One Night Bride

Chapter 244

The Empress Dowager said, "the emperor is still here. How can you shout long live?"

Miao Fu shouted, "I respectfully invite the little prince to succeed to the throne, and the Empress Dowager will be in charge."

Although the Empress Dowager had made a decision, in order to maintain Zhao Deji's dignity, she naturally had to bargain, and said, "an old woman in her family, with a child in her arms, was listening to politics. The prisoners learned that, wouldn't they invade wantonly? Now the state is difficult, and there are hundreds of things waiting to flourish. Don't the two Taiwei hear the reason of the hen sichen? They also need the emperor to listen to politics together."

Unable to argue, Miao Fu knelt down and untied his armor and said, "the minister and his wife were loyal. The Empress Dowager didn't comply, so she had to kill at her own request. But the soldiers haven't eaten since the morning, for fear of change."

As soon as his voice fell, the rebels under the city shouted with astonishing momentum

Zhai ruwen knew that if he didn't agree today, let alone the emperor, everyone would die. However, he would not bear the name of the emperor's abdication anyway, so he said, "if the minister is weak, he will kill if he wishes..."

Zhao Deji glanced at the Empress Dowager and said, "today, I will abdicate to the little prince to thank the world."

The Empress Dowager nodded, took out a yellow vest already prepared, put it on the little prince, and said to him, "go and kowtow to Dad."

The little prince knelt down: "my son apologized to my father."

Zhao Deji's face was full of tears, but the city once again called long live the new king and the Empress Dowager

Under the coercion of Miao and Liu, Zhao Deji and dozens of concubines such as Wu jinnu and Zhang Yingying were forcibly moved to Xianzhong temple outside the palace that day Under Zhai ruwen's argument, Miao and Liu finally agreed to be escorted by Xu Caizhi and other guards

Before leaving, Tian Wei found an opportunity and whispered in Zhao Deji's ear, "don't worry, brother nine. My aunt and I will try our best to restore."

Zhao Deji whispered, "you can consult with Lord Zhai."

Tian Wei nodded and said, "Wan Wan left the palace to find Mrs. Yue."

At this time, hearing her mention of Hua Rong, Zhao Deji was really mixed with feelings After quarreling with Hua Rong and his wife, Yue Peng didn't expect to fall into despair again. He didn't dare to trust him 100% and just thought, where's rong'er? Rong'er, will he still save himself like before?


On this day, Yue Pengju and his wife got the news that the bodyguard had escorted the nursing mother and Lu Wenlong to Jiangping But because the child was infected with typhoid fever, he was delayed in the local hotel and could not go on the road for several days Jiang Ping was only a hundred miles away from the capital. The couple were very anxious, so they went to meet him in person

The two of them and their child missed each other for a long time. Seeing that the child was very ill and had a high fever all day, they re invited a doctor for diagnosis and treatment, and the couple took care of him personally

They rented an independent courtyard of the hotel and made a fire to cook He was busy making medicine and soup for the child for most of the day. In the evening, the child's condition improved slightly. Yue Pengju ordered them to disperse, rest early and prepare for the road tomorrow

Hua Rong didn't see the child for a long time, so she let the nursing mother rest and take care of herself She touched the child's forehead, which was much better. She breathed a sigh of relief. At this time, she noticed that the child was dressed in gold and silver, and was dressed like a rich boy by the nursing mother. The poor sick child was also tied with several gold and jade pendants She smiled and said, "Peng Ju, look at the ornament of the child. How tired he is."

The nursing mother was timid and knew that she would come to see the son of heaven, so she tied almost all her possessions to the child in order to be radiant

Yue Pengju slowly took the piece of jewelry off his son's body, took down the tortoise shell on his head and put it aside to make him sleep more comfortably. Looking up, he saw his wife busy sweating, and said, "you're tired, too. I look at the child, and you go to dinner first."

Hua Rong saw that the child was asleep and took her husband's hand. "Let's eat together first, and the child won't wake up for a moment."

The couple came to the outer room, and the bodyguards had prepared several small dishes as instructed

As he was about to move his chopsticks, he heard a slight noise outside the door. Yue Peng was surprised. He heard a man outside the door murmur, "it's me."

That voice is king Qin Yue Pengju hurriedly opened the door, and King Qin immediately came in King Qin came at night and was so mysterious that everyone knew that he must not want to be found Yue Peng raised his mind and immediately ordered that enough food be delivered. Then he held back and stopped calling

Jiang Ping was much colder than Lin'an, and it snowed a little at night King Qin took off his big hat to keep out the cold, patted the snowflakes on his body, sat down, and found a fire burning in the small room, which was very warm

Hua Rong was surprised and delighted: "Why are you here?"

Before he answered, Hua Rong poured him a cup of hot tea: "it's cold, have a cup of tea first."

He took the tea and took a sip of the hot water, which immediately warmed his hands In my heart, I feel a little at home. I return home in a snowy night. A woman is waiting for herself like this, and there are steaming meals at any time

He lost his mind for a moment, and then answered, "I'm passing by to see you."

From here, it is one of the ways to return to the sea. Yue Pengju couldn't help asking, "are you going back?"

"I have this plan."

A farewell here is a thousand rivers and mountains. I don't know when it's time to see you again. Hua Rong was a little melancholy in his heart. She filled him with a bowl of rice: "you didn't eat, did you? Just have dinner together."

"Well, I'm starving."

"What about masu and them? Let them eat together."

"They're out baking and drinking. Don't worry about them."

This meal, the three people talked and ate very happily Especially King Qin, he has never talked with them in such a peaceful state of mind in his life. He only feels that he and Yue Pengju have common ground in many views. In particular, he finds that whenever his job is empty, Hua Rong will add food to him in time, which is exactly the same treatment as Yue Pengju

He was happy in his heart. He ate seven or eight bowls of rice without drinking. Yue Pengju ate so much later

After collecting the dishes and chopsticks, Hua Rong went to see his son again and found that his son's fever had completely subsided and he slept very peacefully King Qin followed in, but saw many decorations on the cabinet beside the child's bed, one of which was the arhat boxer he gave him He laughed, "this little bunny..."

Hua rongrou lowered her voice: "don't wake up the child."

As soon as he stuck out his tongue, he hurried out, thinking that such a day was really his mother strange, but it was not bad

Everyone sat around the stove. Hua Rong was happy to see King Qin returning safely because her son was well ill. She sat beside Yue Pengju and talked warmly for a while. Suddenly, she had a whim: "I'll fry tea for you."

Yue Peng smiled and nodded, "OK, I'll give you a hand."

Everything in the hotel is ready-made. Excellent pots, stoves, spoons, wood burners and flowers are sitting on a one legged stool with tea sets on the table in front of them Yue Peng held up his big sleeve and tied it up for her, revealing two snow-white spring onion like hands. Looking at the water in the pot in front of him slowly beginning to boil, he took a string of wooden spoons and began to order tea

The hotel has complete tools and is very handy Yue Pengju had seen her cook tea several times, and was very experienced. Each time, he handed her the most suitable instrument. She was happy, so she used all the unique skills she knew in her life

King Qin was careless for half his life. Although there were golden mountains and silver mountains and red powder piles, how many times have he seen such gentle and meticulous scenes? I saw the white boiling water vapor fumigating the woman's face opposite into a rose like pink. I saw the red hands flying, and the flower in front of me was actually the figure of a whole big fish

He exclaimed. Before he could praise it, he saw that the figure had changed into a huge flower I don't know if it's an illusion, but I actually feel that the flower seems to have color, such as the drops after the rainbow, colorful, vivid and fragrant

"Girl, how did you get it? How did you get it?"

He was stunned, and only knew to ask this sentence repeatedly. He was surprised that under those skillful hands, he realized the deep charm of art for the first time Although, he never thought that there were so many "artistic mysteries" in a cup of tea

When the shape of the last flower slowly bloomed from his eyes and then disappeared, he had not yet recovered, and a white tea cup was handed to him: "try it..."

With soft hands and smiling face, everything seemed like a dream. He laughed and took the tea. For the first time in his life, he didn't drink it up in one gulp, as if he was afraid of drinking it in one gulp, and it would never happen again

Yue Pengju also carried tea, carefully looked at the results of his cooperation with his wife, and then drank one mouthful, praising: "good tea, the skilful hand of sister 17... Hahaha..."

This is the first time that King Qin heard the title "Seventeen sister", and he stared: "girl, why do you call seventeen sister?"

Hua Rong smiled, took a sip of tea and put down the cup. Then she said, "when I was a child, people called me seventeen sister. Hehe, do you also want to call me seventeen sister?"

"Seventeen sister? It's really awful."

King Qin drank the tea in the cup in one gulp, and Hua Rong handed him another cup: "drink slowly."

He and Yue Pengju seemed to compare drinks until they drank several cups. Yue Pengju slapped the table very heroically and sang loudly, "the river is going east, and the waves are scouring all the immortals..."

King Qin was unwilling to show weakness: "Lao Tzu also sang a song."

Hua Rong remembered the "terrible" mountain tunes he sang when he was injured, covered his mouth and smiled secretly I saw that King Qin really sang with Yue Pengju's voice more happily than he did

When she was in high spirits, she suddenly heard a "wow" in the room, and Hua Rong hurriedly said, "no, I forgot my child, and I was woken up by you."

They immediately shut up and looked at each other

Hua Rong ran into the room and hugged the child. The child opened his eyes and saw his mother. He was overjoyed and stopped crying. He shouted, "Mom, mom..."

Hua Rong saw that he had been sleeping for several days. Now he woke up, hugged him and said softly, "Mom, take you out to play for a while."

She took the child out. The child first called "Daddy" affectionately, and Yue Peng held him with a smile. Then he saw King Qin, his mouth flat, and laughed, "big bad guy..."

King Qin stared, "little bastard, I'm not called a big villain."

Hua Rong said softly, "my child is good, and I will call him uncle in the future."

The child was very unconvinced. King Qin suddenly lowered his head and touched everything. It was not easy to touch a thing and said with a smile, "little rabbit, call me and I'll give it to you."

The child shouted "Uncle" and took the gadget. He was very happy, but soon he was tired of playing. Hua Rong immediately took him into the room and coaxed him to sleep before coming out

Seeing that the family was happy, King Qin looked at Yue Pengju and said, "what are your plans?"

This question really stopped Yue Pengju. After pondering for a while, he said, "I will release Xiangyang outside, and I will leave in about a year."

"Xiangyang? I heard that the water forces around the two lakes are very powerful, especially Yang Yi of Dongting Lake. He has tangled up a lot of forces, and now he almost occupies the whole two lakes..."

Yue Peng's biggest task is to invade the water. He was about to consult King Qin. Seeing that he took the initiative to ask, he immediately said, "king, sea overlord, has rich experience in water warfare, and I was about to consult you."

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