One Night Bride

Chapter 230

The residence of the reward was in the northern suburbs of the capital. It was originally the ancestral home of a once poor family, which was later sold in pawn

The couple returned to the "home" and looked around the room full of servants. The housekeeper of the big house took out two invitation cards: "Mrs. Yue, this is sent by Princess pan Xian and Princess Tianwei in the palace..."

Hua Rong took it and saw that Tian Wei and Wan Wan learned that their husband and wife came to Beijing and invited themselves to a banquet The other one was accompanied by a gift, which was sent by Wu jinnu, Zhang YingYing and Princess pan Xian, saying that they were grateful for her "meritorious escort" and would hold a grand banquet to invite her

Hua Rong didn't like these women very much in her heart. After thinking about it, she looked at her husband. Yue Pengju took the invitation and said, "if it's okay, go to the banquet. Anyway, they're just taking a form."

"Well, anyway, Tianwei and wanwan are also there."

While talking, a servant hurried in with a woman. Before the woman arrived, he shouted, "sister Hua, brother Yue..."

Unexpectedly, Wan Wan came

Hua Rong was so ecstatic that she hurried forward and took her hand: "Wan Wan, how are you and the nurse?"

Wan Wan nodded her head and giggled, "we're all right. Sister Hua, I heard that you were injured, but I couldn't come to see you..."

Her eyes were red, and Hua Rong smiled and pulled her to sit down: "you see, I'm not good?"

Wan Wan looked at her up and down. "Hehe, sister Hua, are you really well? God bless good people." She hated, "why doesn't God punish Wang Junhua, this poisonous woman, to suffer..."

Knowing that she couldn't hold her breath, the couple hurried to hold back all of them. Yue Peng told her that they had something to say. They were men again. It was inconvenient, so they went to the study, and only two of them talked freely

Wan Wan saw Yue Peng lift up and leave, and then opened his mouth like a firecracker: "sister Hua, you don't know, Wang Junhua is really hateful. Even Princess Tianwei has been angry with her many times. Now she has bribed Princess pan Xian and Empress Wu in the palace, and with brother nine..."

After all, she didn't dare to say it too obviously, almost attached to Hua Rong's ear: "this * * actually went to hook up with brother nine..."

Hua Rong sighed darkly. It's not strange for Wang Junhua to hook up with Zhao Deji. It's really strange if he doesn't

This grand banquet, led by Princess pan Xian, invited almost all the ladies in the capital, including Wang Junhua After reading the invitation, she was very upset and asked Qin Hui, "what do you say, old devil? Go or not?" She was afraid that Hua Rong would expose her background in public. Hua Rong was not more timid than Tianwei and others, and it was not impossible to do it

"Alas, the instructions of the fourth Prince have not arrived yet. Should we start first?"

"Yue Pengju and his wife had an accident as soon as they arrived in the capital, which is not the way. Even if they start, they have to wait until they are on their way."

Wang Junhua said bitterly, "I'm afraid they'll have a lot to do before. Am I going or not this time?"

Qin Hui touched his beard and said, "madam, just go! If you don't go, you'll look guilty."

Wang Junhua was made clear by Qin Hui that she was very thoughtful. On the first day before the banquet, she dressed up and went to the palace to chat with the concubines, sending fresh melons and fruits to win over

On this day, she wore a novel bun. Because she had done some tricks, when she went back, she was led by the little eunuch of Houlu, and "happened to" meet Zhao Deji

Zhao Deji saw that her hair style was novel and stopped. Wang Junhua's eyes moved, and he refused to welcome her Even Zhang Yingying, who is used to means and gadgets, can't compare with this taste. Besides, as the saying goes, "it's better to steal flowers than to steal flowers." the emperor is also a layman, especially Zhao Deji, who has experienced a hidden disease of his body, is even more excited and yearning for this kind of incest between monarchs and ministers. He can't help saying, "Mrs. Qin can come to the warm pavilion to talk..."

The little eunuchs retreated wisely, and the fun of such an affair stimulated Zhao Deji. The two of them bumped dragons and fell phoenixes on the brocade collapse of the warm Pavilion. Although Zhao Deji was still weak hearted, it was better to touch his right hand with Zhang Yingying's left hand. After a while, Wang Junhua sorted out the messy temples, swayed and walked out of the Palace door, and then secretly scolded, "bah, useless Silver Pewter gun head." But it seemed that there was an additional layer of amulet, and he was very high spirited. He said to himself, "I have two big backers, the fourth Prince and the Zhao family. I'm afraid that your flowers will melt. See what you can uncover about me..."

On the same day, as soon as Wang Junhua left, Qin Hui played a solo to the emperor, suggesting that the imperial court set up a Political Reform Bureau to reform government affairs His wishful thinking was that if he presided over it, it would be equivalent to the power of the prime minister

I don't know if it's the reason why I just had sex with his wife. Zhao Deji saw it and immediately gave instructions. Qin Hui was appointed to propose to amend the political situation, but at the same time, Zhai ruwen, an official, was appointed as deputy

Qin Hui was very angry. The emperor's move broke up half of his dream, but it was so far that he had to immediately call several principal officials to discuss the matter

He was really upset when he saw Zhai ruwen It turned out that after Qin Hui became minister, he was dissatisfied with this position and focused on the position of prime minister, so he encouraged his own lineage and his confidants to preach that he had a wonderful "two strategies" for governing the country and withdrawing troops These "two strategies" were rendered supernatural, but everyone didn't know what it was. Qin Hui was waiting for a price, saying that only when he became the prime minister himself could he use the power of martial arts

Qin Hui returned to the Song Dynasty. Although there was a sound of "Su Wu", the imperial court was not all mixed people. Some people who were a little sober soon saw the clue, and they were cynical. Zhai ruwen was one of the most fond of fighting against Qin Hui Zhai ruwen was in his early thirties, a Jinshi, and his family was caught in the Jingkang disaster. He crossed the South alone. After his wife and children were lost, he no longer married. He was nostalgic for brothels every day and sang with several famous prostitutes. He was bohemian, known as "Liu Yong in Officialdom"

Qin Hui sat in the main position, sitting upright and dangerous, and first talked a big truth. The ministers spoke one after another. Seeing Zhai ruwen's silence, he asked, "what's the plot of Lord Zhai?"

Zhai ruwen said seriously, "the Duke of Qin proposed to set up a political bureau. This was a trick done by Cai Jing before the subjugation. Cai Jing harmed the world by this means. The Duke of Qin should take Cai Jing as a warning."

Qin Hui became angry after hearing this. Cai Jing, the treacherous minister, did seize power by this means. Now Zhai ruwen broke his intention in one gulp and said angrily, "if you know that Cai Jing was harming the country, I don't know!"

Zhai ruwen didn't give in at all: "Mr. Qin, it's well-known that the Tao is Sima Zhao's heart. Since you took office, you have advocated 'two policies' every day to exclude colleagues. Others say you are Su Wu, a shepherd, but I say you are a dirty villain..."

Qin Hui's face turned white with anger: "people say that you Zhai ruwen are crazy, but I don't believe it. Today, I heard your nonsense, and it was so."

The two of them scolded each other with "Crazy", "villain" on the spot, and their colleagues dissuaded them more than once. This discussion ended in shouting and scolding

On the same day, Wang Junhua went to visit his adoptive brother Wang Jixian, so he came home later than his husband She came home triumphantly. Seeing Qin Hui sitting in the study dejectedly, she didn't come forward as usual to report "whether there are flowers and willows today, cheating" and so on, so she went over and pulled his beard: "old man, why aren't you happy?"

Qin Hui talked about today's affairs. Wang Junhua didn't think much of it, and sat down opposite him: "this Zhai ruwen, get the opportunity to squeeze him out, old devil, today's adoptive brother revealed a very important information to me."

Qin Hui looked at his wife's mysterious appearance and hurriedly asked, "what information?"

"The little prince is congenitally deficient. Maybe he won't live long..."

She just said this and then shut up Qin Hui understood that the official family had only one son. The symptoms of impotence all depended on Wang Jixian's prescription. I don't know what magic medicine can force the Royal daughter to have a son again, and I was counting on Wang Jixian. Therefore, I trusted Wang Jixian more than anyone

Wang Junhua said with a smile, "as long as there is an adoptive brother, there is a way to make the emperor listen to you. Zhai ruwen, what are you angry with him? I tell you, even Hua Rong, compared with the official son, who will the official choose? Old man, if God blesses, let the little prince die early, madam, I guarantee that you will soon have power."

Qin Hui naturally hurried to flatter: "madam's clever plan, the old man is lucky to have the help of a virtuous wife."

He saw a jade hairpin with two headed mandarin ducks on his wife's head. When Wang Junhua saw him staring, he laughed angrily and said, "this is the love of the official family, which is rewarded today."

Qin Hui was very happy. At this moment, the more the emperor "liked" his wife, the more stable his black yarn was. Why should he be afraid of Hua Rong's talkative?

However, it was said that the secret letter sent by Qin Hui and his wife was delivered quickly. Within half a month, Jin Wushu received it

He had also learned the news that Yue Pengju returned to the DPRK after returning to his original post. In addition, after reading Qin Hui's secret letter three times in a row, he said to himself, "it's really difficult for Yue Pengju to deal with this time."

He turned to his confidants Han Chang, Wu Qimai and others, and said, "fourth prince, Qin Hui suggested killing Yue Pengju to eliminate future troubles. What do you think?"

Wu Qimai said, "it's a disaster for this person to stay. It's not difficult to send a killer to kill him."

Han Chang shook his head: "although Yue Pengju has always been simple, after the official was reinstated, there were bodyguards around him, not to mention his excellent martial arts skills. If the assassin failed once, he would be even more difficult if he was on guard afterwards. Besides, if the assassin accidentally exposed his identity, he would ruin the big plan of the fourth prince."

Jin Wushu nodded: "to destroy the great Song Dynasty, you must kill a general. Since the crown prince has set up this game of chess, he must be calm." He turned to look at the messenger and said, "you can ask Qin Hui to calm down and don't act rashly. A Yue Peng lift, for a moment, can't save song Jiangshan."

Han Chang reminded him, "Qin Hui is mainly afraid of being exposed."

"Haha, he doesn't understand this. Zhao Deji is this person, and the crown prince soshan Jianhai chases him, but he doesn't understand his temperament? Timid as a mouse, he has sent envoys to come and fight many times, and he knows that he is determined not to fight to the end. Qin Hui's' two strategies' have long been set by the crown prince. Since Zhao Deji has awarded him a high position, he is repeatedly suspicious, even if he is suspicious, he is not suspicious to the end..."

"But Hua Rong knows the details of his husband and wife!"

This time, Wu Qi stepped out to remind, which is the key to the problem It's not easy to kill Yue Peng. Isn't it easy to kill Hua Rong? However, he also knew that the fourth Prince looked for Ganoderma lucidum and asked him to kill Hua Rong, not to mention it

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