The popularity of the live broadcast room has increased.

Da Shan was sweating profusely and worked even harder when he saw the soaring gifts.

Many people also left the live broadcast room, such as Chen Dong.

With two beautiful girls by his side, he wasn't horny enough to look at anyone else.

Instead, the desperate and shrill cries made him feel a little uncomfortable.

Chen Dong turned off the live broadcast, lit a cigarette, looked up and sighed.


Chen Dong is preparing to upgrade the intermediate underground fortress.

This was something he decided after thinking for a long time.

While eating dinner, Xie Anqi served Chen Dong a bowl of rice and casually took a mouthful of it.

"Chen Dong, where should we move the vegetables we grow when the meteorite rain comes?"

Chen Dong chewed the rice and said without thinking: "Of course we will move to the underground fortress."

Xie Anqi frowned and sighed.

"However, our underground fortress simply does not have so much open space to place fruits and vegetables. And, most importantly, how to enable fruits and vegetables to carry out photosynthesis?"

Chen Dong said: "Photosynthesis is not difficult to solve, and the reserve of fluorescent lamps is sufficient. However, I didn't pay much attention to the location. Now that these fruits and vegetables have grown up, they do take up a lot of space..."

The unlimited supplies Chen Dong got yesterday happened to be fluorescent lamps, so he didn't need to worry about photosynthesis problems in growing fruits and vegetables.

If one fluorescent lamp is not enough, use a few more.

But venue is a big problem.

Today, the fruits and vegetables grown by Chen Dong and others have taken up the yard and rooftop terrace.

It is impossible to move them all into the underground fortress.

After all, the underground fortress is only the size of a villa.

Excluding the living area, there isn't much space left at all.

Tian Xiaoyu on the side asked: "Chen Dong, can the underground fortress be upgraded?"

Chen Dong nodded, put down his bowl and chopsticks, put his hands on his chin, and said thoughtfully: "Yes, yes, but upgrading the intermediate underground fortress requires a lot of concrete, and we don't have that much on hand."

"If you slowly scan the goods on the trading platform, it's hard to say whether you can upgrade when the meteorite rain comes."

Tian Xiaoyu curled her hair and thought hard, and then an idea flashed.

"Chen Dong, how about we find the team to trade?"

"As far as I know, there are many large teams that reserve a large amount of materials for trading. Some are stocking steel and some are lumber. We will patiently search in the chat channel. Maybe there will be a team that reserves a large amount of concrete."

Chen Dong blinked, thought for a moment and nodded.

"It's feasible. This is an opportunity. Otherwise, it would be a pity if the fruits and vegetables we grow were wasted because of a meteorite rain."

Tian Xiaoyu deeply agreed.

"Of course. We have worked so hard to grow the fruits and vegetables for so many days. It would be a shame if they were just gone."

"I happen to know that there is a team that seems to be trading concrete to foreign countries. Do you want to know more about it?"


Chen Dong nodded with a smile and said, "Okay, Xiaoyu, how do you know which team has concrete? I don't even know."

Tian Xiaoyu smiled sweetly, a little embarrassed.

"Well... I actually knew this team by accident. They were selling lipstick on the chat platform before, and I learned by the way that they had a large amount of concrete for sale at the same time."

Xie Anqi on the side also suddenly realized.

"Ah! Xiaoyu, are the small gold bars you bought last time the ones they sold?!"

Tian Xiaoyu smiled slightly.

"Yes, they are their team's supplies. An Qi, are they okay for use?"

Xie Anqi nodded wildly.

"It's really easy to use. I used to buy this lipstick a lot in the old world. It's super moisturizing and goes on instantly."

The two women quickly discussed lipstick at the dinner table with great interest.

Chen Dong smiled bitterly.

"Hey, we are discussing upgrading the intermediate underground fortress. Why did you go to Lipstick..."

But Xie Anqi and Tian Xiaoyu turned a deaf ear and immersed themselves in it.

Chen Dong couldn't get a word in and shook his head helplessly.

I finished my meal in silence and cleared away the dishes.

Chen Dong has always wanted to upgrade the intermediate underground fortress, but he just suffered from not having enough upgrade materials.

Unexpectedly, he learned from Tian Xiaoyu that there was information about a team hoarding concrete in large quantities.

This naturally solidified his idea of ​​upgrading the intermediate underground fortress.

Chen Dong opened the chat channel and looked for the team Tian Xiaoyu mentioned.

No. 347343: "Madefak, it costs 5,000 pieces of concrete to upgrade the intermediate underground fortress? Where can I find it? The trading platform displays only scattered goods, which is of no use at all!"

No. 573353: "What the hell? Are you going to upgrade the intermediate fortress?"

No. 374343: "I am the leader of the drug lord team. Do you think we have the ability to upgrade the intermediate underground fortress?"

Drug lords are a new large team.

The police station is the only large-scale team, followed by the second-tier team.

Drug lords occupy a position and are not unpowerful.

No. 845634: "Damn it, boss 666!"

Number 678965: "I met the real person..."

No. 845534: "Our team has just built a basic underground fortress. Hey, it really can't be compared with a large team."

No. 745343: "Venomous Snake, the leader of the drug lord? We have a lot of concrete here. Are you interested? I am Liu Neng, the leader of the Saturn Ring team."

Saturn Ring is also a large second-tier team.

It is rumored that the team has two giant bulldozers.

The most famous achievement is to flatten a hostile force overnight.

Since then, it has consolidated its position as a second-tier team.

Seeing the speech of the leader of Saturn Ring, Chen Dong was overjoyed.

It is estimated that the large team that Tian Xiaoyu mentioned is this Saturn Ring.

After seeing the news, the leader of the drug lord team, Viper, also spoke happily.

"Liu Neng? I have heard of you! If you have a lot of concrete, we can talk about it, private chat?"

Liu Neng also replied.

"Of course, I can ensure that the reserve of concrete is sufficient. I, Saturn Ring, will not destroy my own signboard. Business still requires integrity. Viper, I have already privately chatted with you, let's chat privately."

The leaders of the two large teams exited the chat channel and had a private chat.

Chen Dong also silently closed the chat channel, clicked on Liu Neng's personal information, and entered the private chat window.

"Hello, Mr. Liu Neng, I am interested in buying a large amount of concrete. Can we talk?"

However, after the message was sent, it was like a stone sinking into the sea, and there was no response for a long time.

"Huh? No reply to me?"

Chen Dong frowned slightly.

What the hell is going on?

Just now, facing the leader of the drug lord team, Liu Neng was very enthusiastic.

It must be said that Chen Dong felt a little uncomfortable.

However, he did need to buy a large amount of concrete to upgrade the intermediate underground fortress, so he didn't care too much.

Wait a little longer...

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