One Night Bride

Chapter 133

Why should I like her?

Why should I like her at first sight?

It turned out that she was destined to belong to herself. It was a part of her that she didn't know where she had lost. Until today, she found a complete fit and became a whole

She smiled, and they lay side by side, holding hands

It's late at night

It seemed as if it was snowing again outside the window, and the wind was blowing overhead

Hua Rong slowly opened her eyes. Somehow, she didn't feel sleepy In the dark night, she turned over slightly and moved lightly, afraid of disturbing Yue Pengju's dream However, as soon as she rolled over, she was immediately hugged by a pair of gentle big hands and held in her arms again

She chuckled, "Peng Ju, are you still awake?"

"Can't sleep!"

He breathed heavily, and her shallow laughter made him boil again

At this time, he completely understood that it was different from the past, completely different In the past, even if I held her, I just held a gentle and compassionate mood; Now, I have experienced the taste of fresh love. Once I get the feeling of flying in the clouds, I can't get rid of it anymore!

Who is willing to get rid of that deep-rooted happiness?

Her head rested gently on his arm, and she almost fell asleep as soon as she closed her eyes He stroked her messy rose, and a burst of fatigue hit, so sweet and deep into sleep

The wind and snow did not stop all night

On the morning of new year's day, I woke up with the sound of sporadic firecrackers

Because of the Spring Festival, according to the law of the state of song, there is a seven day holiday. Except for the personnel on duty, everyone is having a rare and peaceful new year

Yue Peng raised his eyes, and the woman in his arms slept so heavily The weather in winter is late and misty, and everything is not so clear. After a while, the eyes fully adapt to the hazy winter in the morning, and then they find the thick snow outside the window, reflecting and brightening

As usual, he got up to inspect the situation. However, with the temporary end of the war, the atmosphere of the new year, and the joy of marriage, there was an unbearable feeling in his heart. He couldn't bear the hardships of the past, and was disturbed by the familiar face

How long hasn't she slept so well?

He leaned over and looked at her carefully. Her eyelashes hung long, like two rows of thick small fans. Her bright face was quiet and peaceful, as if there was a slight smile between the tips of her eyebrows

A night's dream, so his face has such a quiet and gentle expression

He smiled, remembered everything last night, and his body began to burn again, from raw to familiar, and then to longing and eagerness Because he is young, he is more energetic

Because it tastes delicious, it is more gluttonous

Such as hungry people, such as thirsty people, how can they stop eating and drinking when they see delicious food?

He leaned slightly, pulled a strand of hair that brushed in front of her forehead, touched her smooth forehead, couldn't help but go down, and gently stroked her delicate face

She was confused by this soft touch, but she still slept soundly, unwilling to open her eyes, and the smile between the corners of her eyebrows grew deeper and deeper

She couldn't help laughing any more, stretched out her hand and hugged his neck

Joy, a great joy

For a long time, he turned over and sat up, hugged her in his arms, and said softly, "get up, okay?"

She laughed, hugged his neck and lay down again, fingers clenched, but the other hand was on his chest, like a child's tone: "today, let's lie like this, OK? The weather is so cold, I like this..."

I still remember when I was a child in winter, when it was snowing heavily, I could not get up in bed like this. There was a fire in the house. My father would take some broad beans, peanuts or chestnuts and bury them in the fire. As long as I heard a "bang", then there was the fragrance in the house. At this time, I always spoiled my father to feed myself

What a wonderful childhood, what a loving father

At that time, there was home and everything was carefree

However, all this was soon destroyed, from the collapse of a nation to the collapse of a country. From then on, there was only wandering and hopeless in life. When was there such a warm attachment?

So clearly realize that at this time, I finally have a family and a husband——

Husband is really a strange creature

Is also the closest person

My only relative in the world

You can lie in his arms, act coquettish and cheat, and stay together in such a snowy day Closer than the closest relatives

Yue Peng raised his hand and slid over her. He couldn't help but touch those scars, some shallow traces. Although they were so light, they were still there after all, reminding her of the many tribulations she had encountered

He held her in his arms and saw her so soft and charming expression and smart eyes. At this moment, he just wanted to pity her. No matter what she wanted, it all depended on her Even if she wants the stars in the sky, she has to borrow a ladder and climb the sky to pick it for her

Yue Peng raised a smile and said, "I'll do whatever you want today."

"I like lying like this, reading and eating..."

"OK, let's spend today like this."

She giggled, "Peng Ju, I really like you."

"I like you too, sister..."

The word "sister" is so awkward that it can no longer be called after last night Love makes a man grow up completely, and she is the backbone of her He felt his head and felt embarrassed

She seemed to see through his mind, laughed loudly, and spoke in a small voice: "Peng Ju, when I was a child, my parents called me seventeen sister..."

"Why is she called seventeen sister?"

"Because I'm seventeen among the girls in the family, I'm called seventeen sister. Everyone calls me that."

He was happy: "hehe, when I was a child, I was ranked fifth. People call me brother Yue."

Her eyes lit up: "I'll call you brother five later?"

"Well, I call you seventeen sister."

They held hands again and lay down side by side. Holding hands alone, he seemed to feel that it was not enough. He simply stretched out his hand, held her in his arms, and lay face to face on his own body

This intimate posture, will not feel shy, as if so used to it She saw him close his eyes slightly and quietly stretch out his hand to creak him. He immediately laughed. The two giggled and made a mess

Push open the window, the snow has not stopped, wrapped in the cold wind, and kept drifting into the house Everyone knew that his husband and wife were newly married. They were affectionate, greeted each other, and said hello to each other. Zhang Xian took the children to play. Yu Peng and Wang GUI were responsible for everything in the army, and the arrangement was in good order

It's almost lunch. It's with breakfast

Yue Peng stood in front of the window for a moment, hurriedly closed the window, looked back, and saw the flowers melt through the thick cotton padded clothes, busy in the room

"Sister seventeen, what is this?"

She smiled mysteriously and raised her head: "red clay stove, want to drink a cup?"

Yue Peng walked over and saw several kinds of tea and a copper pot she had found on the table

"Making tea again?"

"No, cook wine today."

Cooking wine and sweeping away snow was originally a pleasure in prosperous times. Now, in such a troubled time, I have a half day's leisure. Even if I have a military career, I still feel a sense of separation

Originally, the ends of the earth, there is a woman around, naturally become a home

He sat down beside her. "Do you want me to help you?"

"Yes, show me the fire."


She flipped her hands, took the wine pot and warmed it, and then added a new year's glutinous rice wine and tangerine peel, as well as some flower petals collected at midnight These things are easy to find. There were plenty of them in the dried fruits of our wedding last night

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