One Night Bride

Chapter 111

Seeing that it was useless to rob the world, pan Yingying was in a hurry. Wearing an old suit, she grabbed a few pieces of soft clothes, ran out of the garden, grabbed some mud and smeared it on her face, and ran away

These days, as the news of Jin Jun's peace talks spread, Yingtian's originally dim lights gradually resumed a bit of excitement Those big families who hid outside the city all day in panic also moved back one after another Ordinary people also enjoyed the night market and ate tea before going home one by one, closing their doors and sleeping peacefully

Everything was very calm. At the end of the night, there was a violent cry of killing. The brave residents pushed the door open and saw flames in the direction of the "imperial palace" in the south of the city

Countless people ran and fled in the street. People shouted "Jin Jun is coming", "Jin Jun is coming"... The cries of women and children, the screams and wails of people trampling on each other... The whole day turned into hell overnight

Zhao Deji and others went out from the flank of the south gate and just got on the path. They could only hear the shadow behind them, stumbling. It was the families of Wang Boyan, Huang Qianshan and other important officials, who were in a mess It turned out that Wang Boyan and others had already heard the wind and used the dead men they had raised to escort their families away in advance

Zhao Deji thought of not seeing him in the hall just now and shouted angrily, "Wang Boyan!"

Wang Boyan was fat and panted almost like crying: "emperor, it's too late."

Behind, the sound of horses' hoofs came one after another

"Official family..."

"Let's go."

A cow cart creaked on the left. It turned out that Zhang YingYing and others caught up. Behind her, followed by panting pan YingYing and others, the crowd finally caught up, but no one dared to blame the officials for being "selfish". Zhao Deji waved, "get in the car."

She was as delicate as pan Yingying, and there was no one to support her. She climbed onto the bullock cart prepared by Wang Boyan, and a group of fugitives ran desperately in the night

Hua Rong heard the noise outside in the lonely courtyard. She knew that Jin Wushu would never make peace, and immediately understood what had happened She had been on guard and opened the door, only to see that the bodyguard at the door had already run out

She rode her "kinsys" and rushed out. As soon as she rushed out, she saw a team of people rushing from the direction of the palace. She subconsciously felt bad and hurried to avoid. Sure enough, the head of the team of plainclothes people shouted, "you go into the palace and catch Zhao Deji..."

As soon as he started his horse, he reached out and grabbed Hua Rong: "Hua Rong, come with me."

Although she couldn't see clearly in the dark, she heard the sound was Jin Wushu, and immediately turned around and ran away

Jin Wushu raided the city, and there were only 500 cavalry in the city, but the corruption of the song army had formed a law over the years. As long as someone surrendered, the rest of the army immediately retreated, and even he didn't expect to win Ying Tian so easily

"Hua Rong, Zhao Deji has run away. Now, I will kill 100000 troops and take his life. Come with me..."

"You lie, how can your main force come so fast?"

Hua Rong did not expect anything wrong. The main force of Jin Wu Shu did not arrive at Yingtian so soon

It turned out that Jin Wushu negotiated with the Minister of the state of song for several times, and gradually found out the details of Zhao Deji - the foundation was unstable. The four sides of the king's army had not been ground into a regiment, and they were still in their own formation. After the accession of Tian Cao Cao, they did not really organize effective resistance, and all the people were looking forward to peace

He seized the opportunity and wanted to immediately besiege the main force of the Jin army, but the Jin army did not adapt to the scorching weather of the Southern Dynasty. From time to time, someone fell ill. For fear of the epidemic in the army, he had to rest for a few days

It was during this time that he let out the wind and desperately negotiated peace When the morale was slightly improved, he immediately led his troops to pursue. Knowing that song soldiers were afraid of fighting, he dispersed his troops and pursued them in three ways. In this way, the marching speed was greatly accelerated

At that time, the main force of the Jin army was still more than 100 miles away from Ying Tian. Jin Wu's skill was deceiving. The military division in the army gave him an idea to buy Ying Tian's defense, sent 500 elite soldiers to sneak into Ying Tian disguised as ordinary people, and paid money to hire a large number of naughty scoundrels. This night, there was a riot, shouting "Jin Jun is coming" and causing panic, and the 500 people took advantage of the situation to enter the palace "imperial palace", creating the illusion that the army was pressing the border

Alas, there were still 10000 defenders in Yingtian at that time. They were scared out of courage and retreated without fighting

Seeing her hesitation, Jin Wushu ran forward and shouted, "Zhao Deji escaped alone, regardless of your life or death, why do you work for him again?"

Hua Rong didn't expect Zhao Deji to take care of his own life and death, nor did he want to continue to work for him. He only knew that this time he was in the hands of Jin Wushu again, and he would be brought back to Shangjing and would never rise to prominence

"Hua Rong, the state of song will die. Come with me quickly. I promise to make you queen..."


"Hua Rong..."

Soldiers rushed around. Hua Rong panicked and ran frantically. Jin Wushu caught up with her. She had fallen into a vast sea of people. Jin Jun was intercepted in the sea of people. For a moment, the whole city was in a panic, with flames and voices

"Hua Rong..."

Jin Wushu hissed, but where could she be found?

She ran wildly with the fleeing refugees. The day was dark, there was no moonlight, and it was impossible to distinguish between East, West, North and south. The refugees were scattered all the way, and later, there were fewer and fewer

However, the sound of Jin Jun's pursuit behind was getting stronger and stronger. She suspected that the main force of Jin Jun came one after another, and she didn't dare to stop for a while. After identifying the direction, she turned her horse's head to the southeast, because she judged that Yue Peng would go in that direction with his army escort

Her horse ran fast until midnight and found that she had entered a dense forest and was lost, so she couldn't get around She held the reins and was soaked with sweat. For a moment, she couldn't decide whether to return and wait or move on

As soon as Zongze died, the king's army, which was finally assembled in the state of song, was immediately scattered like a plate of sand. When encountering the Jin army, it either fled or was to preserve its strength. It didn't face the battle directly at all, and only escorted its own small belongings and ran away

At this time, Yue Pengju's fantasy of Zhao Deji has been basically disillusioned. Without Zongze, there is no guarantee. He worries about his sister all day long and is trying to respond to Tianxun, but he sees Zhang Xian coming Zhang Xian took out Hua Rong's handwritten letter, which was not hidden, and told him in detail what happened these days and her own judgment on the military strength of Jin Wu Shu

After reading this letter repeatedly, I finally thanked Zhao Deji for not giving his sister to Jin Wushu, and immediately ordered the army to respond to the heavenly escort Halfway through his March, he had to report the night attack of the Jin army He missed Hua Rong and left Deputy generals Yang Zaixing and Zhang Xian in command. He led dozens of elite riders to rush back first When he returned in the early morning, the new emperor of the Song Dynasty had been frightened by the 500 Jin army and fled overnight

In response to the destruction of the city of heaven, the main force of Jin Wushu did not arrive. Hearing that Yue Pengju led his army back, he did not dare to stay, and had already plundered away

Yue Peng went straight to the city, and the courtyard where Hua Rong used to live was already empty

He hissed, "sister, sister, where are you?"

There is only the echo of the night around. Where is the half shadow of the flower melt?

He was about to turn around and go out when he saw something falling from the ground. It was a very ordinary hairpin, pointing to the southeast He knew that this was left by Hua Rong. He was overjoyed and immediately went out to catch up

In the middle of the night, it suddenly began to rain. The summer rainstorm fell on the head, and the flowers had nowhere to hide. In a panic, they ran up a path After running a distance, she suddenly heard the "De De De" in front of her. She found something bad and turned her horse back

It was the 3000 troops led by Han Chang, a Han General under Jin Wushu Han Chang was a southerner. He was familiar with the terrain of the south. He hurried to the army and got the clearance of the traitor and the minister Liu Yu stationed on the side. Therefore, he ran ahead and supported Jin Wushu. The two sides converged and the troops were in a big battle. Jin Wushu, who had already left the city, immediately turned around and chased Zhao Deji and so on

Although it was a storm, Jin Wushu also heard someone in front of him and shouted, "catch up, maybe Zhao Deji and his party."

Hua Rong accelerated his horse, but it rained heavily and the road was slippery. The horse was so drenched that his eyes couldn't open, and he was spinning in place for a long time She was burning with anxiety. At this time, she heard the sound of horses' hoofs in front of her

As soon as Kinsey's leg slipped, he let out a sad cry. Jin Wushu heard the sound faintly and said happily, "there are people in front, Kinsey is in front..."

The rain has been a little less, but the sound of horses' hoofs has become more and more urgent. There is no third way to attack them back and forth. Hua Rong tightly holds the bow and arrow, and has fallen into complete despair. He shouted to the sky, "Peng Ju, where are you..."

"Sister, sister..."

She was in despair, but she seemed to have an illusion. She heard someone call herself so clearly She shook her head hard, but the voice was getting closer and closer: "sister, sister, where are you..."

As soon as she patted the horse on the back, she rushed over quickly: "Peng Ju, it's me..."

It was Yue Peng who led the troops to catch up in the direction she pointed out Yue Pengju was eager to rescue. Knowing that there might be an ambush ahead, he also ran all the way. Later, only more than a dozen people followed, and all the others stayed behind with Zhang Xian

At this time, Jin Wushu also heard her cry, and saw that Yue Pengju was here. It was a great time to win at one stroke. He breathed and said in a vertical voice, "Hua Rong, Yue Pengju, you can't run..."

"The golden soldiers are coming, the golden soldiers are coming... Peng Ju, turn around..."


At this time, the heavy rain has stopped, Yue Pengju has been unable to turn around, and the army of Jin Wushu has chased behind The two sides fought hand to hand almost immediately The Jin army was large, and although the more than ten song armies were all defeated by one, they were soon wiped out

Han Chang is also a strong general. Hearing Yue Pengju's fame these days, he has long wanted to compete against him. Seeing him alone this time, he found that the opportunity came. If he caught Yue Pengju, wouldn't he be famous all over the world?

Without waiting for Jin Wushu's orders, he brought a mace and came to fight Yue Pengju

Yue Pengju waved his long gun to urge his horse to protect Hua Rong. Knowing that he was defeated today, he fought and ran. Where could Jin Wushu allow him to escape? Hurry up and catch up

In a panic, Hua Rong beat back two Jin Jun, and the other one hit her vest with a stick. Yue Peng saw her in danger in his busy schedule. He leaned over, and Sheng Sheng received the stick, and pushed her hard: "sister, hurry... I'll catch up..."

"Peng Ju..."

"Sister, go..."

When Jin Wushu saw the two men running away, he shouted: "the flower dissolves and stays alive, and Yue Peng holds it alive or dead..."

At this order, Yue Pengju's situation was even more critical. Hua Rong ran ahead, and his heart almost jumped out. For fear of Yue Pengju's distraction, he didn't dare to call him back. He just ran away, knowing that the farther he ran, the less pressure Peng Ju had

He detoured back to the dense forest in front of him. Hua Rong lost his way here. At this moment, he was desperate. He rushed his horse into the forest and found that the forest was too dense for the horse to pass

She thought for a moment and jumped off the horse. Yue Pengju had jumped down first, grabbed her hand and rushed in

Jin Wushu and others came after him, and there were only two war horses in front of him. Kinsey raised his head and gave a sad cry, as if he recognized his former master

Jin Wushu didn't expect that such a back and forth attack would chase people away, and slapped kinsys' head heavily: "Whoever can catch Yue Pengju, he will be promoted to captain ten thousand..."

They dismounted, immediately lit torches, and went into the dense forest

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