One Night Bride

Chapter 151

She laughed, "Jin Wushu, haven't you used up the candles you grabbed?"

Jin Wushu moved the candlestick a little, took two jade bowls and poured wine, understated: "Hua Rong, you are really not a pleasant woman! No, you are not only unpleasant, but also an annoying woman."

She sneered

He continued to add: "yes, that's it. Women who laugh like this are really annoying."

Hua Rong took up the wine bowl and drank it all at once, suddenly saying, "what is the intention of the eldest prince to detain Lord Yuwen and his party?"

When she spoke like this, it was more normal. Jin Wushu took up the wine bowl, took a sip, put it down, and suddenly stretched out his hand and wiped her face vigorously for a moment

Hua Rong angrily said, "what are you doing?"

"I don't like your dress."

She wore the tight fitting clothes of the golden man. The yellow juice disguised on her face had not been completely washed away, and her skin was also yellow and dark, with only a pair of eyes - bright eyes

She said angrily, "what are you doing?"

"Wash your face and I'll tell you."

She took another sip of wine and said nothing. Then she put the bowl aside and murmured, "sleepy, go to rest."

Jin Wushu grabbed her, took a box out of his arms, and opened it

The first thing that comes into sight is red

It is completely different from the red you usually see

It was a glittering and brilliant red. It turned out to be a lotus shaped flower, lying in an ice covered box, as bright as if it had just been picked

"This is the first golden lotus in full bloom in the kingdom of Jin. I brought it back from Shangjing. Do you like it?"

Hua Rong could hardly speak

After a while, he laughed: "Jin Wushu, maybe you don't know, I've never been interested in any flowers."

"Hua Rong..."

"Call me Mrs. Yue! Even if I become a prisoner of the Jin state like Lord Yuwen, I am still an envoy of the Song Dynasty and the wife of Yue Pengju, a famous general of the Song Dynasty!"

This "Mrs. Yue" sound was like an angry poison. He also suddenly became angry. With one palm, he swept the box on the table to the ground. The Golden Lotus turned upside down and was pressed by the ice in the box. The petals immediately rained and turned red, which was terrible

Hua Rong stood up and looked at him coldly

He also stared at her angrily. At this time, his wild eyes, with the ferocity and wildness of a wolf, were in sharp contrast to the Dongpo scarf on his head

Hate hate, the eyes hurt, originally, when you hate a person violently, the eyes almost fall down in general pain

He suddenly laughed and stretched out his hand to block her way to the room

"Bring it..."


"The gift you gave me!"

Hua Rong thought of "Su Dongpo" and "Wang Anshi" who had been trampled on by him. He felt that this person was moody and perverse, but he had to turn around and take out the box from his luggage

He took it, happily patted a group of mud prints on "Sudongpo", opened a page and said loudly, "Hua Rong, which word of Sudongpo do you like best?"

The flower dissolved completely speechless I came to the kingdom of Jin to negotiate, not to popularize the bachelor degree of Su University and do cultural exchanges

He was even more excited. His anger just now could not be seen at all. He waved: "come and read this book with me for a night, and I will tell you how to get your empress dowager Wei out."

Hua Rong sat down opposite him with patience

The night is already very deep, leaving only the chirping of various spring insects outside the window, which adds more silence

Jin Wushu gently closed the book, raised her head, and saw that she had leaned against the back of the wide chair, closed her eyes, and fell asleep

He poked the fire in front of him with his hand to make it more vigorous, lying on the wide carpet on the spot and resting his head on his hand

The carpet under him was also brought back from the great song dynasty. It was a tribute from Persia to the great song dynasty at the beginning, or maybe it was brought back from Persia by the merchant ships of the great song dynasty

The candles dimmed and went out one by one. In the end, the faint fragrance disappeared

There were only eight smoke-free incense candles brought back from the state of song. He rushed back this night and couldn't wait to bring them here to light them, as if it were a memorial to a certain mood

After the candle burns, will the fragrance never be seen again?

In the dark night, he could even hear her faint breath, with the faint fragrance of wild roses

Better not to see than to meet

After many times, why do you always meet again when you least expect it?

He is so angry that he can't even forget?

Not even the enemy?

After wandering around and meeting again, what should I do?

Just, I can face it

It's always good to be able to face it

The heart is happy, as if it is the calm of the winner - mouse, mouse takes the initiative to visit the cat, is that right?

He laughed, in the dark, hehe, as if life was a great joy, but this happy mood was erratic, too complex, and he didn't know how to describe it clearly

He didn't think about it, but stretched out his hand and picked up the Golden Lotus lying on the ground. The ice melted, and the ground had been dried by the fire, but the residual red flower was still intact, placed in the box, like a red specimen. Slowly, when its juice and vitality disappeared, it could achieve an eternity

An eternity that never decays!

He looked at the woman on the opposite chair. In the dark night, everything was so quiet, as if he had experienced peace for the first time, which was far more profound than what he could experience day and night in the golden camp of Liujia temple

Suddenly, I felt sad but happy. I put my head on my arm and slowly fell asleep

There was a thumping knock at the door. It was extremely expensive. Hua Rong suddenly woke up and immediately got up. Jin Wushu also woke up. As soon as the maid opened the door, two men had rushed in. Zhang Xian's eager voice: "Mrs. Yue..."

At this time, it was already daybreak. Zhang Xian and Liu Qi saw Jin Wushu and flowers dissolved in the same room. Seeing that they were dressed neatly and looked tired, Fang was relieved and just looked at Jin Wushu warily

Hua Rong was overjoyed, and her heart finally relaxed

Zhang Xian had something to say, but how could he go on when he saw Jin Wushu?

Hua Rong spoke first and calmly said, "Jin Wushu, thank you."

Jin Wushu laughed coldly, "Hua Rong, I once reminded you that the crown prince will drive these two slaves away when he hears' madam Yue 'again..."

Zhang Xian was furious: "the fourth prince, the hatred of seizing his wife and killing his father, is a big taboo of our Han people! Why are you so mean and covetous about other people's wives?"

Jin Wushu was proud of himself. However, Zhang Xian broke his heart with a mouthful of wine and woke up to the Han suit he had changed to please close Hua Rong He blushed and angrily said, "damn slave, who will allow you to talk more?"

Zhang Xian was neither humble nor arrogant, and said coldly, "I am not a slave, but the season of the great song dynasty mission!"

Even if he is detained, he is also an envoy

This tattered guy's tone is also consistent with Hua Rong. If he is worthy of being her personal bodyguard

Jin Wushu didn't get angry but laughed: "well, this prince wants to see how you can be your envoy under the eldest prince..."

After all, people have to bow their heads under the eaves. They come to negotiate, not to fight Moreover, if you really leave this place, you and others will be caught by Zonghan immediately If you are caught by Zonghan, you really can't survive or die It is better to compromise here than to be humiliated by Zonghan

Hua Rong sighed darkly, winked, and Zhang Xian retreated

Jin Wushu was still angry. Hua Rong glanced at him and said in a warm voice, "I still have a Sima Guang handwriting. Do you want it?"

Jin Wushu stared at her, but she unexpectedly said such words at this time

He wanted to laugh in his heart, and suddenly became angry: "no, no! Hua Rong, you want to buy me like zahe? You are like this. You hate me to death in your heart, but you buy me again! Hua Rong, how much money did you give zahe to work for you?"


His eyes became sharp, thinking of the kind of smile, the kind of eyes that treat the queen, anger gushed in his heart: "Hua Rong, you say, what do you want to do with Zha? You dare to use my golden man..."

Hua Rong was so excited by his tone that he even forgot to "endure humiliation" and said coldly, "what if I use him?"

He almost screamed, "vicious woman, do you admit to using him?"

"Yes, he is willing. That's it. Your golden man is willing to be used by me. How are you doing?"

He pushed forward, and she stood still

His hand almost pointed to her forehead: "bad woman, I warn you, don't try to make waves on my golden land!"

"Bad? I'm also bad? I use him and at least pay back the silver. What about you? In the state of song, you directly burn all, kill all, rob all..."

Jin Wushu gasped heavily

"Hua Rong, don't think I don't know! You hope Zha he married queen Xing and won't let Zhao Deji, a shrinking turtle, wear a green hat..."

Hua Rong burst into laughter

Jin Wushu was stunned by her smile and said, "what are you laughing at?"

She was laughing, but there was no smile in her laughter, The voice was cold: "Jin Wushu, you should know! How many men will care about their humiliated wife? What torture does queen Xing suffer in the state of Jin? The emperor of the Song Dynasty has already had three palaces and six courtyards, how can he put her in his heart? The reason why I saved her is only to sympathize with her and hope that she will suffer a little pain? Do you really think that she still has a chance to return to the state of song to be queen? Who emperor do you think will be so affectionate?"

Jin Wushu was tongue tied and could not answer at all

After a while, he reluctantly said, "then why do you call Zhaha to help you work hard?"

"He will!"

He will! Because he is willing!

Just like myself, wearing Chinese clothes, came here just to please her, and was ridiculed by her bodyguards

In my life, have I ever experienced such bird spirit? Why should I please this damned woman? What's so great about her?

He was ashamed and angry, and shouted, "han'er! What a damn cunning han'er! Hua Rong, you are as cunning as other han'ers. Come to my Dajin land, you should also use such means, and finally murder my Dajin people..."

Hua Rong was also angry: "what did I plot against you?"

"If you don't have anything to pay attention to, you'll steal if you don't!"

The flower was so breathless that she couldn't speak. Jin Wushu saw that her face was flushed and her long eyelashes hung in her eyes, covering the energetic face that rose in the morning

She was angry, and she was furious with herself

I'm very proud, and I don't know why it makes me so happy to see her angry

Hate or anger, always live like this, in order to feel real

He laughed and walked away

Walking to the door, he didn't forget to add loudly: "I want to drive out your two damn slaves and let them be caught by the eldest prince. Whether they are dead or alive has nothing to do with me. However, Queen Xing, I don't care if you like to save them or not."

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