White Haori, a strong and fierce body, an eye patch over her right eye, and hair standing upright.

More wooden sword eight!?

After Xia Yi dodged with the knife, he looked at the man who took two steps back, and his eyes widened in surprise.

Holding the knife full of mottled battle marks, there was no murderous aura on Jianba’s face. But Rao is like this, the instinct in Xia Yi’s heart is also madly prompting him of the danger of the other party.

The…… But a fierce man.

But the question is what can he teach himself?

With this thought, Jianba seemed to see through his mind, raised the knife, and pressed it on his shoulder.

Then he showed Xia Yi a malicious smile full of bloody taste like a beast at the top of the food chain looking at its trembling prey.

“Don’t get me wrong, weak trash fish. I’m not here to teach you something. Skills, spiritual pressure, ghost paths, sword skills… That’s what the weak need. I…”

After the malice on his face became more and more intense, looking at Xia Yi, who was holding a knife and posing in a defensive posture, there was suddenly a huge expectation in his voice:

“Just want to hack you to death, or… Hacked to death by you. ”

Isn’t this the line of the Fire Cloud Evil God?

Xia Yi complained in his heart.

But at the same time, I have to admit that compared to the moonlight wind, compared to the old man Mingzhu… The captain of the eleventh team in front of him, the pressure brought to him by the fiercest man alive in “Death” is indeed incomparable.

The air seemed to turn into sticky blood, telling the man’s past killings.

And those scars on his body represent his supreme feats!

History, the strongest sword eight. (Sister Hua laughs and says nothing).

The super fierce people who came out of the most chaotic Genmu area of Flowing Soul Street did not rely on the slashing knife, did not rely on the plausible sword, and did not rely on the eight thousand streams. In “Death”, which has many slashing knife abilities, relying on a shallow beating, the man who broke out of the famous name!

Today, appear in front of him.

Not to teach yourself, that is….

Thinking of this, Xia Yi’s gaze gradually changed.


Old man Mingzhu’s words sounded.

Ahem, when fighting with people, don’t hesitate, because hesitation will blunt your knife.

The teachings of the moonlight wind are like yesterday.

Xia Yi’s eyes became extremely sharp, and the emperor martyr in his hand flashed with a terrifying edge in the night of the dojo in response to him.

Lei Zhi’s breath moved quietly, and a trace of white qi erupted from between his mouth and nose.


More Mu Jianba’s mouth grew bigger and bigger.

“It’s obviously just a worthless bug, but does it still have the courage to devour an elephant? Little ghost, courage is commendable! ”

Saying that, his body suddenly shook.

The white haori instantly fell.

“In that case, then I’ll give you a chance.”

Holding a mottled slashing knife, the saw-like tip of the knife caused by many fights suddenly pointed to his head.

“The first degree, the arteries, the spine, the eyes, the heart, the chest… Come on, aim where you want to cut, cut it, little ghost. Use your dull blade and cut it where you want to cut it most. I will suppress the spiritual pressure to the same level as you, so… But it’s not taking advantage of you, right? ”

Looking at the other party’s naked upper body, hearing such arrogant words, Xia Yi suddenly laughed.

Then, the figure flashed and disappeared directly.

Light Man Dance!

Reappearing, he had already approached and arrived in front of Genmu Jianba.

But this man never showed any look of fear from beginning to end, even if the tip of the emperor’s knife was still a little bit about to touch his eyeballs.

But still not.

Yes, just full of excitement.

“Sting! Gremlin! And then…… Engage me in a battle where only one can win! “

The malice in his voice was almost irrepressible, and in a trance, it seemed that an Asura demon appeared behind him, roaring silently at Xia Yi.

But Xia Yi flicked his wrist, and the back of the knife hit Geng Mu Jianba’s shoulder.

Then he took five steps back.

“One knife, I’m done. Now, you want a fight? ”

With the words, he slowly leaned over, and a cyan electric current appeared around him, as if countless snakes were spitting snake letters at Genmu Jianba.

Breath of Thunder….

Max round!

All concentrated!


A huge puff of smoke escaped from Xia Yi’s surroundings.

“Then I’ll give you a fight!”

Thunderbolt flash!


The emperor was unsurprisingly resisted by the other party.

But Xia Yi was not surprised at all, his mastery of the Konoha Flow Sword Art during this time made him subconsciously make a second move.

Dance of the Infinity!



Countless sword rays emanated from around him, cutting at the body of Genmu Jianba.

Hissing hiss


The small knife edge quickly cut through the opponent’s body.

But there was not the slightest pain on Jianba’s face, only the malicious smile that was unabated from excitement.


Blood flowed everywhere.

Suddenly, Xia Yi’s emperor was caught in his hands.

Regardless of the blood flowing down his palm, Gengmu Jianba held the knife, and his body more than two meters tall suddenly leaned down, stared at Xia Yi’s eyes, and said word by word like a devil

“Don’t take out the bells and whistles. Gremlin! In this battle, you and I are all beasts, and only one side can win. And before that we were… Never die! ”

Saying that, he let go of the emperor, and then finally raised the shallow punch in his hand high.

“So now… Begin! ”

(There is a plus change today).

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