After that day, Chaoyang Academy was close to the start of school.

Many fresh faces appeared in the dormitory one after another.

Xia Yi hadn’t waited for his roommate yet.

But he still lived a fulfilling day.

Finally, August came to an end, September 1.

School opened.

His roommate still didn’t show up.

On the opening day of school, Xia Yi saw his class on the school’s bulletin board.

One class a year, class teacher: Lin Qingzi.

It was really said by Chen Zhicun.

Squeezed out the crowd, he strolled in the direction of the auditorium.

The annual opening ceremony is attended by both the first and second grades.

Xia Yi walked into the auditorium inconspicuously in the crowd, and found a corner seat in the first-grade area.

Pulled out a book in his pocket and continued to look.

He looked a little out of place, unlike the excited first-year students around him, and the second-graders who had already gone through an opening ceremony and were chatting casually with each other.

In his opinion, many of these students do not yet know what they are going to do, and they also have a vision for the work of the investigation bureau.

I don’t know anything about the deceit of the awakened world.

I don’t know what cruelty is.

So, such an alternative appeared in the first-grade area.

Everyone is chatting, only such a nerd with a book in his hand …

So naturally, Xia Yi has received a lot of attention, and some people have classified him as a spiritual awakener, maybe the ability to awaken is to read/manual dog head.

Then, when everyone came, Xia Yi was awakened from the book by the humming of the microphone.

Look up…

An old man with a kind face and a Tang costume was standing on the podium of the auditorium.

Xia Yi had seen his portrait at school.

Wang Pingchuan, a seventh-level peak awakener, whose ability is unknown, has been serving as the principal since the establishment of Chaoyang Academy, and has trained countless Yin Yin students to go to their posts in decades.

It can be said that 90 percent of all the awakened people in the Heavenly Empire are his disciples.

Even the disciples of the family who walked through the motions had to admit that they themselves were disciples of Principal Wang.

Xia Yi glanced at his body and couldn’t see any strong spirit, and quickly withdrew his gaze.

He didn’t use the net to feel the other party, and he was a little rude, and it was inevitable that the other party would not find out. He just wants to finish his studies quickly and low-key, and there may not be any intercourse with the other party.

Xia Yi, who didn’t know that he had quietly erected a FLAG, sat on the chair, listening to the old man speak on the stage, sitting between the awakened people who were strong, thin, or feminine, and not conspicuous at all.

His mind wandered…

My mind is consolidating all kinds of knowledge I have learned in the past few days.

Until a round of applause came, calling his attention back.

Seeing that everyone was looking to the right, he turned his head and saw six people entering the auditorium in two rows.

At the head of the two rows are Seryosha Batlov and Billy Shelby, still dressed as a cowboy.

And most of the attention was focused on Seryosha and Natalie behind her and Eriyi. The former’s physique is really a bit unnoticeable, while the latter is purely because of beauty.

The first batch of international exchange students of Chaoyang College appeared in the field of vision of all students.

Xia Yi noticed that Tokugawa Eri was wearing an orthodox Japanese kimono, and was the most solemn person in the group who showed the ceremony. And the English exchange student named Gray is still wearing a cloak, isolating everyone’s perception.

They stepped onto the stage step by step in the eyes of everyone, facing the innumerables.

Then, Jin Yuan, who spoke in place of the principal, spoke:

“The international exchange students are invited to introduce themselves.”

The cowboy was the first to step forward and said into the microphone in a voice full of enthusiasm:

“Good morning, gentlemen, ladies. My name is Billy Shelby R hope to spend the year ahead with you and enjoy you. At the same time, I like the country of the Celestial Empire, which is great, full of life and vitality. Seeing you, I seem to see myself when I was a child, so immature and naïve but extremely prosperous, this country is really good. It makes me feel extremely happy as a second-level awakened person~ as if I have returned to my childhood. When I came to this country, I would like to learn from some ancient awakened people and grow together. But after coming, I realized that they had graduated and were not in this academy full of glorious history. It’s really a pity~ But that’s okay, I’m looking forward to being friends with you, thank you. “

Let’s say it…

There is nothing wrong with attitude, tone, mood.

Even his Mandarin is very standard, and his voice is very magnetic.

But the content of the talk is a bit old yin-yang.

In and out of words, it seemed that everyone in Chaoyang Academy was treated as children. For example, what to see yourself as a child, immature and naïve. For example, I hope to compete with the ancient inheritors, but unfortunately they graduated…

In short, a paragraph to summarize is:

“You weak chickens, I don’t look at it. None of them can fight, I’m sorry. ”

Some of the first-graders looked at each other, and some were eager to try. And some of the awakened people in the second grade had a somewhat ugly face.

These words may be exculpatory because they have just awakened.

But if the second-graders don’t respond a little, they really feel sorry for international friendships.

Especially after seeing this guy go back, he also made a shrug in the face of all the students who were quiet…

It’s just a clear provocation.

Offstage, Xia Yi rubbed his chin.

This guy dared to make such a challenge because he saw the special graduation mechanism of Chaoyang College, right?


He quietly opened his heart.

Two eyes on the stage instantly looked in his direction.

One is Tokugawa Eri dressed in a cherry blossom-colored kimono.

The other is Natalie, the hairy girl with a cold expression on her face.

Xia Yi ignored the attention of the two, narrowed his eyes and felt it carefully, and then focused his attention on the direction of the second grade…

One, two, three, four… At least eight people feel similar to this King Billy…

Where does this product come from? _

Feilu reminds you: three things to read – receive

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