One kind of unlimited supplies every day, I pushed through the doomsday

Chapter 76: Reward gifts, recruit people without any threshold

Chen Dong pulled Xie Anqi and Tian Xiaoyu to sit beside him and watched the live broadcast together.

In the live broadcast room, the two girls were enthusiastically introducing their refuge to the viewers who came to the live broadcast room to watch the live broadcast.

One of the girls, wearing glasses and looking like an artistic youth, said to the camera: "Fellow survivors, my name is Huanhuan, and this is my sister Sissy next to me. In tonight's live broadcast room, the two of us will fight for Let’s introduce our team’s new shelter.”

"Now we are sitting on the sofa in the underground fortress. Look at the size of our underground fortress."

Then, Huanhuan circled his live broadcast perspective around the entire underground fortress, allowing the audience in the live broadcast room to see clearly.

It must be said that this underground fortress is very large.

Chen Dong even felt that it was bigger than the underground fortress they built under the villa.

I don’t know where to find such a large construction foundation.

However, the decoration of this underground fortress is not particular. It is a rough house with a strong industrial style.

The S alloy walls are exposed and there are no tiles on the floor.

Huanhuan walked to broadcast the live broadcast, and could even see the dust rising clearly.

There are not a few people living in this underground fortress.

Unlike Chen Dong and others, who can live in the same room relatively comfortably, at most Xie Anqi and Tian Xiaoyu live together.

The scene under the Huanhuan live broadcast camera is like the dormitory when Chen Dong was studying.

Four or five bunk beds, a not too big room, housed eight to ten survivors.

Huanhuan walked into a room and asked several big men who were eating food to say hello to the live broadcast room.

Several big men were chewing food in their mouths. Although they were reluctant, they still waved perfunctorily to the audience in the live broadcast room.

Then, he continued to pick up his lunch box and wolfed it down.

The audience in the live broadcast room watched carefully.

These big men eat a lot of food, including meat, eggs and rice.

Is the food in this underground fortress so good? !

Many survivors spoke in the comment area of ​​the live broadcast room and wanted to ask what are the requirements for joining their shelter.

Number 563563: "Baby Huanhuan, what are you talking about? My brother wants to join your shelter. Do you have any requirements?"

No. 856445: "Damn it, the last comment was too greasy. I vomited."

Number 235557: "Huanhuan, I am very interested in your underground fortress. I am a single survivor. Can I join you?"

No. 754035: "I am also a single survivor. I can't afford to build an underground fortress by myself! Can I come and help? It's not free food and drink, I can work."

The barrage was very lively, and many people even showed strong interest in joining their underground fortress.

This is exactly the purpose of Huanhuan.

After looking at it for a few times, Huanhuan said with a smile: "I just looked at everyone's barrage. Many people are asking whether we need more people in the underground fortress here and what are the conditions. Here, I will give you Please explain, our underground fortress still has a lot of space and four or five rooms, so at least it can accommodate dozens of people. "

"In addition, our team does not require entry barriers. As long as you have the ability to work, we are very welcome. Here, as long as everyone works hard together to build, everyone will eat together!"

Chen Dong frowned slightly as he listened.

Why does this model sound so familiar...

However, he didn't think much about it and could only hide his thoughts in his heart.

After Huanhuan finished explaining, a large number of barrages emerged.

Many survivors signed up to join their shelter.

There are also many people who are shopping for gifts, such as a bottle of water and a piece of bread, trying to stand out among the many competitors.

My sister Xixi, who followed Huanhuan and was always paying attention to the live broadcast room, saw many gifts sent by survivors and read out the names of those people with a smile on her face.

"Thank you. Thank you very much for the bucket of pure water sent by [I want to join your refuge]. The boss is great and the boss is in good health! Okay, we have seen the news. You can send us a private message when the time comes!"

There are also some live broadcast room names that people are embarrassed to speak.

Sissi paused and read out as usual.

"And this one, thank you, thank you [Huanhuan Qianqian, I want them all... I want them all] for the ten sausages."

The gift of doomsday live broadcast is still a little different from the previous world.

Straight from the backpack, real supplies.

Huanhuan and Xixi's live broadcast room directly topped the list of live broadcast popularity on this night.

A large number of survivors who did not have the ability to build underground fortresses to deal with the meteorite rain struggled to join their shelters, just for a chance of survival.

According to system data, the city where Chen Dong is located has over a hundred thousand people.

The villa area is located in the suburbs, so it seems to be deserted.

But in fact, the Sheriff, as well as some other large teams, were stationed in densely populated areas, where it was very lively.

That is to say, in this situation, there are actually many lone wolf survivors.

They do not have the ability to build underground fortresses to deal with meteorite rain.

The countdown to death is approaching, and you have to do everything you can to survive.

Huanhuan and Sissi went live that night and admitted that there were no conditions required to join their underground fortress.

If I had to talk about the conditions, it would be to have the ability to work and not be disabled.

Such conditions, compared with other teams, have no threshold at all!

The sheriff's police station, other large teams, and any team with an underground fortress, if you want to join them, you must first pay expensive supplies as a stepping stone.

After entering, distribution is based on work, and the more you work, the more you get.

At the same time, a points mechanism is established.

Every time the survivors go out to collect supplies, whoever collects more will be counted into the points.

After reaching a certain number, the internal level will be upgraded and enjoy a better environment and supplies.

Compared with the two, Huanhuan and her team's shelter is simply heaven!

Naturally, it didn't take long for it to be full of survivors.

In terms of quantity, it has become a presence that can be compared with those first-line large teams in the police station.

But Chen Dong is more optimistic about the model of those large teams in the police station.

In the early stage of a team's establishment, it can be transitioned by equal distribution, but it is by no means a wise choice.

Obviously, the police station has suffered losses before.

So it was changed to a points system, and the more you work, the more you get.

As long as everyone joins, there is something to eat.

But Zhang San did more, Li Si did less, and in the end they had the same food.

It is very dangerous to continue on this detour.

The meteor shower is coming. Once the survivors cause chaos due to uneven distribution of supplies, unless there is a team with strong force like the police station, they can suppress it.

Otherwise, it will only cause the entire team to fall into chaos or even fall apart.

Obviously, Huanhuan and her team, who were originally a small team, do not have such emergency response capabilities.

It is not the lack of resources that is worrying, but the inequality.

Huanhuan and her team will get into trouble sooner or later if they do it all at once...

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