One Night Bride

Chapter 280

Liu Lin said with a smile, "this is a gift for the little prince. The little prince, long Fengzi, is extremely intelligent and has the demeanor of the fourth prince. Even at a young age, it will be immeasurable when he grows up."

Liu Lin actually hasn't met Lu Wenlong, but he doesn't know that Jin Wushu's son is not his own son. This flattery made Jin Wushu very happy. He took Bruce Lee with his own hand and looked at him for a while, very satisfied

Soon, Jin Wushu frowned imperceptibly and asked, "Prince Liu, what's your request for this gift?"

Liu Lin hurried to salute again: "mainly thanks to the fourth prince. Since the change of the Miao and Liu soldiers, the state of song was in chaos, and the nine kings had no time to take care of it. Our Qi army took advantage of the situation to send troops, and successively occupied Kaifeng, Lianghe, and wrote to the vast forces all over the country, agreeing to attack north and south, hoping to destroy the nine kings and make great contributions to the country."

Jin Wushu nodded. Liu Yu did send troops quickly. Taking advantage of the chaos, the song army barely resisted and fled. Liu Yu could fight here smoothly

Liu Lin was a little elated: "the father emperor said that thanks to the trust of the fourth prince, we will lead people to attack and win the state of song, which is not a boast..."

Jin Wushu smiled faintly, "it's up to you?"

Liu Lin's face was red and he couldn't catch it

Jin Wushu increased his voice a little: "do you know, maybe Yue Peng raised Zheng and led the army to chase?"

After Zongze, Yue Pengju was the most troublesome figure in the Jin State and the puppet Qi. They had heard of Yue Pengju for a long time, and heard that he would really guard Xiangyang. In this way, the puppet Qi would naturally regard him as the number one enemy

Liu Lin exclaimed, "this is the sphere of influence of General Liu Guang of the state of song. Liu Guang is a mediocre general who often runs away without fighting. When we attack here, we don't encounter much resistance. How can Yue Pengju come? Besides, we haven't got any news, and the state of song is about to use troops..." he was careful about his wings, and didn't dare to disobey the meaning of Jin Wu Shu, but he couldn't help it. "The nine kings have just been transformed by Miao and Liu soldiers, and they are as brave as mice. How dare to use troops easily?"

Zhao Deji's failure to use the army does not mean that Yue Pengju will not seek his wife Jin Wushu knew this, but he didn't say it

Liu Lin said, "tonight, I have prepared a grand banquet for the fourth prince. Please celebrate the new year of our country."

"Haha, it's so good."

Although Liu Lin and his son are known as the "200000" Qi army, it's hard to say how many of them can fight. They don't know how to really fight against the state of song Their ideas naturally depend on the support of the "father kingdom" Daikin If there are four princes in the army, are you afraid that Da Jin will not send troops?

Moreover, Liu Yu naturally tried every means to inquire about the two troops that the four princes gathered at the border of the state of song. They came as soon as they were called and fought as soon as they came

Jin Wushu naturally knew his father and son's wishful thinking, and said, "well, the crown prince will take charge first and destroy Liu Guang for you."

"Liu Guang's army, which is known as 100000 troops, if it can be destroyed, the troops of the state of song will be ten to two or three, which is a great blessing. After the new year, the army will start immediately."

Jin Wushu shook his head with a smile: "soldiers are expensive and fast. Why wait for years?"

Liu Lin looked pale. Now it was the end of the year, and the soldiers were eager to spend time with their families At this time, when using troops, I'm afraid there will be complaints

Jin Wushu's eyes changed: "this is also Liu Guang's idea. That's why Liu Guang is a mediocre general."

Liu Linru got a blow in the head, immediately got up and said carefully, "the fourth Prince Yingming. Chen immediately set up the army and attacked Liu Guang unexpectedly overnight."

At that moment, Liu Lin immediately summoned the officers and young officers here. They were not happy to hear that Nian Guan sent troops, but they were also happy to use troops after hearing Jin Wushu's personal lecture and receiving Liu Lin's heavy reward first

This use of troops, as expected, did not come out of Jin Wushu's expectation. Soon, Liu Guang, who was busy with the Spring Festival and was unprepared, attacked in pieces, fled, and had no power to fight back. Liu Yu's puppet Qi's strength was greatly promoted, and the song state was forced to a narrow corner of the south of the Yangtze River

At night

The lobby is newly decorated. The wine of the Song Dynasty comes in turn, and the geisha dancers are performing songs and dances Drink and appreciate the golden Wu skill

Hua Rong sat on the chair and looked at the scene coldly Her hands were firmly tied behind the fixed chair. Looking from a distance, she was sitting lazily and covered by a generous skirt. It was impossible to see that she was tied

After all, the pain in the body can't compare with the pain in the soul

When despair came, she suddenly opened her eyes and heard someone call herself so clearly


"Seventeen elder sister..."


Hua Rong leaned on the chair, and her heart jumped, but she remained calm

Raise your head, look around blankly, others figure This is Liu Yu's sphere of influence. The army is guarding it. Peng raised it alone. How did he come?

In the twinkling of an eye, she saw that Jin Wushu was drinking with relish and looked so proud, so she looked away again, closed her eyes, and fell asleep

Anxious, I am tied by him every day. How can I escape?

Even if you escape, how can you take your son?

She had seen that if it went on like this, her son would never become a useful person in the Southern Dynasty. He must be a dandy of the Jin State It's really a thief Several times, she wanted to expose the wolf skin of Jin Wushu in front of her son, but what should her son do if she couldn't expose it and take her son away? Is Jin Wushu willing to treat him as before?

As a result, she hesitated and was particularly painful

However, if you don't say, what will happen to your son's future? What did ludeng and his wife die for? What's the use of a lot of hard work?

In this way, the war between heaven and man is even more painful

The newly sent singer played the piano and music. In the middle, a light dancer waved Liuyun water sleeves and was dancing a song of the Song Dynasty's famous song "flying Fairy". Her waist was too thin to grasp

Liu Lin and his son made great efforts in how to win over the important personnel of the state of Jin. They investigated the interests and hobbies of the major generals. In addition to the two common things of women's treasures, they also found out that the fourth Prince Jin Wushu liked the culture of the Southern Dynasty. He once lurked in the state of song in plain clothes for many times and enjoyed Qin, chess, calligraphy and painting. After Jingkang was difficult, he was also the general who collected the most civil and military calligraphy and painting of the Southern Dynasty

Jin Wushu kept pace with the time and enjoyed it happily

At the end of the song, she curled over, raised a glass of wine, fed it to Jin Wushu's mouth, and was soft to the bone: "childe, please drink this cup..."

"Well, well, beauty, what's your name?"

"My nickname is butterfly dance."

"Butterfly dance? Colorful butterflies are dancing. Good, very good." As he spoke, he reached out and held the beauty on his lap to play with

Butterfly dance is very shy, but very docile. Someone sent a military information, which was sent by Liu Lin Jin Wushu didn't look at it and asked butterfly dance, "can you read?"

"I know a little about Qin, chess, calligraphy and painting."

"Hahaha, good, good."

He grabbed Diewu's slender waist, rubbed it and kneaded it, saying loudly, "Diewu, read this fold for the crown prince."

"Yes, I do."

The bodyguard quickly handed the fold to Diewu, who picked it up, unfolded it and read it for Jin Wushu Her voice was soft, crisp and a little childish. Jin Wushu loved it more and more, laughing, "Liu Lin was a good gift this time."

He was proud. Butterfly dance put down the fold and filled him a glass: "fourth prince, please."

"Haha, beauty's wine must be drunk."

He lifted his neck and drank the beauty wine Butterfly danced, smiled, and rolled her eyes, snuggled in his arms like a kitten, gently kneaded and massaged him

They had long been ordered by Liu Lin to adjust, saying that as long as they served the fourth prince, they would have prosperity and honor in this life Although they are both talented and beautiful, they were born as singers and never sold themselves. But the best way out is to be a good girl. It's better to be a concubine of a dignitary. Therefore, if they are bought to serve the fourth prince, they will naturally do their best

Jin Wushu was flattered by her and was very comfortable. Suddenly, he became interested and said, "butterfly dance, can you write and paint?"


"Come here."

At the order of Jin Wushu, the girls immediately sent paper, ink, pens and inkstones to spread out. Butterfly dance was deliberately showing off, so she wrote a seasonal phrase:

Without Ding Lingwei at that time, there was Acacia everywhere every year If this hatred is shared with the fragrant grass, I'm afraid that there will be an end to Qingqing

Ding Lingwei was a talented man in the Han Dynasty. In legend, he became a fairy feather After hearing this allusion, Jin Wushu read the last two sentences. He was really happy and sighed, "well, well, it's not inferior to the scholar bureaucrats of the Southern Dynasty. Come here, the crown prince has a lot of rewards..."

At that moment, Jin Wushu ordered to reward butterfly dance with 100 liang of gold and a set of jewelry as concubines

Seeing that butterfly dance was just talking and laughing, all the singers won the favor of the fourth prince. They jumped over the dragon's gate in one step and were all envious. They only hated that they and others could also play piano, chess, calligraphy and painting. Why didn't they win the favor of the fourth prince

Seeing such eyes, Jin Wushu was even more proud and hugged the butterfly dance: "the crown prince will leave soon, and you will go back with me. Who else has outstanding talents? Beauties might as well come and shine..."

A beautiful woman holding a lute nodded She was not as good as other beauties with a Southern Dynasty bun, but with long, shiny hair that came down to her waist, because she sat and couldn't see how long it was She doesn't wear heavy makeup, but has a plain face and only a pink pearl flower on her temples

It's really natural beauty, which is hard to abandon. It's only disgusting that the paint and powder pollute the color

It turns out that the real beauty is still behind

Everyone's voice stopped, and yingyingyanyan automatically separated a way. Jin Wushu sat on a chair and looked at her attentively, but she was a rare beauty with apricot eyes and peach cheeks, and a head and a moth eyebrow

When I came to the Southern Dynasty this time, the first beauty I saw was really her

He was slightly proud, picked up the ivory wat on the table, gently tapped it, and said to himself, "Liu Yu and his son have a little conscience this time, and they have brought it to perfection."

The woman didn't speak, only her fingers moved slightly, and several silk strings sounded, like a dream, like big beads and small beads falling on the jade plate, and sometimes turned to Ding Dong, like the sound of gold and jade

Her white clothes are even more elegant. Along with the music, her fingers slightly fiddle with them, showing red flowers. The whole person can't tell whether it turned into immortal sound or miaoye became such a person as her

She gently opened her lips, her teeth white, and sang:

Garden chrysanthemum bud gold, conglan less green, painted as autumn smoke Send you back, qianlixin hidden Wild geese and water are all better than those of taokan How to see a great event, all in the farewell chapter Worry and wash lazily, think and accompany the banquet, and put the moon by the lake How many romantic memories linger Smell the neon Jingyu drive, and see if it's a fairy in the jade Bureau It should be promised to rush through the smoke and fog, and reach the middle of the cave

Her voice is gentle, her singing voice is wonderful, and her singing is sentimental, which is better than the butterfly dance just now

Jin Wushu was so elated that he shouted, "the beauty of the Song Kingdom does not lie in princesses, but in folk geisha artists."

As soon as the pipa stopped, he immediately said, "come, reward..."

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