One Night Bride

Chapter 104

Hua Rong summoned up courage and said loudly, "I have indeed married Peng Ju. After finding him in Berlin City, I married him."

King Qin's eyes were red with blood. "What about Lao Tzu? Did you forget that Lao Tzu was your husband who had been to the hall?"

"King Qin, even before, I've never seen you as a 'husband'. I'm just afraid of you every day, thinking about how to escape, and I really have no marital friendship with you! Yes, I was very grateful to you for saving me in Jinying. But how about this? You can't ask me to marry you for this! I don't like you, I don't like you at all! Not only that, as soon as I see you, I'm very afraid, and I'll think of nightmares on the island. If you want me to marry again After all that, I'd rather die right away... "

Word by word, sentence by sentence, like a thin needle, stabbed in the heart row by row

King Qin stood up straight. On his left shoulder, there was a scar left when he just fought with Yue Pengju. Blood gurgled out, soaked the ragged clothes, and began to spread a smell of blood to the outside world

"Girl, do you mean that you will never return to me in this life?"

"Yes! Even if there is no Peng Ju, I will never marry you. Besides, Peng Ju and I have married, and I am his wife. King Qin, forcing things to happen is not sweet, please let go of me and yourself! There are many good women in the world, don't miss me!"

King Qin laughed miserably and suddenly felt something from his chest

Hua Rong saw that it was a piece of paper he had written to him on the island, on which were his name and himself

King Qin unfolded the paper and looked carefully. On the yellowed paper, Qin Shangcheng and Hua Rong were listed side by side, such as the eight characters of niangeng in the engagement

All the time, he just took it as a marriage contract

Countless midnight dreams wake up from nightmares or beautiful dreams. When I see this paper, I always firmly remind myself that the girl must still live in the world! I'm sure I can find her

Unexpectedly, after thousands of hardships, she really found it, but she has married someone else

Hua Rong's voice was cold: "King Qin, go back. From now on, don't look for me anymore, and don't think of me."

King Qin turned his eyes to her and stared at her

Hua Rong suddenly didn't turn his head and didn't dare to look at his eyes

Yue Peng held her hand tightly and looked at King Qin, "King Qin, go back! Huarong has nothing to do with you!"

King Qin didn't look at him, but stared at Hua Rong: "why a man without a wife! Girl, from now on, Lao Tze and you have nothing to do!"

Hua Rong looked back and saw King Qin's hand fall on the paper. He tore the Geng tie with the names of the two people in half: "I'll break up with you and promise to meet again in the future."

King Qin didn't look at them either, howled and laughed, turned around and walked away with big steps

Until he ran out of the ground for seven or eight miles, he opened his mouth and spit out a mouthful of blood, howling like a wild wolf in a desperate situation: "girl, I will never forgive you again!"

Hua Rong stood where he was, looked at the sunset in the west, and looked down at the purple residual flowers that had been trampled in a shapeless way. He didn't know what it was like in his heart

"Sister... Sister..."

Yue Pengju called her a few times, and then she came back to her senses. Suddenly, tears fell in her eyes: "Peng Ju, I'm so afraid..."

Yue Peng held her gently and said softly, "don't be afraid, I'm here. We'll leave here soon."

Her eyes lit up and her voice choked, "in the future, we will all be together, and we can't be separated anymore."

"Well, we are already husband and wife, so naturally we won't be separated. Elder sister, people say that if you marry me, you will naturally follow me."

She broke her tears into laughter. At this point, her heart was completely settled

Shortly after the emperor ascended the throne, Huang Qianshan suggested that the emperor "patrol the Southeast", that is, make Yangzhou the capital Visiting Yangzhou means formally giving up Kaifeng. From then on, the territory of song was even narrower Because Zongze objected, the matter was abandoned Zhao Deji ordered all the military horses who came to guard the throne to temporarily stay in Yingtian to protect the safety of the royal family

Yue Pengju and Hua Rong were stunned when they heard the news. The Emperor didn't want to recover the lost land and didn't send someone to fight against Jin Wushu. Instead, he left his army to prepare to escort "patrol the Southeast" at all times!

However, Yue Pengju was not promoted at this time, and his official rank was still low, so he was not qualified to witness Tianyan at all; Hua Rong has never seen the emperor since she refused to marry. It seems that the emperor lives in a temporary "deep Palace" all day and stays closed

Hua Rong and Yue Pengju stayed in the military camp and were extremely depressed. As a woman, Hua Rong was inconvenient to enter and leave the palace at will, and she was also unwilling to enter the terrible palace gate again However, Yue Pengju received a strict order to guard the "imperial palace" and protect the safety of the royal family. For this reason, he must be on standby for 12 hours a day, and the "duty room" temporarily allocated to him must not leave. Over time, he could not even see Huarong

The two of them were together in Yingtian, but they really realized what is "close at hand". Yue Pengju had no choice but to send Yang Zaixing to visit Hua Rong from time to time to ensure her life and safety

On this day, Duke Kang and Xu Caizhi came to Huarong to find Yue Pengju. They were very happy to see Yue Pengju absent

Hua Rong saw his strange smile and hurriedly said, "what's the matter with your father-in-law?"

Kang Gonggong didn't answer. She turned to Xu Caizhi again: "Lord Xu?"

Xu Caizhi didn't answer, just smiled bitterly and left

Hua Rong was even more upset and could only watch them leave

As soon as they went out, they acted separately. Father Kang returned to the palace to report, while Xu Caizhi went to the military camp to find Yue Pengju

Yue Pengju was on duty. It was a surprise to see him coming. Xu Caizhi took a jar of wine: "Pengju, let's have a few drinks tonight."

"Here, the young general has a duty."

"Well, just drink a little wine and say a few words."

Yue Peng gave an account and followed him to the inner room to sit down

Xu Caizhi poured two glasses full of wine: "Peng Ju, we are also old friends. Drink a cup first."

Yue Peng Ju was not a good wine at all. After drinking this cup, he stopped drinking and said, "why did Lord Xu come?"

Xu Caizhi put down his glass and smiled bitterly, "Peng Ju, to be honest, the emperor's officials have long been in love with Hua Rong and are ready for the imperial concubine."

Yue Pengju actually guessed his intention and said flatly, "Hua Rong and I have already married!"

"You repented of marrying Princess Wan Wan, insulting the royal family, and now you're going back on your word for deceiving the king to death."

"The young general confesses his guilt, and even if he commits capital punishment, he will not change his mind at all."

Xu Caizhi used the emperor's hint to persuade Yue Pengju to give up, and said, "Peng Ju, you have made great achievements many times, but you can't be rewarded. Why don't you worry about being surrounded by beautiful women? Why don't you give up your great future because of a woman? As long as you give up flower dissolving, according to your military skill accumulation, you can immediately rise to the fourth rank..."

Yue Pengju didn't wait for him to finish speaking, and immediately interrupted his words: "Lord Xu doesn't have to say much. No matter how bad the young general is, he won't exchange his wife for wealth and glory..."

Xu Caizhi was originally trying to persuade them. He had known them for many years and knew their nature well. Hearing that Yue Pengju was so ashamed, he filled a large glass and drank it all in one gulp. Then he sighed, "Peng Ju, I can't help you either. Do it yourself."

"Thank you, Lord Xu."

"You have to be careful, Peng Ju. You have to take care of your sister's safety as well as yourself."

Yue Peng raised a chill in his heart: "the young general paid attention to it."

Ying Tianfu

Yesterday's ninth Lord, today's emperor's official family, zhaodeji, officially took over here

This evening, Zhao Deji finished processing a batch of memorials, just raised his head and saw father-in-law Kang rush in

"Emperor, the servant has visited Miss Hua's residence several times, and Yue Pengju is not there every time."

"Very good."

"What does Yue Pengju say there?"

Xu Caizhi didn't dare not answer, but only hardened his scalp: "Yue Pengju and Hua Rong have already married, it's really..."

Zhao Deji was furious: "he is only a young general. How dare he publicly insult you again and again?"

"Calm down, Emperor. In my opinion..."

"What opinion?"

Xu Caizhi summoned up his courage: "in my humble opinion, it's the time to employ people. Why don't the officials simply complete Yue Pengju and Hua Rong? In this way, they can exchange their loyalty to the death..."

Zhao Deji was upset. He didn't think about it. However, when he first took the throne, he just experienced the totalitarian happiness of dominating all life and death. He was challenged by this big challenge. How can he give up easily?

"Put this aside for the time being, and you will step aside."


Seeing that he was upset, Duke Kang came forward and said, "official family, Yue Pengju listened to Zongze's words most. Zongze is his mentor. Now that Zongze is here, why don't you call Zongze a try?"

Zhao Deji was furious: "you are a slave who knows nothing."

Kang Gonggong immediately understood that he had said the wrong thing and fell on his knees with a plop Zhao Deji has always been afraid of Zongze. Now, as soon as he ascends the throne, he is asked to "persuade" Yue Pengju to give up his wife. Isn't it a bad name for being lecherous and immoral, and for taking away his wife? Therefore, we should not ask Zongze to persuade, let alone let Zongze know the news Kang Gonggong has always guessed the emperor's intentions. This time, he was eager to make contributions. He was a bit secretive and flattered

"Useless slaves, don't let any information escape."

"Slave knows."

"Get out."

Kang Gonggong and others hurried back

Zhao Deji went out of the study and saw Wu jinnu standing at the door

He secretly hated Wu jinnu for his incompetence. If he had given the will first, how could Yue Pengju have the opportunity to publicly declare that he and Hua Rong had married? He didn't like Wu jinnu very much at first, but now he felt even worse. He looked at her and turned around and left

Wu jinnu flattered and flattered. These days, the officials were at Zhang Yingying's place every day. Seeing that they were in danger of gradually falling into a cold palace, they planned how to recover

Seeing that she had been following behind him, Zhao Deji was disgusted and said coldly, "what's the matter with you?"

"My concubine saw that the officials worked hard all day, so she prepared a table of wine and invited the officials to have a drink."

"No, I'll go to Princess pan."

He was about to leave, but he saw a gorgeous woman with a layer of gauze. Under the gradually falling night, she looked gorgeous and ethereal

"This is?"

"Liu Yuezhu. She is also the sister of Liu Zhengyan, who guards the pro military control."

Liu Yuezhu and Zhang Yingying came together, but they were not from the same faction. Since they were sent, Zhao Deji didn't notice her, so they never got favoured

The Guard Pro army controlled Liu Zhengyan, which was sent by Zhao Deji to respond to the queen of heaven and Yin of Tianfu. However, Zhao Deji came to trust Xu Caizhi, Wu Zhan and others, and did not give much importance to Liu Zhengyan. His control was just a false name

Now, because of his sister Liu Yuezhu, she thought of such a person, "Oh", but she saw that Liu Yuezhu's eyes were moving, her waist was soft, and although her beauty was slightly inferior to Zhang Yingying, she was twenty-eight years old, weak and graceful, and had a unique beauty of a virgin Wu jinnu observed his words and expressions and respectfully said, "officials, please."

Zhao Deji went in with the two and sat down. Wu jinnu sat aside knowingly. Liu Yuezhu snuggled up. Yu Shou picked up the wine lamp and handed it to his mouth, charming to the bone

Zhao Deji hugged her, drank a few cups of wine, and her whole body became hot and dry. Staring at Liu Yuezhu's charming face, she suddenly sighed, "Alas, if only she could serve me as tenderly as you?"

Wu jinnu knew that he was obsessed with "her" and smiled, "official family, is sister Liu not good enough?"

"Good is good, but it's hard to settle after all."

"In fact, 'she' is not as good as the officials think..."

Zhao Deji saw that she wanted to talk and stopped, and angrily said, "what do you want to say?"

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