One Night Bride

Chapter 373

On this day, Zhao Deji went to court, and all the ministers took turns to face it After that, he went back to his study to read the memorial It is father Kang who is on duty today Zhang Yingying read the memorial Zhang Yingying read a sentence and heard a secret letter from a small eunuch

The secret letter was sent by Empress Dowager Wei Hearing that it was his biological mother, Zhao Deji immediately received it and opened it himself At this sight, his complexion changed greatly and he broke out in a cold sweat Seeing that he looked flustered, everyone was surprised and dared not ask what happened

Zhao Deji stood up, paced and said anxiously, "how can it be so? How can it be so?"

Zhang Yingying finally couldn't help but ask softly, "official family, what's the matter?"

Zhao Deji handed her the memorial: "look."

Zhang Yingying took it, read it in a hurry, read it carefully again, and her face faded It turned out that the main idea of the letter was that when empress dowager Wei arrived in the territory of the great Song Dynasty, she knew something, saying that the great Song Dynasty actually returned with a princess Tianwei As far as she knows, Princess Tianwei died in wuguocheng of the kingdom of Jin several years ago Princess Tianwei married a local han'er. After her death, she still had a tomb in the city of five countries, with both human and material evidence Since the real Tianwei is already dead, now this Tianwei must be a fake?

The question is who is so bold to pretend to be a princess?

Zhang Yingying's face turned pale with fear. This secret letter is very important for the life of the princess and the safety of her husband's house When she married Zhao Deji, it was already after the great disaster of Jingkang. The princess had already been kidnapped. She had never seen it before, so naturally she couldn't tell the true from the false Now most of the palace people are new people, so it's not surprising that they can't recognize the princess, but can't Zhang quwei, father-in-law Kang and other old people recognize it? At the beginning, when Tianwei came back, they didn't raise any questions and thought it was the real princess

Moreover, the official himself, he had a good relationship with Tianwei brother and sister since childhood Moreover, Tian Wei was fifteen or sixteen years old when she left and nearly twenty years old when she came back. In a few years, people's appearance cannot be fundamentally changed How could he not even know his sister?

The more she thought, the more something went wrong, but she didn't dare to say anything at all

Zhao Deji retreated left and right, leaving only Zhang Yingying alone Zhang Yingying's heart was even more terrified, for fear of a wrong answer. In front of the moody Zhao Deji, it was either the fate of falling out of favor, or it caused his suspicion to fall into an unknown desperate situation She secretly made up her mind not to make any comments for the time being

Zhao Deji frowned and said to himself, "Tianwei is a fake princess? How can it? Can't I recognize Tianwei?"

Zhang Yingying couldn't answer, but she didn't dare not answer. She could only say, "the old palace man should have recognized the princess..."

"However, the Empress Dowager's letter clearly said that Princess Tianwei had already died in a foreign land. Before the Empress Dowager came back, she had gone to pay tribute to her. The Empress Dowager had known her since childhood. How could she recognize the wrong person?"

The Empress Dowager is right. It must be Tianwei who is wrong

Zhang Yingying trembled at this conclusion

"Tian Wei was rescued by Yue Pengju and his wife. She has a deep personal relationship with Yue Pengju and others..."

He paused slightly, and Zhang Yingying could only hear her heart beating Yue Pengju shocked the north and the south, and repeatedly defeated the Jin army. She had already heard the rumors of eunuchs in the palace. Yue Pengju was charged with several crimes by the Internet and died in the eyebrows Those who have a good conscience will be angry at the consequences. Zhang Yingying learned from the deep palace that Yue Pengju was about to win a great victory, but was forced to withdraw. Naturally, she also deeply sympathized with Yue Pengju, but after listening to Zhao Deji's words, she dared not disobey in the slightest Zhao Deji, this is to give Yue Peng another charge? Or is it that Tian Wei'an has been charged?

Sure enough, she heard Zhao Deji say, "the Empress Dowager didn't mention it, I really ignored some details. Tian Wei was smart and lively when she was a child, but she was cowardly and timid. But this' Tian Wei 'who returned from the kingdom of Jin was very quiet, but she became bold and meticulous, which was very different from the past..."

Zhang Yingying secretly said that whoever has experienced the experience of the kingdom of gold will have some changes in his temperament How can the original golden branches and jade leaves keep the innocence of girls after suffering?

Zhao Deji asked, "is this Tianwei really a fake princess?"

No matter how exquisite and fickle Zhang Yingying is, she dare not interface Secretly, I thought of many things spread by the Jin people in Yingtian about empress dowager Wei's humiliation in the Jin laundry Her vest cooled for a while, and she suddenly understood that whether Tianwei was fake or not, Empress Dowager Wei would kill her before she came back. Wasn't she afraid that her scandal in the kingdom of gold would be exposed by Tianwei?

Because she thought of it and secretly observed the official's face, she was so frightened that she couldn't speak Only vaguely think, Tianwei is now the only sibling of the official family, the only sister, the official family, can he really do it?

She had completely lost her sense of propriety and was confused. She only heard Zhao Deji ask, "Madam Zhang, what is Tianwei doing recently?"

"Pray for the official family in the Empress Dowager's Buddhist Hall..."

"Oh, she is melting with flowers to pray..."

Zhang Yingying didn't dare to answer at all. If the officials found out that Tianwei helped Hua Rong again this time, what would he do? And I also got involved, although I just said a few words. In the eyes of the king, who knows if it is a great sin?

"The official family, the Empress Dowager's spirit in heaven, will bless my great Song Dynasty to prosper and bless the official family to have a dragon..." she couldn't help carrying out the dead empress dowager

Zhao Deji probably thought of the Empress Dowager's soul. Sure enough, he stopped asking about Hua Rong's whereabouts and only told her: "Madam Zhang, tomorrow you go to the Buddhist hall to see what Tianwei and Hua Rong are doing. Maybe I shouldn't let them two together..."

"Yes, my concubine."

"You mustn't divulge the news in the slightest. This matter is not trivial, and it must not make a storm all over the city. How to deal with it, I'll investigate and arrange."

"Yes, my concubine."

Yue Pengju's husband and wife are going to die, Tian Wei is going to die, and Wan Wan is going to die miserably -- these people originally had no friendship with her, but she had to see her destiny from them, and she shuddered more and more -- the emperor she served has changed from the "Ming Jun" expected by thousands of people His magic palm, which target should he reach for next?

Yue Peng rushed home against the dust all the way

Although his wife sent him a message, she told him never to go back However, Zhang Xian is in prison, Yu Peng, sun Ge and others are also in prison, how can he sit idly by? If you don't go back, how many people will be innocent?

He hurried back in a crazy way, just thinking, would something happen to his wife and son? If you can send your wife and son out this time, you have to fulfill a wish first anyway You can die, but how can your wife and children die?

He took only Ma Chao and other soldiers with him. He had just arrived in Yuhang. At this time, it was evening. The sky was overcast, and there were few pedestrians on the road As soon as he rode a fast horse, a man passed by. Yue Peng stretched out his hand, and something had arrived in his hand Wearing a straw hat, this man couldn't see his face clearly and didn't know his identity at all. Yue Pengju didn't ask after him. Further forward, in a quiet place, he spread out his palm, and there was a wax pill in it He opened it, and there were only a few words in it: "don't go back to Beijing, go quickly, and try to get your wife and children to go out for a reunion." the monogram was Han Zhongliang's He immediately understood that it was Han Zhongliang who remembered his previous help and this time saved him

He immediately destroyed the note and sighed. Although Han Zhongliang took risks and had good intentions, how could he not return to Beijing? Even if he saved his wife and children, what about Yu Peng and sun Ge? Where's Zhang Xian?

After walking a long way, I saw the cars rattling and horses rustling in front of him. He was about to ride his horse over, but he heard the faint cry in the carriage, which was the cry of a woman He was stunned, reined in his horse, and before he spoke, the curtain of the carriage was lifted. He was so surprised that he shouted, "fourth sister Gao..."

It was the fourth sister of Gao who came with her two children It turned out that when she learned that Zhang Xian had been caught in Dali Temple Prison, she had to travel all the way to the capital. Knowing that it would not help her husband, she also wanted to see her last

Yue Pengju saw the fourth sister of Gao at this moment, and he just felt his head roaring. The two children were seven or eight years old. When he saw Yue Pengju, he shouted to him

When the carriage stopped, the fourth sister of high school was crying When she was about to get off the bus, Yue Pengju hurriedly stopped her: "this is not the talking place, elder sister Gao, we will go back to Lin'an immediately..."

Senior sister wiped her tears. She was a woman, and her husband was captured. She was completely out of proportion. Now she saw Yue Pengju. If she saw Tianda's savior, she could only listen to him and rush to Lin'an together

Yue Pengju's heart was boiling with enthusiasm. He just wanted to go home at one step. The cold wind blew in his ear like a knife. He found that winter was coming, and this cruel winter was coming!

After receiving the promise of the fourth prince to write "Qin Hui's life as a phase" into the Song Jin peace treaty, Wang Junhua went to the palace the next day to inquire about the news It was Wu jinnu and Xiao Liu who received her. They were perfunctory. Wang Junhua came to the warm pavilion to meet Zhao Deji privately There is no airtight wall in the world. After she learned that Zhao Deji had some thoughts about Hua Rong, she was afraid that Yue Pengju would die. Zhao Deji tried to seize Hua Rong, and it would be extremely difficult for her to kill Hua Rong again?

Along the way, Wang Junhua saw Zhang quwei, who was leading the way, smiling very vaguely and asked in a low voice, "what news is there, senior official Zhang?"

Zhang quwei was Qin Hui's best friend and whispered, "my family has heard the news. One day, the official family will not use Wang Jixian, and the strong wind will shake..."

Wang Junhua was surprised, "who is the woman? Who is the doctor?"

"Kang Qi was on duty that day. You know, he and his family have always been at odds and refused to disclose information..."

Wang Junhua walked in the palace all year round, but Duke Kang couldn't completely win over She hated Kang Gonggong very much, but she couldn't think of any way to drive him out of the court for the moment

Wang Junhua had to ask again. The warm Pavilion had arrived. Zhang went to stay. Someone in the palace had already opened the door, and Wang Junhua went straight in Zhao Deji is playing with a batch of new paper labels for tribute in a corner Wang Junhua Yingying knelt down and said, "my concubines see the official family."

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