One Night Bride

Chapter 319

I have never hated this man so deeply Why does he always appear in front of himself at the most inappropriate time? From sea to road, from Lin'an to Yanjing, from elong town to Dongting Lake... How does he spend his time on it all day? Doesn't he need to do anything? Is the joy of his life the pleasure of destroying himself?

She aimed at the opposite side, her hand trembling slightly, her mind racing, "ship" to shoot an arrow

As he turned sideways, her arrow fell to the ground, out of order and strength

She was stunned

With such a range, I would even miss Then I realized that these days, I am immersed in a sad mood all day long, complaining about myself, and what it looks like to waste my life It has nothing to do with Li qiaoniang or Yue Pengju, but the heavy psychological burden caused by all kinds of accusations against her "Empress Dowager"

She stood stunned in place, as if she were going to be ruined

King Qin picked up the arrow on the ground, looked carefully, and walked forward with deep sympathy in his eyes Girl, what she is best at and most proud of is her shooting ability. In this case, wouldn't it be a heavy blow to her?


Hua Rong panicked, like a person who was suddenly disarmed, without any weapons, but the enemy was pressing step by step She suddenly stepped back: "King Qin, don't come here, don't speak, don't say any words..."

He had to be silent Look at her warmly I don't know when, in front of her, they lost their former dignity and intimidation, and their positions were completely reversed But he didn't realize it

"Girl, Yue Pengju..."

She raised her bow angrily and called him, "I told you not to talk..."

He didn't dodge. The bow hit him on the shoulder, burning with pain

However, she shed tears and sat on the ground. If she was greatly wronged, she cried loudly, holding the big tree beside her, such as a naughty child, hitting the trunk with her head: "it's your fault, it's all your fault, it's all your fault..."

He stretched out his hand and hugged her tightly from behind. She could no longer hit the trunk with her head In a hurry, she turned around and beat him like a big tree around her

Maybe it's the decadence of these days. She didn't have much strength at all. After a while, she was tired and imprisoned by him. Her whole head was buried in his chest, crying bitterly

His chin against her messy hair, leopard like eyes, slowly quieted down, but felt that at this moment, her crying was her own joy But she didn't realize it. Only in this moment of dependence, she was sad about the wind and rain for many years As time flies, there is no real peace and happiness in any period of time, sometimes homeless, sometimes chased, sometimes runaway, sometimes trapped... I thought I had arrived at a sheltered port, but I found that after walking a lot and drinking a lot of water, I didn't even see the color of the clouds in the sky clearly, and then I was in a violent storm, changing rapidly. How could my heart ever have a moment of rest?

King Qin did not comfort her at all, and his eyes fell on her light gray shirt Tentacles are slightly rough muslin, rather than a smooth green silk shirt In front of her eyes, she looked like when she was seventeen years old. The sun shone so brightly on her forehead. This scene, like a knife engraved in her mind for many years, will never be remembered or forgotten With a sigh at the bottom of my heart, I still have several boxes of shirts grabbed like that on the island, green, yellow, red and blue, but in this life, where can she wear them one day?

Years are merciless. The original little girl is now full of vicissitudes. He reached out and touched her flushed forehead with gray marks on the trunk. A wisp of hair came down and covered her forehead. He was really distressed and whispered, "girl, look, how many sins you have suffered! For many years, you have never had a good life..."

"Blame you, blame you for hurting me, blame you..."

"Poor girl..."

She suddenly rubbed him on the chest, which made him sweat. I don't know whether it was sweat or tears. She raised her head and looked at him fiercely: "who do you say is poor? You are gloating!"

He was rude: "Lao Tzu said long ago that Yue Pengju was scheming and not a good man, but you didn't listen..."

"He's better than you! Get out of here!"

She stretched out her hand and pushed his hard chest fiercely, but she felt that the man in front of her was extremely hateful He didn't want to show the slightest weakness in front of him and make him laugh

"What is he better than me?"

"He is better than you! He is better than you everywhere!"

King Qin laughed angrily: "Yue Pengju is ungrateful and shameless. You deserve to marry him today. You really deserve it! I knew long ago that he would definitely take concubines. Look at the generals in the army. How many people don't take concubines? What's his good thing about Yue Pengju? He is obsessed with sex, has a new love, and forgets his old love. You are not suitable for him originally. You are several years older than him, and you can't bear children. Once a woman is old and weak, he is young and promising, and is bored for a long time. You think he is extraordinary Refined sage love? Girl, you are blind. You deserve it. I don't sympathize with you at all... "

If he came, he would sympathize and comfort, and his self-esteem really couldn't stand it. However, Hua Rong suddenly stopped crying and stood up and looked at him coldly, "King Qin, you wait to see my joke?"

"Yes! This is your retribution, and it's your retribution for remarrying others! I witnessed Yue Peng's appearance of taking a concubine with my own eyes. It's much more luxurious than when you married. Even the imperial court sent Kang Gonggong to congratulate. Li qiaoniang is a personal genius, supported by the Empress Dowager. In the future, the title of a concubine should not be under you. If you still want to be your wife in law, don't be angry, go back obediently, and get along with her in harmony. Maybe Yue Peng's intention is for the sake of a wife of chaff, but it's OK There is room for you However, you have to be careful. If Li qiaoniang gives birth to a son soon, she is so much younger than you. I'm afraid that no matter what happens to you, Yue Pengju won't spoil you any more... "

"Are you exciting me?"

"I'm not exciting you! Do you think I don't know? Yue Pengju didn't care about you long ago, otherwise, you wouldn't be forced to pawn out even better clothes and jewelry. Tut Tut, look at your beautiful name of Mrs. Yue..." his eyes fell on her jingchai cloth skirt, disdainful, "Is this the result of your serving Yue Pengju for several years? In order to take a concubine, even his wife's private money should be stripped clean. It seems that Yue Pengju didn't pay attention to you at all..."

"No! Peng Ju's salary has subsidized the Quartermaster. I have been managing all his salary over the years. How to use it? I know best that I handle every stroke. If I want to eat well and wear well, it's not easy?"

"Subsidize munitions?" He sniffed, "Only a stupid woman like you can believe it. Look at what Li qiaoniang wears? Look at the dowry Yue Pengju bought for her? It's a man's nature to let the beloved woman live a good life. Why can Li qiaoniang live in luxury? Why can you only eat bran and swallow vegetables with him? He won't let you live a good life for only one reason, that is, he doesn't pay attention to you at all, or takes you as a man, and just works with him for Zhao Deji A man, not a woman, not his wife... "

Hua Rong's blood surged up. "Do you think Peng Ju is you?! he didn't! He has always been good to me. What do you know? Besides, I didn't eat bran pharyngeal vegetables!"

"Compare him with me? Is he worthy? At least I don't have a concubine."

The words stabbed her heart like a sharp arrow, and Hua Rong was very angry. She felt that the demon opposite was simply a garrulous essence of right and wrong. For fear that the world would not be disordered, she turned and left

"Where are you going?"

She suddenly stopped, "if you dare to follow me again, if you dare to say one more word, I will kill you!"

King Qin laughed, "you're really a stupid girl. I'm just waiting to see how you're abandoned. Even Yue Pengju doesn't want you. Do you think I'll want you again? I came all the way to say to you, 'deserve it, this is your karma'! Now that I've said it, I don't want to talk to you anymore. I'm going back, hahaha, dead girl, I won't care about your life or death anymore!"

With that, he really turned and left, and his figure soon disappeared in front of him

Hua Rong was stunned and speechless for a long time

Qin Da Wang Mingming was a vicious irony, but she just didn't feel much sadness, and subconsciously resisted in her heart, as if the more others slandered Yue Pengju, the more unhappy she was He said to himself, "I don't believe Peng Ju is really like this! Bah!"

After all, I was very melancholy and confused, but I felt that the men around me changed their faces like turning over a book Jin Wushu's cruel torture, Yue Pengju's ungrateful misfortune, King Qin's schadenfreude... Everyone says I love you, but, really? How much is sincerity?

She lingered on the horse for a while, and then hit the horse and went forward I took a few steps, but I felt something bulging in my arms Reaching out and touching, it turned out to be a sachet. When I opened it, I found that the turquoise bottle was inside, and the green liquid inside was crystal clear It was the medicine that King Qin had sent thousands of miles away It is estimated that it was when he was crazy and crying earlier that King Qin quietly stuffed it on him

She was stunned and remembered that she had obviously thrown this thing into the lake King Qin, when did he salvage it? How much attention did it take to salvage such a small thing in the vast lake? Holding the bottle, she couldn't help but rein in her horse and look back. The scenes of more than ten years, the rescue of the ends of the earth, the follow of life and death, pile by pile, piece by piece... Every time she said that Lao Tze no longer cares about your life or death, but every time she was the most frustrated, who was around? Even if it is noisy and ironic!

Tears unconsciously stained the eyes

How can the most ruthless person know that he is not the most affectionate person in the world?

His good and bad are more than a hundred times deeper than all kinds of wounds on his body, such as the red mark, once again bloody under the hood!

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