One Night Bride

Chapter 106

Because of this small matter, my heart is more disappointed with the emperor. As soon as I ascend the throne, even so, what will happen in the future?

He looked at Yue Peng and shook his head Yue Peng also shook his head Seeing his intention, Zongze unexpectedly understood his meaning, patted the young man on the shoulder, sighed, and turned around and left

Busy into the evening, the little prince had gone to bed with his nurse, and the guard's shift was over. Hua Rongcai dragged her tired legs, turned and almost ran out

As soon as her body disappeared, Zhao Deji came out surrounded by a group of concubines, and the corner of his eyes swept. Knowing that she was going to chase Yue Pengju, he sneered and went back to the imperial study

Just back in the study, Xu Caizhi hurried in: "the official family, Lord Zong has a private memorial."

When he opened it, it was Zongze's own handwriting, saying that his subordinate Yue Pengju's wife was on duty in the palace and hoped his Majesty would protect the whole cloud At the end of the letter, he also said that he had recently learned that Hua Rong had experience in fighting with Jin Ren and knew Jurchen language, which was very useful in the battlefield. He hoped to allow Hua Rong to join the army and so on

Zhao Deji sneered, "Zongze, this old man, is really wide-ranging."

Xu Caizhi dared not answer, but stood aside

Since Zongze has written such a letter, he just wants to make himself understand that the government and the public all know that you can't rob your wife Yue Peng raised only a small number of generals, which had no influence in the court. He originally didn't pay attention to it, but Zongze came forward. Zongze, a veteran of the three dynasties, was famous all over the world and was the cornerstone of the Empire. He had to be afraid of three points

The more he thought, the more angry he became. He threw the memorial on the ground mercilessly. He became the son of heaven and wanted a woman. It was so difficult Isn't this the supremacy of blatant contempt for monarchy?

He said angrily, "I ordered that the flowers dissolve into concubines..."

Xu Caizhi hurriedly knelt down: "the official family calm down. Hua Rong and Yue Pengju have married, and the official family has just ascended the throne, so I'm afraid..." he didn't dare to say "you rob his wife", but said, "not to mention, the official family also knows that Hua Rong is stubborn, and what's the fun if they don't follow until death?"

"If she doesn't obey, I'll kill her!"

Xu Caizhi's heart was shocked. "I hope the official family will forgive her this time for the sake of her sacrifice."

On one side, Duke Kang saw the situation unfavourably, and also said, "how many beauties are there in the world? All compete to serve the official family, so why should the official family think of her? Besides, the emperor has a dragon son, and it is time to Amnesty the world to show grace..."

Zhao Deji sat on the Dragon chair and propped his forehead with his hands I don't know if I remembered those old memories. After a while, I said, "well, from now on, I won't call flowers to dissolve into the palace, and completely remove her as a bodyguard and head coach."

"Then, how can she arrange?"


Xu Caizhi wanted to ask, in that case, whether Hua Rong could be allowed to leave. Seeing that the emperor was still angry, he dared not ask again, and quietly retreated

Hua Rong rushed out of the palace gate. The temporary school yard was empty. Yue Pengju had already left

Before it was dark, she sat on a big stone and looked at the last bloody cloud in the sky. Tears fell unconsciously

I don't know the year and month when I want to see Peng again

The weather was so hot, but my heart was cold. I sat until the night dew was deep, and then slowly got up and walked back

The room was empty and still had tea sets When Yue Peng was there, she used to fry tea for him every day, waiting for him to drink. Now, people are gone, buildings are empty, and the sky is far apart. In the future, where should I go?

She sat down and suddenly saw a letter on the desk She hurriedly opened it. It was Yue Pengju's handwriting: "sister, don't be afraid, I've left Zhang Xian to meet outside the city."

She was surprised and delighted. She immediately closed the door and went out. She knew that as long as she found Zhang Xian, she would soon catch up with Yue Pengju

However, I took two steps, but I didn't feel right If you leave secretly, isn't it a public escape? That's a capital crime, and it will also affect Yue Pengju She hesitated a little, pushed the door open, and saw that there were four bodyguards standing outside the door

She said coldly, "what are you doing?"

"By your Majesty's order, protect the flower coach."

She slammed the door and realized that she had been under house arrest by the emperor. It would be extremely difficult to leave Ying Tian alone

Since then, Zhao Deji was immersed in the joy of the birth of the prince, and went to see his son in person after going down to the court every day Pan Yingying's mother was named a virtuous concubine by virtue of her son, Zhang Yingying was a talented person, Wu jinnu was also named a noble person because of her meritorious service to the prince, and more than a dozen other concubines were named "Lady of the country"

Soon, he was worried about the safety of the little prince, and felt that the weather was unsafe, so he decided to send the little prince to Yangzhou first, because the only empress dowager who escaped lived there

He sent a confidant to escort him in person. When it came to important people to take care of him, pan Yingying was unwilling. For fear of leaving with his son, he had to give up the emperor's husband and be preempted by other women

Seeing this, Wu jinnu immediately volunteered to take care of the little prince in Yangzhou

Zhao Deji immediately agreed, and they secretly disguised themselves on the road to escort the little prince to Yangzhou As soon as Wu jinnu left, Ying Tianxing palace became a stage for Pan YingYing and Zhang Yingying to compete. In order to "open branches and spread leaves", the number of beauties in the harem soon increased to 500

Hua Rong lived alone in that small quadrangle, and was not allowed to leave a mile outside all day. Fortunately, she never received any summons again. In addition to being depressed, she had to study and practice calligraphy alone in the house

Most of these books are the cars that Yue Pengju pulled back last time, which is enough for her to pass the time. In this way, although it is a prisoner's career, she is also happy. She can't help crying when she thinks of Yue Pengju and doesn't know when she meets

On this day, the weather was extremely hot, and in the evening, the heat did not subside at all

The house was too stuffy, so she went to the yard and sat under a huge locust tree, looking at the fallen locust flowers Because I had insomnia last night, I felt the heat gradually subsided after sitting, and I couldn't help falling asleep slowly

A hand fell on her shoulder. She suddenly woke up and shouted, "who is it?"


Two hands tightly hugged her shoulders, hugged her, and even hugged her horizontally and walked into the room

She shouted in panic, "Your Majesty..."

The door of the house was pushed open by father-in-law Kang, lit a candle, and then withdrew. Xu Caizhi stood at the gate of the courtyard and quietly closed the door

Zhao Deji put her on the bed with iron hoops in his hands. She turned over and sat up, smelling a faint smell of alcohol on him. Zhao Deji pressed her down: "ronger, you sleep tonight..."

"Your Majesty, please forgive me..."

"Rong'er, I treat your mind. You know it yourself. Why do you want to shirk it in every way?"

"Just because Hua Rong has married someone else."

Seeing the flowers dissolving and shrinking, he said angrily, "dissolving son, Yue Pengju, this shameless man, has made peace without media in the army."

"No, I am willing to marry him!"

Zhao Deji was even angrier: "why do you want to marry Yue Pengju? What point is he better than me? I am obedient to you, and I have never been so obedient to any other woman in my life. Why do you want to marry someone when you know that I like you?"

Hua Rong also burst out: "Your Majesty, there are so many beauties in the harem. Hua Rong is jealous and doesn't want to be married to other women! It's better to be a man with one heart and white heads!"

"So what? I promise you, as long as you enter the palace, I will immediately make you a royal concubine. He will give birth to a prince every day, and I will make you queen..."

"Hua Rong admitted that she couldn't be flattered, and it was impossible to compete with other women and win the favor of her majesty every day."

He looked at her inconceivably, and even forgot his anger: "rong'er, do you want me to dissolve the harem because of you?"

Hua Rong laughed, "if so, I'll marry you!"

Zhao Deji was so angry that her face was white and black, but Hua Rong seemed to have won a big bet. She knew his psychology well. For her generation of kings, the world was in her hands, but she was more eager to get it because she couldn't get it But in order to get one person, it is absolutely impossible to give up the favorite concubines such as pan Yingying, Zhang YingYing and a continuous stream of other beauties, facing a woman all day long

Regardless of life and death, she took this fight, only to see him slowly release his hand and sit down beside the bed motionless

"Ninth Lord..."

The sound of "nine kings" was like being shocked, as if he had returned to those difficult years. Zhao Deji was stunned and said, "dissolve son, I'm the son of heaven, just because I can't have a husband and a wife. Is that the reason why you refuse?"

Her voice was softer: "official family, rong'er followed you for a long time, not only treating you as the emperor's respect, but also treating you as a friend, brother and idol in his heart. If rong'er enters the palace and becomes a concubine, there is only one more woman who is jealous every day in the world. As time passes, your feelings will wear away, and you will feel that rong'er's face is disgusting and vulgar. However, if she is outside, she will certainly do her best to be loyal to the official family, and will never change in this life. Official family, please help!"

Under the candle light, her eyes were so soft and bright, her tone was so gentle and gentle, but her attitude was extremely firm

"One woman doesn't marry two husbands!" Her voice was even more docile and her words were sincere, "please the ninth Lord read in the past, and let Hua Rong go. If forced, there is only one death to repay the past kindness."

Zhao Deji was disheartened and left as soon as he went out

"Official family, please allow me to leave here."

He didn't look back or answer

On the first day of July, the overcast wind howled and the rainstorm sobbed in Kaifeng City

On that day, the cornerstone of the Empire, Kaifeng left behind Zongze veteran army was seriously ill and finished the last journey of his life Before his death, he worked hard, hoping to lead Yue Pengju and others across the Yellow River and recover the northern land occupied by the Jin people, but he died before he left the army and shouted "cross the river, cross the river, cross the river" three times before he died

As soon as Zongze died, the major monasteries inside and outside Kaifeng rang and mourned Zongze's disciples, nephews and others arranged the funeral for him

As soon as the funeral was over, we received the news that the Jin army had invaded the south again

Ying Tianfu

This evening, Zhang Yingying, pan YingYing and other concubines spent the summer in the back garden

The palace maid sent the mung bean soup to relieve the summer heat. Zhang Yingying took a sip of the bowl first because of her carelessness. Seeing this, pan Yingying was very angry and immediately slapped Zhang Yingying in the face

Zhang Yingying didn't dare to say more, and immediately knelt down: "the slave family served Mrs. pan unkindly, which was very offensive. I hope Mrs. pan will forgive me."

Pan Yingying still didn't calm down and scolded her severely

When she was scolding angrily, she suddenly heard the little eunuch cough. She turned around and saw that the official family was standing beside her at some time. She was so scared that she quickly knelt down: "my concubines deserve to die."

Since the birth of the prince, pan Yingying has become more and more arrogant. Zhao Deji has long been dissatisfied with her, but it's strange to say that before and after his accession to the throne, he has successively spoiled more than a dozen women, but no one is pregnant again

Because of the identity of the only prince's biological mother, although he was angry, he had to leave a decent place for Pan Yingying. He only drank once and made her quit Zhang Yingying knelt to one side, pear blossom with rain With a long sigh, he let Zhang Yingying sleep this night When it was raining, he suddenly asked Zhang Yingying, "isn't there any resentment in my mother's heart?"

Zhang Yingying smiled and said, "she is a virtuous imperial concubine, and slaves are just talented people. There is a difference between dignity and inferiority. 'a small stick is accepted, and a big stick is left.' How dare you hate?"

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