One Night Bride

Chapter 268

The child struggled violently, and Wu Qimai forcibly hugged his arm. The child ate painfully, and his small face cried purple. He kept shouting, "Mom... I want mom..."

Hua Rong was furious and suddenly jumped up to rob the child The tip of Jin Wushu's sword couldn't help moving a little, but it was still horizontal on her chest: "do you still want to be fierce?"

She was already furious and found that she had made a terrible mistake Before, she deeply believed that Jin Wushu would be kind to this child, but at this time, she had completely seen Jin Wushu's style and his attitude towards women The woman he wants must be a woman who can "use", such as Yelv Guanyin and Wang Junhua How can such a woman bring real safety and security to her children?

Even if Wang Junhua doesn't abuse children, what else can such a woman bring up children, in addition to a copy of Qin Hui? How heroic are ludeng and his wife who committed suicide and died for their country? Is it for the sake of making their son a thief and father behind them, and may become enemies of their family and country in the future?

No, how can I let my son go with Jin Wushu?

She shouted, "Jin Wushu, I thought the child would not be treated badly if he followed you. However, I found myself wrong. From Yelv Guanyin to Wang Junhua, the child will be tortured to death by you sooner or later. In particular, how can I be raised by the shameless adulterer * *, the orphan of the great song dynasty?"

Jin Wushu was so angry that his lips turned blue: "Hua Rong, do you really want to die here?"

Wang Junhua's voice trembled with excitement: "young master, kill this unscrupulous bitch..."

Hua Rong was pointed to his chest with a long sword and suddenly flashed forward: "Jin Wushu, even if you kill me immediately, you can't take the child..."

The tip of the Sword Pierced faintly. Jin Wushu couldn't help but step back and said angrily, "this is my son..."

Sooner or later, just at the moment when he was a little stunned, Hua Rong had jumped up, and the tip of the golden Wushu sword was askew. She had snatched the sabre from Wu Qimai's waist and shouted, "return my son..."

Wu Qimai threw a rat repellent, and little Lu Wenlong beat him in his arms: "Mom... Let go of me... I want mom..."

She rushed to the child with all her heart, and did not care about the pursuit of Jin Wushu behind her. Her hand had touched her son's little hand waving carelessly. Little Lu Wenlong laughed through tears: "Mom, mom..." she reached out and grabbed her mother's hand

Wu Qimai immediately retreated, and Hua Rong would hurt her son's arm if she tried again, so she had to let go and immediately chased him At this time, Wu Qimai had arrived at the door, and Jin Wushu also reacted. He stopped Hua Rong at once. The cold tip of the sword pointed to her vest and shouted, "Hua Rong, if you dare to commit murder, don't blame me for being rude..."

At this time, Hua Rong's eyes were red with blood, turned around, took the saber in his hand and cut at Jin Wushu She used all her strength in this knife. Although Jin Wushu was stronger than her, she had to dodge hurriedly She was able to kill, so she chased after her in two steps, and then cut back at Jin Wu Shu with a knife

The two have been in love and resentment for many years, but they have never fought so close. The real swords and guns face each other, fighting for life and death, like a pair of irreconcilable enemies

Jin Wushu dodged her fierce knife again, and was surprised that she could make such a quick move at such a time. In front of her, a flower dissolved in a knife had arrived

In his ear was Wang Junhua's flustered voice: "young master, be careful, be careful..."

Hua Rong stabbed two times in a row, knowing that he was not the opponent of Jin Wushu. He dodged blindly, but she shook the knife falsely. Jin Wushu took another step back, and she suddenly turned around, acting as fast as a light leopard. Following the sound, Wang Junhua saw that Wang Junhua had retreated to the corner behind Jin Wushu, squatting on the flank in panic She saw the omission and threw a knife. Although Wang Junhua had been stunned, out of the instinct of survival, she suddenly rolled on the spot, so embarrassed that she hit the foot of the table on the table, waving her hands blindly, as if she could escape this sharp blade

Seeing that the knife was about to be thrown into her chest, Jin Wushu swung out a sword and knocked it down cleanly. It was like this. The blade had also cut Wang Junhua's face, a shallow wound, dripping blood, and a burst of pain And the falling back of the knife hit her instep with a thump, which made her scream with pain, like a cat whose tail was cut off by Shengsheng

Regardless of the pain of her feet, she only covered her face tightly, and cried in horror: "my face, my face..." she used color to serve Jin Wu Shu, and more than 30 people. What she was most afraid of was the damage of her face. Cherishing her face was even more precious than gold. Covering her face, blood seeped out of her fingers, and she cried like a mournful person

"My face... Bitch, you ruined my face..." she was so spiteful that she limped, rushed up, stretched out her sharp fingers and grabbed Hua Rong's face

Hua Rong stretched out his hand, lifted her up, slapped her in the face, and was about to punch her in the heart. Jin Wushu had rushed up and grabbed her, but he couldn't dodge. Hua Rong's slap had been heavily slapped on his face

Hua Rong used all his strength in this palm, and Jin Wushu only felt that Venus appeared in front of him, and his cheeks seemed to be faintly swollen

The throwing of Hua Rong's Sabre was originally to ensure that Jin Wushu could not be killed. At least Wang Junhua had to be killed, and at least Qin Hui's right arm had to be cut off. Seeing that Jin Wushu had knocked down the knife, his understanding fell short and he lost the game. Ren Wushu's long sword hit his neck again, but he no longer struggled. He only slowly, step by step, retreated to his position and sat quietly, as if nothing had happened

The only son was still crying, "Mom, mom..."

She laughed miserably, "son, mother is useless, and she can't protect you in the end."

Jin Wushu shouted, "get back."

Wu Qimai ignored the child's crying, picked up the child, turned around and left The child struggled hard in his arms and cried, "I don't, I don't, I want my mother, mother..."

The door slammed shut, shutting out all the children's cries

The room immediately quieted down

Jin Wushu's angry wheezing sound, Hua Rong's expressionless breathing sound It was only a moment, but it seemed as if it had been a long time

A bodyguard ran in again and urged, "master, it's time to go."

"Take the little master first, and I'll come later."


Hua Rong stared at the slamming door, and the already prepared carriage rumbled away. Then, the child's cry was not heard at all

Two maids came forward to wipe the blood stains off Wang Junhua and perfunctory wounds. Wang Junhua was about to go to rest, but Wang Junhua ordered them to go down She was not seriously injured, even if she was a little worried about "disfigurement", but the love and assistance of the fourth Prince - this happy cognition made her truly have the momentum of a hostess in an instant

That's a real queen's momentum Honor, nobility, grace and rain

The fourth Prince chose to save himself between Hua Rong and himself!

If for the first time, I still had a little luck in this joy, this time, I was wholeheartedly sure!

She stepped forward and hugged Jin Wushu's waist from behind. Gently, the laughter was so pleasant, so relaxed, so charming, as if she were the youngest bird and the wife most favored by her husband. Among thousands of women, she was the happiest one, but her eyes were looking at Hua Rong, With the provocation and show off of the winner: "young master, your affection for me can't be repaid by my broken bones. It's easy to get qianjinbao, but it's hard to find a lover..." her voice even slightly choked, "fourth prince, thank you! Thank you so much! You can rest assured to set out, and I will do this thing properly..."

Unfortunately, Hua Rong closed her eyes and didn't see her such a proud smile and performance She felt angry, but soon laughed again. This woman will always open her eyes, won't she?

What glory is it to get the favor of your lover in front of your rival?

Jin Wushu ignored her lingering love words, and the handle of the sword in his hand was still horizontal on Hua Rong's neck, trembling slightly

After a while, he said angrily, "I love my son more than you, so I can give him the best. What about you? You can only send him as a hostage and please Zhao Deji..."

She said angrily, "I didn't! I also gave my life to protect him! Moreover, I'm not for Zhao Deji! I just can't let your plot succeed, and I don't want to let song fall into the hands of gold thieves like you..."

Wang Junhua snorted contemptuously, "you hen, who doesn't lay eggs, is trying to dominate the little master as the capital to invite rewards..."

"Shut up..."

The tip of Jin Wushu's sword was slightly forced, and Hua Rong couldn't help but step back He sneered: "Hua Rong, at the beginning, I thought you were injured and in poor health. I hope my son can comfort you, so I left the child to you. However, in vain. You are a woman with an iron heart. No matter what I do, you are indifferent and cold-blooded. The crown prince has let you go, protected you and tolerated you repeatedly. Is it really as bad as you say?"

be affected!

She stared at Jin Wushu curiously. How could this barbarian like to pretend so much? At this moment, he had to maintain his image of "righteous" and affectionate childe

Is there such a real hero who plans to overthrow the state of song every day and does everything to feed such scum as Wang Junhua in order to ascend the throne?

When despicability becomes a sharp weapon that will never go wrong!

Why didn't he just admit it?

She looked at him contemptuously: "Jin Wushu, others don't know what you think, do you think I don't know? All these things, of course, you are not just your wolf owner in the remote and bitter cold, you are aiming at the world... The world of unified rivers and mountains!"

"Zhao Deji can sit in the Dragon chair, and so can the crown prince!"

"It's a pity. You can't fight for the position of wolf Lord. Even if you capture the kingdom of song, how can you get the throne of the son of heaven? Since the wolf Lord can clean some of your brothers, naturally he won't let you go, an ambitious man. Don't you end up empty?"

"Hey, how can a swallow know its ambition!"

"What a boastful swan! How many loyal ministers and generals do you have? How many counselors and talents do you have? What do you rely on? Just rely on Wang Junhua and Qin Hui?"

"Qin Hui is an important Minister of the state of song and the most trusted Minister of Zhao Deji who you are loyal to! Hahaha..." he laughed loudly and was extremely proud. "Hua Rong, do you think the crown prince doesn't know? You have tried to expose Qin Hui's identity three times and four times. Not only you, but also Princess Tianwei, who once served as the crown prince's concubine. She is Zhao Deji's own sister. Zhao Deji still doesn't listen to what she said. What's the purpose of your 100 times of remonstrance, in addition to proving your stupidity?"

Wang Junhua hurriedly added, "how can Zhao Deji's impotent eunuch believe you? You are all fools along the way."

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