One Night Bride

Chapter 312

Yang Yao said loudly, "my family's graduation this time depends on the protection of master Zhong's God." The disciples also shouted, and for a moment, their voices rang through half the sky Then Yang Yao stood up, took the sword from the incense table, cut off the heads of the two big cocks prepared next to him, and dropped the chicken blood into a big bowl Yang Yao put the bowl on the incense table, sat cross legged on the spot, closed his eyes, and muttered words in his mouth It was very quiet around, and the believers knew that at the moment, the great sage king was communicating with Zhong Xiang's soul Sure enough, after a while, Yang Yao opened his eyes and said loudly, "master Zhong's edict is that you must take the head raised by Yue Peng to send troops this time."

The disciples cheered loudly and beat gongs and drums as if celebrating victory. They all believed that master Zhong would bless his family and kill all the officers and soldiers

Due to the continuous surrender of people, Yang Yao's military action is no secret to Yue Pengju After the baotaishan meeting, Yue Pengju soon learned about their attack plan and immediately arranged to deploy Ren Shian, Xu Qing, Wang GUI and others to fight separately

The vanguard of the water war is naturally the conquering General Huang Zuo He and Yang Qin were familiar with each other, and their tactics were similar. They used clapping poles to tie boulders to each other and threw them at each other's hull. They also used wooden crows, arrow stones and other weapons But Huang Zuo used a new weapon called grey cannon, which was suggested by King Qin at the beginning It is to use a very thin earthen pot, filled with poison, lime, iron thistle and so on, and throw it into the other party's boat, which immediately raises a burst of smoke, so that the other party's eyes cannot be opened Both sides have been fighting for a long time, and each other has been killed or injured At this time, Xu Qing and others rushed to reinforce and fire rockets. Yang Qin couldn't resist and fled back

Zhong Ziyi and others on the land rode on the Yellow puma. In order to show his identity, he embroidered the purple characters "Prince Zhong" with a white silk flag This flag is so conspicuous that it has simply become the primary target of the official Army Ren Shian and others focused on the target and immediately captured the thief and the king first Zhong Ziyi saw that the officers and soldiers were killed, so he pulled out his father's sword and chanted, "the master practices the law in heaven and teaches us to exterminate demons."

However, master Zhong did not appear, and the soldiers came in a flood. Seeing that the magic failed, the believers collapsed their psychological defense line, and immediately fled and collapsed Zhong Ziyi and Huang Cheng ran fast and escaped

The defeat on land and water dealt a heavy blow to Yang Yijun's morale Yang Yao saw Zhong Ziyi and others who had escaped, and said angrily, "it's nothing to worry about being defeated occasionally today. Tomorrow, I'll see my family go to war and kill the demon Yue Pengju."

Zhong Ziyi exhorted, "our army's new defeat should be based on a long-term plan, and it is not easy to fight again hastily."

Yang Yao appreciated this failure for the first time, and was completely unbearable. He said, "if you don't win the battle for such a big defeat, how can you convince the public?"

Yang Mo didn't listen to advice and led 10000 people to attack QingCaoHu in person This time, besides Ren Shian, Yue Pengju sent Zhang Xian, Niu Gao, Dong Xian and other main forces to fight Yang Yao's troops were not dominant, and people's hearts were floating. In addition, Zhang Xian organized a team of loud officers and soldiers who did not fight, and took advantage of the gap to wander away, shouting loudly, disintegrating and capitulating The crowd soon became a mess, throwing away their armor. Yang Yao ran away on horseback alone, and the flag of "the great sage king" was also captured by the officers and soldiers

More than 18000 officers and soldiers were captured this time, and they were collectively escorted to the Yuejiajun camp outside Tanzhou city

According to the rules of the officers and soldiers in the past, most of the bandits killed on the spot in order to avoid further trouble Yue Peng asked his staff, "how can we deal with so many captives?"

Li Ruoxu said, "I don't know how much it will cost to support 20000 people. Now the military expenditure is tight, it's better to put it back. But in order to prevent them from doing evil, you might as well collect all their weapons. But when the thief soldiers go to war, there must be some murderers in it, and you need to make an example."

Yue Peng nodded and said good Five of the fierce looking men were selected and brought up Knowing that they were going to die, the five scolded: "master Zhong will show his spirit and get rid of you demons."

Yue Pengju remembered his wife's last words. With a move, six sergeants came forward and tore the three flags of "Prince Zhong", "great sage heavenly king" and "Dian Shuai Huang" into pieces He said loudly, "Yang Yao and others gathered a rebellion, claiming to equalize the rich and the poor, and there are gods to bless. But Yang Yao and other wives are in groups, and you can't eat enough, so it's false to equalize the rich and the poor. Although Yang Yao prayed for heaven's blessing, master Zhong didn't bless you. What gods can you say?"

Everyone was speechless

Therefore, five people were ordered to be brought to justice, and the remaining 18000 people were all escorted to the neighboring Longyang County, and all were released

After defeating Yang Yao's army and army this time, Yang Yao was no longer able to fight, but he still adhered to the remaining 33 stockade relying on favorable terrain; For Yue Pengju, although the encirclement was tightened, there was no military action to take advantage of the victory

In the past few days of the war, Yue Pengju worked in the camp all day and all night, and he couldn't even return home. Hua Rong was naturally not at home, but quietly rode to observe the situation everywhere With her experience and understanding of her husband's combat habits, it won't take long to win Yang

She felt a little disappointed. Before the war, what infertility and concubinage had been put on hold for the time being, but after the war? After Yue Peng's great victory? Is it the best reward for him to have a concubine in his arms?

She rode slowly back to the family camp Along the way, the family members were happy The children saw her carrying arrow clusters and riding a war horse. They hadn't seen her dressed up like this for a long time. They surrounded her and shouted curiously, "Mr. Hua, Mr. Hua, teach us to ride..."

The fourth senior sister answered These days, she learned from Li qiaoniang that both Hua Rong and her husband promised to take concubines, and even Li qiaoniang had put on the hairpin sent by Hua Rong Li qiaoniang's identity as madam is a certainty Seeing Hua Rong riding on the horse, she sighed in her heart that there should be such a generous woman in the world. According to the Confucian ethics, she was also a first-class virtuous person

She enthusiastically called "Mrs. Yue". Hua Rong didn't answer, but heard a cry. In front of the flower, a woman rushed over, knelt on the ground, and cried loudly: "Mrs. Yue, you have to decide for me..."

Hua Rong turned over and dismounted. Elder sister Gao had already picked her up. She was the wife of Wang GUI, a brave general under Yue Pengju

Wang's face was black and blue, and his hair was dishevelled, and he cried out: "my family is really miserable. My master has just married a beautiful prostitute in Tanzhou city. As soon as he entered the door, he didn't pay attention to my family. However, the master was partial to her and didn't care about the relationship between husband and wife at all. What's the good about that little coquettish fox? But with his youth, he was only seventeen years old, and lost two of his three souls..."

Hua Rong stood where he was, unable to speak at all

Wang Shi was still crying: "Mrs. Yue, my master has only served Mr. Yue all his life. You must ask Mr. Yue to scold him. You must make decisions for me. That little fox spirit is good and rampant..."

The two of them exhorted Wang The fourth elder sister of high school secretly complained, peeping at Hua Rong's face from time to time, but seeing that she was not different, she was slightly relieved

Because of this obstruction, it was late when Hua Rong returned home. Soon, Yue Pengju also returned

Yue Pengju stayed up these days, looking tired and his eyes were red. As soon as he sat down, he covered his eyes and moaned Hua Rong hurriedly asked, "Peng Ju, what's the matter with you?"

"I have an eye attack."

It turned out that Yue Pengju rushed into the fire to save her, burning her eyebrows and hurting her eyes At that time, I didn't care, leaving hidden dangers. Now when it happens, it's simply unbearable

Hua Rong got up and was about to serve him. Li qiaoniang had grabbed the handkerchief first and said anxiously, "my husband's eye disease has broken out again? Unfortunately, there is no famous eye doctor here..."

Hua Rong stood in place and watched Li qiaoniang cover her husband's eyes with skillful movements She realized that her husband's eye disease was not the first time

She regretted and felt guilty. During this time, she really ignored the care of her husband and didn't even know such a big thing However, Li qiaoniang, she has been serving, hasn't she? What does it matter if you have yourself?

After a while, Yue Pengju's pain passed a little, and Li qiaoniang said softly, "congratulations to my husband, congratulations to my husband, and another great victory."

Yue Pengju was in a good mood because of his victory and nodded with a smile

Hua rongdan saw that the two of them frowned and slowly opened their mouth: "in that case, it's better to have a double happiness, do the wedding, and give qiaoniang a place."

Yue Peng sat up and said, "yes, these days, Qiao Niang is too wronged."

Li qiaoniang bowed slightly respectfully: "it's a great blessing for my family to serve my husband. Why bother?"

"In that case, things need to be solved immediately, and procrastination is not the way." He turned to his wife, smiling rather than smiling, "Seventeen elder sister is virtuous and thinks of the lower officials everywhere. If I don't agree, won't I be ignorant?"

Like being stabbed by someone, he just can't wait? Hua Rong forced a smile and nodded, "OK, it's up to you."

Li qiaoniang was overjoyed. She knelt down and kept kowtowing: "thank you for your grace, madam."


Yue Peng raised his hand to hold her up and looked at her carefully. Then he said, "Qiao Niang is so talented that it's really wronged to be a concubine. The officer must prepare a decent show and never let you be humble."

"Thank you, my husband. I just want to have a son and a half for my husband, which is a great blessing."

As if someone slapped her in the face, Hua Rong couldn't help but move her feet quietly, but her legs were full of lead, and she couldn't move at all

She stared at them in a daze. Yue Pengju, a handsome woman, and Li qiaoniang, a coquettish woman, were both the best, beautiful women and talents, made in heaven Suddenly I thought of Wang GUI's wife. As she grew old, my beautiful concubine came in and was hated by her husband day by day. She had no foothold, unkempt and ugly

"Sister seventeen, how much savings do you have at home?"

Yue Peng raised his mouth and asked her something, but his eyes looked at Li qiaoniang. Hua Rong couldn't help following his eyes, but seeing that he was affectionate, maybe his position was determined, and he was no longer scrupulous. Li qiaoniang, who was the most gentle with her head bowed, showed the charming demeanor of a girl

Yue Pengju has always been frugal. In recent years, his salary and meritorious service alone should have made him rich However, all the surplus money was used to supplement the military supplies. Wherever they went, they almost had what they had Looking around, in addition to some lost books, calligraphy and paintings searched everywhere, although they are not household, there are no antique playthings, and Hua Rong himself has no valuable jewelry

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