At night, the North Sea Dragon King Pavilion.

Xia Yi followed Yan Xiang to the door of the Dragon King Pavilion, and then saw a man and a woman also appear at the door of the pavilion, staring at themselves as if they had known the arrival of the two for a long time.

Yan Xiang said with a smile

“Xu Huihui, Zhang Yuancheng, two children. Brother Zhang’s ability is hearing, and everyone says that it is a shunfeng ear. Second-degree awakened. Sister Xu’s ability is sound waves, which can make noises that are difficult for humans to bear. ”

Xia Yixin said that it is not a loss for two people, this ability is really complementary, and it is estimated that it will be very interesting when quarreling and stirring mouths….

At the same time, I also understand that the Investigation Bureau is almost always this kind of one-man combination, so it said very politely:

“Brother Zhang, Sister Xu.”

Xu Huihui nodded with a smile, but pointed to her mouth and drew an X gesture.

It means that it is inconvenient for you to speak.

Zhang Yuancheng said;

“My daughter-in-law still can’t fully control her abilities, forgive me.”

“It’s okay.”

Xia Yi waved his hand.

Then, the two nodded and made a gesture of invitation, and said to Xia Yi:

“The night shift will be handed over to you.”

Yan Xiang said hard, and then entered the pavilion directly.

Instantly, Xia Yi discovered… I can’t see Yan Xiang anymore.

It is clear that the lights in the Dragon King Pavilion are bright….

He hurriedly blinked, still not seeing … Lei Zhi’s breath moved quietly, and only then could he feel a vague signal.

“There are Taoist formations in it that are used to weaken the five senses. At the same time, those who enter the pavilion can also expand their perception. No surprises, just go inside. ”

Zhang Yuancheng saw that Xia Yi was a little surprised, and added.

Xia Yi nodded at this, and after saying the same hard work to the two, he stepped directly into it.

This span is another village where the mountains and rivers are exhausted.

Looking at Yan Xiang, who was putting incense on the Dragon King, Xia Yi stood in place without moving.

Zizi Zi Zi ~

A slight cyan arc appeared from all around him, and then, Xia Yi, who opened his eyes, showed a surprised expression.

His perception… It has indeed expanded a lot.

You can even clearly perceive the two bioelectric signals that are going downstairs, and there are two people cleaning in the Kanghui travel agency not far away that has not yet closed…

Everything appeared in his mind like a holographic display composed of electromagnetism.

“The reason why Team Xu partnered us together is that when you killed the demonized soldier and the demonized soldier, I found that you seemed to have the ability to probe, right?”

Yan Xiang, who finished incense, asked.

Xia Yi did not hide it, Lei Zhi’s breath ran again, and the cyan arc around him crackled for a while, and then slowly subsided.

He thought about it and said

“I temporarily call this ability the heart net, and you can feel something through the current.”

“Heart Net? Very apt name. So…… Old Xia, you worked hard when you were on duty. The formation here can help you expand your perception, and I can’t use this ability in this regard, I can only assist you in battle… Well, I hope we never meet…”


Xia Yi quickly put up a finger at him:

“Lao Yan, I said it all, I am superstitious, don’t set up a FLAG indiscriminately.”

“…… Hey. ”

Yan Xiang laughed dryly, then lay down on one of the two recliners in the corner and took out his mobile phone.

“I play two games.”

Looking at his lazy look, Xia Yi smiled and took out two 50KG dumbbells from his fitness bag.

“…… I lean, what are you doing with it? ”


“…… Big brother, this is a national first-class protected cultural relics, don’t mess around. ”

“Don’t worry.”

While saying, he grabbed one end of the dumbbell with one hand, and with five fingers, he grabbed the dumbbell and began to slash again and again.


The night went by.

By the morning, Xia Yi had completed the practice of chopping, chopping, chopping, prodding, and stabbing the left and right hands of the basic skills of sword art.

At the same time, he maintained the maximum concentration of Lei Zhi’s breath for a whole night, and through the bioelectric signal perception ability, he didn’t seem to have any fatigue, but just touched his stomach and said to Yan Xiang, who also didn’t close his eyes all night:

“I’m so hungry. Can you get something to eat next time? ”

“…… You can’t take hot pot instant noodles that will affect the humidity of the air, otherwise the paint surface on the body of the Dragon King Yefa will be corroded. But dry food and water are OK. ”

“Okay. So I’m bringing two sets of barbells when I come in the evening, okay? “:


The corner of Yan Xiang’s mouth twitched:

“Whatever you want.”


At 8 a.m., Xu Huihui and Zhang Yuancheng came to change shifts.

Xia Yi, who made two more cages of buns by Master Zhang in the cafeteria, waved goodbye to Yan Xiang, returned home, and closed his eyes… Four hours later, energetic, he woke up, finished his personal hygiene, and rode his motorcycle straight to the journey to find a house.

I searched around, but I didn’t find a house that didn’t fit my heart.

After eating at noon, Xia Yi, who was a little regretful, planned to continue looking for it tomorrow, and then rushed into the training room and began to practice Konoha Flow Sword Technique.

When it reappeared, the lights came on.

Looking at Yan Xiang, who was standing at the door and didn’t know how long to wait for him, he nodded:

“Let’s go.”

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