One Night Bride

Chapter 131

"Your Majesty, my wife caught a cold on the way back, and she was ill for a long time, so she couldn't come to court. Please forgive me."

Zhao Deji was speechless, and he didn't know whether Hua Rong was really ill or didn't want to see himself. He only rewarded him for his merits. Yue Peng gave him 2000 liang of silver, clothing and armor, gold belts, bows and arrows, war horses, etc. he was promoted to be the Xuanfu envoy of the wushengding national army. The 20000 troops he named were "Shenwu rear army" and stationed in Xiangyang

Zhang Xian, one of his subordinates, was rewarded and promoted

Yue Pengju heard Xiangyang, and the sky was far away. It was the ideal result discussed between him and Hua Rong. It was deeply in his own favor. Thank God for his kindness, and he was going to retire

He quickly went out. Zhao Deji suddenly said, "is Hua Rong seriously ill?"

"Not too serious, your majesty, please rest assured."

He stood up and walked down. With a wave of his hand, father Kang presented a brocade box, and he himself untied a jade pendant from his body

"Peng Ju, this jade pendant is the wedding gift I gave her at the beginning, and you can give it to her..." as soon as it arrived in Hua Rong's hand, it was used to take care of the old fisherman's escape ferry. After several twists and turns, Zhao Deji rewarded Lin Zhijie, the old fisherman and others, and only wanted this jade pendant back as a souvenir

"There is also a box of ginseng, Polygonum multiflorum, etc. opened by the imperial doctor. You can dissolve them together. I'll give her a little gift."

"Thank you, your majesty."

Zhao Deji watched him go out. His back was unusually tall and straight, extremely heroic, and he was a little melancholy in his heart. Rong'er was the wife of the Imperial General from now on!

Just, rong'er, why don't you even enter the palace for the last time? Are you afraid that there will be no return?

He was indignant, but helpless

On that night, a larger fireworks party was held in the palace

Zhao Deji's only son was carefully taken care of and played by Pan YingYing and others. Unexpectedly, fireworks burst into the sky, and the little prince was so scared that he cried and almost fainted

Zhao Deji was distressed for his son and urgently ordered to stop the fireworks. When he rushed to see him, he saw that his son's lips were black and thin as if he were going to die at any time

He hugged the only congenitally deficient son tightly and comforted him for a long time. Seeing that he fell asleep peacefully, he was so eager to realize that he must have children again, otherwise, in case of any misfortune, even the heir to the throne would not be elected

Naturally, the concubines could understand the emperor's mind, and they all rubbed their hands and secretly competed with each other about who could lead the husband to other princes However, since the two escapes, one from the palace maid song Xixi and the other from Wu jinnu, they are all breathtaking. Unconsciously, Zhao Deji's interest in things in the house has been greatly reduced. Every time he has a desire to have sex, he can't help being interrupted by the fear in his heart

However, today, his strong desire to have children made him desire again. Seeing the concubines with heavy makeup and light makeup, fat and thin, especially Zhang Yingying is the most beautiful among the women, he moved in his heart and said, "Madam Zhang, you can go to bed tonight."

Zhang Yingying stood out from a group of concubines, surprised and delighted. Wu jinnu, pan YingYing and others congratulated repeatedly, but hated and envied. They could only watch helplessly as the officials took Zhang Yingying in their arms and left affectionately

The red curtain was warm at night, and the incense was charming. Zhang Yingying pandered in every way. Zhao Deji was panting. When he reached the key point, he suddenly had a sentence "the golden soldier is coming" in his mind. He was up and down, and somewhere he shrank rapidly, paralyzed in bed, sweating profusely

"Official family, official family..."

Zhang Yingying was so frightened that she burst into tears

Zhao Deji's face was pale and his voice was low: "if you dare to reveal half a word about today's affairs, I will kill your nine families..."

Zhang Yingying knelt naked in front of him and almost fainted with fright

The next day, Wu jinnu, pan YingYing and others wanted to visit the situation by congratulating her, but they saw bruises all over pan Yingying's neck and face

Zhang Yingying forced herself to smile, and they didn't know why. In the future, it was her turn to serve the two in bed. Only then did she know the secret of official "impotence". When her desire came up, she couldn't vent, so she bit and scratched on her concubines The three were scarred and dared not sleep anymore. Every time, they tried every means to let the palace maids replace them. One by one, they tragically realized that the hope of having a son was basically completely destroyed

Only pan Yingying was happy and took good care of her son, who was born with congenital deficiencies. She secretly prayed that the impotence of the official family would never be good, and that other women in the palace would never have sons again

severe winter.

After the war and the raging of the Jin army, the scenery along the way was bleak, but it could not hide the smell of the coming new year. Tomorrow night is new year's Eve

Yue Pengju led his troops back to Xiangyang

Zhang Xian caught up: "it seems that we will spend this new year's Eve on the March."

Yue Peng raised a smile and said, "it's not good on the March. You must hurry back."

"Also, the family members are waiting. Peng Ju, my sister-in-law is also waiting for you."

Yue Peng raised his ears to the word "sister-in-law", and his eyes showed an extremely gentle look: "yes, she's waiting for me. It's estimated that she should be in a hurry. We have to hurry."

After oneortwo months of family members stationed, the abandoned manor has already been full of popularity

Zhang Xian's wife, senior sister Gao, took good care of her. She recovered from her illness. She was only haggard and WAN After fleeing from the sea, I was always gloomy, not because of illness, but because of fatigue. That kind of bone breaking fatigue, I didn't want to do anything, I didn't want to think about anything, just wanted peace and purity

After being separated from Yue Pengju for a long time, I was worried about whether he went to the palace to see him smoothly. I looked forward to his return every day. I couldn't eat and sleep well, and I was even haggard

Fortunately, there are many children in the family, who run around vigorously all day, full of laughter Knowing that she could read, the fourth senior sister pestered her to teach her sons to read and write. She agreed. When the other women learned that they had also sent their children, she did not refuse. After a rough calculation, she gathered thirty or forty children to study every day. The children called her "Mr. Hua" respectfully

She had never experienced such a life, and felt novel and warm, and her heart was finally a little comforted

When I woke up this morning and heard sporadic firecrackers, I knew that new year's Eve had arrived

On the two days of the Chinese new year, the children are on holiday and don't study. She's fine. She just sits at the table and is dazed by the fire basin

The fourth sister of high school was a gentle woman. She pushed the door and came in. Seeing her listless, she said softly, "sister, is there something wrong with her body?"

"No. It's been fine recently."

"Brother Yue, they will be back soon. Don't worry, have some Yuanxiao first."

"Thank you, senior sister."

Looking through the open window, Hua Rong found that it was snowing like goose feather She was a little worried: "the weather is so bad, I don't know if Peng Ju and they can come back in time."

"Yes, I can! I've ordered to cook a new year's Eve dinner to reward the army."

Hua Rong sighed, "senior sister, I was in bed a few days ago. Thanks to you."

"Sister Wu can fight the enemy, and Wen can teach and practice calligraphy, which is unmatched by women like me, so we can only take care of these logistical matters. It can also be regarded as a little shared by our husbands..."

The fourth elder sister of high school had gone out to order the kitchen. All day long, she and the women were busy cleaning up the garden and decorating it

Hua Rong thought, it's to welcome new year's Eve

New year's Eve is always full of festivity

For many years, she spent new year's Eve alone. Last year, she experienced life and death in the golden camp, so at this moment, she misses Yue Pengju more deeply. How can she be happy to spend it with him?

She stood alone by the door and looked at the drifting snow. In the evening, there was no one. Gradually, she was disappointed. She smelled the fragrance of various meat dishes, but she had no feelings, so she went back to the house, closed the window and sat down

The door was pushed open with a bang. Before she could react, she was tightly hugged by a man covered with wind and snow: "sister, I miss you so much..."

She laughed loudly in his arms. After a long time, she raised her head, brushed the wind and snow on him, took him to sit by the fire, and put his cold hands together by the fire to bake

He hugged her light body and saw that she was still pale, with some worries: "sister, is your body better?"

"All right, all right."

Originally, I didn't have much spirit, but I felt better after seeing him

She put her arms around his neck: "Peng Ju, I've been worried about you, and now I'm finally relieved."

"Don't worry, we'll go to Xiangyang, and no one will disturb us anymore."


Senior sister knocked on the door and came in with a new suit in her hand: "I discussed with Zhang Xian that we might as well finish your marriage on New Year's Eve tonight..."

Hua Rong blushed, and then realized that the fourth sister of Gan Qing Gao and others have been busy today not only because of new year's Eve, but also preparing the wedding banquet for herself and Yue Pengju

Yue Pengju was smiling. Obviously, Zhang Xian had already consulted him

He took the red dress with his own hand, and the fourth sister of high school retreated wisely and closed the door

Yue Peng raised his voice softly and said, "sister, let me change it for you."

She murmured, letting him clumsily put on his bright red new clothes. She didn't know whether her husband would put on his wedding clothes for other women when they got married

The mansion was full

With the sound of firecrackers and toasts, everyone was immersed in this beautiful day of new year's Eve and wedding Eat and drink, talk and laugh

Yue Peng held Hua Rong and stood in the hall

Zhang Xian made the decision to marry, shouting:

"Worship heaven and earth"

"Two worship halls"

"Husband and wife worship"


Laughter rang in a ball

No one noticed that in the most corner, a big man slowly stood up from a group of drunken soldiers, turned and walked out

It was windy and snowy outside, and his steps were heavy

The cold wind made the wounds on her shoulder and waist hurt faintly. One was cut and seriously injured by Jin Jun's spiked mace when she was rescued by Jin Ying, and the other was shot against Jin Jun in the sea to protect her

In the eardrum, there was a burst of demon like voice "into the bridal chamber"

"Into the bridal chamber..."

"Into the bridal chamber!"


He covered his ears, took out a piece of yellowed paper from his arms, laughed wildly, picked up the paper and dropped it. The Geng tie with the names of the two people fell to the ground and broke into fragments, like a dead butterfly yellowed all over the sky

"It's a great shame to rob your wife! Yue Pengju, I swear not to be human if I don't kill you!"


In the bridal chamber, there was another scene

The room carefully arranged by the fourth sister of Gao and her family members was full of red and happy. The bed was sprinkled with longan, peanuts, lotus seeds and other things

Yue Peng gently brushed these things out of the bed, sat down next to the flowers, and by the candlelight, he saw her blushing, charming eyes, and gorgeous things

His heart swung: "sister, I'm really happy..."

She was so looked at by him that she almost lowered her head and couldn't help pushing him: "idiot..."

Yue Peng smiled, hugged her happily, and the curtain with tassels hung down, covering the boundless spring all over the room

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