One Night Bride

Chapter 260

At the junction of Xianzhong temple and the Imperial Palace, the city gate has long been closed, and Hua Rong is leading a team of bodyguards to scuffle with the rebels who came to hijack

Hua Rong had already lost her strength, but when she saw that another group of rebels rushed, she was surprised. When she met this fugitive army, where was there any life?

Her heart was cold and she shouted to retreat, but there were only more than ten people left on her side, and she was unable to break through

In the scuffle, I suddenly heard a burst of crying of a young child, vaguely. In the dark, a man shouted, "Mrs. Yue, do you want your son's life?"

In the dark, you can't see who the child is at all Hua Rong was surprised. Her son was clearly in the palace. How could he be caught? I could only hear the man shouting, "we bought a little eunuch and stole your son..."

Sure enough, it was the voice of two little eunuchs. They were threatened by all kinds of inducements to take the little emperor away, but the little emperor had been preparing for the meeting of "ministers" in the court hall, so he couldn't start, so he took advantage of the chaos and took Lu Wenlong out secretly

In the dark, the child was so frightened that he burst into tears and shouted, "Mom, mom..."

It's my son's voice

Hua Rong knew that if she didn't go at this time, she would die. However, after all, her mother and son loved each other deeply. She only heard a "divination", and the child had been picked on the spear: "if you don't put down your weapons, kill your son immediately..."

As soon as she hesitated, the random arrows had been shot She also had no time to worry. She waved a small bow and rushed in the direction of the child's crying. The car hissed, and the child was thrown up. She saw that she fell to the ground and would be trampled to death by random horses if she didn't fall to death Without much thought, she stretched out her hand to catch her son. At this time, several big knives were already on her vest. She turned over and fell down to hold the child. She was surrounded by knives and guns and could not get away anymore

She held the child in her arms, and the child was almost frightened and breathless. At this time, she opened her dark eyes and cried loudly in front of the torch: "Mom, mom..."

"Son, mother is with you, don't cry..."

A knife came, and she leaned down to protect her son. She had been stabbed on her shoulder and couldn't care about the blood flow. She just held her son and said repeatedly, "son, don't be afraid..."

The leader smiled grimly, "Mrs. Yue, come with us."

Holding the child in her arms, she couldn't fight back at all, so she had to walk forward

Yue Pengju hurried back and met the more than 1000 elite soldiers led by Zhang Xian on the way Zhang Xian came from Xiangyang. In order to avoid people's eyes and ears, he only led 100 specially trained elite riders After dozens of battles, Yue Pengju has regarded Zhang Xian as his first capable general

Yue Peng held up on the nearby rivers and rivers, inserted antlers all over, intercepted Miao and Liu, and sent 200 people to protect the 1000 family members accompanying the army Because the soldiers were afraid that their families would be killed in Lin'an after the troops were launched, the number of family members in the army suddenly increased

After arranging everything, Yue Pengju immediately ordered Zhang Xian to lead 200 pioneers to raid

Miao Fu had already sent 10000 troops to intercept in the small town of Lin'an, and the leading general was Zhang Kui, his top adviser On this day, snow and ice mixed, and the rebels were muddy in front of the battle Zhang Xian led the crowd, and the horse's hoof did not move forward. The rebels shot indiscriminately, and the crowd could not dodge at all Even Zhang Xian himself almost fell off his horse

Seeing that the situation was bad, Yue Peng immediately waved his long gun and shouted, "success or failure is in this one fell swoop. Everyone works together to do their best for the country. Whoever dares to have the face to engage in military justice without several arrow injuries on his body..."

After shouting, he took the lead, regardless of the mud, waved a long gun and killed several people in a row Seeing that the commander charged, the people were refreshed. Yue Peng raised his knowledge to catch the thief and the king today. He should make a quick decision. Without moving forward, he simply jumped off the horse's back like a roc bird, waved a long gun and took Zhang Kui first Seeing his ferocity, Zhang Kui didn't dare to confront him at all. He clapped his horse and retreated. The rebel formation was in chaos, and more than a thousand elite soldiers swarmed up. The two armies entered a state of melee, which was inextricable

At this time, Han Zhongliang, a member of the Chinese army, had also led his troops into the enemy camp. Zhang Kui had a little command ability and quickly allocated troops to intercept

Zhang Jun brought the most people this time. For him, soldiers and horses are his biggest family. He didn't dare to fight with all his strength. Seeing that Yue Pengju and Han Zhongliang took the lead, he himself was not good at martial arts. He just sat on the horse, swung a gun, jumped off the horse, and was supported on the horse by the pro army

LV Yihao personally supervised the war in the army, but seeing that the formation was chaotic and his own side was outnumbered, he rode into the mud of Gaogang to observe for a while, but when he saw that Zhang Jun was afraid of fighting, he was angry, so he rushed into Zhang Jun's army Zhang Jun hung his arm in a righteous manner and said, "my family is injured and I can't fight."

Lu Yihao pressed the sword given by Zhao Deji on his waist, pulled it out and shouted, "Zhang Qi, it's time for you to fight for your country, otherwise, military justice is engaged in..."

Zhang Jun was a mediocre general. He never dared to fight head-on when encountering the enemy and always retreated. However, seeing that LV Yihao pulled out his sword and that the word "military and legal practice" was actually equivalent to "beheading", he dared not fight against the enemy any more, so he had to bite the bullet and ordered the deployment of the attack

In this way, Han Zhongliang and Zhang Jun attacked around, and the pressure on Yue Pengju's forward was reduced, and the war situation soon changed The rebels were defeated, Yue Pengju took the opportunity to shout: "Miao Liu rebellion, only investigate the culprit, it has nothing to do with you and others. Now, LV Shuxiang sent 100000 troops to surround Lin'an City, Miao Liu and others have reached a dead end, your majesty knows that you and others have also been deceived, you quickly lay down your weapons and do your best for the country together, and the emperor will not only not investigate, but also reward..."

He was full of spirit, and his voice spread far in the rainy and snowy night Miao and Liu rebels were very upset. They all surrendered and sat on the muddy ground with their hands raised above their heads Seeing that the situation was bad, Zhang Kui led dozens of Pro troops to Lin'an and fled On the way, I met the reinforcements sent by Liu Zhengyan. Hearing that Yue Pengju had caught up, I didn't dare to fight and fled to Lin'an City together

Yue Pengju did not dare to relax at all, and Han Zhongliang and Zhang Jun also caught up

At this time, Miao and Liu had arrived outside the palace gate in person When the two of them learned that Yue Pengju was chasing the pioneer, they were very angry: "we must kill Yue Pengju's son to vent our hatred."

Liu Zhengyan said, "his son is in the palace. How can he do it?"

"Ask the eunuch to hand it over and make an example."

Ma rouji, the counselor, immediately said, "at this time, we can't take care of Yue Pengju's family members. For the sake of villains, it's better to retreat to Fujian and avoid Yue Pengju's elite. Fujian's mountains are rugged, easy to defend and difficult to attack. Before that, we need to ask the officials to sit in the army..."

Miao Fu was overjoyed: "wonderful plan. The official family is in the army, and LV Yihao and others will not dare to do it."

At this time, the rain and snow became more and more dense. Everyone was wearing oil paper raincoats. Ma Su, Feng Yi and Wu Zhan had also come to the city wall Miao Fu rode on his horse and shouted, "now Yue Peng is rebellious. Ministers and others respectfully invite the Supreme Master and the young master to join the army for safety."

Supervised by Feng Yi, Wu Zhan was determined to fight back, saying only, "the supreme holy body disobeys, lie down and recuperate."

Miao Fu was anxious: "since the supreme master didn't come out, his family had to go in and welcome him."

Ma Su immediately said, "the two Taiwei are the cadres of the country, so you can't fool around. Now Zhai Shuxiang has been ordered to stop him from sending troops to Yue Pengju army. If they mess up, don't you give Yue Peng an excuse? They might as well surrender immediately. The Lord's iron certificate and Dan book have been issued. Why don't you worry about glory and wealth?"

In fact, Zhai ruwen was on standby in the harem at the moment and never left at all

Seeing that Wu zhandong pulled and pulled, Miao Fu didn't open the door, and said loudly, "Wu Taiwei, last time you opened the door, this time you opened it again, you will be reborn parents."

Wu Zhan thought that his affair with them was very secret. Now he was publicly broken, and his face was purple. He shouted, "last time it was to kill the castration party. This time, the door can't be opened..."

"Wu Taiwei, last time you let us go into the city, even if you attacked us this time, it was inevitable that the rabbit would die and the dog would cook. It was better to open the door and welcome the saint to the army with your family..."

Seeing that Wu Zhan looked more and more wrong, Feng Yi immediately whispered, "Wu Erqi, if you make contributions today, I will ensure your lifelong wealth."

Wu Zhan immediately said to the rebels under the city, "two Taiwei, the city gate really can't be opened today. Now LV Shuxiang's army is approaching, you'd better do thirty-six tricks and go first."

At this point, Miao Fu was at a dead end and had to withdraw his troops. However, Wen yuepeng had pressed forward into Lin'an and had to leave the city in a hurry for Fujian

Before leaving, he set fires everywhere in the city. However, the sleet was very muddy that day, and the flames could not burn on a large scale. As a last resort, he had to retreat immediately

Yue Peng led his army in two parts, entering from the north gate and the west gate. The north gate did not encounter any resistance. At the west gate, however, he met the rebels who had no time to evacuate Miao Fu. The two sides fought for a while. Miao Fu had no intention to fight, but quickly withdrew and retreated

Yue Pengju was very happy. He waved his troops into Ximen city and shouted to the city, "officer Yue Pengju has led people to eliminate the rebels in the city. Please answer the people in the city."

Zhai ruwen, who was ordered to come out to inspect the city, heard Yue Pengju and was overjoyed: "Lord Yue has worked hard, and his family is Zhai ruwen."

Yue Pengju was very happy to hear that it was Zhai ruwen. He turned over and dismounted and quickly worshipped: "it's very difficult for Lord Zhai to deal with the two thieves. Please accept the official's worship."

At this time, more than a dozen lanterns had been arranged in the city. Zhai ruwen, wearing a Youjuan raincoat and hat, saluted in the city: "Lord Yue and Lu Shuxiang made great contributions this time."

Yue Peng asked, "is Shengjia healthy?"

Zhai ruwen said, "the holy driver is in Da Nei. He is very safe. When the lower officer plays the Ming emperor immediately, he summons the meritorious soldiers. Lord Yue, wait a moment."

At this time, Zhao Deji was wearing military clothes and swords, waiting anxiously in the back hall. Because of the spy incident, Xu Caizhi and Duke Kang stopped all the guards and eunuchs in front of the hall in two lines, lined up in front of the hall, monitored each other, and allowed no mistakes. Everyone, etc., had better be prepared to escape

Zhao Deji tightly pressed the handle of the sword in his hand. Although it was winter, his hands were soaked with sweat It was not until the news of the rebel withdrawal came that the atmosphere in the harem eased slightly

After having a hasty dinner, Zhao Deji and the Empress Dowager listened to the dense rain outside the window, and did not dare to remove their panic at all. At this time, Feng Yi hurried in, knelt down without kowtowing, and hurriedly said, "tell the official that Yue Pengju has led people to expel Miao Liu yingni, and is waiting under Ximen city..."

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