Chen Jintao is not dead.

As a second-level physical awakener, this explosive type damage can survive as long as it does not cause large-scale tissue rupture or critical damage.

Fortunately, he was also wearing a special body armor made by the Bureau of Investigation.

Although his whole body looked scarred and bloody, he still stood up as soon as possible and protected Yan Xiang behind him.

Looking up, I saw a woman wearing a maid’s outfit and a gauze blindfold over her left eye.

No need to ask, she must have caused the explosion just now.

And the other party is only one person, and judging from the appearance, it should be the “maid” in the information given by Lao Xia.

After the judgment was completed, Chen Jintao instantly took a fighting pose.

The information shows that although she caused the subway bombing, she does not seem to be good at martial arts.

In that case….

“My hands are as hot as fire!”

Hissing hiss


Bursts of white mist emerged from Chen Jintao’s body.

It is the mist produced by the accelerated flow of blood and the water molecules in the body.

“It’s calling me to win!!”

Speaking with words of faith representing victory, Chen Jintao ripped off the body armor that saved his life.

He used to be an Olympic sanda competitor who represented the glory of his country.

Once awakened, although he could not win glory for the country, the belief in fighting for the country never retreated!

Jin’er and other demons and monsters have violated my Shenzhou heavy land, and they cannot be forgiven, they cannot be spared, they cannot be forgiven!


The cement pavement under his feet shattered, and the huge explosive force instantly turned the distance of more than ten meters into nothingness.

Deceitive, near front.

Fist start, one!

Hook up!

Facing this woman who still had a smile on her face and didn’t seem to react, he didn’t stay behind in the slightest, and he didn’t hinder the difference between men and women, and he attacked the opponent’s most vulnerable jaw with a punch.

As long as this punch is solid, then this woman’s head will explode like she has broken countless sandbags, without saving the slightest!

But at this moment, his fist was suddenly grabbed by a big hand.

“What man!”

Chen Jintao’s mind had just given birth to this thought, and his body had already given an instinctive second reaction.

Knee bump!

The knee as hard as copper and iron slammed into the maid again.

But in an instant, it was blocked by the second right arm that appeared.

Then, the third right arm suddenly appeared and punched Chen Jintao in the stomach.


He spurted out a mouthful of blood, and then he saw a muscular foreign man looking at him with a rather unmeasured look.

Then, another punch was about to be punched down.

But at this moment, there was a sound of breaking the air in the air, and the big man frowned, and then skimmed the corners of his mouth with disdain. After casually throwing Chen Jintao aside, the first arm of his right hand and the palm of his left hand closed at the same time!


A strong wind accompanied by a muffled sound instantly startled several young people running outside the ancient city on foot.

Originally, Mu Ran’s face faded, but before they could react, Yan Xiang, who was lying on the ground, drank lowly:

“Let’s go!”

Several young people looked back at Mu Ran and ran out quickly.

At the foot of the city wall, Smith looked at the trembling short sword in his hand and grinned

“Yongzhen mountains and rivers? It doesn’t look good. ”


Yu Sifan appeared next to Chen Jintao and Yan Xiang at an unknown time, and after stuffing a pill into Chen Jintao’s mouth, he stepped on the city wall with his steps, took the two of them to borrow a strength, and stepped up the city wall.

And Smith also felt that the short sword in his hand was getting hotter and hotter, snorted coldly, and flicked it casually.

The short sword buzzed, twisted its body from mid-air, and flew towards the head of the city.

A little morbid excitement appeared on the maid’s face:

“That’s it? That’s it? Not enough, not enough! I still need more stimulation…”

“Hehe~ Xiao Qingzi, go up. A few of them are just cannon fodder, and the people who really guard the seal have not yet come out. No hurry, let’s go. ”

The old man with a turban wrapped around his head and a python cane took the lead in walking towards the city wall step by step.

Smith, on the other hand, turned his head to glance at the girl behind him with empty eyes, and said coldly

“Continue to maintain the ability!”

The girl was speechless.


“Wang Qu, call for support!”

Yu Sifan carried Yan Xiang and Chen Jintao into the Dragon King Pavilion with a solemn face.

“…… Lao Chen !!!! ”

Looking at Chen Jintao, who did not know whether he was alive or dead, Wang Qu’s face changed.

And Zhang Mingsheng also looked unclear, looking at Chen Jintao, who was covered in blood, more and more puzzled.

A trace of doubt appeared on Xia Yi’s face.

Chen Jintao: What is the situation? Why didn’t I sense it at all just now?

Is it negligence?

Or ignore?

But doubts to doubts, reactions to reactions, the moment he saw the two, he directly raised the knife:

“Lao Wang, call for support!”

Saying that, he walked directly out of the Dragon King Pavilion.

And when he came out, the maid, Smith, and the old man had already arrived at the city wall.

But strange is strange here… Xia Yi was obviously looking in their direction, but it was the same as if he didn’t see them… Until the girl on Smith’s back saw him.

In the empty eyes, a trace of fluctuation suddenly flashed.

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