One Night Bride

Chapter 201

After several days of autumn, a light rain finally fell

Autumn rain lingers, and the weather cools down at once It was even colder in the evening

Nothing happened in the countryside. Yue Pengju lit the lamp early and burned the Kang in the house

Hua Rong sat on the hot Kang and laughed, "Peng Ju, it's so warm so early. How can you spend winter?"

Yue Peng raised the food and replied, "I've prepared a lot of firewood, and I'm not afraid of winter."

On the small stove in the room, there was a pot. He stewed a pot of tiger meat himself. It had been stewed for two hours, emitting an extremely strong aroma

He lifted the lid and scooped a bowl. Hua Rong drank a mouthful of soup first: "hehe, it's really delicious."

Yue Peng was so happy that he was praised by his wife that he even ate three bowls

After cleaning up the dishes and chopsticks and taking down the pot, the two threw themselves together on the small table and played a kind of earth chess. Come and go, how lively it is Yue Peng was so excited that he simply came over from the opposite side and hugged his wife's shoulder: "you shouldn't play chess like this. If you change like this..."

Hua Rong pushed him: "how can you be like this? I'll do it myself."

As soon as she pushed, the two became a happy group. Yue Peng couldn't help raising his feelings, lowered his head, and kissed her lips His kiss was very intense, and Hua Rong accepted it meekly to respond actively. His voice was rustling, and his heart suddenly felt infinitely sad. Is it like this between himself and Peng Ju? Is that the only way?

For a while, she was buried in his arms, silent Looking up again, Yue Peng raised his eyes, bright and soft as a deep spring, as if he could shine a human shadow

She sighed, "Peng Ju, it's really hard for you to do this..."

However, he was in high spirits and could not see his depression at all: "don't worry, it will get better. Isn't it much better now? After a few days, it will get better..."

This is true. These days, those tigers, leopards, jackals and bears have suffered; Looking at the tiger skin in a room, Hua Rong sighed very much. She came from a poor family and never tasted "bear paws" or the like. Unexpectedly, after being injured, Yue Pengju hunted and was the best "mountain delicacies" every day: from expensive Ganoderma lucidum to tiger bones and bear paws, from unstable standing to walking as usual, her heart slowly changed from despair to hope, and subconsciously, she also thought she could get better

As long as he can get better, it is not in vain for Yue Pengju to pay these

I'm afraid that I won't get better. Who will accompany him in the future?

She stared at him. In such war years, it was very easy to have a man, vigorous and powerful, golden and iron horse. However, how many people can endure such hardship and loneliness if they want a determined and enterprising man to stay at home, accompany his wife, and don't care about the world?

Not only great sorrow and great joy are sacrifices; Who can understand the perseverance of persistence when the details last for a long time?

Yue Peng held her in a daze, hugged her and tickled her. She giggled and was about to speak, but she heard the knock of soldiers outside the door: "Mr. Yue, someone wants to see..."

Who will come so late?

Yue Pengju let go of his wife and got up to open the door. Hua Rong was also a little surprised and immediately sat up for fear of official business

As soon as the door opened, Yue Peng was stunned: "King Qin, is it you?"

King Qin, uh huh, rushed in, his voice trembling: "girl, are you better..."

Hua Rong was not very surprised to see him. In fact, she knew that King Qin would come back sooner or later Yue Peng looked at her, and she also looked at Yue Peng. The couple exchanged glances

Where did king Qin notice so much, he only looked at the people on the Kang in a daze. She had a tiger skin around her waist, and her pale face was reflected by the red light with a faint blush, a faint smoke eyebrow, full eyes, and a romantic attitude that was very sick and weak His heart was shocked, and he just called "girl" for a while, and he couldn't speak any more Only once, I secretly said in my heart, girl, how long can she live like this?

Is this Ganoderma lucidum really so effective?

For a long time, he has been holding great expectations for the Millennium Ganoderma lucidum, subconsciously fantasizing that as long as the Ganoderma lucidum is in hand, the girl will live as long as she takes it, and all diseases will be eliminated, and she will live forever However, he really got it and was trampled, but he never dared to hold such a huge illusion anymore

At this time, Yue Pengju was standing next to him, but when he saw that he was trembling all over. Yue Pengju had been on the battlefield for a long time. At a glance, he saw that King Qin had been severely injured in at least several places, and he sighed in his heart. He didn't know what this crazy man did so regardless of life and death

"King Qin..."

Hua Rong saw Yue Pengju call him, he shouldn't, even she also saw that King Qin was seriously injured, and hurriedly shouted, "Qin Shangcheng..."

King Qin just woke up like a dream, suddenly reached out and felt a box from his arms. When he opened it, his voice was a little hoarse: "girl, this is the Millennium Ganoderma lucidum of the old wolf master..."

Hua Rong looked at the pile of broken Ganoderma lucidum in surprise. Her eyes were hot, and she trembled and said, "qinshangcheng, you, you... Why bother?"

King Qin raised his hand and wiped the sweat on his forehead. Then he calmed down a little: "I went to Beijing and learned that Ganoderma lucidum was rewarded to Jin Wushu. Unfortunately, it was trampled by the bitch Yelv Guanyin... I don't know if it can be used..."

Yue Pengju stood in front of him. At this time, his heart was really mixed. He didn't know about the "Millennium Ganoderma lucidum" and didn't think that there was really a magic pill in the world that could cure all diseases However, seeing that King Qin went to Beijing to steal Ganoderma lucidum regardless of life and death, he suddenly bent down and bowed, "King Qin, thank you!"

King Qin and his longtime enemy are mortal enemies. At this moment, it is also mixed feelings to get his "thanks" He had already found out that Yue Pengju had resigned, and hunted animals here to cure his wife. When he entered the house, he saw all kinds of tiger and bear skins all over the house. Naturally, he saw that Yue Pengju's body was also full of large and small scars, which was obviously caused by hunting these beasts Because of this, Hua Rong can still sit on the Kang safely

It's not a waste of life for a girl to marry this person!

The two men looked at each other, and their hearts were very complicated. Yue Peng raised strong to suppress his excitement. He just took Ganoderma lucidum and went out, and immediately ordered the soldiers to go down and fry it

King Qin stood in front of Hua Rong for a moment, but he couldn't speak. Hua Rong also forgot to call him to go or greet him, and just stared at the unfinished residual chess

In fact, like Yue Pengju, Hua Rong doesn't expect that "Millennium Ganoderma lucidum" can really come back to life immediately, but it's only a little curative effect at most What my heart sighs is that King Qin's behavior, even a faint glimmer of hope, is also thousands of miles away, at all costs

Hate him! Nature!

However, in addition to this hate, it is a kind of unspeakable sadness and pain. In fact, it is not hate, but an extremely complex emotion

For a while, she suddenly saw the wound on his shoulder, as if running around, pulling the wound, blood seeped out, wet, and dried up, forming a black silt on his sleeve

She spoke softly and slowly, "Qin Shangcheng, come here..."

He was possessed. He really walked over, step by step, and stopped

Hua Rong reached out and took out a small box from the inside of the Kang, opened it, and there were some clean cloth strips and wound ointment inside These days, Yue Pengju fought with beasts and was often injured. Whenever he came back, she would personally apply medicine and wrap him

She said softly, "sit down."

King Qin really sat down immediately

She rolled up his sleeve and saw that his arm was swollen and shiny black With a knife, she simply cut the big sleeve, took a wet cloth, gently wiped it clean for him, slowly smeared the wound medicine for him, and then wrapped the cloth layer by layer

In King Qin's mind, there was another picture It was on the island many years ago. At that time, he was defeated for the first time and returned from injury. She was scared out of her wits. Thinking that she would take it out on her, she hid under the banana tree and refused to show up He hurt his back, and it was inconvenient for him to smear it, so he called her "girl, come and help me." Although she was afraid, she had to come

The scene over the years was so clear, her hands wrapped around her body so gently, stroked her from the heart, that is, from then on, he had the idea of marrying her - just because of that gentle touch!

Years later, this feeling came back again, but it was the last touch of tenderness before farewell

He is also injured in the back

Her hand suddenly picked up his clothes. He was stunned, took off his clothes, and was naked in front of her Her hand stroked all the wounds on his body, smeared the wound medicine, and wrapped the wound

His gentle hand turned into a frenzied torture. He was short of breath and wanted to stand up, but he couldn't lift his courage, as if a voice in the bottom of his heart was telling him:

This time!

Only this last brief gentleness!

On one side is the comfort of a heavenly soul

One side is the emotional suffering of purgatory

King Qin sat upright, motionless, stiff as a huge stone

Finally, her gentle hand slowly left. In fact, it was a short moment, but king Qin felt that his life had been so long!

These feelings are unprecedented in life!

In the future, there will be no more

Her soft voice: "OK."

He did not move

She added, "Qin Shangcheng, OK. You should take a lot of rest in the future and don't hurt yourself again."

He woke up as if from a dream, turned slowly, and stared at his gentle eyes

Eyes on his line of sight, flowers melt into his mouth, suddenly unable to speak Originally, she thought of the sentence: "girl, I'll be your adoptive brother, OK?"

She is going to say "OK"!

My brother, it's not worth his kindness to have such a brother as king Qin However, at this moment, looking at his eyes, Fang understood how hypocritical it would be to say to him that he would be a "sworn brother" again

No, he doesn't want to be his own adoptive brother!

From husband to sworn brother, this crazy man, even if he exports at this time, he will accept it. However, what good is this acceptance for him?

Just from then on, I bear a layer of obligations. The ends of the earth always think of myself


What a hypocritical and ridiculous identity

Her heart choked and she couldn't speak any more

King Qin seemed to understand what she was going to say He fully understands

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