One Night Bride

Chapter 353

Zhao Deji asked, "Yue Peng is arrogant and fierce. How can he really withdraw?"

"Your Majesty, why don't you give him twelve edicts and order him to withdraw."

Zhao Deji was very curious about this proposal, so he asked, "what is the Twelve Commandments?"

"In order to attract his enough attention, your majesty can issue a decree every half an hour. After so many times, does Yue Pengju dare not comply?"

Zhao Deji was overjoyed: "just follow this plan."

Later, Qin Hui drafted, and Zhao Deji transcribed 12 imperial edicts in person. Of course, the contents of each one were similar and slightly different, with only a more severe tone each time Then, the palace arranged an urgent delivery of the twelve point imperial edict, which was sent out in gold letters

As soon as Zhao Deji's gold medal was handed away, an old woman opened her dizzy old eyes in the deep palace, sighed, and suddenly sat up, looking at Tianwei and wanwan who were waiting beside her

This person is the Empress Dowager. At this time, she has reached the final stage of her life. Because she was infected with the cold, she lay down this winter and couldn't move any more

Tian Wei waited by her side day by day. Seeing her suddenly refreshed, she knew that this was the legendary "reflection", and everyone was crying like a tearful person

The queen mother asked, "what's the big deal these days?"

Tian Wei and others dare not tell her about the 12 gold tablets learned from the eunuch, but seeing her sad face, they can only tell the truth: "brother nine has sent someone to send the 12 gold tablets to Yue Xianggong to withdraw from Zhuxian Town..."

A little spirit on the Empress Dowager's face instantly disappeared, her eyes slowly closed, and two drops of muddy old tears flowed: "the great Song Dynasty is hopeless for ZTE at the end, I'm here, really speechless to see the ancestors of the great song dynasty!"

Tian Wei and Wan Wan cried bitterly

The Empress Dowager stretched out her withered hands, grabbed them respectively, and sighed, "I have no children in this life. I rely on you two to accompany me in my old age. Being careful and serve me is better than my own daughter. When I am here, I can still care a little. As soon as I leave, you two have nothing to rely on. In the future, remember: only by dressing and eating all your life can you maintain wealth."

The two nodded and agreed. The Empress Dowager's hand slowly loosened. As soon as they saw it, they were dead

The two wailed, especially Tian Wei. In the increasingly strong atmosphere of the peace talks, they knew that Princess Wei Xian would return. Once she came back, what fate would she have? She did not know whether to mourn the Empress Dowager or herself, but cried so much that she almost fainted Hearing the news, Zhao Deji came and also shed a few sad tears, so he ordered a large-scale funeral preparation for the empress dowager, and held a three-month ceremony in the temple first

Yue Pengju and others entered Zhuxian Town, which is only 45 miles away from Kaifeng and the last stronghold of Jin Wushu in Kaifeng Except for some who escaped quickly by luck, all the other residents were killed by the Jin army, and all the women became prostitutes of the Jin army

Just as Yue's army and Jin's army were about to launch a decisive battle, Han Chang sent secret envoys to worship Yue Peng's army This man is dressed in gold with braided hair and left lapel, and is Han Ba, Han Chang's nephew

Han Ba knelt down and saluted Yue Peng according to the etiquette of the Han people, saying, "my uncle was tired of the war, and he didn't want to be driven by the fourth Prince anymore, hoping to reconcile with Yue Xianggong after witnessing the Jin soldiers' repeated massacres of the people in the city."

Yue Pengju also found out that Han Chang was beaten by Jin Wushu, so he asked, "how many soldiers and horses are there in Han Chang?"

"Fifty thousand."

Yue Peng lifted up and laughed, "the fourth Prince is only 100000 troops. How can Han Chang have 50000?"

Han Ba didn't dare to boast any more, so he had to tell the truth that there were more than 13000 people Han Ba said, "my uncle followed the fourth Prince for many years, and he couldn't bear to betray the alliance and fight against each other. He only gave up Changge county and retreated on the occasion of the war, didn't fight with the Yue family army, and asked Yue Xianggong to complete it."

Yue Pengju said with regret, "if so, Han Chang will be fulfilled."

As soon as Han Ba retreated, sure enough, as soon as the song and Jin Dynasties fought, he withdrew from the whole army of Changge county When Changge county was empty, Zhuxian Town became an isolated island. Taking this place was equivalent to taking Kaifeng

On this day, the atmosphere in the army was very warm. Everyone rushed to tell them that their morale had reached its peak Yue Pengju said with regret, "if you take Zhuxian Town and seize Kaifeng, you will have a good drink with all of you."

Hua Rong was also very happy. From the great disaster of Jingkang, Kaifeng was occupied by the Jin army, and even the Zhao clan temple was destroyed. Now, it is about to be recovered, and everyone's excitement can be imagined

But at this time, Yue's army also faced great difficulties, that is, the military food was eager to wear out Naturally, Yue Pengju didn't know that he was intercepted by Qin Hui. He only discussed with his staff and sent them to the palace one by one to urge for food and grass But these grain and grass were all intercepted and detained by Qin Hui By the night before entering Zhuxian Town, the army had only enough food and grass to support ten days Yue Pengju ordered the army to reduce meals, only two meals a day, and only rice porridge at night, and killed the disabled horses and mules in the army as rations

He calmed the soldiers' emotions, but when he consulted with his staff, he could no longer hide his anxiety

He asked, "how about buying grain all the way ahead?"

Zhu Fu shook his head: "the prisoners have been trapped for a long time, and there are obviously not many soldiers and horses, and even if they are captured, they can't last long; but it's not easy to buy supplies for these 80000 people and horses? Now the war is in chaos, and the two rivers are in trouble, where is the time?"

Yu Peng said angrily, "now Qin Hui is hiding the sky. Everyone says that he is the spy of the fourth prince. He must do everything possible to block the anti Jin Daye..."

After pondering for a long time, Li Ruoxu whispered, "since ancient times, meritorious heroes have been outside, if it were not for rabbit death and dog cooking..." after all, he dared not say the words "yellow robe plus body". He went back to Lin'an to deal with it, and understood the Emperor's mind better

The staff withdrew, Hua Rong came in with a bowl of steaming chestnut rice porridge and said softly, "Peng Ju, you haven't had dinner today, and you can't endure it for a long time."

Yue Peng shook his head, saw his wife's eyes deep, and sighed: "sister seventeen, you follow me, and you have been suffering all your life!"

Hua Rong was shocked in her heart. All her life, Peng Ju said all her life! She suddenly had a terrible and ominous premonition in her heart, but forced herself to calm down, put down the rice porridge, walked behind him, stretched out her hand to massage his shoulder, and smiled: "Peng Ju, I'm very happy with you, how can I bear hardships?"

He backhanded and gently hugged his wife's waist from behind, The voice was very sad: "sister seventeen, I have been in the army for more than ten years, from an ordinary soldier to a high position of Jiedu envoy, and I have never felt guilty in my life. Only for you, I can't let my wife have a stable life! Sister seventeen, we must win the last battle in advance. I promise you, I will resign and accompany you after that. Even if it's planting land and flowers, I will not let you and your son suffer any more..."

Hua Rong's eyes were red and she was ready to burst into tears. Her husband's words had faintly revealed his terrible frustration about the future. He dared not say it to his staff, but only to himself Fortunately, Yue Pengju couldn't see her expression. She still smiled, gently buried her head in his neck, rubbed it intimately, and slowly said, "Peng Ju, it will be fine, it will be fine."

Yue Peng held her hand tightly without saying anything

At the same time, Jin Wushu was as anxious as an ant on a hot pot. He couldn't even drink wine. His temper became more and more violent, forcing all the soldiers to come up with plans to defeat the enemy every day Although he had enough estimates of Qin Hui's loyalty and Zhao Deji's timidity, he was also worried about Yue Pengju's disobedience. Based on his understanding of Yue Pengju, Yue Pengju was not unable to do it, otherwise, he would not disobey orders twice in a row At this last moment, will Yue Pengju disobey orders?

This morning, the Yue army had a big meal and gathered in a large open space to make the final pre war mobilization order Yue Peng just opened his mouth, but it came from the urgent delivery of the palace. It was the first gold medal Zhao Deji asked to withdraw

Yue Peng held a ceremonial ceremony and received the gold medal. If someone slashed him from the heart, his face was as pale as earth Yu Peng, Zhu Fu, Li Ruoxu, Zhang Jiefu, Zhang Xian, Wang GUI and others all gathered around. At a glance, they were all stunned and fell into the cold ice However, the staff were unable to plan until now

Hua Rong stood in a corner, didn't go up, and didn't even dare to look at her husband's face

Half a lifetime's hard work was destroyed

Twelve gold medals came one after another. On this day, Yue Pengju kept receiving gold medals. Every half an hour, he saluted Lin'an once, read Zhao Deji's annoying repeated orders, and couldn't do anything else at all

When the last gold medal was received, he also received a message that the imperial court had cut off the supply of food and grass to the Yue army


This urgent delivery was originally delivered by Qin Hui, but Qin Hui privately corrected the imperial edict, intercepted the grain and grass, and deliberately made careful arrangements. After Zhao Deji's order came down, he publicly announced the news to Yue Pengju

Under the double blow, Yue Pengju almost collapsed, his legs and feet numb, and he couldn't stand up supported by two golden soldiers Hua Rong silently walked over from the corner to help him, but her hands were weak, her hands were on his waist, soft, and she was also shaky

Aides and important generals gathered in a large earthen house, with an extremely dim oil lamp on the table in the middle

The crowd was so angry that Wang GUI, Zhang Xian and others couldn't help patting the table and scolding Qin Hui angrily

However, in addition to scolding Qin Hui angrily, none of them dared to say anything about the real mastermind behind him - the Emperor today

Zhang Xian said, "up to now, you can't retreat in any case. It's better to continue..."

Xu Qing also said, "if we can't capture Kaifeng this time, won't our northern expedition be destroyed?"

Niugao, the most grumpy of them, was so angry that he almost jumped up: "I must catch the fourth Prince..."

Dong Xian also cursed loudly

Wang GUI didn't speak much and sat quietly

According to the bravery of fighting in the army, Zhang Xian, Wang GUI, Niu Gao, Xu Qing and Dong Xian are known as the recognized five tiger generals and the absolute main force of the Yue family army. At this time, Zhu Fu and others saw that they were noisy and insisted on sending troops, and said, "wait for the lower officers to draft a memorial, and ask your majesty to postpone the withdrawal..."

Zhang Jiefu shook his head. "No matter how fast this memorial goes up, it will take 20 days to go back and forth. Without food and grass, we can't hold on to that time at all. Moreover, I don't know whether your majesty will agree..." he looked at the 12 gold plates on the table, as if Zhao Deji refused such a mountain of iron evidence

Yue Pengju and his wife sat in the middle, silent from beginning to end

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