Bai Xue was overjoyed and quickly sent her conditions to Chen Dong.

"I want two hundred bottles of water, ten boxes of bread, or fifty kilograms of rice, hehe."

Seeing the listed supplies, Chen Dong couldn't help but pick them.

These things are not cheap when converted.

It's almost catching up with the price of the barrier wall that Chen Dong auctioned.

However, although the price is a bit higher, Chen Dong can still afford it.

As long as it is exchanged for daily necessities, there is no need to worry about not being able to afford it.

However, Chen Dong doesn't want to be a sucker.

Although the Tang sword blueprint is good, it is definitely not worth the price.

After all, there is still a large amount of material costs.

If the Tang sword is not sold at a sky-high price, it is a loss-making business.

Therefore, Chen Dong wanted to whet Bai Xue's appetite and try to lower the price.

"Haha, go and rob. There are a lot of supplies in the zombie group. I can't afford this blueprint. Go find someone else to buy it."

Bai Xue was really anxious.

If Chen Dong doesn't buy it, it will really rot in his hands or be sold at a low price.

"10086, we are also acquaintances, I will give you a discount!"

Chen Dong felt a little pain when he saw Bai Xue's words.

He sent a message word by word: "Acquaintance, familiar person? That's true!"

"We are not that close, but you failed to trick me and finally got yourself into trouble. Don't try to get close to me."

Bai Xue was a little embarrassed.

It was true that she failed to trick Chen Dong last time.

If it were someone else, she would have blacklisted her or hunted her down long ago.

The fact that Chen Dong could still chat with her for so long was already considered easy to talk to.

"10086, I was wrong last time, I admit it, but you almost burned me to death. If I hadn't been lucky enough to dig the soil to survive, you wouldn't be able to see me now. You see, we are even now."

"Speaking of this business, we are doing it online, so you don't have to worry about me cheating you!"

It seems that he is really in a hurry to make a move in exchange for daily necessities.

Maybe he is running out of rice?

Chen Dong looked at Bai Xue's series of flattering explanations and laughed secretly.

He naturally wanted the Tang Dao.

It seems that it is time to bargain.

"Hehe, then you can make it cheaper, fifty bottles of water, twenty kilograms of rice. This price is very suitable. As long as you agree, I will forgive our past affairs, and we can continue to discuss other cooperation in the future."

When Bai Xue saw the price, she immediately disagreed and sent a message to refute: "This price is absolutely impossible, it is too low."

Chen Dong didn't say much nonsense.

"Then you keep it for yourself. I'm not interested and can't afford a higher price."

Bai Xue suddenly sent a message threatening: "10086, then I want you to pay the same supplies as before to buy a video of yours, what do you think?"

Then, Bai Xue sent a short video of Chen Dong driving a car to escape from the zombies.

I don't know how Bai Xue took the video, but Chen Dong's face can be clearly seen in the video.

Chen Dong's face sank.

You know, if his identity is exposed, it will not be a good thing.

Too many people covet 10086's supplies.

Even if Chen Dong now lives in the villa area, many survivors have moved in and know that 10086 is in the wall.

But they only know that 10086 is here, but they don't know what 10086 looks like.

Chen Dong hides very well.

Every time he and Xie Anqi go out to collect supplies, they sit in the car wearing hats or masks.

When they are in the villa, the towering wall can perfectly cover their internal situation.

As for the survivors who sneaked into the villa, Chen Dong never left any alive.

Therefore, most people don't know what 10086 looks like.

If Bai Xue released this video, Chen Dong would really be in a state of being an enemy of everyone.

When going out to hunt zombies, you must be careful of other survivors.

This is too inconvenient.

It is necessary to find Bai Xue's location as soon as possible and get the video from her!

Otherwise, the consequences will be disastrous.

Chen Dong immediately bought an uncharged unmanned camera on the trading platform and started charging it.

There are already a lot of electrical appliances on the current trading platform, such as rice cookers, washing machines, and drones.

However, many people are not lacking these items, but lacking electricity.

After charging, Chen Dong sent out a drone and began to search for Bai Xue's traces.

Coincidentally, Bai Xue was not far away.

Or, she deliberately came to the vicinity of Chen Dong's villa area.

I don't know what the intention is.

But because of the close location, the drone sent by Chen Dong soon found the other party's traces.

Chen Dong immediately set out and headed for the forest where Bai Xue was.

It must be said that Bai Xue's choice to hide in this forest was a very wise choice.

Many survivors are very afraid of the forest, fearing that there are many zombies in it.

But in fact, the zombies in the forest in the park have almost died.

There are only a few left, or even none.

Because zombies are clustered, if the number of zombies in an area begins to decrease, they will begin to spontaneously gather together again and become a new zombie group.

This is also the reason why the zombie group can never be killed and the next wave will soon appear.

Chen Dong is very familiar with the environment around the villa area, and he also knows that there are no zombies in this forest.

However, many people still think that this forest is very dangerous.

It seems that Bai Xue is really good at intelligence gathering.

Chen Dong is very fast.

When running at full speed, he is not inferior to a cheetah at all.

But just like a cheetah, there is no way to maintain such an extreme speed.

Not long after, Chen Dong ran into the forest.

The drone in the sky also kept providing him with Bai Xue's location.

Bai Xue stayed in the same place.

At this time, she frowned tightly, looking very confused.

Why did 10086 not reply after sending the message for so long?

But she didn't know that at this moment, there was a person behind her slowly approaching her.

Bai Xue seemed to notice something, and suddenly turned her head to look behind.

There was no one.

She just thought she was too sensitive, and said to herself: "Could it be that I haven't rested well recently, and my mental state is too bad, and I am always suspicious."


Suddenly, there was a sound of branches being stepped on and broken behind her.

Bai Xue pulled out her crossbow and turned to look behind her.

There was still a dense forest behind her.

Bai Xue frowned.

She clearly heard the sound of branches being stepped on and broken. It couldn't be a natural break. It must be a sound caused by heavy objects.

But why couldn't she see anything when she turned her head?

If there was a person or an animal, how could it hide so quickly?

Just as Bai Xue was puzzled, she felt a sharp pain in the back of her neck.

She didn't have time to react, and instantly lost her ability to resist and collapsed to the ground.

At the same time, Chen Dong lifted his invisibility and appeared in front of her.

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