Chen Dong carefully checked the materials needed for the [Water Purifier Blueprint].

After all, this is not a small water purifier for home use, but a large water purifier placed in the community.

If there are too many materials, it will be troublesome.

Fortunately, the production of the water purifier does not require too many materials, only a certain amount of stainless steel and water filter.

As for other materials, the blueprint does not require them.

Chen Dong bought some materials on the trading platform and tried to make the water purifier.

[Survivor, do you want to use the water purifier blueprint? ]



[Water Purifier]

Stainless steel: (120/50)

Water filter: (13/1)

After clicking to start manufacturing, Chen Dong made two water purifiers.

[Production completed]

Two large water purifiers stood in front of Chen Dong and the other two.

The stainless steel shell looks very technological.

Without too much complicated operation, Chen Dong plugged in the power supply and poured the sewage from the faucet.

The water purifier started to work.

After two drips, the mechanical sound was heard.

A few minutes later, the red indicator light turned green.

It means that the sewage has been purified and can be drunk.

Chen Dong took the cup and received a cup of pure water.

Xie Anqi looked at the purified water and said with some concern: "Chen Dong, can this really be drunk?"

No one knows whether the water purifier can really purify sewage.

This is not the old world.

They are not sure what will happen in the doomsday world.

Chen Dong licked his lips and his mouth was a little dry.

"I have to try it. Since it is a gold-level material, there should be no problem."

Then, he took a sip of the purified water, held it in his mouth, smacked it, and swallowed it with a gulp.

"How is it?"

Xie Anqi and Tian Xiaoyu were very nervous, fearing that something might happen to Chen Dong.

Chen Dong nodded and smiled: "It can be drunk. It doesn't taste good. It's still okay as domestic water."

Xie Anqi and Tian Xiaoyu breathed a sigh of relief.

After practice, the water purifier can be used normally, so it can be sold to make money.

Chen Dong took a short video.

In the video, Chen Dong took a cup to the water purifier, took the purified water, and drank it in big gulps.

Then, he put this video on the chat channel.

No. 10086: "Water purifiers can purify outdoor sewage and convert it into drinkable purified water. If you need it, go to the trading platform and buy it (attached video)."

No. 854235: "Fuck! Is this true? There is such a thing as a water purifier?"

No. 231534: "It must be fake... How can there be a water purifier?"

No. 967645: "Well, I went to the trading platform to check it out. It's a gold-level material. There shouldn't be any problem, right? And he drank it in the video 10086, and half of his face was recorded drinking water. I don't think it's a big problem. . "

No. 866623: "Even if the problem is not serious, it can indeed purify sewage, but it's too expensive! And the water purifier needs to be powered, where can I get so much energy to generate electricity..."

No. 10086: "Everyone, don't rush to say it's expensive."

"This thing is expensive, I can't do charity at a loss, I have tried to keep the profit as low as possible, the cost performance is super high!"

No. 735423: "You call this cost performance? The price of thirty pieces of S alloy, how much food and drinking water can be exchanged for this?"

Chen Dong looked at the price and frowned slightly.

He didn't think there was any problem.

It's very reasonable.

Thirty pieces of S alloy, in exchange for a large water purifier, you don't need to buy drinking water in the future.

This is obviously a once-and-for-all deal.

Why don't these survivors understand?

Chen Dong was a little depressed.

No. 983534: "Brother, stop complaining. The definition of cost-effectiveness is different from ours for the local tyrant survivors like 10086. It is said that cost-effectiveness is the sorrow of the poor and the surprise of the rich. We belong to the former, woo woo woo..."

No. 962234: "It hurts my heart."

No. 5382344: "So, will you buy it? (Funny expression)"

Many survivors said they were powerless.

No. 346754: "I am from a small team. I can't buy it! Our team is already struggling to build an underground fortress, not to mention a water purifier worth thirty pieces of S alloy..."

No. 853464: "The single survivor said that the drinking water in his pocket can still be used for a long time, and taking a shower doesn't seem to be that important..."

No. 853453: "Fuck! Stop talking, I can smell it through the screen."

Chen Dong looked at the content of the chat platform and sighed.

It seems that it is unlikely to sell a large number of water purifiers in a short time.

But he is unwilling to lower the price.

In the old world, there are always things called IQ taxes.

For example, diet pills.

There are always people who want to lose weight by sitting still.

For example, diamonds.

The mining volume is artificially controlled, and then linked to love, it is hyped up to a sky-high price.

Many people sneer at these things, or even laugh at them.

Are there people who buy things like leeks?

Are there really people who want to be leeks?

But these things have never been for ordinary people.

They only need to gain recognition from the people they serve to make a lot of money.

And Chen Dong now has such a plan.

Large water purifiers are very expensive and are not accepted by the public.

It doesn't matter.

As long as a team with a little ability needs it and can afford it, they can make a lot of money by selling a few orders.

After all, the team that can afford to pay for the water purifier at the same price of thirty S alloys is most likely a large team with a huge demand for water.

As long as their leaders are not stupid, they will come to buy sooner or later.

Many people in the chat channel are pessimistic about Chen Dong's water purifier.

No. 10000: "10086, are you treating us like leeks for you to slaughter? Thirty pieces of S alloy, you are so shameless to put such a price."

No. 94525: "It is indeed too expensive. Thirty pieces of S alloy can be converted into water resources. How much drinking water can I get..."

No. 564343: "Eh? It seems that someone bought a water purifier? Who is so awesome that he has the money to buy a water purifier? I want to hug the rich man's thigh!!"

Chen Dong received the first profit, which was directly traded with thirty pieces of S alloy, without using other equivalent materials.

However, when he received the private message from this buyer, Chen Dong smiled from ear to ear.

Private chat window.

No. 12315: "10086, the platinum material box is not bad, right? This water purifier is also one of the materials, right? You wait for me!"

It was the sheriff, and their police station became the first leek.

What a trick of fate.

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