
Xia Yi’s doubts this time were not pretended.

He looked into Xu Gang’s eyes and stopped talking.

And Xu Gang nodded:

“Not bad, Awakened, Xiao Xia, in fact, you found out today, right? That wild dog has gone out of the category of ordinary canines, right? ”

Xia Yi paused, and then said

“That’s right, the body is well coordinated, the strength is also great, and the aggression is particularly strong. If it hadn’t been for some recent changes in my body, I might have been the next corpse. ”

“It is a demon beast, strictly speaking, it is a first-level threat.”

“…… Level 1 threat? ”

“Yes, a first-level threat represents an incident that recommends that three or more ordinary people armed with hot and cold weapons or a first-level awakened person deal with it.”

“So, there is a second level, a third level?”

“That’s right, Level 2 requires a Level 2 Awakener or a well-trained squad of warriors to deal with. And the third level has already left the category of ordinary people, except for the awakened, it is not recommended that ordinary people interfere. And I, the third-level awakener, is a level three. Your sister-in-law is a second-level awakener, and you, judging by my experience, should be a first-level awakened person who has just awakened. ”

“And what is the Awakened One?”

Xia Yi asked his own questions.

Xu Gang also gave his answer honestly:

“This world, I think you have also discovered, is not as simple as you seem… According to the idea of ordinary people, immortals, monsters, man-eating monsters, and ghosts, etc., are not ethereal, but real. These are collectively referred to as “aliens”, such as werewolves, vampires, vixens, etc., which have coexisted with us for thousands of years. “


“And the reason why ordinary people don’t understand them is because in ancient times, human beings fought back in the face of these alien threats that were stronger than themselves. And successfully repelled them. But just repulsion but not elimination, plus some … From the ancient events that existed before humans were evolved, in the end, we chose to coexist. At the same time, according to the ancient covenant, they cannot actively expose themselves, nor can they appear in the field of vision of ordinary people. At the same time, humans cannot actively expose them, and both sides unanimously put down all the fights in the secret. And as human beings, the reason why we can compete with these aliens is because of our awakened ones.

The earliest name of the awakened in ancient times was called alchemist, and in ancient times, they mostly moved around as Taoist priests or monks, especially in troubled times, demons appeared frequently, and these people were the first line of defense against alien invasion of human beings.

And this awakening is divided into two types: innate and acquired, the two are not strong or weak, the innate awakened person will suddenly change in the body one day. For example, your sister-in-law, her awakening ability is a sharp change in the five senses, that is, the kind of clairvoyance in ancient times, she can refine all the clues around her, such as the two footprints you left at the scene, from which we infer that you are using a very explosive step with the demon beast that you killed with knife skills. And I…”

Xu Gang patted his chest.

“I am an acquired awakener, I have been a martial monk in the Shaolin Temple since I was a child, and then I was taught by Master and felt a sense of qi… That is, the true qi in martial arts novels. Finally, Master awarded me the Golden Bell Hood, one of the four outer sect exercises of Shaolin. It has currently reached the level of third-level awakening. ”

“…… That is, I am also an awakened one? ”

Xia Yi asked, while Xu Gang nodded:

“Yes, and according to my inference, you should be an awakened person belonging to the physical enhancement class. This ability is the most common among us, you suddenly awaken, the body involuntarily strengthens, so it takes a lot of calories. That’s why you’re so edible. But the specifics have to wait for the inspectors to come and test it…”

“They’ve arrived, right outside the door.”

Suddenly, Zhang Xue spoke.

Xu Gang was not surprised, just shrugged:

“Look, that’s what your sister-in-law is capable of. Let them come in and test our little comrades. ”

Hearing his words, Zhang Xue nodded, stood up and opened the door.

Immediately outside the door, two people wearing protective suits walked in. One of them was also carrying a suitcase.

The other officer nodded to Xu Gang, and after saying hello, took out the needle:

“Arms outstretched. We need to draw a little blood for analysis. ”

“…… Good. ”

Xia Yi did not refuse, stretched out his arm, watched him draw a needle of blood from his body, and then another person took out a thing that looked like a high blood pressure measuring instrument from the box, dripped the blood in the needle into the test strip, and put it in the machine, less than 10 seconds, an electronic sound started:

“Test Category: Class C, Test Result: Level 1 Awakened.”

“So advanced?”

Xia Yi said unconsciously.

Xu Gang shrugged:

“This is only a rough test, if you want to check the specific point, you have to go to the specialist of the major hospital for a physical examination.” But before that…”

Before he finished speaking, suddenly, Zhang Xue’s phone rang.

And this sound is not an ordinary mobile phone ringtone, but a “ding-ding” alarm sound.

In an instant, the couple’s expressions changed, and then Zhang Xue disappeared at the door with a brisk stride.

And Xu Gang also walked out, but when he reached the door, he suddenly stood firm, looked back at Xia Yi, and said:

“Want to know more about the reality of the world? If you want, keep up! ”

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