One Night Bride

Chapter 167

Hua Rong waited until she could see clearly that it was Yelv Guanyin. She was so frightened that she didn't dare to see it again. Unexpectedly, Jin Wushu, a green hat, was well worn Suddenly, I remembered Wang Junhua, Qin Hui's wife. Rao couldn't help laughing in such a critical situation. It was really a turn of wind and water, and everyone wore green hats

After Yelv Guanyin left, they breathed a sigh of relief, and their embarrassment was soon covered up by the fear of fleeing Zha he saw that the sweat on her forehead was not dry, and hurriedly said, "brother, I'll get you something to eat..."

She shook her head, braced herself, sat up and opened the package There is also a bag of gold leaves inside, which were brought out from the diplomatic corps to bribe

"Zhaha, here you are..."

Zahe looked at the pile of yellow golden leaves in surprise and stammered, "brother, what are you doing?"

"I promise to buy you a house and marry a woman. However, I can't stay in Yanjing more, so I have to let you do these things by yourself. Zhaha, thank you..." this simple and inferior immortal, who once rescued herself twice, didn't hesitate to get hurt. Even if she left, she had to settle down with him

"Brother, I don't want it."

"Take it and buy some cattle and sheep. As long as you don't gamble in the future, you will have a good life."

Seeing her resolute attitude, zahe had no choice but to accept the golden leaves At this time, it was already bright, and the sun rose in the foreign sky, as if it was red with a hint of sadness

Hua Rong slowly stood up and said, "Zhaha, I'm leaving."

He hurriedly asked, "where are we going?"

"I'm leaving!"

He suddenly recognized that he was talking about "I", not "we"

"Brother, where are you going?"

"I have a friend waiting at the appointed place. Don't worry."

Seeing her calm expression, Zha he naturally didn't know that she was lying and said happily, "where is your friend waiting for you?"

Hua Rong casually said a place, and Zha he asked, "is it back to the state of song?"

She nodded, "yes, I can't stay here anymore, so I have to go back."

Zahe had nothing more to say. She had stood up and walked out slowly Zha he wanted to catch up, but when she glanced back, her eyes were full of determination. She didn't dare to follow up, but stood motionless at the door

The residence of the fourth prince

Decorated with lanterns and decorations, it was a lively day. It was a new day for the fourth Prince Jin Wushu to get married Naturally, the second wife he wants to marry is Yelv Guanyin

The new lady came to the door, brought a rich dowry, and was escorted by Lord Yelv himself to give the first beauty of the grassland to the fourth prince However, as soon as he arrived at the door, he immediately felt that the atmosphere was wrong. It was said that the fourth Prince and the eldest prince were fighting for power. He had not yet understood the situation. He could not bear the urging of Jin Wushu, so he had to send his daughter. However, at a glance, the famous bodyguard at the door of the fourth Prince's house in the past had disappeared, which was unbelievably deserted

Jin Wushu was dressed in a Nuzhen wedding dress. When he saw his father-in-law, he curtseyed and said Taishan. Lord Yelv nervously asked, "fourth prince, is this the residence?"

Jin Wushu laughed: "Taishan, to be honest, the crown prince has been relieved of his military power."

Lord Yelv slumped on the chair and opened his mouth: "fourth prince, are you kidding?"

Jin Wushu didn't smile. Looking around the deserted mansion, all the servants shuttled back and forth. In addition, there were few greeting guests

Lord Yelv immediately understood that the fourth prince was not kidding, but his daughter had been sent. What could he do? Could he take her away to repent on the spot?

Seeing that his face was getting worse and worse, Jin Wushu asked faintly, "Lord Yelv, are you going to repent?"

Lord Yelv had heard that Wu Shu was fierce for a long time, but when he saw his words like this, his eyes showed a fierce light. He couldn't help leaning back quickly and almost overturned his chair. After all, he was a subjugated minister. He was as timid as a mouse and hurried to say, "no, I dare not."

"That's good. Today, when I marry your daughter, I need to reward you with 1000 gold, 100 good horses and 500 raw silk."

Lord Yelv was overjoyed to hear such a generous reward, and immediately thanked Jin Wushu Jin Wushu waved his hand, and he retreated wisely. Outside the door, Yelv Guanyin was also full of joy, served by the maids, and began the preparation for marriage

Jin Wushu took his wine glass and was pouring himself. Footsteps came from the door. Soon, a group of heavily armored soldiers rushed in, led by Zonghan, who was iron faced

Jin Wushu laughed: "eldest prince, are you here to congratulate me?"

Zonghan looked around and sneered, "Wu Shu, do you still have leisure to get married?"

"What? The prince is under house arrest here and cannot go out. Even his adult relatives are not allowed? Was it the order of the wolf Lord?"

Zonghan was furious and threw out a heavy armor in his hand: "Wu Shu, what is this?"

"Oh?" Jin Wushu glanced at the armor lightly: "what does this have to do with me?"

"Look, there is a yellow line below. This is the clothing of your soldiers! Last night, you broke into your mansion and killed people and set fire; Wu Shu, are you going to turn it upside down?"

Jin Wushu coldly threw down his glass: "my family has no right to mobilize the army. How can I fight in your mansion? Eldest prince, don't deceive others too much..."

When Zonghan saw the irrefutable evidence, he still denied it and flew into a rage Last night, his mansion was attacked successively by two men and horses. Not only Zhang Xian, Liu Qi and others were abducted, but also more than 1000 first-class war horses in Waizhai were burned by a fire, and most of the rest were burned to death In his own territory, he had never been attacked by outsiders. He checked the clothes of the dead and immediately determined that he was a subordinate of Jin Wushu Moreover, Jin Wushu married at this time, which was obviously a prevarication

Nuzhen's marriage custom is different from that of the Southern Dynasty, and the bride also takes her seat generously Although Yelv Guanyin was unwilling, as soon as she entered the fourth Prince's mansion, she still pretended to be the hostess. In addition, her sister was one of Zonghan's maidens. She knew Zonghan well, so she brought a bowl of wine and comforted him in a warm voice: "the eldest prince calm down and have something to talk to the fourth Prince slowly. Is there any misunderstanding..."

Zong Han lifted her hand, knocked her wine bowl over to the ground, jumped forward and grabbed the collar of Jin Wushu: "Wushu, are you going to reverse..."

Jin Wushu flew into a rage, slapped him, and the guards on both sides drew their swords, and immediately wanted to fight against each other

At this time, a bodyguard suddenly came forward and whispered a few words in his ear. Zonghan glared at Jin Wushu viciously, and suddenly laughed three times, "well, Wushu, you'll live at home with your wife and concubine in your arms, and don't step out of the door again!"

With that, he turned and left

Jin Wushu also angrily turned back and sat down, feeling very strange. Last night, although he sent bodyguards, he was only following Hua Rong, and who was the one who went to Zonghan mansion? He immediately thought of "Wu Shu Huo Wang Ba". Almost everything of these things is related to Zonghan. Does Zonghan really want to eradicate himself immediately by doing so many tricks?

However, this bitter meat trick is also used too much, isn't it?

Wu Qimai hurried up and attached it to his ear: "fourth prince, Miss Hua Rong escaped... The villain estimated that she absconded to the state of song."

"Well, it's okay if she leaves."

The luncheon has begun. A maid delivering the dishes brings a plate of fried fruits, which are called golden rings. It is Princess Tianwei who brings the plate

Yelv Guanyin didn't want to marry, but once she married, she was vicious and would never allow herself to be bullied among her wives and concubines, so she immediately summoned a group of concubines to lecture In order to show her powerful authority at home, all concubines were ordered to serve today's feast

Naturally, Tian Wei was also in the line. She brought a plate of tea fruits in front of Jin Wushu and was about to retreat, but she whispered, "fourth prince, this is a gift from Mrs. Yue..."

This "Mrs. Yue" sounded in his ears, and he was almost impressed. In a blink of an eye, he saw two things wrapped in red silk covered on the huge tea fruit plate

He brushed off the tea fruit, picked up something, opened the silk and saw two books: the two volumes of Sima Guang and Wang Anshi This is also the wedding gift that Hua Rong promised to give himself when he came to the Golden State Turning to the first page, I saw a beautiful line of small characters written on it: the fourth prince, plead to be kind to Princess Tianwei

He sneered, Hua Rong, you are really affectionate and righteous Holding a book, she trembled in her heart and looked up to one side. She was commanding the busy Yelv Guanyin, who was acting like something serious. At this time, she was not as cautious as when she first came to the mansion, but took out the whole look of a hostess, bossed around, with the truth of a Khitan accent, hidden a needle in cotton, and did not allow any concubines to violate anything

In a blink of an eye, Yelv Guanyin suddenly found the red silk bag in his hand, and then looked at Tianwei who had just retired. She was furious: "Tianwei, stop!"

Tian Wei stopped in horror, and Jin Wushu was still turning the book expressionless

Yelv Guanyin fingered Qian Qian, almost pointing to Tian Wei's face: "little bitch, how can you seduce the fourth prince?" Then, I heard a slap, and a slap had fallen heavily on Tian Wei's face

Tian Wei covered her face with tears, but she didn't dare to cry. Even the other concubines were stunned. She didn't expect the second lady to be so vicious

Jin Wushu was also stunned. He had never seen a woman dare to be so arrogant in front of him in his life And it's the woman who just got married on the first day!

He stood up slowly: "Yelv Guanyin..."

He just opened his mouth, and his words had been interrupted. Yelv Guanyin's voice was sharp and sharp: "the fourth prince, the battlefield outside and the politics of the kingdom of Jin are the places where you can show your hands and feet. The big husband should not interfere with these trivial things. Since the slave is allowed to marry you and do household chores, he naturally has the right to decide. According to the custom of Nvzhen, the male is in charge of the outside, the female is in charge of the inside. In the future, the family affairs will be left to me, and the fourth Prince doesn't need to worry about it anymore..."


Jin Wushu sat down dejectedly, completely speechless, and then he knew what the real Tigress looked like

He raised his eyes to Tianwei, who was shrinking to one side and crying, and slowly said, "Tianwei, please step back, and then take care of the young master with the nanny, and only obey the prince's orders..."

Tianwei was overjoyed and hurried back Yelv Guanyin was about to give her female power again, but she saw Jin Wushu's eyes slowly floating. In her eyes, it was that kind of wolf like ferocity. Rao was determined to establish the dignity of the hostess as soon as she came. She didn't dare to say any more. She saw that Jin Wushu had wrapped the two books in red silk, slowly put them in her arms, and got up and walked to the study

Yelv Guanyin sneered and subconsciously touched her stomach. The hostess's first step, Liwei, was completed. After that, her children could win a place in the mansion

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