One Night Bride

Chapter 292

His voice was so gentle: "sister seventeen, I haven't seen you for a long time..."

Her voice was lower: "then you should get better soon."

"Ha, it's all trauma. These injuries used to be routine. I'll be fine soon. Don't worry."

"Nonsense, how can it be all right? Seven or eight places. You have to take good care of it. Don't drink, don't work hard, and don't worry about anything else."

He sighed, "are you worried about me?"

"Well, in the future, you will completely listen to me, and do whatever I call you. If you dare to disobey me..." she straightened up, and then remembered that her body was empty, her face was red, and she bowed her head and buried it in his arms

He laughed, and she blushed and changed the subject: "Peng Ju, it's new year's Eve again. How do we spend it?"

"I really want to go out with you."

Hua Rong seriously doubted, "can you?"

Yue Peng turned over, stretched out his hand, hugged her shoulder, smiled and said, "what plaster do I use? It seems to be very effective."

The flower melts his white eye. No matter how wonderful it is, how can it recover overnight? However, the feeling of warmth and security between his shoulders and arms is really too good Although she was afraid of touching his wound, she leaned for a long time before sitting up and smiling, "I'll get you something to eat."

His voice was whiny: "no! Someone made it, you stay with me."

"How can someone else do it with my own hands? Today is Chinese New Year."

"No! I don't care what I eat. I have to have you by my side."

Hua Rong was angry and funny. After being hurt, she became a whiny person. She sighed secretly. This time, Miao Liu Bing changed, and Jin Wushu was in the middle of planning. As a result, Peng Ju was seriously injured, and Jin Wushu himself lost one hand Only sighed that he was safe this time But who is the final winner?

She didn't know that Qin Hui had been caught. She frowned and sighed, "Peng Ju, how did you find here?"

Yue Pengju suddenly remembered that he had caught Qin Hui. Fortunately, Zhang Xian had been arranged in advance. As soon as he found Hua Rong, he released Qin Hui As for how to release it, it took a lot of trouble not to let Qin Hui temporarily find an excuse to backfire

He told the story of catching Qin Hui again. Hua Rong was so happy that he just clapped his hands and said, "hahaha, Qin Hui should clean up like this. But if this person doesn't die, it's a disaster after all."

But Qin Hui is a second-class senior. It's not easy to hide and hide if he wants to be killed at once Now, only let him suffer a dumb loss and take some control of him, but the long-term plan is not the way In particular, he may also be promoted to a senior official and prime minister If so, it's really hard to do But can Zhao Deji's thoughts be decided by himself?

Yue Pengju said slowly, "when I was looking for you, I encountered a strange thing."


"The sudden disappearance of Liu Lin's army allowed me to catch up with Jin Wushu. Otherwise, I couldn't catch up at all. I guess King Qin arrived, because when I checked some bodies on the roadside, I found that some of them were injured by knives, which were the scars that King Qin could reach with his unique sword..."

Hua Rong said faintly, "didn't he leave?"

"I guess it's still around here."

Every time Hua Rong heard the news of King Qin, she didn't know how to speak It's not that I don't worry about his safety. I know that if he is around here, he must come to rescue himself But what if I really saw him?

Yue Pengju was also worried about King Qin, but when he saw his wife's expression, he couldn't say anything more

He stroked his wife's soft hair, which was sweeter than eating the best honey in the world

On this day, its own servicemen brought new year's dinner, which was nothing more than some local winter vegetables, preserved meat, etc Both of them are not very picky about food, but they feel that all kinds of food here taste very good One by one, they ate with relish. Then, all day long, they were tired of playing a kind of local chess in bed. You come and go, and the fight was not fierce

For more than a dozen rounds in a row, Hua Rong lost miserably Yue Peng saw her unhappy and secretly laughing, so he deliberately took a few random steps. Hua Rong finally won, turned over to him happily and sat in front of him, holding his head

Yue Peng laughed: "if I had known I would have been rewarded if I lost, why don't I lose more times?"

Hua Rong knew that he was willing to give in, and he was so angry that he beat him on the shoulder

He put his arm around her and said softly, "how about another reward?"


Her hum was stopped by him, and they laughed and made a mess

The winter sun, like a late beauty, slowly goes down before reaching the top of the tree tops. The sky turns into a soft and dim color, and the surrounding wind is cold and piercing

The sound of firecrackers can be heard faintly in my ears. The Chinese New Year's Eve is coming

Jin people count the days by how many times the grass turns green. Now, they begin to adopt the tradition of the Song Dynasty and learn to celebrate a little holiday Although Jin Wushu's feelings for this new year's festival are not as strong as those of the Han people, he is inexplicably sad to hear the faint sound of firecrackers here

The wound on the body coagulated, and the sharp pain of the severed finger passed temporarily, and everything became numb He had fainted for an unknown period of time. When he woke up, he was lying on the cold ground like a wild dog dying

A cold wind blows, and the evening strikes He knew that if he didn't go out again, he would die here He slowly struggled to get up. Fortunately, he was dressed like a Han man. When he went out, he wouldn't be too eye-catching The puppet Qi army was really unreliable. He had already guessed that it was unreliable. Therefore, he did not return, but walked slowly forward, hoping that Wu Qimai and others could come back and find themselves

He staggered out of the woods. There was a road in front of him. There were people not far away. Then he remembered that he had not only become a lonely family, but also had no money, so he had only a dagger with him

He hid the dagger in his ragged robe under his body, and his whole body was covered with blood, like a vampire hand suddenly drilled out of the forest Fortunately, there was no one passing by, otherwise he would be scared to death

He walked out a few miles, but saw a curl of cooking smoke in front of him It used to be that some people with a little courage could not leave their homes, so no matter how hard it was, it would be difficult to celebrate the new year It's time to make a fire for dinner

He thought of finding something to eat, but remembered Hua Rong's words: "if you become a penniless tramp, the fourth prince, what can you do?"

With a wry smile, he really became a tramp

Just, hateful, hateful these cunning Han people Hua Rong, in particular, pretended to go on hunger strike, paralyzing himself and fighting back when he was at a disadvantage

Yue Peng's arrow and her knife really complement each other

The anger in his heart increased, and he almost hated the gall. He jumped a dagger in his hand and quietly approached the family I always have to eat, otherwise, I will starve to death

He was still very careful to approach. In front of him was a shabby hut, with dry thatch after rice harvest in the South on the top, and the earth wall was full of withering ivy vine marks

He walked quietly, looked at the smoke curling from the kitchen and knocked at the door

After a while, an old man came to open the door and looked at him in surprise: "my guest, are you..."

"I met the puppet Qi thief soldiers who were wounded by them on the way, and begged the old man to take them in for a night..." he said nonsense casually. The old man also hated the puppet Qi thief soldiers. Seeing that it was a victim with such a heavy injury, he thought about it and said, "Alas, the little old man is poor and can't make a living, but he still gives you a bowl of food..."

He let Jin Wushu in, and saw a large pot of porridge steaming in the pot, but it was very clear, and the grains of rice could be counted

The old man scooped a bowl for him. He didn't care about the hot, and immediately drank heavily After drinking half a bowl, I finally got some heat on my body However, how to eat only this porridge? He looked around and knew that song people attached great importance to the new year. Why didn't the old man eat anything else?

The old man only complains about the cruelty of the thief army all the way. Jin Wushu has been a big fish and meat since he was born, and he is even richer and richer when he grows up. He hugs in the army, lives a luxurious life, and has a temporary peace in his stomach. He wanted to ask the old man if he had any other wine and vegetables, but when he remembered that he had no money reward, he didn't open his mouth, and just drank porridge

Just after drinking a bowl, I heard the sound of horses' hoofs His face changed, but the old man was full of panic: "no, is it the thief soldier again?"

As soon as the puppet Qi army occupied, it was a vicious search and robbery. Everyone suffered a lot. Hearing the sound of horses' hoofs, they thought it was puppet Qi The old man was afraid. Jin Wushu's hand quietly pressed the dagger and looked around. There was no place to hide

He couldn't think much. Seeing the wood leaf gently covered, he flashed out and motioned the old man not to make a statement

Then the door banged

The old man went to open the door. He saw a big man like the Tiansha star at the door, staring at leopard like eyes and sounding like a loud bell: "I'm hungry, but your house has good wine and good food, so you can take it..." he said and threw a large piece of silver

Seeing that the stranger was followed by twoorthree people, the old man thought it was a thief soldier, but he didn't expect to take the initiative to give money. He was overjoyed and immediately bowed down: "uncle, please..."

Jin Wushu kept complaining behind the Chai fan. He had already recognized that this was the voice of King Qin He planned to kill King Qin, but it was not at such a time. As long as he found out, he would die He hid by a pile of haystacks behind the firewood leaf, and didn't dare to say anything. He just prayed that the old man wouldn't reveal his news too much, or King Qin and others would leave quickly

King Qin waited to enter, but when he saw a large pot of porridge, he frowned and said, "that's all?"

The old man got a large piece of silver and bowed down and said, "the little old man still has a little preserved meat, so he should honor the uncle immediately..."

He turned around and uncovered a tightly covered cauldron. When King Qin and others entered the door, they thought it was some stone slab. Only then did they find that it was he who hid it. It was obviously prepared to deal with the puppet Qi thief soldiers

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