“Zi Bu Yu” contains: “The corpse first becomes a drought, and then it becomes a calf.” ”

The old man’s body had dissipated, and when he heard the sound, Xia Yi, who noticed that the old man was crashing towards this side, immediately turned around, caught the old man’s back, rotated in place to unload the strength, and supported him.

At the same time looked to the rear.

I don’t know when, the drought ray whose head was cut off by himself has returned to normal, and his body is three points stronger than before, but it is different from the previous kind of muddy.

At this moment, the eyes of his regrown head were staring at the two of them coldly.


Suddenly, Xia Yi burst into a foul word.

How come I encountered today is all weird things that can’t die if you cut off your head!

If you cut off your head, you can’t die, do you all believe in evil gods!

And the old man who stood firmly heard Xia Yi’s words but ignored them, but just looked at the drought with an extremely sad look:

“Corpse Turning Technique! It turned out to be the art of corpse turning! Bro! You have fallen to this point!!!! ”


The drought suddenly sneered and spat out words.

“Mortal useless body, how much as you want! Back then, the master was slashing demons in Xiangxi, and after encountering this corpse turning technique, he was unexpectedly merciful, and he couldn’t bear that this peerless school of driving corpses disappeared and passed on to a corpse catcher with mediocre qualifications. Big joke! ”

“Ru Feiren!”

The old man’s voice was shaking as he spoke.

“I waited for the master to follow the sky, junior brother, you actually did such a heavenly and angry thing!!!”

“So what!?”

The drought ray opened its mouth, and a black smoke full of Mars spewed out between its mouth and nose:

“Natural selection, survival of the fittest, this has been an unchanging principle since ancient times!” The earth master will only follow the vein of the earth, but he forgets that people live a lifetime, relying on the word “fight”! Fight with heaven, fight with earth, man eats meat, dog eats, this is the truth! If you think of yourself as a human being, Senior Brother who has forgotten this, then today, I will not be a human being! “

JOJO, I’m not a human anymore…

Xia Yi, who had been silent, suddenly sounded a famous line in his head.

Sighing, he took the knife again and walked towards the drought ray step by step.

End early.

It’s really … Can’t listen anymore.

But just after taking two steps, suddenly, the earth began to shake.

The old man behind him, the drought in front of him, his eyes changed at the same time.

Drought Ray laughs maniacally:

“Hahahahaha, after dragging on for so long, Earth Dragon Tuhua! Finally appeared! ”

After that, he no longer paid attention to the two people behind him, turned around and quickly ran towards the direction of Yehai Lake.

Xia Yi began to chase without saying a word.

But just as he was starting, the drought ray was suddenly pinching his fingerprints:

“Dou Zhuan Xingshift!”

Xia Yi only felt that the earth under his feet began to beat on its own again, making his distance instantly infinitely farther away from the drought.

The whole space seemed to have become an elongated cowhide candy, so that he in this space could not control the action by his own will, and could only watch himself get farther and farther away from the two.

“Hugh! The end of the world! Rise! ”

The space that was originally infinitely stretched instantly shook, and the “person” who pulled the cowhide candy seemed to let go.

The situation in front of Xia Yi’s eyes changed, and the bodies of the two who were already invisible instantly returned to the old man.

“Hurry up! You must not let him get Longhua! ”

Seriously, Xia Yi wanted to vomit.

Pulled by the space, his current upper body wants to vomit, and the lower body is like constipation, obviously making a lot of milk, but walking in this suddenly distorted space is extremely difficult.

And at this moment, the square ruler that the old man had been holding suddenly shone brightly, and instantly wrapped himself and Xia Yi all inside, although he still wanted to vomit, but the feeling of constipation disappeared.

“It’s so endless!”

From beginning to end, I don’t know what the two of them are doing, what number of roads, why they won’t die if they cut off their heads, the whole person is like an illiterate idiot who was tossed around Xia Yi gritted his teeth and scolded, clenched the knife in his hand, ignored the light in front of him, and rushed out directly.

But as soon as he went out, he found himself running forward in an instant, but he kept retreating…

At this time, the old man grabbed his arm and pulled him back into the light curtain.

“How the hell did you graduate! The earth master is the best at mobilizing the power of the earth vein, and can control the mountains and rivers at will, and the law can be deceived and retreated far away. You don’t even know that? ”

The old man scolded while grabbing Xia Yi and running.

“Lao Tzu has just awakened for less than a month, and he hasn’t even gone to school, you fucking tell me this?”

Xia Yi scolded while directly holding the old man’s waist.

“Mixed… Woooo

In an instant, he burst out rapidly, and before the old man could scold a word, he was filled with a mouth full of wind.

Zizi Zi Zi ~

The electricity around Xia Yi exploded the roots of the old man’s hair, and because the speed was too fast, the old man only felt that he was like doing a roller coaster, and the huge centrifugal force made him only able to maintain the magic of the end of the world, his face was red, and he couldn’t say a word.

And when Xia Yi, who turned into a cloud of electric light, rushed to Yehai Lake, he suddenly found that… The whole night lake has changed.

As the 7th freshwater lake in the Celestial Empire, the night sea with a capacity of 2.9 billion cubic meters of water has the reputation of “sea” because it looks as blue and calm as the sea.

But at this moment, the lake that should have changed from dark blue to pitch black at night suddenly appeared a trace of crystal at this moment.

It is as if countless fireflies are buried underwater, and it exudes a light that is extremely comfortable at a glance.

“Gag… Longhua is out! Fast! Stop him! The water of yin, good and indisputable! Dam down the camel mountain, like walking on the ground! ”

While retching, the old man pushed Xia Yi.

In an instant, Xia Yi stood on the surface of the water.

At the same time, he also saw that about two or three hundred meters away from him, the lake water of the night sea turned into a platform of milky white water, four water pillars guarded it, and a milky white thing emitting a golden halo was rising from the bottom of the lake.

“Go quickly!”

The old man urged, and at the same time stood on the surface of the water, the compass and square ruler in his hand emitted a sky-rushing cyan light, accompanied by the sound of his incantation, condensed into a giant sword, and crashed towards the drought.

“The best in the sky, everything will be!” God pays the true seal, and receives the trick Zixiao! Delicate vacuum, Shenxiao Zhao Gong. Drive lightning and electricity, fire and wind! He Shen does not ambush, what ghosts dare to rush. As soon as the divine wood comes out, ten thousand ghosts are destroyed! Tai Xuan Miao Zhi Jianmu Xuan Lei! Voldemort!! ”

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