One Night Bride

Chapter 361

Zhang Yingying was shocked. In order to get pregnant, she had looked for many medical books to study. Over the years, she has achieved little success Knowing that concubines are infertile, first, the official family has too much sex, and there are too many spoiled concubines. Second, the official family is stimulated by the return of fleeing from the sea. Maybe the latter is the root However, she didn't dare to say these two reasons, but she heard that the officials actually classified infertility as the weakness of concubines. The implication was that it would be a person who practices martial arts in Huarong, who has an unusual body and bones, so she could have children? She was so shocked by this idea that she couldn't speak, and even her ordinary eight faceted exquisite also hid without a trace. In that case, wouldn't it solve the problem to find a large-scale peasant girl who did rough work outside? The question is, do the officials like the bossy girl with thick hands and big feet?

Fortunately, Zhao Deji didn't pay too much attention to her expression, and sighed: "since the unfortunate death of the emperor, how many mountain scholars and arrogant scholars have written to me to adopt my stepson and establish a prince as soon as possible, without worrying about who raised them and who gave them honor and wealth, it's me, it's all me..."

Zhang Yingying slowly regained consciousness and comforted him: "the official family is in full swing, and the future is long. There should be another dragon son and Phoenix grandson."

Zhao Deji sighed and shook his head. He was no longer interested in such empty and boring comfort. He saw Zhang Yingying step back and come to his beloved little Liu's room

Xiao Liu had already dressed up and called "official" tenderly. However, today Zhao Deji didn't want to play with beauty. Xiao Liu watched his words and expressions, and didn't dare to show off his coquettish anger any more. He just offered him a cup of tea with his own hands, and asked in a charming voice, "what's bothering your majesty?"

Zhao Deji looked up at her. Xiao Liu was seventeen or eighteen years old. Zhucui wrapped around her body. Her body was fragile, and I felt sorry for her These former beauties were Zhao Deji's favorite. Today, I saw them, but they were quite unpleasant. I thought, why can't she be richer? Why can't we be tougher? If a woman is blindly like a weak willow, it is also a precursor to infertility Why doesn't she look like a flower? If she is like Hua Rong, won't she be able to have a son no matter how?

Xiao Liu was startled when she saw his critical eyes for the first time. She was not as smart as Zhang YingYing and others after a long time of training. Fortunately, she was young and charming. Tears filled her eyebrows, she leaned in front of Zhao Deji and asked in a charming voice, "official family, what's the matter?"

Zhao Deji suddenly had a whim, suddenly picked her up and came to bed The strong desire to have a son completely oppressed him. Only when he had a son can his country have successors. Only when he had a son can he get rid of the rumors of "impotence" inside and outside the palace. Only when he had a son can he not envy the majesty and arrogance of the first general of the Empire

In such a crazy psychological shadow, Wang Jixian's medicine is still like a bone maggot. At the critical moment, there is still no medicine Xiao Liu was naturally familiar with his habits and struggled to reach out and take the medicine from the dressing table to him. Seeing that she was holding the medicine in her hand, Zhao Deji grabbed it and threw it aside. He jumped out of bed and angrily cursed, "bitch, unattractive bitch... If you rely on drugs to make me happy, what are you?"

Little Liu knelt on the ground trembling, and did not understand why there was a sudden disaster When she came to the palace, she was a pet. For the first time in her life, she was scolded like this, and she only cried her eyes out When Zhao Deji saw her crying, he was even more angry. He put his foot in it, and Xiao Liu fell to one side and couldn't cry anymore Zhao Deji angrily withdrew, and had completely attributed his "impotence" to Xiao Liu's "lack of attraction" - at the same time, crazy desires accumulated in his heart - there must be more attractive women in this world As long as you don't take drugs, you can have sex

In the dazzle, there was only a face so bright that I couldn't get it. The more I couldn't get it, the more I felt that it was beautiful. It seemed that as long as I got it, I would be able to recover from impotence and give birth to a son!

He was so angry that he roared and swept a large vase used by King Zhou of Shang Dynasty on the ground beside the table, which fell to pieces. He was particularly angry and shouted, "is it the king's land in the world? Is it the king's minister who leads the land? What can't I get? If I can't get it, kill it!"

The maid eunuchs waiting outside the door thought he wanted to kill Xiao Liu, and they dared not go out

Yue Peng lifted his husband and wife out of the Palace door, like a flying bird, and finally breathed a sigh of relief

Along the way, I met Han Zhongliang riding a horse Han Zhongliang greeted them warmly Han Zhongliang used to have a very capable wife, Liang Shi, who planned for him. But since Liang Shi's death, although he still has several wives and concubines, these wives and concubines no longer have Liang Shi's dignity and can't control him at all Hua Rong also knew that Han Zhongliang was forced to die because of lust. However, those who achieved great things were informal and could not measure men by a "single-minded" standard. In addition, Han Zhongliang was brave and straightforward. Her husband and wife had heard Li Ruoxu and others mention Geng Zhu's capture, so they couldn't help telling him

Although Han Zhongliang was accidentally removed from military power, he didn't expect Qin Hui to dare to frame himself behind his back Both he and Zhang Jun were more than 20 years older than Yue Pengju. At this time, they were nearly 50 years old. According to their qualifications, their official titles were also above Yue Pengju. They were the first-class Taibao. They thought that Qin Hui didn't dare to touch themselves at all. Unexpectedly, they didn't know that their subordinates were captured Hearing Yue Pengju talking about it, Fang's head was sweating and shocked. He only said, "in the past, his family and Zhang Qi were in laws. Now we know that Yue Wu is a brother."

Yue Peng arched his hands. At this time, both of them were full of complaints and had a lot to say, but in the position of each other, they couldn't say anything Only bowing goodbye to each other

The two did not go home for the time being, but came to the newly rewarded garden with their son in their arms

This is an extremely exquisite Soviet style garden. At this time, it is the beginning of February. The weather in the south is warm and the flowers are blooming in spring The flowers were inspired by Li Yi'an, deliberately showing greed, and got this garden called "Yiyuan" The garden is surrounded by rockeries and gurgling water. In a small pool, a group of white geese paddle the water waves with red palms, swim around, and occasionally raise their necks and cry

Little tiger head was very interested in the geese and waved his hands to see them Yue Pengju held him to the water. He stretched out his hand to catch the nearest goose. Unable to catch it, he screamed

Hua Rong stood aside, casually folded a flower, picked it up and gently touched his son's face After this day's performance, I didn't see anything killing Zhao Deji Moreover, she also knew the system of this dynasty and seriously doubted the generals. Although her husband's ambition was difficult to pay, she also said, "it's better for Peng Ju to hand over his military power, so as not to go in the wind and rain again."

Yue Pengju shook his head. "I'm afraid Qin Hui and his wife won't give up. This dog man and woman, even the princess, dare to kill. What else do they dare not?"

"However, the emperor Taizu vowed not to kill the minister, and the worst result would only be to exile us?"

Yue Pengju was still deeply disturbed In particular, he noticed the conspiracy to deliberately frame Han Zhongliang. The emperor's attitude can be seen only by how Zhao Deji handled this matter

Hua Rong asked again, "Peng Ju, what should we do now? If the emperor doesn't allow you to resign one day, we can't really live a peaceful life. Even if the military power is removed, we can't get a peaceful life..."

He simply replied, "just eat and drink here, let little tiger head see the delicious food of heaven on earth, and we will see it together."

Hua Rong saw that her husband looked like this. She was a little relieved that although the crisis was imminent, her husband and son were around. At this moment, she had to be happy and happy

During the period after Wan Wan's death, Wang Junhua not only didn't restrain at all, but also actively circled the house of dignitaries and nobles, displaying her long sleeved martial arts, just like the salon leader of women's families

On this day, she went to Wang Jixian's home for dinner, accompanied by Zhang quwei The three of them just ate without talking It was not until she finished eating that she took out a beautifully carved Taurus, which weighed two kilograms this time: "thank you for looking at it."

Zhang went to accept it excitedly. Looking at the exquisite cow head, he liked it more and more. He picked his teeth and said with a smile, "your husband and wife should keep a low profile recently. Call Mr. Qin Xianggong and never let the officials call him 'Enxiang' again. Also, be more careful to serve the princess..."

He talked about Tianwei's questioning about Wang Junhua's absence. Naturally, he didn't know that Tianwei's questioning pointed to Wang Junhua's being the murderer, so he said, "now there are some rumors among the people that the Prime Minister of Qin is bad, saying that you two have a close relationship with the fourth Prince of the prisoner..."

Wang Junhua was calm, but somewhat afraid Zhang quwei and Wang Jixian didn't know it, but she understood that Tian Wei didn't just testify against her, but suspected that she had killed Wan Wan In case this matter is exposed, even if Qin Hui has great skills, it will inevitably implicate the nine families

She was flustered, thinking about leaving early and going home But the bookboy told her that Qin Hui was secretly talking with Zhang Jun in the study

This is Zhang Jun's first official visit to Qin Hui He first presented a gift list. Qin Hui picked it up and looked at it. There were 3000 gold, 30000 silver, three colored beads, three Dendrobium, three colors of gemstones, twelve pairs of gold beads, two night pearls, eight paintings and calligraphy of the Qin and Han Dynasties, and 3000 brocades

Zhang Jun has too much silver at home. For fear of thieves, there are countless "helpless" silver balls weighing a thousand kilograms Seeing such a rich gift list, Qin Hui knew that it was not easy for the greedy man to spend money. He smiled and said, "people say that Zhang Xianggong's family is rich and the world is rich. I am happy today."

Zhang Jun said respectfully, "thank you, Prime Minister Qin." After returning to the DPRK this time, the three generals lifted their military power, and he naturally realized that Qin Hui had already played a decisive role Qin Hui had known that he and Yue Pengju were at odds, so he asked him what he thought of Han Zhongliang Zhang Jun did not say anything, but said, "everything should be done according to the wishes of Qin Xianggong." Qin Hui asked the question whether the LORD was fighting or fighting. Zhang Jun was even more forthright this time. He replied that if the imperial court wanted the Lord to fight with him, he would withdraw his troops. If the imperial court wanted to fight, he would die

Qin Hui was very satisfied with this temptation and was convinced that Zhang Jun was the person he needed and would never cause any obstruction to the peace talks He revealed to him that the world's soldiers and horses would be under his command Zhang Jun was overjoyed: "I didn't expect myself to have today." Qin Hui saw that he really had the ambition to take charge of the world's soldiers and horses. Seeing the opportunity, he said, "Han Wu is your son and daughter's in laws. I hope Zhang Xianggong will cooperate."

Zhang Jun said, "the grace of the world, who can be greater than the grace of your majesty? Your prosperity and wealth all come from the official family, and you should follow the official family's orders."

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