“Huh, hehe… Not bad, little ghost. ”

At dawn.

The man covered in blood and with all the bells hanging down on his head gave heartfelt praise.

And Xia Yi, who had just died once and was as intact as ever, did not speak, but just stared at the enemy with dead eyes, watching how many terrifying injuries he created in one night, but he could never knock down the other party he killed.

There was no mercy in his eyes, only a killing intent.

And this time, in the face of Xia Yi’s eyes, Genmu Jianba did not attack again.

Just casually stuck the knife on the ground, and then moved his body.

Squeak! Squeak!

A night of fighting brought him no pain, no hatred.

There was only a kind of heartiness on his face with a little regret.

Re-grabbed the knife, the tip of the knife hooked the blood-covered Haori on the ground, looked at Xia Yi, he said:

“It’s a really pleasant fight, isn’t it?”

Pinching the knife, Xia Yi shook his head.

“But after all, it didn’t kill you, not even once.”

“Huh… What the hell are you talking about. ”

Genmu Jianba sneered.

“Little ghost, I’ve been the Grim Reaper for hundreds of years. Even before your ancestors were born, I was already fighting those beasts. This kind of experience accumulated over time, if it is surpassed by you in just one night, it can only mean… I’m just such a man. ”

With that, Haori flew away.

When it fell again, it was already draped on the body of Genmu Kenba.

“That’s all I can teach you. Although you are still weak, your will has been approved by me. Remember, little ghost, whether it’s fancy tricks or your sharp weapons, it’s just an extension of your own abilities. In battle, those who rely on skill too much, will die. Guys who are too dependent on others are even less worthy of living. In a crisis, only instinct can help you. No matter what kind of enemy you face, what kind of situation. It doesn’t matter if you know you can’t beat it, don’t forget your instincts, so that your knife will always be sharp. Because the determination to kill the other party is more important than anything else! ”

After speaking, Genmu Jianba grinned:

“, little ghost. This time the fight is the appetizer for you and me. Agreed, next time, you must become stronger, don’t be… So embarrassing. “

As soon as the words fell, Xia Yi’s eyes darkened.

When he opened his eyes again, he had returned to the empty training room.


There is a coffee.

Yu Nian did not lie lazily in a chair this time.

It’s raining.

Cats don’t like water.

So, she came to the sun room on the third floor of the coffee house.

Wipe the very clean glass, and the raindrops turn into curved lines.

The crackling sound is nature’s best symphony orchestra.

Moreover, from time to time, a “boom” thunder plays the role of a timpani for the symphony. Set off the dimness of the room.


At the moment, she was holding a scroll in her hand.

On the large desk squatted the old tanuki cat.

Staring at the scroll, Yu Nian’s brows furrowed tightly.

“[Maid]? Just know that this one came? This name is rare, is there any specific information? ”

The tanuki cat nodded.

Then spit out words:

Her real name was blocked by Wakoku, and this code name was the code name of the battle plan of the people arrested by Wakoku before she disappeared. And the only appearance in recent years was the infamous subway bomb attack in England. And that incident was exactly what Green Day claimed to be responsible. It is speculated that she is descended from alchemists and has a considerable level of knowledge of chemical theory. ”

“In other words, she joined Green Day, right?”

“It’s possible.”

“What about the level of arousal?”

“I don’t know yet. But from rummaging through the files of that bomb incident, it can be determined that she should be an awakened person no lower than the second level. And with the resources of Green Day … It may be higher now. ”

After the old cat finished speaking, Yu Nian nodded:

“Keep checking.”

But this time, the old cat did not agree, but whispered:

“Miss, we don’t need to be too involved with the people of the Investigation Bureau.”

Yu Nian scrolled for a moment, glanced at the tanuki cat, and smiled slightly:

“Bureau of Investigation? What is that? I just want to give this information to Xiao Xia Xia. ”

“…… But the awakened person named Xia Yi was not a son. ”


As soon as the tanuki cat’s words fell, Yu Nian’s fist had already smashed on the table.

I don’t know when, the laziness of the surname exuded by the royal sister turned into a fierce, and the original pair of water-like eyes changed into a pair of cold vertical pupils.

“I like it, okay?”


The old cat was speechless, just bowed his head respectfully.


Saying that, he jumped off the table and slowly left.

And after it left, Yu Nian stood up, came to the safe, entered the password, fingerprint, opened the door, and took out a wooden box from it.

The wooden box was opened, and inside was a sealed specimen of red leaves.

Looking at this red leaf, a tear quietly slipped from the corner of the woman’s eye.

A murmur sounded again in the room

“Near the south…”

(Don’t worry, ability improvement is a gradual process, if I arrange a Flood Saint at the beginning…) Then it is estimated that the book will explode. Thank you to all the big guys who sent flowers and tickets, and the reward building will be haha tomorrow. )

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