The maid, whose clothes were completely tattered, had already withdrawn five steps away from Xia Yi, and a trace of distress flashed on her face as she looked at the enemy who was wielding the emperor in the darkness and had no four corners on her body.

It’s really a disobedient enemy.

Thinking to herself, her hands pressed to the ground again.

The darkness rolled, and stone locks instantly locked Xia Yi’s limbs.

This time, the maid did not hesitate, glanced at the protective goggles protecting Xia Yi’s left chest, and a trace of disdain flashed in her eyes. Grabbing the dagger in his hand, it was about to pierce Xia Yi’s chest.

As an alchemist, an alchemist who had roughly mastered the technique of refining the human body, she knew very well what the consequences of her sword would be.

The main vein of the vein and the trachea are pierced at the same time, the lungs will continue to pressurize, and finally encourage the accelerated flow of heart blood into the lungs, the lungs are overexpanded, compressing the chest cavity, and finally, the human body will die in the pain of suffocation due to excessive blood loss and brain death caused by lack of oxygen.

“Sayo Nara, handsome Mr. Investigator.”

She raised her dagger.

But at this moment, the maid who was not closed here suddenly heard a “click”….

Then the darkness tumbled.

A trace of lightning and thunder flickered, and it was quickly swallowed up by the darkness.

Her arm holding the stone dagger was cut off again.

And Xia Yi, who completed the knife swinging action, still maintained a posture of bowing and slashing, and his eyes were wooden.


The maid took a step back alertly, picked up her own arm, and aimed it at the wound.

The wound squirmed and re-glued together.

What’s the situation?

Her eyes were full of doubt.

Just…… What happened?

Looking at Xia Yi, whose feet were still tied to the ground by the stone flail, she was a little puzzled.

And at this time, Smith’s voice sounded:

“Maid, don’t grind, move quickly!”

The maid subconsciously looked at Smith.

The Yongzhen Mountain River Sword Box had already fallen to the side, and Yu Sifan, who had three blood holes in his back, fell into a pool of blood.

“Yes, Smith-kun.”

Agreed, she didn’t dare to delay, but remembering the strange phenomenon of the other party’s strange seemed to judge her movements just now, this time, she finally retracted her playful mind.

Hands clapping to the ground, darkness rolling.

Clusters of stone thorns mixed with black mist instantly emerged under Xia Yi’s feet.

But strange things happened again….

After two sizzling sounds, Xia Yi, who was obviously closed by the five senses, actually avoided all of them.

At the same time, he seemed to sense something and suddenly made a retreat motion.

And Smith, who was heading to the Dragon King Pavilion, suddenly frowned and stopped.

“Maid, what are you doing?”

As soon as the words fell, Smith saw that the investigator who was closed with five senses suddenly wielded two knives out of thin air.

The two knives were swung in a disorderly manner, but in the direction of facing the maid.

When wielded, the blade also glowed with a trace of electricity.

Then, his figure suddenly disappeared.

The maid instinctively felt that something was wrong, but although she made a dodging action, the head on her head still flew out….


Smith’s brow furrowed.

Then, Xia Yi, who kept his back to the maid, suddenly began to swing his knife again.

One knife, two knives, three knives, four knives….

With each swing of the knife, he forcibly changed directions, and then when the fifth knife swung out, he had already completed turning to face the maid.

Then the figure disappeared again.

Breath of Thunder, One Type, Thunderbolt Flash, Two Flashes!

Three flashes!

Four flashes!

Five companies, six companies, seven companies, eight companies, nine companies, ten consecutive flashes!

In the dark space, the thunder light flickered continuously, and in Smith’s field of vision, the other party seemed to easily capture the position of the maid, and each flash was a staggered of knife marks.

The maid’s body was mercilessly cut off again, cutting countless knots, and finally, when the tenth ray of light was emitted, he had already appeared beside the maid.

And his hand has already grabbed the other party’s waist.

The waist that was originally held by Yingying was decomposed just right by Xia Yi, like a delicate ribeye steak. Behind the waist, a blood vessel is connected.

Xia Yi seems to be thinking about this blood vessel, and the moment he grabbed the opponent’s waist, he found the link between the blood vessel and the waist, swung the knife out of thin air again, and then ripped off the blood vessel, and finally wrapped this blood vessel a little rough to his waist.


In an instant, the five senses returned.

After the senses of smell, touch and other senses all returned, he flashed to Yu Sifan’s side for the first time, and after feeling a pill from his trouser pocket and feeding it to Yu Sifan’s mouth, he raised his head and looked at Smith, whose eyes were full of surprise.

There was no sadness or joy on his face, as if it was someone else who had just cut off the corpse of a young girl.

Holding the knife and looking at Smith, he tilted his head and asked softly

“That’s it?”

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