One Night Bride

Chapter 242

Yuepengju's residence has been visited by people these days

According to Hua Rong's meaning, she was supposed to thank her guests behind closed doors. She was very disgusted with Zhao Deji's several temptations and was even more disappointed in the capital. However, Yue Pengju was calm and composed. When she was in Beijing, she would do it early in the morning. After returning home, she would go sightseeing with her wife

This morning, the two were about to go out to visit the West Lake. They were leaving, but they saw Xu Caizhi and two eunuchs coming

The two of them were still a little happy to see Xu Caizhi. Hua Rong hurriedly asked, "Lord Xu, I haven't seen you."

"Go to other places for business at home."

It was inconvenient for them to ask again, but the eunuch took out the gift box: "Mrs. Yue, the official family cares about your body and sent a gift..."

At this time, Hua Rong was very disgusted with Zhao Deji's means of turning things around like this, but she had to thank Yue Peng for giving orders, and she didn't even want to greet Xu Caizhi

When the two entered the door, Hua Rong put the box on the table without looking. He also knew it was Ganoderma lucidum and so on As if it were a great irony, Zhao Deji sent Ganoderma lucidum at this time, gloating that he was infertile?

She sat in a chair. Yue Peng raised a cup of tea and said softly, "have a drink."

Her husband's gentle tone made her feel a little relaxed

"Peng Ju, how long do we have to wait?"

"It depends on when Wenlong boy comes."

"Your Majesty is really superfluous."

Yue Peng said faintly, "he didn't kill one stone with one stone. He suspected that our husband and wife were pretending to be ill."


The intention of these temptations is so obvious that accompanying the king is like accompanying the tiger, and the fame is not false

Hua Rong was very flustered. She thanked Zhao Deji before, and then ran away with Zhao Deji several times. Although she was dissatisfied with him, she never really thought that one day, he would raise a butcher's knife on his head

She was surprised. Even if the butcher's knife was not facing herself, she was afraid that it would be more targeted at Peng Ju. Peng Ju was actually more dangerous than himself

As soon as she wanted to understand this level, she was even more anxious: "Peng Ju, let's leave the capital quickly."

However, as soon as the words were spoken, I thought, the world is so big, where can my husband and wife go? Besides, Zhao Deji didn't make it clear, but his actions disappointed him

Yue Peng raised his eyes and smiled, "the world is so big that there is always room for him. King Qin can still enjoy himself."

This was the first time she heard her husband's tone, half joking and half serious

Yue Pengju, who is thousands of miles away from King Qin, how could he say such words?

She is even more melancholy. Jin people are rampant, Dongting water bandits, the world has not been peaceful, and the emperor is going to suspect meritorious men?

She couldn't help but open the box after all The box is empty, without any Ganoderma lucidum medicine

There was only one note inside. She opened it and it was written by Zhao Deji:

"Rong'er, coming back from the sea, I have hidden worries in my heart, long-term happiness and nights, and my body is getting worse and worse. These days, I may not take good care of you, please forgive me. The world is so big that I can only trust you

She was stunned. After reading the note, she handed it to Yue Pengju

This note is sincere, in sharp contrast to Zhao Deji's repeated words

Zhao Deji blames the repetition of behavior on emotional anxiety Hua Rong's depressed state of mind, slowly stretched a little, and then said to himself, "is it true that we wronged him?"

At this time, Yue Pengju was also unsure of Zhao Deji's intention. He wrote such a note and even put down the emperor's figure, almost saying intimate words

But what kind of confidante can the emperor have?

Seeing that she was still depressed, Yue Peng took her hand and left, "don't be depressed. We agreed to visit the West Lake."

She still had to sit, almost picked up by Yue Peng. Her armpits were numb. With a smile, her mood relaxed

It's just noon, and the winter sun is the best time

They hired a small boat to drift slowly on the lake

There are such boats, singing girls, entertainers, and candy vendors everywhere The flowers in the capital are like brocade, and the fire is burning. Who will remember the great disaster a few years ago?

There is a Guqin on the boat

Yue Pengju sat down and played a song He learned this song with Hua Rong after returning from the army. Since then, he has made friends with scholars in the army, and he has more fun with piano, chess, calligraphy and painting

The flowers dissolved in one side, mixed tea, poured a cup with a smile, stepped on the last beat of the tone string, and handed it to him

Yue Peng took a sip and said with a smile, "sister seventeen, it's your turn."

He stood up, Hua Rong carrying a skirt reward, and the two exchanged positions

Hua Rong plays a tune of water melody. She occasionally looks up at her husband. When their eyes meet, they silently smile

Yue Peng was excited and sang loudly in tune:

When does the moon appear? Ask Qingtian about the wine I don't know what season it would be in the heavens on this night? I want to go back in the wind, but I'm afraid of the magnificent buildings and jade buildings, and the height is too cold Dancing with clear shadows, how is it like in the world?

The moon rounds the red mansion Stoops to silk-pad doors, Shines upon the sleepless Bearing no grudge. Why does the moon tend to be full when people are apart? People may have sorrow or joy, be near or far apart, the moon may be dim or bright, wax or wane, This has been going on since the beginning of time. May we all be blessed with longevity. Though far apart, we are still able to share the beauty of the moon together..


Their complacency did not attract too much attention from anyone else, but they did not know that slowly, a luxurious boat was approaching

The boat was big and magnificent. The couple saw it as soon as they entered the lake, but they thought it was just the property of a certain dignitary. On the West Lake, such a boat was not uncommon. In particular, the lines of singing prostitutes on the boat, their beauty, appearance and piano skills were superior, which was beyond ordinary people's possession

The hanging curtain on the boat is made of the best silk. It is thin and translucent. It is a technique of the most delicate woman in Suzhou embroidery. It has the function of shielding. The owner can have a panoramic view of the exterior scene in the curtain, but outsiders can only see a hazy pattern and can't see through the identity of the owner

Many dignitaries who don't want to be bumped into by acquaintances generally use this expensive tapestry curtain

At this time, a man sitting on a chair carved with a green head and two necked mandarin duck was looking at the boat through the curtain

It was so close that he could see the faces of the sitting couple clearly

The woman is still playing, plain handed and elegant, her face is like a flower, she is dressed in a light blue skirt, and her head is combed into the popular bun at that time, standing tall, dignified and beautiful

The man opposite her was happy and intoxicated Enjoying the wonderful piano music played by his wife

Tea, string song, charming wife

Yue Pengju has the best realm a man can have

Even, he thought, these, in fact, should not have been Yue Pengju, but Yue Pengju "robbed" himself - possessed his dream

It's a mystery!


He suddenly remembered Zhang Zeduan's "the picture of the river during the Qingming Festival". In the prosperous Southern Dynasty, beautiful and elegant men and women must be set off by the background of the West Lake, so Yue Pengju, such a military general, can also sing "I hope people will last a long time and have a beautiful life for thousands of miles."

In the great golden Kingdom, which is known as the lion of millions, many generals dare not think of it

He hated being among those extremely vulgar generals

How fragrant and gorgeous was it in the Southern Dynasty? Just a slut like Wang Junhua * * crawling at his feet was nothing? This is also why he is willing to come here at great risk

The music stopped suddenly, and he looked across the curtain again. He saw the woman playing holding the rose colored porcelain cup of Jun kiln, red crisp hand and white tea, gently handed it to Yue Pengju, and smiled, "are you thirsty?"

What a simple sentence

But he will never get it

Why are all the beautiful sceneries of the youth here theirs?

He was furious

May we all be blessed with longevity. Though far apart, we are still able to share the beauty of the moon together.!

At this moment, he also wants to sing a song, but he dare not

Although he was sitting in this extremely luxurious boat, he did not dare to sing a word like this. He did not dare to stand on the table with the woman he liked as if no one else, sing and answer like Yue Pengju - because this is not his own territory

My own territory is a wall made of Shangjing soil and birch bark, which is a kind of cold big earth Kang

It's a vast expanse of ice and snow

Where is there such a prosperous, rich and gentle town?

Although I have Wang Anshi, Su Dongpo, Sima Guang in a bookstore... I dare not even sing a word

Picturesque rivers and mountains, many heroes at one time

This world, always want to become their own, is singing indulgence, high spirited

He returned to the boat and sat down. The two "distinguished guests" were hugging each other and enjoying themselves

These two faces are all wearing extremely exquisite human skin masks, except under the mouth. The cost of this mask is unimaginable. Even the beauty in their arms can't see that they are "Dummies"

With a wave of his hand, the dancers withdrew

Then they said, "childe, everything is ready."


"Absolutely safe."

"Well, you two have worked hard. If it works, you will be the important Minister of the founding father."

"Thank you, childe."

Looking at this brilliant young master, they couldn't believe that he was so young that he could plan strategies like this The forces behind him and the steady flow of financial resources have given them great confidence

As soon as the two retired, another plainclothes bodyguard came in and whispered, "Liu Yu has a letter."

He took it and looked slightly changed

Originally, after he CI succeeded to the throne, under the conjecture of Zonghan and others, the puppet regime of Qi, Liu and Yu was declared "sub emperor" It is not only a great insult but also a great deterrent for the ten year old king of the state of Jin to lower the Golden Book and canonize Liu Yu as the "son emperor" for generations He looked at the secret letter, then waved a torch and burned it completely until it turned into a pile of ashes before saying, "God wants to help me!"

Kang Gonggong's private house

On this day, he shouldn't be on duty. He was drinking and having fun in his private house. A slave came back in a hurry and said something in father Kang's ear. Father Kang's face changed greatly. He got up in a hurry and rushed back to the palace and hurried to the office of the capital hall

He went to LV Yihao's office first, and then remembered that LV Yihao had been out of the palace for a long time to inspect the defense of several major generals He immediately turned to the hall. This was shared by Qin Hui and Zhai ruwen. When Qin Hui left, only Zhai ruwen was left He hurriedly went in and sang a song to Zhai ruwen, saying, "the imperial edict of the official family needs to be discussed with the prime minister."

Zhai ruwen immediately ordered the officials to withdraw from the court. Duke Kang took out Zhao Deji's Royal pen and a roll of yellow paper and said, "my servant occasionally learned that someone in the army was plotting a rebellion, and the troops will be launched in Tianzhu temple tomorrow morning."

Zhai ruwen was half convinced. He looked at the yellow paper carefully, pointed to the last two lines and said, "control the official land pledge, control the official gold pledge, what does this mean?"

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