One Night Bride

Chapter 385

In fact, both husband and wife vaguely understand that they have not considered the worst Hua Rong herself witnessed the humiliation of Princess Wei Xian in the state of Jin, marrying the two sons born to Jin Jun veterans... These humiliating evidences became the reason why Tian Wei had to die On the surface, it seems ridiculous, but it is the most cruel selfishness and poison in human nature - she and Zhao Deji, it is estimated that no one else will know if Tianwei and her husband and wife are destroyed

Hua Rong thought of this layer, and was even more confused: "no, last time thanks to the princess to save me, I was able to survive. Now she is in trouble, I can't sit back and ignore."

Yue Pengju thought for a moment: "sister seventeen, you don't need to panic, first inquire about the news. Now there is chaos outside the palace..." at this time, Hua Rong didn't know that the list text all over the sky worked. After listening to her husband, her eyes lit up, and she said happily, "in that case, I'll see the princess right away..."

"Sister seventeen, I'm not in a hurry. Listen to me..."

Hua Rong nodded while listening. "I know where I can find her. Peng Ju, don't worry. OK, I'll find her at that time."

Besides, Qin Hui hurried home and immediately found his minion fan Tong and others to plot in the study There are a lot of list articles in the frame of the study Almost overnight, the streets and alleys of Lin'an City were covered with such lists, including vegetable markets, tea houses and restaurants Overnight, the people of quanlin'an found that the Prime Minister of the Song Dynasty was really a masterpiece of the Jin Dynasty Qin Hui was no longer arrogant, but also helpless for such a powerful public opinion offensive, cold sweat Every item listed in this list is a fact, which is a big beginning and end of his husband and wife's background in the Golden State Even though the emperor deliberately covered up the question of peace, how could the imperial officials let it go? If impeachment comes after impeachment, the position of prime minister is determined to be unstable

Fan Tong was eager to curry favor with Qin Hui and show his ability. He first opened his mouth: "prime minister Qin, now rumors are flying all over the sky, and it should be vigorously prohibited. The top priority is to find out the behind the scenes..."

Qin Hui took a gulp of wine and was furious: "it's sealed up, it's on duty day and night, all the streets and alleys, and whoever is caught will be killed immediately..."

"Who did Qin Xianggong think it would be?"

"Yue Pengju!" He didn't want to, except Yue Pengju, who else could be so clear about the identity of his husband and wife? The corners of his eyes turned, and he was even more vicious. Maybe there was Princess Tianwei, who was also very familiar with her These two people work together, it is possible to have such a scale of the list circulated

Yue Peng never dies for a day, and he is restless for a day

He sent fan Tong away and shouted, "where is Mrs. Guo? Please come back to discuss business."

The bookboy whispered, "Madam went to Doctor Wang's house and didn't come back until after dinner."

Qin Hui had no fear of Wang Junhua's female power at this time, and immediately ordered the bookboy: "go and ask the lady of the country to come back immediately, and don't delay for a moment..."

The bookboy immediately went out. Qin Hui heard something outside the door and shouted, "who is it?"

Adopted son Qin Xi poked his head: "Dad, it's me..."

Qin Hui didn't like his adopted son Su, and he didn't dare to say anything because of Wang Junhua's obscenity. Now seeing him like this, his face was full of fat and powder, and he was even more disgusted. He asked viciously, "what's the matter with you?"

"Dad, the child was bullied by evil women..."

Outside the door, a woman rushed in, knelt down and cried, "Dad, you have to decide for me..."

It turned out to be Qin Xi's wife. The couple had a quarrel. It happened that Wang Junhua was not at home. Qin Xi lost his backer and came to Qin Hui for help Qin Hui was furious and slapped Qin Xi in the face with a slap on the face: "beast, get out..."

Since Qin Xi arrived at the Qin family, relying on the authority of Wang Junhua, who dares to touch his finger? Today, Qin Hui slapped him in the face and hurried out Seeing that his daughter-in-law was still kneeling in front of him, Qin Hui kicked her angrily: "get out of here, too..."

He waited anxiously for a long time, and finally heard Wang Junhua's majestic voice: "old man, what are you crazy about at home?"

Qin Hui dragged her into the study: "Madam Guo, things are bad..."

Wang Junhua restrained his female power and hurriedly asked, "what happened?"

Qin Hui took out a list and showed it to her. Wang Junhua hurriedly browsed it and was stunned: "who did this?"

Qin Hui chewed his cheek. "Madam Guo, please go to the palace and inquire about the official family."

Wang Junhua lowered his voice viciously: "old man, don't hesitate, you might as well start first."

The moonlight is everywhere

Jin Wushu suddenly lost interest in singing, dancing and banqueting tonight. He drove easily and came to the West Lake in the dark with only three or five relatives

Although the West Lake in winter is bleak, it has a different flavor The moonlight was very good that night, hanging alone in the sky. Under the moon, the lake was like a mirror, sparkling, and the breeze was like a girl's gentle eyes In the distance, the painted boat veranda, the grandson, when will the West Lake song and dance stop

Such a night is also suitable for adding fragrance to tea But where is the woman who added fragrance?

When Yue Pengju returned home, he no longer dared to rush into the "Happy Garden" at night. Even knowing that Yue Pengju was dying, he did not dare to go - he was in great awe and admiration for his greatest enemy in his life Because of this, I am more eager to see him go to the guillotine with my own eyes

A boat approaches

The pipa string said Acacia, and several women, enchanting and enchanting, stood in the bow of the boat, with pink faces smiling and words cheering: "childe..."

The boat approached to welcome the distinguished guests There is a world of difference between the galleries of the painted boats and the strong winds and waves on the sea The West Lake is intoxicating, and the sea is frightening - it is also water. One can't wait to occupy, while the other can't wait to get away Just the moment he got on board, his body still shook - I don't know if it was because of his deep-rooted fear of water, but the terrifying moment on the sea was still fresh in his memory after many years

But the soft and fragrant lights in the boat immediately dispelled the turbulence in his heart. A soft chair, two jade people, full of tea fragrance, and the light singing and dancing of seven or eight dancers in the middle:

The scenery is bleak, and the dangerous building has a clear sky Song Yu was in the same mood at that time The solitary smoke of the fishing market curls cold and blue, and the remnant leaves of the water village dance sad and red Chu sky is wide, waves soak in the setting sun, and thousands of miles dissolve

Miss beauty in the face of the wind, don't worry about your face after parting, and calm down your eyebrows It's a pity that in those years, Dayton was obedient and rainy Elegant appearance Yan Zi is happy, falling flowers and flowing water suddenly West and East No hatred, acacia, pay the levy Hong as much as possible

Where there is well water, the Song Dynasty is full of song and Liu Yong He remembered that he had given it to Xiao Zhang, who was a little elegant in singing and dancing. He could see it in the humble Shangjing, but it was unreasonable compared with the gentle Dongxiang in front of him

A plate of melons and fruits came up, and he twisted a piece. There was a flower in front of him, and the figure flashed. There was already a sweet melon in his mouth He was not surprised at all, otherwise, he would not get on the ship He didn't show his voice, the singing and dancing suddenly stopped, and a pair of fat white hands waved gently, "you wait to step back..."

There were only two people left in the cabin of Nuo da The woman who came in was full of pearls, with a huge opal on her fat fingers and a chain of the same style and texture around her neck, which was the original reward of the fourth prince

Jin Wushu said quietly, "is this boat yours?"

"There are dozens of boats like this. There are thousands of people in my family..."

Only then did Jin Wushu know the extravagance of the great Song Dynasty - how rich their prime minister was in this poor and weak country. He even had dozens of such exquisite and luxurious large boats I fought openly and secretly with Zonghan, Ceres, pruhu and others. I spent so many means, regardless of life and death, and what I got was not as good as what I had in front of me

Wang Junhua fell on his lap with a soft voice: "fourth prince, you have to save the old ghost..." what she held in her hand was a list that has been making a lot of noise these days Qin Hui was guilty of being a thief. In addition to a thorough investigation, he dared not make a big fuss after all Although Jin Wushu promised to write the "Prime Minister for life" into the terms of the peace agreement, the peace agreement has not been signed after all. If there is an accident at this time, it will be a chicken flying egg fight

First of all, they all take care of their own men, and Wang Junhua is no exception. Although Qin Hui is a dog, she will also consider Qin Hui's advance and retreat first Jin Wushu was suddenly depressed, and his eyes were a little cold: "the crown prince has already ordered that someone will be sent to you if necessary. Why did you come here without permission?"

Wang Junhua was stunned and hurriedly said, "don't worry, fourth prince. You are absolutely safe in Lin'an."

Jin Wushu looked up at her. No matter how heavily makeup, she was a woman of about 40 years old. After all, she had become increasingly bloated, and her face was covered with circles of poisonous meat Xiangyouxinsheng, at this moment, felt that the woman in front of him was too ugly to look at more

He gently removed the hands placed on his legs, casually showing a trace of disgust, and smiled faintly: "you really don't hesitate to expose the identity of the crown prince for Qin Hui?"

Wang Junhua flopped down on her knees: "the fourth Prince calm down, I don't mean it at all. I have a heart for the fourth prince, and you don't know it for so many years? If it weren't for the fourth prince, I wouldn't want to return to song with Qin Hui..." she was incoherent, and deeply realized that at this moment, her husband and wife are completely chips for the fourth prince, and there is nothing to negotiate and negotiate with him As long as he said a word and shook his head, Qin Hui would be finished immediately. From the Prime Minister of the great Song Dynasty to the traitor who was killed by everyone, it was all in his turn Smart as she is, after all these years, she has naturally diluted the illusion that one day she can marry the fourth prince The honourable status of the prime minister's wife can no longer be lost

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