One Night Bride

Chapter 227

Wang Junhua beat his chest and feet, but when he saw Qin Hui's long failure to come up with a way, he was so angry that he grabbed his beard: "old devil, no matter what, you have to find a way..."

Qin Hui dared not disobey: "take your time, there will always be ways."

Wang Junhua's eyes flashed cold: "Hua Rong knows our details, and Tianwei also knows. If the two of him work together, it's better to start first than that..."

Qin Hui was surprised, "what do you mean?"

"A small amount is not a gentleman, and no poison is not a husband. It's better to kill these two evils first."

Qin Hui pondered for a moment. The emperor Taizu vowed not to kill the minister or the scribe. Yue Pengju had already done the mission. Who could easily kill him? He only said, "madam, don't worry. Yue Pengju will die, but take your time. For a moment, he and Hua Rong may not be able to turn the world upside down."

Wang Junhua knew that her husband had many poisonous tricks, so he turned slightly angry: "OK, I'll give you some time. Besides, the officials don't really believe in Hua Rong so much..."

Qin Hui touched his chin's beard. Naturally, he turned a blind eye to the ambiguity between his wife and the official family. Wang Junhua has almost flattered Zhao Deji these days She thought to herself, the fourth Prince of the state of Jin can also get into his own hands. Can't just a prince of Zhao's family be sure? Because of the influence of Jin Wushu, she despised Zhao Deji very much in her heart. Secretly, she had always called him "nine kings", and did not think he was an imperishable emperor

At this time, I heard Gao Yigong's voice outside the door: "Lord Qin..."

Gao Yigong is the eyeliner placed by Jin Wushu beside Qin Hui's husband and wife. Now he is recommended by Qin Hui and holds an idle position in the Ministry of war Hearing Gao Yigong's voice, Wang Junhua naturally dared not neglect it and said, "please come in."

He and his wife had never avoided Gao Yigong. Gao Yigong came in and bowed his hand, "I heard Yue Peng is going back to the court?"

"What does Lord Gao think?"

"The fourth Prince hated Yue Pengju all his life. This man has always been the master. This time, we must not let him hinder our good deeds."

"What should we do?"

"Follow the plan."


Gao Yigong was afraid that the two people had any insubordination, so he said, "sooner or later, the fourth Prince's army will destroy song. Your husband and wife will be the founding fathers in the future..."

Wang Junhua was overjoyed, and he was even more worried that if the fourth prince ascended the throne and became the king, he might be able to be a concubine by chance These days, she witnessed the concubines' contention for favor in the palace. Concubine pan Xian gave up. At least she had a son, but Zhang Yingying, Wu jinnu and others had never given birth, and they were still extremely golden. Who in the world could compare with the emperor, even if it was a concubine?

She yearned infinitely and immediately said, "my husband and wife are loyal to the fourth Prince..."

Qin Hui was not so interested in the remote dream of "Founding Fathers", knowing that it was not necessarily better than the big black hat on his head The problem is that when he was captured in the state of Jin, he was already afraid of the bitter days. The details of his husband and wife were all in the hands of the fourth prince. If they were revealed, he would be difficult to gain a foothold in the Song Dynasty, ranging from poverty to loss of life. Therefore, loyalty to the fourth Prince has become his only choice This is the only magic weapon to keep long-term prosperity

Immediately, Gao Yigong sent someone to send confidential information to the fourth prince, asking him to decide, or reinforce, how to kill Yue Pengju and his wife as soon as possible

But after Hua Rong and Yue Peng entrusted the baby to the fourth sister of high school, they hurried to Beijing On this day, the two passed the abandoned manor when they returned from the sea At this time, dozens of military families lived in this manor. After rectifying the atmosphere, it had already changed from a big landlord to a small village

The two were married here at the beginning, and now they are revisiting their hometown. I really have all kinds of feelings in my heart

At this time, it is late autumn. The tall Millennium ginkgo leaves are everywhere, and people walk in the leaves, like floating on a golden ocean

Yue Peng raised his smile and asked his wife, "it's getting late. We might as well rest here for a night and start again tomorrow morning."

"It's so good."

Bodyguards have long gone to inquire. There are still family members deployed in the past. Many of them once called Hua Rong "Mr. Hua". Now they see her return, naturally they are overjoyed. A leading sister-in-law said, "Mrs. Yue, your new house is still preserved, and the children are looking forward to your home every day..."

"Thank you."

That night, the women killed chickens and geese, packed vegetables and entertained them warmly Full of wine and food, the two strolled in the garden behind them in the cool of late autumn

This garden is completely different from the snowy winter

Yue Pengju suddenly remembered that on the second day of his wedding, he was tired walking on the snow with his wife on his back. He looked around at no one, squatted down and smiled, "sister seventeen, I carry you on my back."

She fell on his back, he stood up, this time, stretched out her hand, she can pull the pine needle on her head She folded one and gently stroked it in his neck, making it itchy. He laughed and carried her on his back and hugged her many times. Now he felt that the person on his back was a little heavy and no longer as light as usual

Mutual solution looked out from his back and suddenly remembered that night when he "lost his eyes" and saw the scene of King Qin. It turned out that he was indeed here

As soon as she was stunned, the pine needle in her hand fell to the ground

Yue Peng raised a smile and asked her, "what's the matter?"

She frowned: "I suddenly think of King Qin, and I don't know how his strange medicine came from. Alas..."

I don't know in my heart when I began to have a strong feeling for King Qin. It was a quantitative accumulation. By the time I found it, it was already a heavy piece. Unconsciously, she found that she didn't know when she began to miss him deeply and worry about him

Besides Yue Pengju, I never miss anyone else so much Sometimes, I even secretly miss, vaguely expect, and hope to see him again at some time, like an old friend, eat with him, drink, or talk about foreign experiences

This matter has nothing to do with the wind and moon, but a deep emotion that comes naturally - I just hope he is safe and happy

Yue Peng raised his wife's body to his back and held it a little more. He was silent for a while before slowly opening his mouth: "sister seventeen, I was afraid of King Qin for a while..."

"Ah? What are you afraid of him doing?"

"If I didn't resign and guard you this year, I'm afraid he has really taken you away!"

She giggled and pulled his ear: "fool, jealous..."

He asked, "can't you be jealous?" Immediately, he smiled cunningly, "but now I can rest assured that my son is smart and knows to call him uncle..."

Hua Rong rubbed his neck with a smile and said angrily, "you know he is an 'uncle'? As long as there is you, how can I be happy with others?"

This is the first time he heard the word "joy" from his wife. Although he had known it for a long time and knew it with two hearts, he was still very happy when he heard it. He carried her on his back and walked back: "it's a little cold outside, let's go back and have a rest... To be honest, King Qin is really a trustworthy person..."

The two words were completely out of tune, but she fully understood it and answered him with a "um", slightly melancholy. King Qin, who doesn't believe him, also believes him

Yue Peng held it up in the night, carrying his wife on his back, and walked back quickly She didn't put her down until she entered the room She was petite. She turned around and leaned against his chest, raised her head, and just hit his chin. He suddenly stretched out his hand and hugged her. With a novel mood, he looked at her body after recovering from illness, her rosy face and bright eyes, like a little girl he had just met

"Peng Ju..."

"Seventeen elder sister..."

Maybe it's because she was ill for so long, maybe it's the light red shirt she's wearing now, which he chose for her himself. He shouted, his heart beating faster, facing his wife, shy as a green teenager

At this moment, Hua Rong's face turned red, took his hand and sat beside the tea table

The candle was lit and the teapot bubbled in a small stove Hua dissolved a cup of tea and held it to her husband. She sat aside and sewed a copper buckle on his armor to be seen by the fire

In the past, when she was at home, she was very impatient to do these things. Later, she had no time to do these things after many years of wandering, but after marriage, she liked to sew and mend for him

After sewing the clothes, she went to the bed and laid the bedding again, just like an ordinary wife, hoping that her husband would rest more comfortably After doing all this, the candlelight on the next table went out, and Hua Rong took off her clothes and went to bed. When she saw her husband reading a Book of war, she smiled: "Peng Ju, have a rest."

Yue Pengju put down the letter of war and glanced at his wife casually, but he saw that his wife's face was flushed and her expression was very charming His heart moved. For more than a year, his wife was seriously injured and had to rest. He stayed with her night and night, but he could never do the ceremony of husband and wife, for fear of hurting her Such patience is naturally painful, even a great torture, for a vigorous man, but he restrained it with great perseverance and became used to it over time Today, I suddenly saw my wife take off her coat early, wearing only a close fitting belly pocket inside, holding a thin quilt, her face is bright red, and a section of her arm exposed outside is like a lotus root, like snow

He found that after these days of recuperation, his wife was no longer withered and haggard when she was just seriously injured. Slowly, her body was so exquisite, like a moistened flower, gradually plump and full of vitality

This recognition made him jump up with joy. He walked two steps and sat beside her. He still couldn't believe it. He just asked, "is it OK? Is it really OK?"

She nodded, her voice low and inaudible, "HMM."

"Hahaha... Hahaha..."

Seeing that he was so happy, Hua Rong couldn't help laughing and blushed: "fool, only know to laugh..."

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