will only affect the speed of my drawing a gun. Let alone touching, I can't even think about it!"

Xie Anqi was stunned.

Unexpectedly, Chen Dong rejected her mercilessly even though she was so proactive as a girl.

Xie Anqi stood up angrily, snorted, and climbed upstairs wrapped in a quilt, walked into a room, and slammed the door shut.

Chen Dong's mind was working again at this time, and he regretted it.

"Fuck! Did a donkey kick your brain?!"

Chen Dong had to comfort himself by saying that he had just arrived at the villa area and the crisis had not been resolved.

It's not appropriate to think about men and women now.

Chen Dong looked at the players who were still complaining about the weather and the cold in the chat channel, gritted his teeth and muttered: "I'm unhappy, you guys are unhappy too!!"

Then, Chen Dong used the system screenshot to take a screenshot of him lying on a luxurious sofa, wrapped in a quilt.

No. 10086: "Ah? Why don't you have quilts? I thought everyone has one. (Attached with pictures)"

No. 878732: "???"

No. 45432: "Ah! Damn!! How can there be such a thing as a quilt?!"

No. 99923: "10086, if you dare, send me the coordinates, I promise not to kill you!"

No. 10086: "Hehe. I happen to have a few extra quilts. Do you want them? I've put them on the trading platform."

While talking in the chat channel, Chen Dong put the quilt on the trading platform.

But the trading conditions are harsh, only combat supplies are accepted.

This is tantamount to a sky-high price!

Because combat capital requires a lot of food and water transactions, and exchanging quilts requires a lot of combat materials. After the conversion, not many people can afford it!

After the quilt was put on the shelf, the chat channel was full of condemnation of Chen Dong.

No. 93849: "People do things? Why don't you go and rob, so many materials for a broken quilt?"

No. 10086: "You can not exchange, anyway I won't be cold. But a warm reminder, this rain will not stop in a short time."

No. 77777: "Boycott together! Let him not sell it, keep it for the New Year!!"

No. 85842: "Yes! I will freeze to death, die outside! I will never buy this broken quilt!"

No. 34341: "Huh? Why did you buy a quilt?"

No. 552: "I'm really sorry, the quilt is really warm... Brothers continue to boycott, I will withdraw first."

Seeing everyone's attack on No. 552, Chen Dong almost laughed out loud.

Although he made many people jealous in the chat channel, he still successfully traded several quilts in exchange for a large amount of combat supplies.

Then, Chen Dong put some cold medicine on the shelves and shouted in the chat channel: "Brothers, I just put some cold medicine on the shelves. The price is affordable. If you need it, hurry up and buy it. You don’t want to fight zombies with your sick body, right?"

This time, the chat channel did not denounce Chen Dong as lively as last time.

The players are not stupid. They know the importance of cold medicine.

Many players who have already caught a cold, looking at the cold medicine that still needs to be exchanged for combat supplies, although they are complaining in their hearts, they still have to bite the bullet and trade.

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