One Night Bride

Chapter 270

People don't understand their intention and look for their wives. Now, isn't the more power you need, the better?

Even Zhang Xian was a little surprised: "Madam hasn't fallen yet..."

He shook his head and looked anxious. "You just need to follow orders."


They had to return. Soon, there were only 20 people left on the snow, including Yue Pengju and Zhang Xian These twenty men, all of whom were Yue Pengju's Pro guards, followed his pro soldiers almost from the beginning of the Kaifeng war

Zhang Xian asked, "where to go?"

He didn't answer, but rushed ahead

This is a small town only a hundred miles away from the capital There is a luxurious mansion here, with twoorthree ancient pines and fourorfive clusters of Phoenix tailed bamboos. After a heavy snow, the artistic conception of snow pressing green pines everywhere. The green pines are straight and straight, which complements the "suwu" image of the owner here, Beidi Wrangler, who returns from the festival

Qin Hui, the master here, worked hard for the country for a long time, and the soldiers of Miao and Liu happened to "retire from illness" when they changed. When Miao and Liu were rampant, he called him prime minister, and he also refused to accept it. Therefore, he was praised by the censor, and the emperor who wrote the letter must reuse this person

Zhao Deji's secret letter calling for pension and condolences has come twice, but the noble Lord Qin still lies in bed and can only thank him for his kindness, but can't go to office immediately

It was only a few hours after the eunuch who sent the message left that he sat up refreshed

It was already dark, and the old servant directly sent the delicious food to the study Three cups of two good wines went into his throat, and he frowned, "madam, there is no news yet?"

"Go back to the master, but the madam hasn't come back yet."

He was delighted that Wang Junhua was a famous tigress. As long as he was at home, he had to tell him whether he had flirted with his maidservant every day, which made him very upset Being away from home these days makes it a lot easier without these "routines" Sometimes, he even hoped that Wang Junhua would disappear and marry another gentle and obedient woman However, he dared not. Such thoughts could only circulate in his mind and never dared to say it

The old servant received the meal, leaving only a pot of hot wine. He poured a cup, drank it, and chewed it on his cheeks This is his habit. Every time he needs to think about something important, he always chews his cheeks half a day

At present, the form of the court is very clear Miao Liu was expelled from the court, and Zhai ruwen had to take the blame and resign The first political enemy he came back can be said to be Zhai ruwen. He hated Zhai to the bone in his heart. Even if Zhao Deji trusted him again, he had to leave temporarily in this case As long as he quits the court, it will not be so easy for him to make a comeback His first political enemy went first. Even if he didn't go, the censor would impeach him

In addition, LV Yihao is the great hero of the king of Qin. He is the first obstacle to his comeback The imperial court usually set up a prime minister, sometimes there are left and right prime ministers. This is because the emperor can't completely trust each other and needs to weigh the constraints When I go back at this time, is it a single phase or a common phase with Lu Yihao?

This is a very important issue If it is common, how can we exclude Lu Yihao?

He was also secretly shocked that the fourth prince was really doing everything step by step After all, the monkey king hovered in the palm of the Tathagata Terrified, he was even more determined. He was glad that he had such a smart and capable wife, which saved him a lot of things With her one day, the fourth prince can rest easy

There was a knock outside the door. It was the voice of the old servant: "master..."

"What's the matter?"

"Villain brings you ginseng soup..."

What kind of ginseng soup do you send in the middle of the night? When the door opened, he didn't care. He thought it was the old servant who delivered tea. He still chewed his cheeks and bowed his head in meditation

A cold wind, a dagger has hit his neck, at the same time, his whole person like a salted fish was carried staggered Qin Hui was thin and weak, typical of Southern men. Being carried by this, she was dizzy, but immediately realized that something had happened. The door, the old servant and others had been knocked unconscious

As he was about to speak, the masked man in black whispered, "where are the flowers dissolved?"

He was surprised, but quickly calmed down: "who are you? Who is Hua Rong? I'm the imperial court commander, and you dare to enter and assassinate?"

The old thief is still pretending!

Yue Peng, the man in black, raised his hand and grabbed his throat. As soon as he stuck out his tongue, he almost closed his breath

"Speak quickly, or today will be your death."

"Yue Pengju! How dare you kill the imperial court officials?"

Since he was recognized, Yue Pengju didn't deny it, and sneered: "you dare to kill my wife, how dare I kill you?"

"This is a great crime to kill the nine families! Besides, what evidence do you have? What's my business with your wife missing? Don't frame me..."

"Qin Hui, you can't deny it. Today, I'll land on you. Otherwise, you'll be dead..." Yue Peng looked around, "where's Wang Junhua?"

"She is not at home."

Yue Pengju was even more confident. He grabbed him and pushed him out


His cry was blocked in his throat. Yue Peng waved his elbow to knock him unconscious and directly carried him out

Qin Hui went home to recuperate. In the past two years, he hid his strength and bided his time. For the time being, he did not dare to form any political enemies. Coupled with the cover up of "Su Wu", he had no enemies. Therefore, the house for recuperation was not particularly heavily guarded At this time, it was late at night, and everyone had fallen asleep. Yue Pengju didn't dare to be careless. He quietly kidnapped him and went out over the wall

As soon as his body was thrown to the cold ground, Qin Hui shivered with cold, although he was wearing a big robe He struggled to turn over and sit on the ground, trying to maintain some dignity, and angrily said, "Yue Pengju, you are so bold. When I report to the son of heaven, you insult and threaten the minister, and your guilt is unforgivable..."

"Qin Hui, if you don't hand over the flower solution today, it will be your death. How can you have the life to report to the emperor?"

"What does your wife's whereabouts have to do with me?"

Yue Peng sneered, "others don't know your identity of Qin Hui, but I don't know yet? Your husband and wife have already planned to kill Hua Rong and catch Princess wanwan while Miao and Liu are in chaos..."

"How dare you spit out blood? I was ill at home and never left for a moment. I didn't even go to the imperial court for recruitment..."

Court conscription

Yue Pengju didn't know Zhao Deji's calculation, but hearing this, he immediately understood that Zhao Deji probably would use Qin Hui again

He was indignant in his heart, but he didn't show it at all. He just said, "maybe it's your credit for the change of Miao and Liu soldiers!"

Qin Hui was old and cunning. At this time, he woke up and sneered, "what evidence do you have?"

Yue Pengju nodded honestly, "I have no evidence. I simply have no evidence at all. However, without evidence, I still want to ask your VIP."

"Hey, hey, in that case, I'm going to accuse you of framing the minister, strains your nine races..."

"Nine families? Qin Hui, you may not know something. I have no relatives except my wife and children. Now my wife and children are missing, and I'm left alone. What's to be afraid of?"

"What does this have to do with me?"

"I'm going to land on you, VIP."

Qin Hui was so angry that he almost vomited blood. He never knew that this Wufu dared to use such an outrageous move, but it happened that it was the most effective move

Qin Hui hissed and scolded, "Yue Pengju, I have no grievances with you. Why do you force me? If you kill me, you yourself will be destroyed. If you kill the minister, the court will investigate, and you think you don't know the ghost?"

What a innocent man!

Yue Peng raised his face and smiled, his face still covered his head. "If you insist on not saying it, you won't see whether the court will investigate your death, right? Besides, who knows that I killed you? You also say that I have no grievances with you..."

With a slight effort of his hand, Qin Hui was strangled by his neck and could no longer swallow his breath. He wanted to hold on, but he couldn't hold on. His eyes surged horribly in the night, and he could only make a broken sound of "woo... Ah..."

Yue Peng raised his hand and said, "say it or not?"

Qin Hui was as angry as a hairspring: "I said, I said..."

"Where are the flowers?"

"How do I know?..."

Yue Peng raised his hand, Zhang Xian came up and tied Qin Hui with his own hands. As soon as he raised his hand, he stuffed a pill into Qin Hui's mouth

Qin Hui only felt a fishy smell. As soon as Zhang Xian pinched his neck, the pill had slipped down With a giggle in his throat, Zhang Xian said in a low voice, "you'd better be honest. If you can't find someone, you won't get the antidote, and you will be poisoned and die in three days. Since you're not pretending to be ill? Don't worry, others will think you're dead. The imperial court will praise you and give you your posthumous title when it reads your loyalty..."

Qin Hui couldn't speak at all, but scolded angrily: "Yue Pengju, the world calls you a loyal warrior, so it's such a mean person..."

"Deal with what kind of people, with what method. Qin Hui, you villain, don't blame me for being a gentleman."

"Yue Pengju, how can you use this means... Despicable..."

Yue Peng sneered. Before that, he never thought he would use this method However, people are forced to move forward step by step, right?

Yue Peng tried every means to find his wife, but got nothing. He thought that Hua Rong had been "cheated" to Wuliting. From the hands of those people, there are only a few forces that can feed such a dead man in this dynasty

Desperate, desperate to seek medical treatment, he set his eyes on Qin Hui Who can hate Hua Rong so much if she is deliberately arrested? When my husband and wife came to Lin'an for the first time, they had no personal political enemies. As long as their wife was not in Miao and Liu Jun, where else could they go?

Zhang Xian put him on the horse's back: "Qin Hui, if you don't say it, today is a dead end."

"Yue Pengju, I haven't seen your wife at all..."

"You haven't seen her. Even if you don't know her at all, I'll ask you about her. Lord Qin, what can you do to me? Because I can't remember who to ask except asking you about her..." Yue Peng looked around, "Since I dare to come to your mansion to arrest you, I'm not afraid of things to be exposed. To tell you the truth, if my wife and children have something wrong, you and Wang Junhua will be buried with me. By the way, I forgot to tell you that your adopted son Qin Xi is also in my hands. If you don't want a family of three to bury my wife and children, you'd better be honest..."

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