One Night Bride

Chapter 274

Far away, there is a large area of wintersweet in full bloom. The wind blows the fragrance of wintersweet, which brings infinite warmth to this cold winter The sound of firecrackers came from far and near, and some blue smoke curled up in the sky. He remembered that it was the new year's eve of the Song Dynasty

In a few days, it will be new year's Eve

The state of Jin was originally no more than a holiday. After the extinction of the state of Liao and the state of song, it learned to celebrate the Mid Autumn Festival, new year's Eve and Lantern Festival of the Han people

In a twinkling of an eye, he saw Hua Rong and stopped talking. He leaned on the carriage, closed his eyes, as if he were asleep

He shouted, "Hua Rong, it's new year's Eve in a few days. Why are there firecrackers on the long way now?"

Hua Rong still closed her eyes, but patiently replied, "today is the 24th day of the twelfth lunar month. They are sacrificing to the kitchen god."

After the founding of the dynasty, the capital was set in the north. Kaifeng City was broken and the sky fell. Zhao Deji fled south several times and set the Xinggong in Lin'an Accompanied by a large number of scholar bureaucrats going south, they brought the customs of Tokyo, while the local southern people followed the customs of Wu, but the two are similar

The 24th day of the twelfth lunar month is a sacrifice to the kitchen god. The purpose of the sacrifice is to let the kitchen god get drunk and go to the gate of heaven. It is impossible to report the disadvantages of each household to the Haotian emperor Every household in the South should sell wine and burn paper money; At the beginning of Kaifeng, the custom was to stick a kitchen horse on the stove and smear the door with lees, which was called "drunken Simai"; The custom in Wu area is that men offer sacrifices to kitchen god with cooked and rotten pig heads, Pisces, and bean paste powder ears, and women must avoid

From the beginning of sacrifice, families will continue to burn firecrackers and braziers Firecrackers in the Song Dynasty are very different from today's "firecrackers". They are really bamboo. If you burn the bamboo red and hit it on the stone slab or hard ground, it will make a loud popping sound At the same time, firepots will be placed in front of each house to burn bean straw, dry firewood and some leafy green branches in the pots People, regardless of their status, wear a silk big white moth flower

At this time, the carriage has driven into a small town. After passing the town, it will reach a safe place

Jin Wushu secretly breathed a sigh of relief, opened the curtain to see the pedestrians coming and going outside, and was absorbed in these strange customs of the song state, lively, joyful, and full of enjoyment Look at the vast land outside the carriage. Wheat seedlings grow out of the ice and snow. They are oily and stretch into pieces, as well as many other unknown crops, crops, vegetables... So rich, everything

"Yang Yi Yi Er", he has witnessed the prosperity of Yangzhou with his own eyes. The affluence in the southeast of Wu and Chu seems to have never experienced the war. There are also many singing prostitutes, music prostitutes' singing, actors' juggling, and the cry of selling fruit candied haws

Now half of the land that supports the taxes of the song state comes from this land. He thought to himself, Zhao Deji has such a prosperous large land. As long as he manages it a little, or is willing to reuse Yue Pengju, the original Zongze, etc., how can the Jin State attack an inch and a half of the land of the song state?

However, he was even more proud. Fortunately, Zhao Deji trusted Qin Hui

Fortunately, I have Qin Hui's wonderful move

He laughed loudly and did not hide it The passers-by thought it was a visit from a rich family, and they were not surprised at all, but looked more curiously

Hua Rong closed his eyes, half dreaming and half awake, regardless of how satisfied he was with his smile, he was indifferent

It was dark and light, and the carriage never stopped. Fortunately, it drank when thirsty and ate when hungry Confused, I didn't know the passage of time. Although I was anxious, being imprisoned in the galloping carriage was getting farther and farther away from Pengju

She sighed in her heart that her husband and wife always get together less and leave more. This time, if they can survive, they really don't want to show off. Maybe, changing a lifestyle is the real way to save their lives

Finally, the carriage stopped

It was dark all around, and there was no wind blowing in my ears Hua Rong was dragged down by two bodyguards and sent to a room The room was not very luxurious, but it was clean and tidy. Two waitresses waited aside, looking curiously at the bound "guest" They have never seen such hospitality. They are obviously prisoners. Why should they treat them according to the specifications of guests?

After running for a long time, Hua Rong was tired physically and mentally, half lying and half lying. For a long time, she felt thirsty and said loudly, "I want to drink water."

The two men looked at each other, and the host did not ask to serve her tea, so they still stood motionless

Hua Rongqing knew this was the order of Jin Wushu, so he stopped shouting. As soon as he closed his eyes, he fell asleep vaguely, but he dreamed that Yue Peng was holding on to the galloping fast horse, running like lightning in the wind She was ecstatic and shouted, "Peng Ju, Peng Ju..."

A burst of severe pain, she suddenly opened her eyes, but saw a pair of hands just removed from her body, apparently pinching herself hard just now

This demon!

Jin Wushu's heart is about to burst out fire. Damn women, they all miss Yue Pengju! He deliberately laughed as if nothing had happened and lowered his voice: "you be obedient, I will take my son to have dinner with you, otherwise, I will never let you see him again in the future." Then, without waiting for Hua Rong to answer, a maid came in with the child

When the child cried for a long time, he suddenly saw his mother. As soon as his little hand was raised, he rushed to his mother: "Mom, mom..."

Hua Rong held her son in her arms, and her tears rained like rain. Little Lu Wenlong reached out to wipe the tears on her mother's face and said vigorously, "mother doesn't cry, mother doesn't cry..."

His mother and son hugged each other and cried. Jin Wushu was bored, but she also felt strange. It was rare for this hard hearted woman to cry like this

On the contrary, he felt a little happy

Finally, she is still a woman!

All the waitresses have retired, with very rich dishes on the table and three bowls of steaming bean porridge Bean porridge is served in a bowl with pink and green glaze, like sapphire. It is a masterpiece of celadon Next to it was a dish of sugar ice produced in Yizhou

When the child saw his mother, he had long burst into laughter, and smelled the steaming smell of bean porridge, laughing: "Mom, I'm hungry, let's go to dinner..."

Jin Wushu smiled: "son, it's time for dinner."

Lu Wenlong stretched out his hand. He picked up his son and came to the table. He sat him down. He brought him a bowl of bean porridge first, and said with a smile, "son, do you want to taste it?"

When the child saw the sugar ice placed next to him, there was no bleaching technology at that time. The sugar ice was brown and red, but it was crystal clear and very cute Lu Wenlong took a piece of silver chopsticks and put it in the bowl. Seeing that his mother hadn't come up for dinner, he turned around and called her, carrying the bowl to run down: "Mom, here you are..."

Jin Wushu had been unwilling to pay attention to Hua Rong and wanted to ignore her. However, seeing her son like this, she had no choice but to call Hua Rong again: "you eat first."

Hua Rong saw the rope behind her and the bondage that was untied before her son entered the door. It was too late to hide it. She smiled faintly, "Jin Wushu, why do you have to pretend to be a good man?"

While holding another piece of sugar ice for his son, he didn't seem to hear the sarcasm of Hua Rong, and said to his son with relish: "people describe sugar ice as a poem 'don't wait for thousands of years to become amber, but doubt the frozen nectar in June'. People drink bean porridge with this kind of sugar ice when they sacrifice in the lunar new year, which is the custom of the Song Dynasty..."

Naturally, children don't know what it means. After drinking a mouthful of sweet bean porridge, they feel delicious. They simply pick up a piece of sugar ice and put it in their mouth with their hands. With a "bang", they are happy to laugh. Then they grab a piece of sugar ice and shout, "Mom, this is good to eat, come and eat..."

Hua Rong finally saw his son. Naturally, he didn't want to let his little man see the cruelest side. He walked to him with a smile, sat down next to him, and said softly, "son, bean porridge is not like this. Come on, mom will get it for you..."

She added something slightly, stirred it, and then handed it to her son, "do you think it's better?"

The child took a sip and said happily, "Mom, this is better to eat, and you can eat it..." he turned to Jin Wushu and smiled happily, "Dad, why don't you eat? You also eat..."

Jin Wushu sat down opposite him with a smile. He also took a bite of bean porridge, but he felt sweet and smooth. After a bowl, there was a lingering fragrance in his mouth He looked at Hua Rong again, and Hua Rong also ate a bowl. She ate very slowly and only carefully mixed some of his favorite dishes for her son. Her every move was extremely soft

He looked a little crazy. This woman has always had different faces Why doesn't she always show this side? Isn't this her best and most beautiful side?

If she has been like this, a family of three, happy, why bother to torture her and bind her?

This thought shocked his heart, and then he found out what he was longing for He has been in the army since he was 14 or 15 years old. Ten or 20 years have passed, but the ups and downs of swords and halberds have never changed. His days at home are few and far between. In addition, his biological mother died early, the wolf Lord's father has many children, and he himself is in a hurry to fight in the army. In addition, the natural rough feelings of Da Jin men, the love he can share in his body is almost negligible

However, who knows that besides the war, the joy of home is also very important? In addition to leaning on hongcucui, venting desires, husband and wife are harmonious, and children are close, isn't it also a joy of family? In particular, the more influenced by the culture of the Southern Dynasty, the more I like their family happiness

Yelv Guanyin was pregnant. He was ecstatic, but such a dream was soon broken by King Qin. In addition to humiliation, it was also humiliation

Now, isn't it one of the most desirable pleasures in your heart that "three members of a family" get together for a banquet like this? Beautiful wife and young children are all satisfied with themselves!

He sighed in his heart, if you want to have all this, you can only use coercive means, then you might as well force it to the end People are always stronger than fate, aren't they? Hua Rong, since the liujiasi Jinying, her fate has long been doomed and can only be grasped in her own hands Just like other Jin generals, they hired song women as concubines, forced them, and didn't see any unhappiness If women have to be strong to conquer, they have to be strong

While eating, he looked at the intimacy of mother and son, but Hua Rong turned a deaf ear, as if there had never been anyone else around After the mother and son finished eating, the child pestered his mother to tell a story, and Hua Rong told a story about a big gray wolf. He was sleepy, fell in his mother's arms, his small hands hung down softly, and he was already asleep

Hua Rong hugged her son, and the farther away from Lin'an, the villain in her arms became the only comfort Her son's body was so warm that she hugged him tightly and forgot her situation. She conveniently took a piece of brocade blanket and covered him, listening to his slightly warm breathing sound

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