What is it like to kill 24 hours a day?

Does anyone know?

What the?

No one?

Never mind.

Xia Yi told you….

In addition to numbness, it is still numbness.

The skeleton soldiers are weak, but extremely numerous.

If you die, you will brush another one, and the children and grandchildren are endless.

At first, Xia Yi felt that this strange was so weak… As soon as the emperor slashed down, the worn blades of this group of skeleton soldiers would be cut off along with their bodies and turned into smoke.

Although there will be other skeleton soldiers in the next second to take the place of their companions, it is still too simple for Xia Yi.

As long as you dodge those “slow” slashes in time, then the number of 1,000 is too simple.

This was what he had in mind when he hacked the first 30 skeleton soldiers.

Then, due to negligence, he was slashed on the shoulder by a skeleton soldier behind him.

“Dance of the Infinity!”

Xia Yi, who instantly realized that he had been surrounded by water, used the only defensive attack method at present.

The surrounding skeletons were instantly emptied, and the number in the sky came to 47.

But before he could gasp for breath from the high-intensity wave of his shoulders, the group of skeleton soldiers surrounded him again.

Then, when the number came to 229.

Xia Yi, who had just finished using the “Dance of the Infinity”, was once again buried by the Sea of Skull.

And this time, it’s a pity … He couldn’t swim up.

In the famous ant-biting tactic, he became the elephant that was eaten up.

The number of killings came to 354.

Then, the light flashed, and Xia Yi was resurrected.

The countdown in the sky reappears.

The previous killing figure went to zero.

Obviously, this fantasy challenge, Xia Yi wants to kill a total of 1,000 skeleton soldiers without dying.

So this time he learned well.

Although the skeleton soldiers were surrounding him in all directions, the refresh point after these skeleton soldiers were killed by Xia Yi was random, so the distribution of monsters was not very even.

He keenly captured the least and weakest point of the skeletons and began a counteroffensive.

As it turned out, his strategy worked.

As he kept walking, the number of killings soared.

But the drawbacks also appeared.

There was a problem with the distribution of his physical strength.

The move floats too much, resulting in the force of each knife not being very even. Sometimes one knife can kill three skeletons, sometimes it can hack five. And the rest of the strength was wasted….

At this time, he understood that group combat is actually a science.

So far, he has done it with anyone, it is singled out, whether it is Moonlight Wind or Genmu Jianba, what he pursues is lethality.

Fight with people until the other person dies.

But now, when facing these skeleton soldiers who are not worth mentioning, but can punch and kill the teacher Fu in a crowd, he understands the importance of “self-control”.

Reasonable distribution of physical strength, reasonable strength, the most concise moves, the most direct and effective killing.

This is the true meaning of this illusion challenge.

Therefore, Xia Yi gave up resistance, allowed the sword soldiers to add up, and before dying, he looked at the neck part of the group of skeleton soldiers with the weakest defense, and showed a hint of a smile.

Challenge, start over.




“Ding, ga~”

The cold light of the emperor flickered, and the spine of one skeleton soldier after another came from the sound of being chopped.

Then, Xia Yi instinctively took a small step on his hind legs, dodged the slashes of the two skeleton soldiers within a few steps, and the emperor martyr in his hand turned into a dagger, and was accurately stabbed through the spine of the two skeleton soldiers by his backhand.

The cooperation of Lei Zhi’s breath allowed him to dodge the slash behind him through the magnetic field reflection of the weapon, and then the skeleton soldier in front of him just raised his blade in time, twisting his waist slightly. The rebirth effect brought by Yi Jiandan made him easily wave an exaggerated reverse arc in his hand, and after chopping the two skeletons again, he took a step forward, crossed the distance of the blade, and turned the two slashes into bone arms that hit the shoulder.

Then, Di Yan drew a “V” shape in the lower place….

Xia Yi’s whole person is like a killing machine with extreme precision, without wasting a single bit of strength, every knife is just the right peak.

Flashing between square inches, combined with the breath of thunder like an instinct, annihilates all enemies in front of you.

Any enemy who invaded within a foot of him turned into flying ash.

Overhead, the countdown to the formation of clouds has come to 11:46:23

The number has come to 950/1000

And this is Xia Yi’s fifth resurrection.

Finally, with the exquisite final sword, all the skeleton soldiers turned into smoke and dissipated.


Xia Yi, who spewed out a breath of white qi from his lungs, glanced up at the words “challenge completed” composed of clouds in the sky, and he smiled and aimed the tip of the emperor’s knife at himself.


Then the light dissipated.

Xia Yi, whose eyes were full of blood and resurrected in place, were black, and he had returned to the basement.

Glancing at the time, this challenge… It took him a full 2 hours of reality.

Although his body was not tired, the mental exhaustion made him unable to take a bath. Directly lay on the floor of the training room and slept.

“Weapon: Emperor +15”

“Length: 96CM”

“Texture: Excellent”

Status: Strengthenable

“Note: Excellent texture, it looks sharper”

“Attribute 1: Sharp”


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