One Night Bride

Chapter 195

It turned out that Ma Su was also very anxious. The gold and silver they brought had already consumed most of them because they bribed the wolf master's medical officer and opened up various human relations. Now they have arrived at the fourth Prince's mansion. Although it is not as strict as the Imperial Palace, they still have to bribe those from the housekeeper to the servant to get through the joints Therefore, the gold and silver on their bodies have reached the end of the mountain, and Shangjing is not as good as Yanjing. Before Ganoderma lucidum came, they didn't dare to rob on a large scale for fear of revealing their identity Money can make the devil push the mill, and five money can't defeat the hero. Even if it's a clever, eight faced Ma Su, who is proficient in the scenery and human relations of the kingdom of Jin, he can't stay for a long time without money

King Qin naturally ignored these. When he heard that he was ready to act, he immediately took the map and looked at it, which made him happy The "mansion" of the fourth Prince is not a "mansion" at all, and it has little complex design. It is not even as complex as the manor of the General Han big landlord. It is also the reason why Nvzhen was founded soon and it is also a nomadic nation

In order to avoid being missed by many people, he only brought Ma Su, leaving Liu Wu and Zha he to meet him. They took advantage of the dark wind at night and rushed directly to the fourth Prince's mansion that night

This night, neither Jin Wushu nor Yelv Guanyin were present Jin Wushu was invited by pruhu to plot a drink and has not returned for two days. Yelv Guanyin went to another banquet for a real lady and will not return until the next day

King Qin and others rushed in according to the address and caught a maid of Yelv Guanyin. After some questioning, the maid couldn't say at all, but Ganoderma lucidum was hidden there Yelv Avalokitesvara was very thoughtful. She was afraid that the rumors of her pregnancy before her marriage would leak. The daily maid service was carefully selected. The only two confidants, others, could not know about her at all

At that moment, masu and King Qin began to turn Yelv Guanyin's room into a mess, but they couldn't even see the shadow of Ganoderma lucidum Although the fourth Prince's mansion is not very large, it is obviously not feasible to search for this Ganoderma lucidum by oneself in a room full of houses The two stunned several maidens, and quietly lurked into the fourth Prince's study for a while, but they were still nowhere to go

Lu Wenlong has been ill for three or two days and is not well. Jin Wushu talks outside these days and even stays out all night The nurse hid a handful of herbs, but Yelv Guanyin stared at her every day, and she didn't dare to fry her child

On this day, she saw that the little childe was dangerous and distressed. She could no longer care about the female power of Yelv Guanyin. While she was out to dinner, she quietly fried the herbs by herself, mixed them in rice porridge and fed them to the child

Feeding a bowl, only to hear the two guards outside, calm automatically, fell down She screamed, and before she could export, she was strangled by a man with a knife, using the truth: "if you dare to make a noise, you will die..."

When the nurse saw that it was a Nuzhen man who broke in, she was very afraid. She thought it was Yelv Guanyin who sent someone to assassinate her. She was so scared that she trembled and begged for mercy: "please forgive me, please forgive me..."

After drinking a bowl of porridge, the child who barely woke up suddenly sat up and shouted, "nanny, nanny... Dad..."

Ma Su with a knife couldn't help but be surprised that the child spoke Chinese He grabbed the nurse's wrist and couldn't help but relax his strength. King Qin, who was in the dark outside the door, was also surprised. He quietly flashed out and saw the child's appearance of four or five years old. Suddenly he sat up and shouted, "Dad, Dad..."

King Qin hugged him and asked the nurse, "is this the son of the fourth prince?"

The nurse nodded desperately, unable to speak

The fourth Prince is artful and speaks Chinese fluently. It is not uncommon for his son to speak Chinese King Qin unexpectedly met Jin Wushu's son at the door. He was overjoyed and immediately hugged the child. The child was dizzy and had already slept, but he didn't make any noise. King Qin picked it up and left, but the nurse knelt down and cried, "the young master has already been ill, sir, please forgive him..."

ill? No wonder it's so hot

King Qin glanced at Ma su. Ma Su motioned and immediately coerced the nurse: "follow us obediently. If you dare to make a noise, you will be killed immediately."

Everyone turned over from the female wall. The nurse was a southern woman. How could she have such skills? King Qin grabbed her and threw her down. The nurse fell to the ground and almost fainted. When she woke up, she said Chinese King Qin is very strange. How can the son and nurse of Jin Wushu speak Chinese?

He didn't have time to ask more, so he immediately took them to the secluded hut that had already been prepared

There was a candle burning in the room, and the nurse had already fallen head broken and bleeding. Seeing these evil spirits, she immediately knelt down on the ground and immediately said, "gentlemen, spare your life..."

This sentence is already completely in Chinese

King Qin said, "who are you waiting for in the fourth Prince's mansion?"

He also spoke authentic Chinese. The nurse was surprised, looked up at him, and first asked, "hero, are you a Han? Slave is also a Han... It was during the great disaster of Jingkang that the kingdom of Jin fell..."

King Qin ignored her and said sternly, "this child is the son of the fourth prince?"

The nurse kowtowed and cried, "yes, it's the son of the fourth Prince... The old man is his nurse..."

Ma Su saw that she was afraid, and heard that she was only one of the song captives, just the servant of the fourth prince, so she slowed down her voice: "don't be afraid, your family won't kill you, just take this child, and want to exchange something for the fourth Prince..."

As he said, he reached out and took a string of beads from the hat the child was wearing. After a close look, he found that the child was not badly dressed, and it was completely the dress of a noble girl

The nurse heard that this group of people were going to kidnap and blackmail, and her face was so shocked that she only kowtowed: "gentlemen, spare the young master. The young master is already very poor, and he can't be cured if he is ill..."

"What is the fourth Prince doing, Bizhi's own son?"

"I don't know. The fourth Prince newly married Mrs. Yelv and regarded the child as a thorn in the side. I wish he would die early. How can he be cured?"

King Qin angrily said, "how dare that fellow * * be so vicious?"

"She is domineering in the mansion every day, and her family has broken the bones and blood of the fourth Prince again, so the fourth Prince is obedient to her. Pity me, this little childe, my biological mother died early, and if she is in the fourth Prince's mansion, sooner or later, she will be killed by Mrs. Yelv..."

King Qin smiled: "the bones and blood of the fourth prince? The dead turtle of Jin Wushu, hahaha..."

He immediately realized that the golden Wushu was deceived by Yelv Guanyin. This thought is really more proud than his own trick. Hahaha, seeing that the green hat of golden Wushu is really beautiful, he might as well wear it for a few more days

Seeing that these people were all in the disguise of Han people, the nurse moved her heart and wanted to hold the young master's life, so she said, "spare your life, sir, this child is not actually the son of the fourth Prince..."


"This is the bone and blood of Lord Lu landing in the Southern Dynasty..."

King Qin and Ma Su couldn't help looking at each other

Lu Deng and his wife committed suicide and died for their country, which is famous all over the world, especially Lu Deng's wife, who was honored by the fourth Prince for her chastity and martyrdom. He also heard of those days when he was looking for flowers to dissolve and ran all over the world

King Qin was half convinced. He couldn't help glancing at the child on the bed and at the nurse: "is this serious?"


King Qin reached out to shake up the child on the bed and suddenly shouted, "Lu Wenlong..."

The little boy answered Then he rubbed his misty eyes and was not afraid of him. He just asked, "where's dad? Where's dad?"

King Qin angrily said, "who is your father? You are a thief..."

When the nurse saw that King Qin was angry, she quickly knelt down: "uncle, calm down. The child doesn't know anything."

"How is Jin Wushu treating you?"

"Since the fourth prince came to the kingdom of gold with the fourth prince, the fourth Prince treated the child as if he were his own, but after Mrs. Yelv came to the door, she deceived her superiors and subordinates, and was spoiled by the fourth prince, so she often bullied the child, and could not be cured if she was ill... As long as she was in one day, the little boy would not have a good life. If she soon gave birth to the blood of the fourth prince, the little boy would be even more..." she couldn't cry and couldn't say any more. "

King Qin angrily said, "Yelv Guanyin, this bitch, is better to punish her..."

Seeing that this group of people were not like heinous people, the nurse immediately boldly said, "uncle, please don't hurt the young master..."

"Who is impatient to kill you little boy? Just stay here and ask the fourth Prince for one thing. As soon as the fourth Prince arrives, he will send you back... Well, go and get some medicine to serve your little childe..."


The nurse was overjoyed and hurriedly kowtowed her head to thank her

King Qin suddenly said, "well, if this child is really the son of Lord Lu landing, his family must try to keep you safe. If you dare to lie and deceive, and use a golden dog to make clever words and gestures, you will be killed..."

The nurse quickly knelt down: "I dare not lie."

After all, King Qin still couldn't believe it too much. However, seeing that the child was slightly better, he jumped out of bed, eyebrows and canthus, which was not half similar to Jin Wushu

Ma Su looked at it for a long time and said, "this child is handsome and not a real woman."

At this point, King Qin completely believed that he was really Lu Deng's son

Lu Wenlong's nurse was treated with medicinal juice in the porridge. She was very well. When she woke up and saw herself here, she was very surprised. He was not too shy. He pointed at King Qin with his small hand: "who are you, my father? I want to go home, and you send me home quickly..."

Qin Dawang smiled, "little boy, don't call me daddy or golden dog in the future..."

When the child saw that he called his father "golden dog", he flattened his mouth: "how dare you scold my father?" After that, he hit King Qin with one punch

King Qin grabbed his little fist and thought, this little rabbit is still facing the bird of Jin Wushu He never got along with children in his life, but when he saw that Lu Wenlong and Yu Xue were cute, he was caught and kept crying. He didn't know how to coax him. He had an idea and said, "little rabbit, I taught you to fight, don't cry..."

Lu Wenlong broke away from him, wiped his tears, and pouted: "I can also fight."


"My father taught me to ride and shoot arrows."

"Little thing, how dare you blow?"

Before King Qin finished speaking, the child hit him with a punch. King Qin didn't dodge, and laughed: "little rabbit, you know it's better to start first? Come on, you three legged cat, I'll teach you better..."

The child was naturally active. Hearing that King Qin wanted to teach himself Kung Fu, he said, "you are not as powerful as my father, who is the fourth Prince..."

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