One Night Bride

Chapter 335

Since the death of his son, his "impotence" inferiority complex, which used to be covered up in the past, has become more and more serious. He always vaguely thought that if one day, he didn't take medicine when he was lucky, he would have a son, otherwise, he would die This strange idea tormented him. He used to think that the women in the palace were not fresh Now with fresh prey, I still have to take medicine, and I'm also vaguely disappointed. In this world, which woman will be attractive enough to have sex without taking medicine?

Countless times, the shadow of flower dissolving flashed in his mind - the only woman in the world who could not get it was like poison. The more he couldn't get it, the more he longed for it However, everyone knows that Hua Rong is the wife of the first general of the Empire. How dare he secretly and openly rob his wife? Moreover, Yue Pengju is by no means comparable to the clan Zhao. He always knew that Yue Pengju has a disposition, is brave, and has a strong disposition. If he dares to have any indiscriminate thoughts about his wife, wouldn't he kill him?

In this way, he sighed and had to force down the dirty idea

Wu jinnu was even more favored because of his contribution to the little Liu family. He also saw that the little Liu family also showed no signs of fertility. Although he pretended to be virtuous and anxious for the holy empress every day, he was secretly happy in his heart

Because Hua Rong was pregnant, in addition to Liu Ma, two maidens were added to the family. Hua Rong had nothing to do all day long, but she was in a good mood. Seeing that there were many family members and children in the army, she used a large abandoned hall as before to teach children to read and practice calligraphy Yue Pengju supported her very much. He took part of his salary, bought some books and ink, and distributed them to the children, just don't let her work too hard The fourth sister of high school and other women, who were illiterate, naturally welcomed her move, so they tried their best to do a good job in logistics

It seemed that heaven was destined to give her a good life. Jin Jun only launched a few small-scale intrusions and disappeared after being defeated by Yue Pengju Therefore, Yue Pengju was able to stay at home for a long time and spend the safest and best days of their lives with her

Time flies, and in a flash, it is early summer, and Huarong is also approaching the production period On this day, Yue Pengju received an urgent report that there was a large-scale rally of Jin troops ready to launch an attack. It was the army of the fourth prince, about 20000 people

This is the largest attack of the Jin army in the past six months. Yue Pengju immediately deployed his strategy and prepared for the battle After the meeting, he hurried home and saw Hua Rong embroidering a small dress under the lamp Stitch by stitch, she embroidered by hand, with a sweet smile on her face all the time

Yue Peng raised his wife's bulging abdomen. How could he leave at this time when his wife was about to give birth? He didn't know how to open his mouth at all, but quietly went to get hot water. As usual, he gently washed his wife's feet and gently massaged the soles of her feet

After washing her feet, Hua Rong put down her needle and thread, and then opened her mouth with a smile: "Peng Ju, is it tomorrow's army?"

He put his hand on his wife's stomach and stroked it: "sister seventeen, I really don't trust you..."

Hua Rong smiled and hugged his head, saying softly, "there is a midwife at home, and there is a senior sister waiting for care. You can put a thousand hearts on it. I'm still thinking, what gift should I give him when the child is born? Hehe, Dad first gives him a big victory as a gift..."

Yue Peng Ju heard his wife say this, knowing that she was trying to comfort herself and not let herself worry about it. He said emotionally, "sister seventeen, I will come back as soon as possible..."

"Well, we are all waiting for you."

That night, Yue Peng listened carefully to his wife's breathing and looked at her quietly in the middle of the night, but he was relieved to see that she was still sleeping as usual, with a dreamy smile on her face. The next day, he led the army

It is Jin Wu Shu that is leading this time

After returning to the kingdom of Jin, he hid at home because of injury and the great cleansing of the kingdom of Jin Until the beginning of the year, things suddenly changed. The reason was that song Huizong, the Duke of Hunde, who was imprisoned in wuguocheng, died of illness The news of his death was not a secret in the state of Jin, but the state of song did not know the news of song Huizong's death because of the inconvenient transportation at that time

Upon the death of Emperor Huizong of Song Dynasty, the state of Jin had to change some of its policies towards Song Dynasty. Seeing that Zhao Deji had been steadily settled in a corner of the south of the Yangtze River, it thought of supporting emperor qinzong of Song Dynasty to establish a new puppet regime in Bianjing to confront Zhao Deji. In this way, it was necessary to depose Liu Yu's puppet regime of Qi Dynasty first But around this problem, it is naturally divided into two factions, Pu Luhu and Zong Jun, Zong Gan and Yu wenxuzhong Jin Wushu was caught in a dilemma. He and Zong Jun and Zong Gan were brothers. Seeing that pruhu and Zong Jun were in a hot fight, Zong Gan had already had a new grudge against Zong Jun, so he vigorously seduced Jin Wushu Jin Wushu judged the situation and was unable to make a choice for the moment. At this time, he was about to depose Liu Yu, so he immediately asked himself to fight and temporarily left the circle of right and wrong

The main purpose of Jin Jun was Liu Yu and the peace talks, so he was not in a hurry to start a large-scale war However, Jin Wushu inquired into Yue Pengju and then entered Xiangyang. Moreover, Song Jun dared to send 100000 troops to approach the two rivers, and immediately realized that there was a problem in the internal affairs of song

Qin Hui also had news coming. After weighing up, he decided to give Song Jun a blow before he could really deploy the puppet regime in Lianghe

He didn't dare to be careless when he fought with Yue Peng again Before marching, he called a military meeting with all the generals But at this time, after several purges, the generals of the Golden State had lost a large number of powerful generals, and Han Chang and other major generals attended the meeting They discussed for a while, but there was no point. After the meeting, Jin Wushu left Han Chang alone Han Chang, the commander of ten thousand men, was outspoken in the face of Jin Wushu's inquiry: "our army was Song Jun three years ago, and Song Jun was our army three years ago."

Jin Wushu did not know that the Jin army had captured, killed and felled over the years, and obtained a large amount of property. Women, the upper and middle-level generals of the army, were extravagant and licentious. They were immersed in women all day long, especially the main noble generals. Most of their wives and concubines were twoorthree, and at least sevenoreight or ten. Fortunately, they had long been hollowed out by women With such a group of rapidly corrupt soldiers, how difficult is it to seize the world? But because of this, he was even more vaguely happy. At this time, only he kept awake. On the one hand, he was afraid of the upcoming palace coup, and on the other hand, he was vaguely looking forward to it This will be my biggest and last chance. Once I succeed, I will basically concentrate all my troops on myself

In this way, we have the opportunity to regroup and make a real difference

He made a careful deployment, but he didn't try his best. According to the past habit, he sent side branches to fight first, while his own lineage stayed behind. Even Han Chang, who used to be a striker in the past, also stayed as the Chinese army

Yue Peng led his army to Sishui pass and made Gao Lin the vanguard. Gao Lin led his army 200 to cross Sishui and head straight for Xingyang. On the way, he suddenly saw a group of golden soldiers wearing black clothes and armor in the north He immediately recognized the golden man's white triangle black flag and immediately ordered the people to charge the enemy

This cavalry is the benefit of Jin Jun, about 1000 people. Both sides shoot arrows at each other. Gao Lin's Mount fell to the ground with three arrows in a row. Jin Bing is happy, but he jumped up from the ground, swung his spear and killed the enemy, and this time three enemies in succession Inspired by this, Yue's army defeated the enemy with few enemies

The Jin army fled to the north bank. At this time, Zhang Xian's army had approached and controlled the ships along the river. The Jin army was cornered. The energetic Yue army surrounded the enemy from different directions, fought fiercely for an hour, killed more than 700 enemies and captured more than 200 people

When the people entered Xingyang County, Zhang Xian was the first to interrogate them. Among the enemy prisoners, they found a centurion who could also speak Han dialect. It was originally han'er from Liaodong The centurion told him that the fourth prince was stationed on the border between the two rivers, and that he was in a low position and did not know the rest of the military action plan Some generals suggested that these captives be killed on the spot, but Zhang Xian thought that these were originally han'er, and that the commander and close friend Yue Pengju was about to have a son, which was not suitable for killing, so he detained the centurion and the fiftieth captain, educated the rest of the ordinary prisoners, confiscated their weapons, and let them return to the north of the Yellow River to make a living

Jin Wushu was not surprised by the defeat of this war, but a dozen prisoners who escaped back have new rewards, saying that the Yue family army is now in high spirits, because their commander Yue Pengju's wife is about to give birth, so they forgive the prisoners of war

Jin Wushu sat in the tent and heard the news like a bolt from the blue Yue Pengju's wife is in labor?

Who is Yue Pengju's wife? Flower dissolve?

How can flowers grow?

Does Yue Pengju have other wives and concubines? However, Hua Rong refused to marry herself at the beginning, and even the "first lady" was unwilling to do it. She had to be the only wife. According to her nature, how could she allow Yue Peng to marry another woman?

Is it true that Hua Rong is pregnant?

Excited by the terrible news, he couldn't help but stretch out his right hand and look at the three fingers that had been cut off since his thumb. They were not even rooted, and he couldn't even hold the bow and arrow anymore There is also his son, little Lu Wenlong, who used to call "mother" - as if he and his son had been horribly betrayed!

Hua Rong, how dare she have a son?!!

How can!?

He stood up and sat down again; Sit down and stand up again, unable to say a word


That night, Yue Pengju, on the other hand, received the advance of the Jin army and gathered in the important cities of the two rivers, reaching Kaifeng At this time, Liu Yu led here. The two armies converged, and the number of Jin troops had reached 140000

Yue Peng urgently ordered Liu Qi, the deputy of the Ministry of Tokyo at this time, to fight Liu Qi hurriedly ordered men, women and children in the city to build fortifications together On the ninth day of April, at dawn, Jin Jun waded through Yingshui River and came to Shunchang City, encircling the whole city from three directions of southeast and West

It was Han Chang and general Zhai Ping who led the army. They commanded the troops of three ten thousand captains, and the commander-in-chief was Xia Han, a newly rising young general Xia Han is zongwang's son-in-law. Because of the good relationship between Jin Wushu and zongwang, he has gained great reputation in the Jin Wushu army in the past two years because of his repeated military achievements, and won the trust of Jin Wushu

Shahan fought bravely and ordered, "the city will be attacked tomorrow. After the city is broken, all the beautiful women, treasures and gold and silver captured by the boys will belong to him."

In the past two years, the combat capability of the Jin army has deteriorated rapidly. All the city destruction, killing, robbing women and property have become their most common war mobilization orders

The song army in the city, led by Liu Qi, did not relax at all It was summer. Liu Qi saw the enemy's troop scheduling from the city, so he selected 1500 people from the three armies to feed and drink, and did not attack, but just stood by

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