One Night Bride

Chapter 220

She suddenly remembered the song and Jin peace talks led by Qin Hui, and her heart tightened

"I knew that you must have greater ambition to return to the two rivers."

He laughed: "so what? The crown prince is planning to concentrate superior forces to annihilate the main force of your song army, and then go straight to the palace to catch Zhao Deji, a cunning fleeing rabbit."

She said lightly, "I'm just curious. How on earth did you plan for Qin Hui so seamlessly?"

"Ha, why should I tell you?" He snorted coldly, "In fact, where is there really a seamless thing in this world? It's just that heaven is going to perish your great Song Dynasty, so I appointed a particularly shameless and cowardly emperor for you! It's funny that you fools expect him to revive the great song dynasty. Zhongxing, he also deserves it? Crown Prince Ben has even figured out the title of a prisoner for him. His father's name is' Hun De Gong ', his elder brother's name is' heavy Hun Hou', and he's called 'escape Hou'. What do you think of Hua Rong? Hahaha... "

The flowers dissolved and became angry, but he was speechless

Jin Wushu took another look at his son and turned around and left

"Daddy, Daddy..."

Jin Wushu stopped

But not because of the crying of the child, but because of the oncoming man

Yue Peng was wearing a leopard skin jacket of the same style and color as Lu Wenlong, carrying a tiger on his shoulder and the famous spear in his hand

His eyes were bright, his expression was calm, and he stood quietly in the same place. The first thing he saw was not the unexpected guest Jin Wushu, but his eyes fell on his wife, and then on his son with tears on his face

The famous general, who once terrified the enemy, even hid in this border area today to kill tigers and bears

Jin Wushu looked at him and looked back at the same leopard skin jacket on his son Suddenly, I felt angry For what? Why can Yue Pengju do this?

At this time, he even had a happy and peaceful smile on his face, because the child was already greeting him: "Daddy, there is tiger skin again..."


Why is he also the "father" of the child?!

Jin Wushu hates it and looks at the flowers

Such a pale face, because of her husband's return, slowly floating smile, floating blush, soft eyes Only then did I understand that many beautiful words such as "raise your eyebrows", "add fragrance to tea", "harmony between piano and harp" often appear in thread bound books of the Southern Dynasty, so it turned out!

Once, these are his imagination, feel incredible, so far away Although he had spoiled concubines one after another, and although he had a good and charming Yelv Guanyin, no woman had ever brought him the same feeling

Those are still far away from their dreams

Today, I found that what I can't imagine is that I only need a look

For a moment, he had an illusion that the flower had dissolved and had not been injured Her face was radiant, and her unique appearance was like that on the shooting willow Festival

He had a whim, Yue Pengju. He never had to worry about being cheated, did he? Who man would be cheated if he married such a wife?

Even if he is the fourth crown prince of Jin at the moment, even if Yue Peng can't lift a mountain woodcutter

However, Yue Pengju is better than himself!

He is better than himself on the battlefield and at home

He clenched his fist tightly and glared at Yue Peng

Yue Peng raised the tiger on his shoulder and put down his spear, with a smile on his face, "fourth prince, thank you!"

He angrily said, "why do you thank me?"

"Thank you for sending Ganoderma lucidum to my wife."

Hua Rong's eyes were wet, and Peng Ju had already seen that it was not from King Qin He knew that he just didn't say it

Jin Wushu sneered, "if you are really loyal to your song dynasty, you might as well take the crown prince at this time."

Yue Peng held up and laughed, "fourth prince, you are wrong."

"Why am I wrong?"

"As the commander of the southern invasion, you have a deep hatred for thousands of people in the Song Dynasty. However, I have no personal resentment with you. Not to mention, Yue Pengju is no longer a song general, but an ordinary civilian..." he looked at the scholar's dress of Jin Wushu, "if you come to the door in civilian clothes, you are a guest; if you lead soldiers, Yue Pengju, even if he is a civilian, will defend his home at any time!"

Jin Wushu's eyes lit up: "can I still come to see my son?"

"Of course! If you like, you can come to see Wen Longhai at any time."

He laughed: "OK, OK. Yue Pengju, the crown prince found out today that you are really not a qualified politician."

Yue Peng said faintly, "my family joining the army is nothing more than defending my country. I never want to be a politician."

"It's a pity. The Crown Prince wanted to have a chance to fight you."

Yue Peng raised a smile, "then leave it to the battlefield."

Jin Wushu looked at him, and then looked back at Hua Rong. At this time, little Lu Wenlong saw two "fathers" talking. He was very happy and hurriedly pulled Jin Wushu's hand: "Dad, are you not going?"

Jin Wushu opened his hand and patted his face: "son, dad will come to see you later."

The little hand was pulled open and Lu Wenlong's mouth flattened. This time, no matter how his son shouted, Jin Wushu never looked back. Soon, his figure disappeared in front of him

The son cried so badly that Yue Pengju put down his things and hugged him. He stopped crying, and his tears were dim: "Dad is gone, and dad doesn't want me anymore?"

He said softly, "yes, dad will come to see you."

After all, it's the child. I stopped crying and stopped crying. Watching a flying butterfly stop on the wild flowers in front of me, I hurriedly said, "Dad, I want butterflies, I catch butterflies..."

Yue Peng smiled, held his son forward a few steps, stretched out his hand, and gently released it. The butterfly stirred its wings in the palm of his hand. Lu Wenlong jumped down happily with the butterfly, running and shouting, "Mom, how beautiful you look..."

She smiled, took her son's hand and saw Yue Peng walk in with a flower in his hand. She asked softly, "Peng Ju, why did you come back so early today?"

He walked up to her, gently inserted the flower in her sideburns, and said softly, "today, I'm lucky. I saw a little tiger as soon as I went up the mountain, hehe."

She looked at his shoulder. There was a faint blood stain on the leopard skin. He smiled carelessly: "it's okay. I was caught by this guy accidentally."

"Dad, we skinned the tiger..."

"Good, good, today my father taught you how to skin a tiger... My mother made you tiger skin sandals..."


The child clapped his hands and laughed

Hua Rong stood up from the chair, and the little red flower on her head fell all over the floor Take a few steps, and then take a few steps, I do not know whether it is mood or other reasons, but I have never felt pain at all

She walked a few steps further until she came to the fire raised by Yue Peng. Here, all the tiger meat should be repaired and stored

Yue Pengju took the knife and was preparing to peel the tiger. He tried to teach his son how to do it. When he saw his wife coming and standing beside him, he smiled first, and then almost jumped up: "are you much better?"

She smiled, nodded, and stood next to him, "I find myself much better."

The child was also very happy: "Mom, mom, how are you? Can you teach me archery in the future?"

Yue Pengju was so overjoyed that he lifted his son over his head: "it's really great. When mom has more than one, she will teach you archery. Do you know? Mom's archery is the best in the world..."

"Hehe, is it better than dad?"

"Of course, it's much better than dad..."

"Can mom shoot tigers, too..."

"Hahaha, when mom is ready, dad will take you with mom and let you see mom shoot the tiger with your own eyes."

"OK, mom, get better soon..."

Hua Rong held her husband's hand tightly and stared at his happy expression Men, it's easy to be heroes, and it's easy to rush into battle! However, who is impatient with such a long time of daily necessities?

The short-term dynamism is always impressive, but who knows that the trivial day and night is the real great test of patience and love?

In one's life, there are few vigorous times and long light days

Even King Qin, even Jin Wushu, if their positions were exchanged at that time and place, how could they do? King Qin, who is surrounded by huge roaring mountains and forests, can he stand such a long time of loneliness? The fourth Prince of the Golden State, not to mention his wealth, could never live like this

Only Peng Ju!

Only one Yue Pengju!

From the battlefield full of bullets, you can tie the tiger and kill the bear without changing your true colors by dropping the enemy This is an unbreakable friendship that has been snuggling up for many years

Yue Peng raised his voice softly, "Seventeen sister, do you like tiger blood soup tonight?"

She laughed, "I like it. I haven't eaten it for many days."

When he was completely out of the sight of the two people, Jin Wushu sat down on a path behind the dense forest

Beside the path is a clear stream, running down from the high mountain in front of it. The stream is crystal clear and surrounded by grass

He pulled a piece of grass and put it on his mouth. The sun was gradually shining on his face and his body was warm and refreshing

The mood has never been fresh for a long time

These days, every day is very tired, is tired, painful, depressed, and even dare not meet people Today, such a terrible mood, finally found an outlet, as if to get a comfort, a compensation

Through the dense woods for a long time, he seemed to see the two people he most cared about in a distant place The lively child held his jade hand

People are so different from each other

Women are different from women

Why are there women like Yelv Guanyin and Hua Rong in this world?


He suddenly laughed, pulled off the Dongpo towel on his head and spread it on the grass. For the first time, like a young man, he picked clusters of wild flowers around and spread it full

He thought of his son. He thought of the way his son planted flowers all over her head. What would it look like if he also put so many wild flowers on her?

Relaxed, I haven't been relaxed for a long time

In my heart, I need to be so relaxed than on the battlefield

For a long time, he sat up, gathered the Dongpo towel, put all the wild flowers in it, threw them in the direction of the dense forest, and said to himself, "here you are, the flowers dissolve, here you are. You must live well. You must live well."

As soon as he crossed the border and got on wuzhuima, Wu Qimai and dozens of bodyguards were anxiously waiting in front

Wu Qimai breathed a sigh of relief at the sight of the fourth prince Seeing that the fourth prince was refreshed, his face even took a trace of joy Since the "green hat incident", Jin Wushu has been drunk all day and abandoned himself. Wu Qimai was surprised to see him like this

He hurriedly asked, "fourth prince, where is the little master?"

"In Huarong."

"Ah? Why didn't the fourth Prince take him away? Was it Yue Pengju who stopped him?"

Jin Wushu shook his head, and the smile on his face gradually deepened: "the child is living well there. I don't think I need to take him away at all. Moreover, I can go to see the child at any time."

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