One Night Bride

Chapter 290

Hua Rong took these things in his hand, with a sweet smile and a helpless voice: "fourth prince, if Qin Hui wants to kill me and Peng Ju, I will threaten them with this, OK?"

He just rolled his eyes

She looked puzzled and felt ridiculous

"You're laughing at my innocence, aren't you? Maybe as soon as you turn around, you'll immediately notify Qin Hui and his wife to kill me and Peng Ju, right?"

He panted sharply and wanted to ask her, in that case, why not kill himself with a knife? However, the wound was too painful. He had been in charge for more than ten years and had not suffered a more serious injury than this. However, this time, the pain was not in the flesh, but in the bone. In his heart, only cold sweat soaked his forehead in bursts, making his scorched hair wet

Hua Rong said to herself, "Alas, whether it's useful or not, you should always leave something, right?"

The smile on her face slowly disappeared. In fact, she understood in her heart that the only way to never suffer from the disease was to kill Jin Wushu at this time. However, why couldn't she do it again?

Reason is one thing, but how can a person be so rational all his life?

Seeing that his eyes had been staring at the black iron like thing, she felt a chill in her heart, as if she were begging herself to leave this What the hell is this?

She asked, "what is this? Is it important?"

He rolled his eyes anxiously

Hua Rong immediately understood that this thing was really important She laughed, "since it's important, I won't pay you back."

She looked at it carefully, and just put it in her arms Ma Su is familiar with Jinwen. If you have a chance, just ask him?

Seeing her act like this, Jin Wushu was so angry and anxious that he almost fainted

"Well, Jin Wushu, you hit me and pinch me. Now, I also hit you and chop you. You don't understand, I will repay you if I'm evil..."

He bit his teeth and hissed like a desperate snake spitting a letter: "King Qin... Then king Qin hit you..."

Hua Rong was stunned and immediately understood what he meant I don't know how he knew he was hurt by King Qin

I felt disappointed. Yes, I had vowed to kill King Qin many times, but after more than ten years, King Qin's head was still on his head

She laughed with self mockery, "I'm too defeated. That's the so-called benevolence of women, so I can't become a big climate. Originally, you and King Qin are my targets, but it's a pity... It's a pity... It's a pity..." she even said a few regrets, and she couldn't go on, looking gloomy

After a while, she said, "I won't kill you today, but I know that in the future, Peng Ju and I will probably die in your hands!"

As she said this, she looked into his eyes

He also happened to be in her sight

Both of them were shocked, especially Hua Rong, who suddenly surged up with terrible strong intuition That's a natural instinct of women

This terrible feeling almost defeated her, and her hand couldn't help reaching down to the knife again

Kill him, and there will be no future trouble!

Kill him

At this moment, her eyes were full of murders Even when she just cut that knife, Jin Wushu didn't see such a profound killing opportunity, and his heart was cold: this woman, now she really wants to kill herself

She really wanted to kill herself

He slowly closed his eyes and then opened them, but saw that her hands had left, stood up, and stood straight: "it's okay, it's okay..."

She turned around, and he grunted again, "Hua Rong..."

Hua Rong shook his head and sighed, "I don't know if Wu Qimai will come to save you. But I guess he is definitely not Peng Ju's opponent. Alas, if you are here, your ambush may succeed. But Wu Qimai, he is far from you. Let alone compared with Peng Ju..."

Every time he heard "Yue Pengju", he closed his eyes and pretended to be asleep

"Wen longer has gone far, and I know I can't catch up with him. But, fourth prince, since you love him, please read it for the sake of Lord Lu and his wife. If you don't want him to grow up to be a submissive soft bone, and don't want him to be the second Qin Hui, please don't let a woman like Wang Junhua nurture him. This is my last request to you."

With that, she turned and left This time, as he grunted, she never looked back

Jin Wushu's body had completely slipped to the ground, staring at his hand in a daze. The knife was so accurate that the thumb and index finger of his right hand fell to the ground together, and blood was still bubbling out

He is a martial artist. He has been fighting for years. He is used to holding a knife and drawing a bow. However, this hand has been completely abandoned. From then on, he can no longer fight Xiaoao

Fingers connected, heart piercing pain, bean sized sweat drops on the forehead drop by drop, flowing down the face to the mouth, salty and hot, slowly, the whole person was numb

However, his eyes were still open, and the red figure was farther and farther away. His dark hair was shining with strange brilliance in the morning sun, and he was in high spirits, like an elf rising in the trees

She didn't look back. No matter what his death or life was, it seemed that it was no longer important

He slowly watched her back disappear into the woods. His eyesight had completely collapsed. The pain of waist injuries and broken fingers finally broke out together. He could no longer support it. Like a top, he fell upside down to the ground

In front is a slightly wide wasteland, withered and yellowing grass, low shrubs around, the sun shines at a glance, and you can even see the small clouds of snow that the evergreen shrubs can't melt up, quietly melting, turning into drops of water, drop by drop, reflecting colorful light

In the distance, there is a wild wintersweet The bare flower branches, without any leaves, send out a strong fragrance, and the whole tree is in bloom

Hua Rong hurried forward without stopping at all. He just jumped up at will when he ran past the flower tree, folded a flower branch and held it in his hand

The wind retreated in the sound of running, and the flowers breathed fragrance in the sunny weather

The air is so fresh and the heart is so relaxed, which is the ease of freedom It's a vast expanse of relaxation

It turned out that prisoners feel so uncomfortable

It turns out that the happiness of regaining freedom is so distinct

Even the worry and anxiety about her husband's safety can't suppress this relaxed feeling

Listening to the wind in her ear, she pulled out her feet and ran quickly, with endless strength all over her. It seemed that as soon as she ran out, she would see Peng Ju running towards her on the road

On the road, the footprints of horses' hooves are so clear, and there are some fresh horse dung. The army has just passed by

But by this time, there was no one left

The road was littered with some bodies, as well as knives, guns, bows and arrows, all left by the war dead She immediately picked up a slightly handy bow, and then picked up a nearby quiver and carried it on her back

She stood on the road and looked at the distant depression. At this time, the wind was calm, silent, and there was no aftermath of the fierce battle Anxiety and worry turned the happy state of mind into anxiety. With his eyes turned, he found a flat leaf on the roadside and put it on his mouth

This is a kind of leaf flute she learned at sea. At that time, she was only 17 years old, and he was only 13 years old. Like a little mouse that would be eaten by a cat at any time, they hid in the spring bay they accidentally found and made a small raft that escaped secretly Only then, when working, can the fear of prisoners be relieved and the longing for freedom be filled

Nothing can stop my yearning for freedom!

King Qin did not understand, nor did Jin Wushu In the field of one party, they are absolute masters and kings, who can control the fate of others and women at will However, by nature, I don't like being dominated by anyone - just like my parents and clansmen, if I faint, I will die without a burial place

Everyone should control his own destiny Before her parents died miserably, she didn't understand. After her parents died, she understood Although weak, we must fight

Fight, even if you die, you will fail; But there is always little hope;

If you don't fight, you must be a puppet and plaything forever in this life

She hated the feeling

Whether King Qin or Jin Wushu, he always hated Yue Pengju and always thought it was because of him that he didn't marry them They didn't understand that even without Yue Pengju, they would rather marry a peddler, a pawn, a woodcutter, than marry them He and Peng Ju just happened to meet when the flowers were blooming. They were lucky and made for each other Neither earlier nor later

Her heart was hot, and she thought of Peng Ju's "sister..." fortunately, the experience of joining the army over the years, she followed the footprints of the horse's hooves and whistled

The noon sun

It's warm

Hua Rong was already running sweating. She suddenly stopped and listened to the sound of horses' hoofs in the wind and rain opposite There was also the same swift sound of horses' hoofs in the back

Two groups of people came face to face

She didn't lose her mind because of anxiety, and quietly hid under a large bush by the side of the road, with sweat in her hands Who will it be? Peng Ju? Liulin army? Jin Wushu's men? At this time, what is the battle situation of both sides?

The first to arrive is the person behind, scarlet military uniform, silver armor on his head, it is Liu Lin's pseudo Qi army But at this time, this troop was already exhausted and sparse, and the leader was just a general

The flowers stick tightly under the bush without making a sound If the enemy finds out, there is no way out

At this time, a horse came face-to-face. She could see clearly in the hiding place that it was Yue Pengju, who had seven or eight arrows inserted in his body. His head and face were covered with bruises and black, like a common civil figure rolling through a fire

She almost screamed, but she saw that Yue Pengju had met the leading general

After a few rounds of fighting between the two, she had seen that Peng was injured in lifting weights, and suddenly jumped up and shot an arrow The general was in a fierce battle, and the back of his head was hit so hard that he fell to the ground without even humming

She never stopped and continued to shoot The weak puppet Qi Army thought it had been ambushed, and when it saw the general's death, it collapsed with a crash. It turned around and ran away, trampling on each other and overturning people

Yue Pengju was about to hunt down, but he heard a familiar voice in his ear, full of surprise and anxiety: "Peng Ju..."

He looked up. In front of him, a red shadow rushed over, his eyes bright as the morning star He felt relieved and his body shook. He could no longer support it and fell to the ground

She grabbed a step and picked him up. Her hand touched the horizontal arrows, and she couldn't hug him

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