One Night Bride

Chapter 177

Over the years, under the guidance of the old pirate uncle Yang, he has quite recognized some words, and casually opened a song, a look, simple Jiang - Cheng - Zi - these three words are recognized. Next read:

Ten years of life and death are endless. If you don't think about it, you'll never forget it

Thousands of miles of solitary graves, nowhere to talk about desolation

Even if you don't know each other, your face is covered with dust and your temples are like frost

Night dreams suddenly return home, small porch window, is dressing up

Without words, there are only a thousand lines of tears

It is expected that every year, the intestines are broken, the moon is bright, and the pines are short

Even if he didn't understand the meaning of this word, he suddenly felt a kind of inexplicable great sadness, especially the sentence "thousands of miles of solitary graves, nowhere to talk desolate", his hand shook, and the book fell to the ground

If the girl dies, isn't she a thousand miles away from her grave? It's even difficult to burn paper money for her?

Did Su Dongpo's wife also die in a foreign country? But no, Su Dongpo has never been to the Jin or Liao countries? In his time, the great song dynasty was at the peak of prosperity

Originally, I decided to send her back to Yue Pengju as soon as Hua Rong got better. I immediately gave up the idea, and just hugged her tightly, with tears falling like rain: "girl, don't die, if you die, I will never let Yue Pengju see you for the last time..."

There was a knock on the door, but there was no answer. The man outside directly opened the door, and it was the man who led the witch doctor in

Han'er was certainly surprised when he saw a man crying like this. Even the witch doctor with green eyes was a little surprised. He glanced at King Qin and muttered something similar to a spell in his mouth

King Qin put down the flower solution, and the witch doctor slowly came over. His eyes suddenly flashed a little compassionate, and he pulled down his hand King Qin was surprised and was about to struggle, but he saw the witch doctor catch his arm, which was cut by him when he went out to rob the other day

The witch doctor took a flower of terrible color, crumpled it, and put it on his shoulder, emitting an extremely strange and terrible smell King Qin was almost vomited and was about to get angry, but he felt a chill in the wound. For a moment, the witch doctor had let go of him and walked towards Huarong

King Qin hurried to the side and saw the witch doctor pick up Hua Rong's hand to have a look. King Qin was afraid that he would take out the extremely strange Golden Snake again. This time, he saw that he was just sitting quietly, holding Hua Rong's hand. In a moment, Hua Rong's head emitted thin white smoke King Qin couldn't understand what this spell was. He was about to ask, but he saw that han'er hurriedly waved his hand, which meant that he should not disturb the witch doctor. This would distract the witch doctor's "spirit"

After a while, the witch doctor stood up, and he himself was sweating

King Qin quickly handed a bag of gold, but the witch doctor waved his hand and suddenly said, "I don't want gold! Please give me your Millennium ginseng!"

His words were not Liao language, but very stiff Chinese, not the popular Chinese in the north, but a very remote local language in the south

King Qin was just born in that place. He was used to this local language since childhood. When he grew up, he traveled far and wide. In order to facilitate communication, he gradually abandoned this local language At this time, King Qin heard it clearly, was surprised, and hurriedly asked, "how did you know I had Millennium ginseng?"

"I smell ginseng gas on you."

This demon! King Qin did hold the ginseng twice In this way, he can smell it?

"But even if I have ginseng, I have to save my wife first."

"Ginseng is useless to your wife. You must use Ganoderma lucidum. You need to send ginseng to me for a year, and you must send it."

King Qin grabbed him and said, "will my wife get better? If she gets better, it doesn't hurt to send you. But if she doesn't get better, I won't send you even if I throw it into the sea!"

"I can't die anyway!"

King Qin stared at his green eyes and felt a strange demon, slowly letting go of his collar

The witch doctor smiled. When he smiled, he was also very strange. Only the skin on his face was lifting, and he didn't smile anywhere else. It looked infinitely strange He turned and left

Because their dialogue was very fast, and they were in that remote dialect, the general translator couldn't understand it, so he was surprised to find that the witch doctor didn't want a reward

Seeing that he hesitated to stay behind, King Qin immediately took out two gold ingots and gave them to him The reward this time was ten times more generous for the first time. The general translator was very happy to make such a fortune. He received gold, increased it with hands, and thanked repeatedly. When he went out, he didn't know when it was raining like pouring rain. In the rain curtain all over the sky, the witch doctor had already gone without a trace

King Qin hurried to close the door, thinking that the witch doctor was really miraculous, but when he looked back, he saw Hua Rong still lying quietly, his eyes closed, and a foot still exposed outside

With a sigh, he walked over and pulled a thin blanket to cover her feet, but he saw that her originally glittering legs were also thin and no longer beautiful

He sat beside her and pulled away her messy hair with his big hand. This long coma was really a great torture for him. He only hated: "ugly girl, wake up... You look so ugly now. If you don't wake up again, you will really become a thoroughly ugly girl..."

As soon as he said this, it was even more a shiver. Would the girl lie like this until she really turned into a skin and withered completely?

At this moment, I really want to pick out my blood and feed it to her mouth, flowing on her, so that she can stand up alive, even if she runs away without a trace again

He got up slowly and walked to the window to see the rain curtain in a foreign country. This heavy rain came overwhelming, and there was no sign of stopping for a moment or three This made him even more upset

A strange intuition, he suddenly turned back, and saw Hua Rong open his eyes and look at himself confused

He stepped over two steps happily and held her hand tightly: "girl, are you awake?"

Hua Rong's eyes were very scattered, as if he couldn't recognize who he was

He reached out and touched her forehead, and immediately found that her forehead was no longer hot Then reach out from her skirt and touch her chest. The chest is also normal temperature and heat, and it is no longer hot

The high fever subsided, leaving only internal injuries. It was always better to treat it. He was overjoyed: "that witch doctor is really good at it."

Hua Rong didn't seem to understand what he was talking about, and she didn't seem to know anything. Her confused eyes didn't know where she was looking

King Qin soon noticed something wrong with her. He was surprised, sat down and slowly picked her up: "girl, what's the matter with you?"

She didn't speak, but looked at King Qin in a daze, as if she didn't know him at all

Did the girl burn her brain? King Qin was even more worried: "girl, what are you talking about?"

She suddenly opened her mouth, tears fell from her already dry eyes, and her voice was as weak as a mosquito's cry: "Peng Ju... I want to see Peng Ju..."

King Qin was overjoyed, and he didn't care what she said. As long as he could speak, it was a good thing


"Peng Ju, I want to go back... I want to see Peng Ju..."

She kept crying and repeating only this sentence Having experienced too much life and death, I seem to know that only one person is safe in the world. Only when I get close to him, I will be safe and will never be hurt again

"Peng Ju... Wu Wu..."

She said and cried again and again, repeating those words repeatedly. Her brain was very numb, and her whole body was in pain as long as she opened her eyes, especially when her tears came down, it was like stimulating those painful nerves, as if they were going to break

"Girl, good, good. When you get better, I'll take you back. I'll take you back. Don't cry... Girl, don't cry..."

He reached out and wiped away her tears. She really stopped crying, slowly closed her eyes and slept again

This time, she was no longer in a coma. At dusk, she opened her eyes again, looked at everything curiously, and looked at the window. King Qin was sitting on a strange chair, pounding something

"Qin Shangcheng..."

King Qin raised his head and his eyes shone, "girl, do you call me?"

She nodded, and her face slowly turned surprised, "where is this?"

He realized that she was really awake The girl is awake

He happily threw down the hammer that smashed Ganoderma lucidum in his hand, walked over a few steps, saw that she was struggling to sit up by herself, and hurriedly helped her Her head rested on his chest, and between her eyebrows and eyes, she looked very gentle, as if she remembered that when she was chased by the Jin army and was desperate, she met King Qin

Is that so? Did he rescue him again?

"Hehe, Qin Shangcheng, thank you... Save me again..."

He turned his head, his voice hoarse: "girl... Not..."

She looked at him in surprise. King Qin, is this king Qin? Unexpectedly, I shed tears in front of myself He choked and couldn't speak, but she was happy. She came all the way to a foreign country and met familiar and reliable people. She only said softly, "what's the matter with you?"

"Girl, it's all my fault. I'm sorry for you..."

She stretched out her hand and covered his mouth He pressed her hand tightly to his mouth, and the hot tears trickled on the back of her hand

"Hehe, Qin Shangcheng, have you taken care of me for a long time? Thank you..."

"Girl, I will cure you. No matter what, I will cure you completely."

"Thank you."

He thought to himself, girl, did she forget who hurt her? If you know, why not mention it? Is the emperor so kind that she really forgot such a terrible scene?

"Zhang Xian, Liu Qi, where are they?"

"They all went back safely... And Yue Pengju, he also went back safely..." she didn't ask, but he took the initiative to tell her, in a hurry, as if to make up for something

She smiled: "when shall we go back?"

He was stunned and couldn't answer

Only looking at her heart, where the damaged viscera, before effective treatment, how dare you rush for a long distance?

"Qin Shangcheng..."

As she said these words, her voice gradually weakened, and a burst of purple appeared on her face Qin Shangcheng hurriedly held her on her back and lay down: "girl, don't talk. When you are better, I'll take you back. Don't worry, OK? This is a small town in the Liao Dynasty. There are many herbs and people, and it's easy to hide. When you are better, it's better... I'll send you back right away, OK?"

She stared into his eyes, showing a very soft light, smiled, and then closed her eyes

Qin Shangcheng was stunned and couldn't make a sound

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