One Night Bride

Chapter 315

Yue Peng raised his voice and said in a deep voice, "it's not necessary. I have other things to do. I won't disturb you." When he finished, he turned and left without waiting for Hua Rong to answer

Hua Rong helplessly saw him leave. She sat for a long time. I don't know how long it took. She pushed the door and went out. Only then did she see that there was a heavy traffic outside. It turned out to be a silk shirt, dress and dowry bought by Yue Pengju As well as the wine, vegetables and meat for the feast, a group of servants set up a temporary kitchen outside for preparation Although not extravagant, it is also quite imposing Yue Peng, sweating all over his head, commanded outside, but he was preparing for his concubine in person

She remembered that her husband took the hundreds of spears back, but she was afraid of corruption and treated his concubine badly She sighed in her heart: Peng Ju, husband and wife, how dare you look at me!

She stood in a daze at the door, and saw Li qiaoniang quietly opening a line of doors in the west wing to look around. The smile of Rong Chong's expectation on her face made her unable to bear it anymore, and she reluctantly returned to the room and lay down

However, how can I sleep when I lie down? Just prick up your ears and listen to the hustle and bustle outside The couple had a quarrel. It was late at night, and the hustle and bustle stopped. She still didn't see her husband go back to the room. She was anxious. She quietly got up to the door, but she heard footsteps. She was about to speak, and saw the door of the West Wing room open. It was Li qiaoniang's expectation and surprise: "my husband..."

It turned out that her husband went to Li qiaoniang's room!

She didn't see her husband come out for a long time at the door. She just felt dizzy, moved her steps, and slowly went to bed and lay down

This night, Yue Pengju never came back She lay dizzy until dawn before she heard the rapid footsteps She quietly pushed the door out and saw Yue Pengju standing outside in the yard. She didn't know whether she had just come in from the outside or just came out of Li qiaoniang's room

When he saw Hua Rong, he greeted her with a smile. He was very proud and excited. He was almost as happy as a child: "Seventeen elder sister..."

Hua Rong felt that he was in high spirits and elated, and suddenly realized that maybe he had been in love with Li qiaoniang last night, otherwise, how could he laugh so strangely? She was completely stunned and gave him a cold look Perhaps her eyes were too cold, and Yue Peng was stunned. At this time, a petty official came to report the matter, and he hurried away

Hua Rong also turned back and slammed the door She is a housewife and her husband takes a concubine. According to custom, she should avoid with airs

At this time, the mask of "good wife" can no longer be worn Outside the door, there were voices one after another. She couldn't hear what the voices were. She just felt that the voices were "congratulations on your wedding" There are women laughing and making noises. I think it's to dress up the bride

Yue Pengju's laughter, Li qiaoniang's laughter, King Qin's laughter... Besieged on all sides, all enemies In front of her eyes, she saw the silk brocade clothes of last night. She took another look at the jingchai dress on her body and the 50 yuan money in the drawer that she hadn't used. Her eyes were dry, but she couldn't shed tears. She felt that life was here, which was simply a complete irony

For a long time, she stood up, picked up her small bow and arrowheads from the side, and solemnly carried them on her back Suddenly I saw a big package in the wardrobe, and I didn't know when it was put in Open it and see that there are some brand-new clothes inside. I think Peng Ju bought them for Li qiaoniang. Because he didn't return last night, he didn't take them out

She put the package back where it was, and only picked up a few of her old clothes at will, and the rest was no longer tidy up Look at the bracelet on her hand. Yue Pengju bought it for her at the beginning. She gently faded it down, thought about it, wrote a few lines with a pen, flattened it with Paperweight, and put the jade bracelet on it


At this time, the whole body has really been "relaxed", even the package is so "relaxed", and there is no weight in your hand Then she stood up slowly, walked to the door, put her hand on the handle, and her ears were full of laughter, noisy, and congratulations She dared not go out, let alone face it After a long time, he withdrew his hand, walked to the window and opened it. Outside, there was a forest behind the bedroom It was midsummer, and the trees were green and silent Looking at the contrast between the seclusion here and the prosperity outside, she jumped out

With his feet on the grass, he startled several birds and chirped past

There was a happy drum music in her ear. She could no longer help crying. It was clear that the sky was sunny and cloudless, but she felt that the world was vast, and the world was so big that there was no place to live

She hurried out, whistled and heard the horse These days, she tied the horse alone in the stable At this point, quietly past, dismounted, jumped on the horse, and no one found her trace

As soon as she waved her whip, she quickly ran to the gate of the barracks. The veteran stationed naturally knew that this was Mrs. Yue. He saw her in and out almost every day. He only habitually saluted and let her out

Hua Rong went on the road unimpeded. The area of Dongting was dry for a long time, raising the dust of the boss along the way Look at Dongting Lake again. Between the water and the sky, the vastness in the distance is still unchanged

She ran out for more than a dozen miles, but saw rows of water stockaded villages along the way, overgrown with weeds. In the dry weather and scorching sun here, it was obviously a good time for the fire attack Only then did she realize that Peng Ju's so-called "eight days" victory was by no means exaggerated According to the time limit of nearly 20 days given by Zhang Jun, he can enjoy the sweet "spring curfew" before using the army

Beautiful wives and concubines, strategic victory, what a man expects, is perfect

Hua Rong couldn't think of it anymore. If her heart was about to burst, she suddenly waved a whip and fell heavily. The horse was frightened and ran desperately At this time, Hua Rong had fallen into great chaos. No matter what the direction, he ran for two hours and found that he had left Tanzhou city onehundredandtwohundred miles to a fork in the road

In the scorching sun, she was already sweating, her hair was almost dripping, and her clothes were completely glued to her body, wet and uncomfortable She stopped at a loss under a tall tree The shade blots out the sun, but I still don't feel the slightest chill

She raised her sleeve to wipe the sweat on her forehead, brushed away her sweaty hair in front of her forehead, and looked at the direction There are two roads ahead, one leading to Lin'an in the general direction, and the other in the other direction She calmed down a little. At this moment, in this world, she only wanted to see one person: Li Yi'an, who wanted to talk to her with thousands of words in her heart In the military camp, no matter the fourth sister of Gao or other female relatives, or even former friends Wan, Tian Wei, etc. are not suitable to talk to They didn't understand those words, and she couldn't communicate with them Only Li Yi'an, only that strange woman who is like a grandmother and a friend She couldn't wait to see Li Yi'an immediately, but she remembered that Li Yi'an was living in another courtyard of her family at this time, which was also the boundary of Yue Pengju He had no choice but to return to the shelter of Yue Pengju, and he was unwilling After thinking for a while, I stepped on another road ruthlessly

This determined the direction, and he never looked back, but he was no longer anxious. He walked and stopped all the way. For the first time, he was free to look at this strange world

Since the morning, the military camp has been boiling with this wedding

Early in the morning, Zhang Xian saw that his wife called the two children out to play, so he hid in the house and didn't go out. He asked, "won't you help?"

Naturally, the fourth sister of high school wouldn't hide her worries in front of her husband, so she said angrily, "you've just come back, and naturally you don't know the situation. Alas, Li qiaoniang has some help, and there are many people who flatter her, so I don't have to join the fun."

Zhang Xian frowned, "what do you mean?"

"I thought that Yue Xianggong had no empress, so I also agreed with him to take concubines. But these days, I see that Yue Xianggong actually looks like a fickle and unjust person. Men with three wives and four concubines are ordinary. Although it is for the sake of incense, we can't afford to lose the chaff. I only pity Mrs. Yue, who looked at her husband taking concubines eagerly, and had to live frugally and let Li qiaoniang eat and dress well. I think that at the beginning, Yue Xianggong once vowed to be no more than a wife in the golden palace. Now I can still hear it, but it's a different face..."

Zhang Xian has been fighting outside these days. He was on his own side. He still came back in the middle of the night last night. He didn't have time to talk to his wife and fell asleep. Now listening to his wife's words, some monks in law are confused: "fourth sister, where are you talking about? Li qiaoniang is going to get married. What's the matter with Guan Yue Xianggong? If Gao Lin hears your words, he won't offend anyone? Don't talk more and go to help..."

"What's the matter with Guan Gaolin?"

"Because today's groom is Gao Lin."

Senior sister was too surprised to speak Gao Lin is her distant cousin, who joined the army with Zhang Xian five years ago. In recent years, he has become more and more brave, and has made minor military contributions Especially in the first battle of Dongting, he was assigned to the first division of Ren Shian and made great contributions. He has been promoted to three officials and is now a military general of the sixth grade He is only 23 years old this year, because he has been in the army for a long time and is unmarried Since Li qiaoniang came to the camp, Gao Lin has visited her home twoorthree times and also met Li qiaoniang But she never found anything strange. Why did she marry Li qiaoniang?

The fourth senior sister couldn't help being happy, but she scolded her husband: "why didn't you tell me earlier?"

"I also learned about it at midnight last night when Yue Xianggong held a military meeting. How can I tell you? Besides, the military situation is tense now. Just after the meeting, other generals deployed military operations overnight. I still stayed for a wedding drink because of my kinship with Gao Lin."

"Ah? What is Yue Xianggong doing? It's true. No wonder Mrs. Yue is still smiling every day these days. Fortunately, my family has been sorry and dare not say hello to her."

"Yue Xianggong has his own arrangements. Why bother?"

Senior sister looked at her husband suspiciously. She always felt that her husband knew something and didn't tell herself before But she is gentle, and her husband doesn't ask if he doesn't say it But full of curiosity, he couldn't help but turn around and run out

Turning left outside, I saw a lot of laughter in the barracks. Gao Lin, who had changed his new clothes, was surrounded by everyone, and his face was full of joy Looking at her cousin from a distance, she couldn't go to say hello, but ran to Yue Peng's family

The house rented by the Yue family had been divided into two earlier Yue Pengju and his wife live in the east wing, and Li qiaoniang lives in the west wing. At this time, the west wing is full of shuttling women

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