One Night Bride

Chapter 265

She was lying on the carpet and almost going to sleep

His ragged clothes were still clinging to his body. He had been watching. Seeing her lying down, he suddenly stretched out his hand and took off her clothes. Before she could resist, he lost a big fur and said faintly, "put it on."

She put it on and didn't even say thank you, because she had heard a child's cough in the next room. Then she sat up with a smile and said, "thank you."

"That's my child! What do you want to thank?"

Her tone was very sincere: "I will take the child away and never leave him alone."

He said flatly, "no! I have someone to take care of him."

"Oh? You said it was Wang Junhua?"

She giggled When she smiles, her eyebrows always smile first and lift them up slightly, as if a leaf were rippling in the calm. When the corners of her mouth are gently cocked up, she is not charming, but the corners of her eyes are slightly cocked up, but with that faint irony

He was so excited by such laughter that he almost jumped up

"There is a woman who wants to kill me. I don't know who it is, nor can I recognize who it is. But since you are here, this woman must be Wang Junhua."

"So what?"

She sighed, "yes, I can't help it if it's her."

His expression finally became a little proud: "you know there's nothing you can do? Knowing that Qin Hui and his wife are spies, it's good to report to Zhao Deji and be rejected by him, isn't it?"

She nodded frankly, "indeed. I later learned that it doesn't matter what the identity of Qin Hui and his wife is. The important thing is that Zhao Deji didn't want to fight against Japan at all, so he needs a politician like Qin Hui who knows the internal affairs of the state of Jin and agrees with all his political opinions. In fact, he knows who Qin Hui is, and doesn't need me to expose..."

He sincerely praised, "Hua Rong, you've finally become smarter."

She smiled with a smile: "yes. People say that Liu Yu instigated the change of Miao and Liu soldiers this time. I think it was you who planned it."

"Oh? Miao and Liu have failed. What is the benefit of my planning?"

"I have two judgments: one is that Liu Yu is not very obedient. You want to weaken him and set up another puppet. The other is to raise Qin Hui to a high position..."

"Smart, next..."

She shook her head, "but I really don't understand how Qin Hui came to the top."

He sat down opposite her. The distance between them was so close that he could even see the subtle wind that covered her pale eyelids when her long eyelashes stirred up

What a strange feeling

Even a hand can touch her face

He really stretched out his hand. Halfway through the process, she turned a side of her face. His hand inadvertently fell down, took a sip of hot tea on the table, and suddenly said, "Hua Rong, do you want to drink tea?"

She also picked up the cracked official kiln porcelain, drank a cup of hot tea, and looked at the porcelain as exquisite as an art

She lifted her eyelashes and was very curious, "how do you help Qin Hui to a high position?"

He then put down his tea cup and sat cross legged, as if they were two good friends

"Zhai ruwen took advantage of LV Yihao's temporary departure to become prime minister. However, in the event of Miao and Liu Bing's mutiny, although he made meritorious contributions, he can't shirk his responsibility. He must take the blame and resign, otherwise, he will be impeached by all officials..."

Hua Rong nodded. Zhai ruwen was a rare sober man in Chaoli, and he was a sworn enemy of Qin Hui. As soon as he left, Qin Hui naturally got rid of a big thorn in his side But it doesn't mean that Qin Hui can get on the top?

"When Miao and Liu soldiers changed, they sent a document to Qin Hui to return to Beijing as prime minister, but Qin Hui refused. Now, the censor official has played Zhao Deji. In addition, Wang Yuan died, and Wang Yuan is Wang Jixian's brother. Zhao Deji's' mercy and righteousness' not only gave Wang Yuan a posthumous title, but also took care of his relatives and friends..."

"More importantly, now that the state of song is in decline, Zhao Deji simply does not dare to fight. There must be a minister who advocates peace with him. Looking at the world, there is no more suitable candidate than Qin Hui..."

Phase vacancy, Qin Hui loyalty, according to his current status and popularity, and Wang Jixian's joint efforts to protect, this phase, naturally belongs to him

He laughed with a feather fan and a turban. He didn't seem to be talking about politics at all, as if he were drinking tea with the pink lady on a snowy night and adding fragrance to the tea

Hua Rong nodded: "as long as Qin Hui stays in phase and manages everything according to your ideal direction, your goals will naturally be achieved..."

He was very straightforward: "yes!"

He suddenly stretched out his hand and quickly touched her hair. Before she found it, he immediately retracted his hand and smiled, "fool, in fact, the biggest problem you didn't notice..."

"What's the problem?"

"Miao Liu is a military general. The military general's mutiny will surely make Zhao Deji lose his soul..."

She understood at once The emperor Taizu mutinied in yellow robes, and then it became a deep-rooted tradition to guard against generals Miao Liubing's change is nothing more than a great reminder to Zhao Deji In times of national difficulty, we need good generals, but in times of peace, we need mediocre generals Even though Zhao Deji has put Yue Pengju and others in important positions at present, once he is at ease, who should the butcher's knife be extended to?

The greater the credit, the lower the butcher's knife will hang!

In particular, Yue Pengju, who "did not know how to advance or retreat", was eager to drive away the prisoners and return our rivers and mountains!

She couldn't help admiring the handsome young master in white opposite. He seemed to have done useless work, but he really played two wonderful moves A Qin Hui, a Miao Liu, over time, will not shake the foundation of the song state?

Her heart was cold, even if she was here, she felt cold

The warmth around seemed to be broken by the wind and snow outside the door and could not move at all

He said lazily, "I have repeatedly warned Yue Pengju not to go against me. It's you who don't listen and have to work for such a shameless and stupid king as Zhao Deji!"

She raised her eyes and looked at him quietly, "in fact, what's the difference between you and Zhao Deji?"

He angrily said, "Zhao Deji can't compare with my little finger!"

"Hehe, really? Look at who you use, Wang Junhua, Qin Hui, and maybe some other people who have lost even the minimum dignity and shame of human beings. How can you know that today's Jin Wu Shu is not tomorrow's Zhao Deji?"

"Hua Rong! Don't forget where you are!"

She laughed and ignored his threats: "not to mention, time is also fate, planning is man, and success is God. It's not necessary that you try your best, and everything will be done according to your ideal."

He sneered, "at least, we have destroyed the Liao state and more than half of your song state."

"However, to destroy the Liao state and the song state, did you rely on shameless villains such as Qin Hui and Wang Junhua to destroy the wolf Lord of the Jin State? The Liao state didn't say it, while the song state was completely fatuous and timid, retreating without war, and they killed themselves..."

He can't speak Although Hua Rong didn't know it yet, he knew that a large group of generals who could enlist and be good at war in the kingdom of Jin had gone from seven to eight in two consecutive purges, especially the purge of Heci, and even Zonghan didn't escape this disaster Now and then, since the war cannot be attacked, it is more necessary to plan and change strategies

In the twinkling of an eye, she saw the brilliance of the four walls. Even the walls were beautifully decorated, warm and fragrant. It seemed that this place should be the mansion of a wealthy family

"Oh, the fourth prince, you really put a lot of thought into management. But if you want to become the real master here, I'm afraid it's not so easy!"

He just smiled and didn't accept her provocation

Winners always have the supreme tolerance for losers and prisoners, so he doesn't think so

At this time, the twilight of dawn has penetrated from the window, shining on the carved window paper, reflecting a soft light

Hua Rong leaned wearily against the wall, slightly closed her eyes, and suddenly heard such a clear and familiar voice: "Mom, mom..."

She couldn't help standing up and didn't look at Jin Wushu's face, so she took a few steps and pushed open the door next door

The child opened his eyes and couldn't see the face of the person coming in clearly in the morning light, but he felt such a strong breath. He threw his hand and giggled: "Mom, mom..."

Hua Rong put her arms around him. At this moment, she was really happy, and all her joys, sorrows and joys faded. She took a coat and put it on for him The child had to be taken care of so carefully by her for more than a year, and she was already used to her mother's hands. She threw herself in her arms, and the tortoise hat on her head almost shook down: "Mom, I miss you so much..."

"Mom also thinks of it."

The child jumped out of bed and took her hand. When he saw the door, dad stood aside and looked at it. He jumped forward and grabbed dad's hand: "Dad, mom... Mom is back..."

Jin Wushu held his hand, with an extremely complex taste in his heart

The breakfast has already been prepared, which is extremely rich

The huge fragrant palace candles make the restaurant in the morning fragrant and soft, with a sweet smell Little Lu Wenlong was wearing a light purple robe, with a jade belt inlaid with twelve thumb sized pearls in the front and back There is a smoke lotus colored girdle hanging around the waist, which is embroidered by Hua Rong himself In addition, all the expensive clothes, all over her body, did not come from her hand

In the Yue family, the children had no worries about food and clothing, but there was no luxury. When they arrived in the capital, although they were rewarded by Tianwei in the Imperial Palace, they were still not as luxurious as Jin Wushu now gave his son

After all, it was a child. Seeing the extremely beautiful tortoise hat on his head reflected on a pair of bronze mirrors opposite him, he looked like a fairy in pink and jade, and giggled: "Mom, this hat is really fun..."

He stretched out his hand and took off his hat to play in his hand. Hua Rong said gently, "good boy, wear it on your head, don't be frozen..."

The child was obedient and sat with her hat on her head

"It's time for dinner."

"OK." The child looked at his mother while eating: "Mom, why don't you eat it? This is delicious..." he said as he pushed a dish in front of his mother: "Mom, you eat."


Hua Rong takes a bite and touches the child's head

Jin Wushu sat aside with a bowl in his hand. It was the first time in his life that he had a meal with a woman and a child. It was really strange that he sat around with three people But it was even more strange to see that her mother and son looked intimate, and that she never seemed to get angry

When the child saw him in a daze, he shouted, "Daddy, why don't you eat?"

He was shocked and hurriedly picked up his job: "good son, dad will eat it right away."

After eating, Hua Rong said softly, "son, go and write."


Little Lu Wenlong was very happy when he saw his mother. He ran to the desk. His fat little arm stretched out and wrote a few words with a pen: "Mom, do you think I'm good at writing?"

"Good. Good. Huh..."

Hua Rong picked it up and corrected his son's gesture of holding a pen

Jin Wushu kept silent and stood aside watching. At this time, he slowly opened his mouth: "Hua Rong, you come back to the kingdom of Jin with me!"

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