One Night Bride

Chapter 351

On this day, Zhao Deji summoned a group of Ministers into the confrontation, and then Qin Hui faced it alone Zhao Deji naturally mentioned the continuous good news sent by the two rivers, laughing: "the prisoners often hold the benefits of the plains and fight the world. Unexpectedly, today's great Song Dynasty can also achieve great victory on the plains."

Qin Hui immediately said, "it's your majesty who has lofty intentions and plans strategies."

Qin Hui looked carefully at Zhao Deji's expression and tone, and then said, "Yue Pengju's victory is gratifying, but he did not follow the imperial court's order, arrogant and fierce general..."

Zhao Deji was also a little angry about Yue Pengju's failure to comply with "heavy troops, light troops, and profit", and not to expel the people who took refuge in the two rivers. However, Qin Hui saw that he was still expecting victory, so he only mentioned Yue Pengju as a "proud and fierce general"

Qin Hui took out the contract sent by Jin emissary. Zhao Deji looked at it and saw the third article. Unexpectedly, Jin Ren had such a request and slightly frowned: "if Jin Ren is like this, it is taboo to Yue Pengju..."

Hearing his tone, Qin Hui didn't say whether to kill Yue Pengju, but put forward the taboo of the Jin people to Yue Pengju, and said, "the fourth Prince is extremely vicious, but the good soldier is ominous. It's better to take advantage of the old and weak body of the prisoners, punish the King's division lightly, and take advantage of the victory to withdraw the troops. In this way, the country's long-term plan is to take advantage of the victory. Now the prisoners propose to negotiate peace and return the Empress Dowager..."

Returning the Empress Dowager is the key! Qin Hui stopped wisely when he came here Sure enough, Zhao Deji shed tears again: "the Empress Dowager suffered in the north. I'm really unfilial..."

In order to welcome back the empress dowager, it is natural to sacrifice Is it worth exchanging Yue Pengju for the Empress Dowager?

Qin Hui no longer worried about this problem, so he comforted Zhao Deji for a while and threw the "benevolence, filial piety and great Lun" to Zhao Deji to measure

Zhao Deji thought about it, and the next day, he called the censor to play the right It is fan Tong who is playing the censor today Fan Tong was recommended by Qin Hui and promoted continuously. He orally called Qin Hui "Gracious phase". Since then, the word "Gracious phase" has become a hidden rule in officialdom. The censor was originally the emperor's eyes and ears, but now he has been reduced to Qin Hui's minions

Zhao Deji asked, "how does fan Qing view Yue Pengju's successive victories?"

Fan Tong said: "The country's top generals give high-ranking officials generous salaries, sons and daughters, luxurious houses and fertile fields. They were originally expected to serve the country and be loyal. Today, Yue Pengju blindly shows off his ability and disobeys the orders of the imperial court. He is industrious and frugal, not greedy for money and profits, not taking beautiful concubines, and can share weal and woe with generals and soldiers. He also wholeheartedly attracts fallen literati, courteous and humble, and establishes his own personal reputation and prestige. Unexpectedly, the collusion of civil ministers and generals is a taboo... Duke Zhou fears rumors, and Wang Mang humbly did not usurp the time. To Make the body die at the beginning, and who knows the truth of life! "

His viciousness is that he turned all the virtues of Yue Pengju discussed by scholars and bureaucrats into terrible "ambition!"

Sure enough, Zhao Deji had deep feelings, especially the sentence "Wang Mang humbly did not usurp", and said: "what Fan Qing said is very true. Since I became king, I have been working hard, like walking on thin ice, and my hair has turned white early for the sake of the national plan. Only then did I realize that the generals, greedy without ambition, ambitious without greed. Before Wang Mang usurped the throne, he wore old clothes and only had a wife. Later, the Han Dynasty was destroyed in his hands..."

Fan Tong was really overjoyed to get this valuable information, but he was still diligent on the surface. He said a few good words that Zhao Deji liked to hear, so he left and rushed to Qin Hui's prime minister's residence in the dark, secretly informing him of Zhao Deji's information


On this day, Qin Hui returned home, and Wang Junhua was scolding his daughter-in-law Cao Her adopted son Qin Xi married his wife when he was a teenager. Relying on the power of his adoptive mother, Qin Xi was just a teenager at this time, and even took three concubines Cao was dissatisfied and wept to Wang Junhua, but Wang Junhua's attitude towards his adopted son was just the opposite to that of Qin Hui. Instead, he scolded his daughter-in-law: "you bitch, the son of the prime minister, not to mention the concubine of three rooms, even the concubine of thirty rooms, can't talk to you."

The daughter-in-law could only swallow it. Qin Hui naturally didn't dare to say much. At this time, he suddenly reported that Gao Yigong came to the door Gao Yigong was placed by the fourth prince to monitor his husband and wife. Naturally, he did not dare to slack off. Wang Junhua quickly stopped scolding, drank his son and wife back, and welcomed Gao Yigong to the study

Gao Yigong took out the secret letter of the fourth Prince again. On it, the fourth prince said that his son-in-law died in Yue Peng's hands. Now he wanted to make peace. Qin Hui wanted to be a prime minister of Anle Changwen. First, he must persuade Zhao Deji to order Yue Pengju to retreat. Second, he must persuade Zhao Deji to kill Yue Pengju

Qin Hui was very proud: "Lord Gao, you can report to the fourth prince. I have some eyebrows on these two conditions. I won't disappoint the fourth prince."

As soon as Gao Yigong left, fan Tong visited again After listening to his duet with Zhao Deji, Wang Junhua was almost happy to jump up: "Hua Rong, this bitch, her death is finally coming! Killing Yue Pengju is bound to kill Hua Rong!"

Fan Tong said, "I heard that Li Ruoxu, the messenger of Yue Pengju, has rushed back to Lin'an, but what should I do?"

Qin Hui said, "wait for my official to summon Li Ruoxu first."

Li Ruoxu was indeed ordered to return to Lin'an to report to Zhao Deji for the commander and ask the court to postpone the withdrawal of troops He was eager to duel with the emperor first, but the prime minister could not ignore his summons Qin Hui's summon was nothing more than to judge clues from his conversation to see how much Yue Pengju could move Zhao Deji's chances of victory But after a talk, he found nothing and breathed a sigh of relief

The next day, Li Ruoxu faced up

The emperor asked, "it's gratifying that Yue Pengju won in a row. But the prisoners are said to have set up heavy troops in Kaifeng to trap the king's division. Is it true that Yue Pengju plans to win every victory without losing?"

Li Ruoxu replied, "Kaifeng is the place where our great song temple is buried. Wei Chen wept bitterly when he recalled the great disaster in Jingkang. Now, two rivers and one place, it was time for Zhang Xianggong and Yue Xianggong to send troops together, but Zhang Xianggong withdrew from the array and hoped that his majesty would urge him to fight together, expel the prisoners, and protect our great song temple and country. His majesty patrolled the south-east and worked hard, and now is a good time to recover the mountains and rivers in the north of the great song dynasty."

Zhao's ancestral temple was destroyed by the Jin people. No matter how shameful Zhao Deji was, it was also an unbearable humiliation after all. Seeing Li Ruoxu mention this, he pondered for a while and asked, "what if Yue Peng went deep alone?"

Li Ruoxu answered decisively, "the soldiers of the whole army will work together, and the mourning soldiers will win!"

Zhao Deji had nothing more to say. After thinking for a while, he said, "this time, we need to comfort the Yue family army and reward 100000 yuan."

Li Ruoxu stepped down with gratitude

Qin Hui stood aside. Seeing that Zhao Deji didn't mention at this time, he immediately asked Yue Pengju to withdraw his troops, knowing that he hesitated again He knew that Li Ruoxu's performance had worked, and he hated Li Ruoxu so much that his teeth itched, but there was nothing he could do for a moment Li Ruoxu was the younger brother of Li Ruoshui, a loyal minister who died in the Jingkang catastrophe, and was installed by the imperial court as an aide beside Yue Pengju. He wanted to pick Li Ruoxu's thorn. He couldn't find it for a moment, so he had to write it down with hatred

Li Ruoxu left with Zhao Deji's hand, and Qin Hui immediately summoned fan Tong and others to discuss He was afraid that the fourth prince would be defeated. If the two rivers were recovered, Yue Pengju's prestige would be raised to a terrible level. In this way, his appearance would be lost

Seeing Qin Hui frowning and showing off, fan Tong said, "Lord Qin, what is the most important thing in the army?"

Qin Hui asked with his eyes, and fan Tong was quite pleased: "since ancient times, grain and grass have been the treasure of the army. No matter how capable Yue Pengju is, if there is no grain in the army, what can he do?"

Qin Hui was overjoyed: "wonderful plan! If there is no grain in the army, how can Yue Pengju make waves?"

In the name of the cabinet, Qin Hui immediately intercepted and transferred all the grain and grass originally distributed to Yue Pengju in the name of Zhang Jun and Zhang Jun's deployment, which was needed by Yang Yizhong He wrote an urgent delivery and immediately ordered the bookboy to deliver it himself

After the battle of xiaoshangqiao, the army of Jin Wushu turned to Yingshui, where Wang GUI was located Wang GUI's army has more than 19000 people, and Jin Wushu has 50000 troops stationed Stop at a place 20 miles away from Yingshui and form an array

That night, there was a rainstorm and mud Wang Guineng was good at fighting. He rode in the mud twice to check the enemy's situation. When he came back, he ordered the infantry to fight and the cavalry to rest The generals were puzzled. Wang GUI said, "it's raining and muddy, and the prisoners' horses can't run fast. We might as well rest our horsemen and fight with infantry."

Sure enough, the cavalry of Jin Bing couldn't gallop as usual in the mud, and it was very difficult to walk However, under the supervision of sudden closing speed, waves of fierce attacks were also launched Wang GUI calmly led the army to fight back and beat back the attack

However, Jin Wushu made up his mind to divide the whole army into eight teams and charge in turn In this way, the two sides fought for 22 consecutive rounds, and each other became blood men and blood horses. In the mud, there were all fallen soldiers of both sides. For the Jin army, the death was ten times that of the song army At this time, the horse army led by Han Qing rushed up and fought hard, making the song army turn the corner again and again

Twenty two rounds later, sudden speed, Han Chang and others can no longer help but feel anxious It is necessary to know that human life is not an iron stone. Jin Jun was unwilling to go on like this when he saw the charge again and again, and the corpses of his companions fell down. Even if he could completely destroy the Yue army in the end, he would also pay the price of his life

Jin Wushu supervised the battle on a high mound. Seeing that Han Chang was defeated again, he was so angry that he raised his whip and severely whipped him In a fit of anger, he whipped continuously, even hitting more than 50 lashes! Han Chang was originally blind in one eye, and he grew extremely disgusted with the battle of the southern invasion. Seeing that the fourth Prince did not care about his past feelings, he beat again and again, and his heart was even more resentful

On the second day, Wang GUI saw that the Jin army was slack and rushed out the cavalry after a long rest. The Jin army, which had been tired of fighting for a long time, had no fighting power, threw away its armor and fled all the way When Jin Wushu came here, he had to retreat to Kaifeng completely, and Han Chang was unwilling to follow him to Kaifeng, so he took his own army and fled to Changge county north of Yingshui

When Yue Pengju led his troops to Yingshui, it was five days later Zhang Xian, Wang GUI, Yue Pengju, the three armies converged, leaving more than 88000 people in the original 100000 troops. In addition to the current 50000 people in Yingshui, the rest are distributed in three strongholds in Lianghe

That night, Yue Pengju led the soldiers and men of the whole army to hold a grand sacrificial ceremony to honor all the soldiers and men killed in the battle and the soldiers and men in the bloody battle of xiaoshangqiao After the Jin army retreated and collected the bodies of 300 soldiers and soldiers in the small commercial bridge, it was unexpectedly that more than two liters of arrows were taken from them. It can be seen that at least dozens of arrows were hit on each person

These two liter arrows were placed next to the high fire, and all the soldiers of the army wept when they saw them The memorial was written by Zhu Fu: "... Majestic as life, the return of a faint song of triumph in the family's dream; the reputation lives on, and the heroes of the expedition shine in the annals of history..."

In the smoke, the dead soldiers collected were cremated and went to heaven in the flames

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