One Night Bride

Chapter 108

The ministers retreated, and pan Yingying took ginseng soup into the imperial study. Seeing the memorial on the ground, she picked it up and glanced at it Since she gave birth to the prince, her status has risen abruptly. Although she competed with Zhang YingYing and others and often angered Zhao Deji, she is still stable and has a bit of the momentum of the queen She never paid attention to the slaves and maidservants in the palace. She always paid attention to buying Kang Gonggong alone, and knew Zhao Deji's whereabouts like the palm of her hand. She knew that Hua Rong now lived in a small courtyard separated from the palace, and that he had gone to the palace in tiny clothes and forced Hua Rong to sleep, but she was rejected by Hua Rong

She has served Zhao Deji for a long time and understands that a woman who dares to disobey him can still live well. It is conceivable that Hua Rong's position in his heart Especially the king's mind, the more you can't get it, the more you want it

This made her feel very uncomfortable. She faintly felt that Hua Rong was a greater threat to herself than Zhang YingYing and others Now, seeing the opportunity, she laughed: "official family, it was such a thing. According to my concubine, since Jin Wushu was appointed to spend money, why don't you let her go?"

Zhao Deji's face was gloomy: "you asked me to give her to Jin Wushu?"

"Why not? This woman didn't know what to do, and failed to live up to the wishes of the official family. My concubine once heard that the official family saved her life, and she didn't want to return it. Now, it's time to contribute to the country. In ancient times, there were also Zhaojun going out of the fortress, Princess Wencheng going to Tibet, and it's her honor to go and marry."

Hearing this, Zhao Deji flew into a rage and brushed the ginseng soup to the ground: "bitch, who do you think I am? You know, she saved me with her life twice?"

Pan Yingying was not as thoughtful as Wu jinnu. He thought Hua Rong was imprisoned. This proposal must be in line with the wishes of the officials. Unexpectedly, he was so angry that he immediately knelt down in fear: "my concubine made a mistake, please forgive me."

On this day, there was a lot of wind and rain. It was only mid July, as if autumn had entered, and the weather was chilly

Youzuo didn't know about external affairs, and Hua Rong didn't know. Not long after he left for the war, the elderly Zongze died in Kaifeng because of hard work day and night As soon as Zongze died, his new empire was like a small boat in the wind. Hearing the news, the state of Jin immediately sent an additional army to the border of the state of song. Under the guise of peace negotiation, it was actually trying to capture Zhao Deji's head

Hua Rong couldn't go out. After reading for a while, he took out a mass of loose tea and boiled it with a tea set After frying tea, I filled two cups, drank one cup by myself, looked at the cup opposite, and sighed. When will I be able to sit opposite Peng Ju for tea and talk?

There was a knock outside the door, and she said, "who is it?"

It was the voice of a eunuch: "the servant was ordered to bring tea balls to miss Hua."

"Please come in."

As soon as the door opened, three mermaids served by eunuchs came in. Hua Rong just saw Wang Yuan, and then looked at the two tall people beside him. Their faces changed greatly, and stood up: "Wang Yuan, you dog slave..."

Before her voice fell, someone had covered her mouth and sat down on the chair, while Wang Yuan had already seen the opportunity to quit and immediately closed the door

Hua Rong was pressed on the chair and couldn't move. He angrily said, "Jin Wushu, how dare you come here?"

Jin Wushu let go of her, and his bodyguard Wu Qimai also stepped back He has been hiding in the post house these days, because although he is tall, the characteristics of the golden man are not obvious, and his Chinese is fluent and skilled. He is brave, and no one pays attention to walking around in Chinese clothes Now, led by Wang Yuan, he openly went to the outer city of the temporary "imperial palace" of the state of song

"Jin Wushu, do you know that no matter how good you are, I'll shout and you'll die."

He sat down directly opposite her: "Hua Rong, you are haggard."

Hua Rong didn't expect that this was what he said. He was stunned for a moment and didn't say anything

He looked at her again. Her face was very pale. Because of insomnia for many days, her eyes were sunken and bloodshot

"Hua Rong, do you think the crown prince is right? Zhao Deji is such a thing."

"What kind of goods?"

"The prince sent envoys to make peace and indicated that he wanted you to be a hostage. He has promised."

Hua Rong was very angry: "you're talking nonsense."

"How can the prince cheat you? Otherwise, how can the prince enter here?"

Hua Rong leaned back in the chair, feeling weak all over Although Ying Tian is not as solid as gold soup, what defense is there to talk about when he called Jin Wushu to break in disguised as this?

Jin Wushu, however, saw her sitting on the chair, with anger and despair on her face, and her face slowly turned from crimson to pale. When she wanted to stimulate her again, she thought about it and endured it again

He looked around. At this time, he smelled the fragrance of tea all over the room. Seeing that the tea set was still warm, it was obvious that she was frying tea by herself. He also saw her holding the handrail of the chair tightly with her hands, her fingers green and white as jade. Suddenly, he said, "Hua Rong, you have learned to fry tea? Can I have a cup of tea?"

Seeing that Hua Rong couldn't cope, he took the teacup opposite her and was about to drink it. Hua Rong suddenly jumped up and knocked the teacup out of his hand: "I've been cooking tea all my life for only one person, you golden thief, how can I drink my tea?"

Jin Wushu suddenly changed color and fully understood that she was "only for one person" - for whom!

He glanced at the books and desolation in the room and sneered, "you are just a prisoner of Zhao Deji. How can you imagine marrying Yue Pengju?"

"Even if I can't marry him, I will never marry you!"

He caught the loophole in her words, and his eyes lit up: "so you haven't married Yue Pengju?"

"What's your business?"

"Yue Pengju only repented of marrying the princess in April. After that, you have been in Ying Tianjun. After Zhao Deji ascended the throne in May, you will no longer have a chance to be alone with Yue Pengju. Now you are locked up here. How can you get a chance to marry him?"

Hua Rong snorted. He knew so well that Wang Yuan's traitor must have told him

"What do you people in Song Dynasty say about people like Yue Pengju? It's called 'don't deceive the dark room', isn't it? He likes you and will marry you openly!"

She was shocked. Now the emperor's officials have known their sisters and brothers for a long time, but once they heard that they had married Yue Pengju, they denounced him as shameless His understanding of Peng Ju is far less than that of the enemy on the opposite side!

"The first time I lost the war, I met Yue Pengju! It's a pity for a hero like him to assist Zhao Deji."

Hua Rong shouted, "the new Emperor didn't do anything to me!"

Jin Wushu sneered repeatedly: "Hua Rong, do you think I don't know? Why are you under house arrest here? My warning was a bit wrong at the beginning? Zhao Deji was as unscrupulous and shameless as his father. What did your brother and sister work for him in exchange for? You once assassinated the crown Prince regardless of life and death for him, and what did you get?"


"Don't say you don't take it from him. Even if you take it from him, as long as the crown prince takes it, he won't dare not give it. As long as you can keep your throne, even your parents, brothers, wives and children can't be saved, not to mention you are a mere woman. Hua Rong, look at your life? You are a prisoner! Instead, it's better to leave with the crown prince, at least have freedom..."

Flowers melt and make no sound

Jin Wushu stopped and sighed, "Hua Rong, the state of song will die. It's useless for you to stay here. Why don't you leave with me? Don't you like me at all?"

"I'm not here, I'll go, but I'm going with Yue Peng, not you!"

"The emperor of the Zhao family can't protect you, not to mention little Yue Pengju!"

Before he could finish, he suddenly heard a cough outside the door, and Wu Qimai hurried over: "fourth prince, leave here quickly, someone is coming..."

He didn't care to say any more, so they hurried to the door and left Hua Rong faintly looked at his back and left. She knew that even though Jin Wushu was powerful, as soon as she opened her mouth, the bodyguard outside would seize him, seize the commander of the Jin man, and then give it to the emperor of the Zhao family as a bargaining chip She opened her mouth slightly, but she didn't shout or publicize. She just sat down on the chair and didn't move

It was Xu Caizhi who came, with an uneasy face

She said faintly, "what's the matter with Lord Xu?"

Xu Caizhi blushed: "Miss Hua, Ambassador Jin negotiated peace. The Jin side indicated that you should go."

She sneered, "really? Is this what the officials mean?"

"No, the official committee will not give up. However, the Jin side pointed out that it must be you. Many candidates were changed, and they were not satisfied."

Hua Rong sat down in a chair dejectedly, and her last fantasy of the "Ninth Lord" disappeared. Humiliation and grief filled her heart, and she didn't know what her brothers and sisters were fighting hard for. What exactly did her original ideal bring in

She sat silently for a while and laughed, "Lord Xu, my husband Yue Peng held out to fight, which made the prisoners terrified at the news, but his wife was sent to please the Jin people and let the prisoners spoil it, so as to repay his countless scars and blood and sweat, right?"

Xu Caizhi had known her for a long time, so he didn't want to come. Listening to her, he wanted to dig a hole into it

Hua Rong continued to press, "Lord Xu, when do the officials want me to leave?"

"I didn't order you to go, rong'er!"

A voice sounded from behind Xu Caizhi

Hua Rong knew it was Zhao Deji and didn't get up to salute. She still sat silent

"Rong'er, how are you these days?"

"Your Majesty is worried. Hua Rong has been fed up and idle all these days, which has wasted countless grains of the Song Dynasty in vain. In order to repay the grace of the officials, you might as well serve the prisoners in exchange for their withdrawal."

Zhao Deji saw that her tone was cold, and she was no longer called an official, but her majesty. Her tone was as distant as if she had met for the first time He seated himself in the chair opposite her

Hua Rong looked at him: "Your Majesty, when will you give me as a gift to Jin Wushu? He is the commander of the southern invasion, right?"

"Rong'er, I'm not going to send you away."


Seeing the mockery and anger in her eyes, he couldn't help but stand up: "rong'er, who do you think I am? Even if the situation is critical and the negotiation fails, I will never send you to Jin Wushu. I came today just to see if you are OK."

With that, he turned and left

Hua Rong got up and chased him. He and Xu Caizhi had left the gate of the courtyard

She stopped and did not chase, only to see the sky getting completely dark bit by bit

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