One Night Bride

Chapter 388

That night, Xiao Liu tried every means, and he didn't know whether it was Wang Jixian's aphrodisiac or the mysterious fertility drug that played a role. Zhao Deji was bleeding and boiling all over, and he just felt that he had never been in a deep and hearty mood for a long time Seeing that the elixir worked, Xiao Liu felt relieved and full of fantasy, and more firmly believed that he would give birth to a dragon

In the deepest winter season on land, another sunny day came to the island

On the side of a huge raised stone, groups of fish and shrimp swim around. Some strange little crabs and soft shellfish swim all the way to the instep of people, and they are not afraid of being born at all

Little tiger head carried a soft fish on his hand, which was ready to move. He especially liked this soft animal, which slipped in the palm of his hand, itching and giggling He wore a green silk soft belly pocket, and his small arms and legs were exposed in the sun. He was fat, like a doll in a new year picture

Mammy ran to pick him up, put a thin coat on him, wiped the sweat on his face, and said softly, "tiger head, let's go back and change a belly pocket, have a look, it's wet..."

Xiaohutou laughed and waved the slippery fish in front of her: "no, don't go..."

A big palm stretched out and slapped it on his ass: "smelly boy, you dare not obey..."

"Dad, Dad... Hug..." he rushed into King Qin's arms, and the wet fish swept King Qin's eyes King Qin was swept in his eyes by the fish tail. It was wet and fishy. Seeing that he dodged, xiaohutou was even happier and worked harder to get the fish tail to get at him. As soon as he dodged, the slippery fish fell to the ground, and xiaohutou was happy to clap his hands: "dad... Fish... Dad..."

King Qin opened his eyes from the fishy smell, sighed and sat down beside him In front of him was the huge raised stone, in which the cracks were full of green plankton For more than ten years, the memory is still fresh. The little girl hid in this stone crack with fear and attempted to escape Find her by yourself. When she was found, the wound on her chest was almost completely cracked by the seawater. If it was not for timely rescue, there would be little way to survive

The slippery fish fell. In a blink of an eye, the tiger head began to pull the beard in front of him. Down the beard, his small hand poked into his half open skirt to feel if there was anything inside Every time, he would touch oneortwo favorite Gadgets: "Dad..."

This time, it was a delicate copper man with iron feet He took it in his hand and spun it. The little copper man stretched out his foot and kicked him His palm hurt slightly and he couldn't help laughing These days, King Qin found two nannies to take care of him, and arranged two trusted minions to be responsible for his safety Although it was safe on the "sunset island", he still hoped that his children would be best protected and taken care of

His eyes came back from the stone and fell on the little face of the child who was playing with the copper man. After all, it was the child. After crying for a few days at first, he got used to the days when his mother was not around and was still happy every day All the birds and fish on the island suffer, and he chases them all day long Even a wild cat tamed on the island was pulled out by him The novel island has become his endless paradise

He played attentively and looked up at King Qin King Qin was shocked by these big black eyes, and it took him a long time to say to himself, "smelly boy, don't you want your mother? Heartless boy, you're so happy without your mother..."

Little tiger head didn't understand. He just played seriously. Hearing him mention his mother, he seemed to think of his mother again. He quickly raised his head and looked around. Where was the trace of his mother? As soon as he flattened his mouth, he was about to cry. King Qin's hand was under his armpit: "how can a worthless boy whine his mother every day? Does he look like a man?"

Little tiger's head was tickled to laugh, crying and laughing, and his soft arm struggled: "Dad, Dad... Mom..."

"Don't cry, smelly boy. I'll get my mother back for you."

"Mom, long time back?"

King Qin couldn't answer. He looked at him in a daze and gently stroked his two long lashes full of tears with his hands These days, I don't know how I feel, maybe because of those eyes, maybe because of the soft body of little tiger, he is like a new father's joy, holding his own legitimate son Give him the best of everything and let him grow up happily However, everything is ready, I just can't give him a mother

A pirate came over: "Your Majesty, uncle Yang is on the cruiser. I have something to report to you."

King Qin nodded and handed the little tiger's head to the nurse Xiaohutou refused to leave his arms and asked, "Mom... Where's mom... Where's dad?"

King Qin glared at him, "be obedient, or I'll spank you."

The little tiger didn't dare to ask again. He hid in the nurse's arms and his mouth was flat

Seven or eight important pirates gathered on the cruiser

King Qin came in and sat on the tiger skin golden chair in the middle. Uncle Yang said in an orderly manner, "king, the land troops used by Yelv need training, and we must send someone immediately. Who is the most suitable?"

King Qin looked around Participants include former subordinates, such as Friday, Sunday and Liu Wu He thought for a moment that Liu Wu had to keep watch before Ma Su's xiafusang trading bulk ceramics returned, and said, "you can start with me on Friday and Sunday."

Two men took orders On Friday, he said, "I have one more thing to report to the king."

"What's the matter?"

"Zhang Shiwu and Lin sirang want to take refuge in the king."

King Qin pondered for a moment, but did not immediately answer These two are Lin Zhijie's son-in-law. The tycoon Lin Zhijie received a reward for his meritorious service in rescuing Zhao Deji at sea But two years ago, Lin Zhijie died of illness, and Lin sirang and others suffered a storm because of a sea trip. The goods were damaged, and their families gradually fell With the increasingly difficult maritime trade, they wanted to invest in the name of King Qin in order to achieve better development

"On Sunday, how is their relationship with the imperial court now?"

"Since the death of Mr. Lin, their brother has nothing to do with the imperial court, and he has been blackmailed by the Imperial Navy stationed at the border from time to time. Because his family is in decline, he wants to take refuge in the king."

"Well, in that case, they are allowed to move along the coast."

"Thank you, king."

King Qin looked around again and said, "everything on the island is temporarily entrusted to the third uncle. I'll go with them on Sunday."

Uncle Yang was surprised and immediately opposed, "Your Majesty, Yelv didn't ask you to kiss."

"With such a large number of troops, he doesn't trust us, and I don't trust him. Therefore, I must go in person."

"But how long will it take this time?"

"I have something to discuss with Yelv Dayong. We must go."

Uncle Yang could no longer object At this time, he didn't want King Qin to go ashore. With this Unformed army, if something unexpected happened, wouldn't it be on the verge of success?

With a wave of his hand, a minion brought a red box King Qin opened it, and there were several female statues inside It's all Li Tinglan's, with Li Tinglan's beautiful handwriting on it

He laughed: "this woman is simply not like Yelv old ghost..."

Everyone rushed to see the portrait, and all of them were stunned: "it's so beautiful, so beautiful... Your majesty is so happy..."

"Your Majesty, it took a long time for the village lady to marry back?"

"No, the king has set a date for marriage? It's the Dragon Boat Festival next year..."

"Now it's almost the end of the year, fast..."

"Your Majesty, such a beauty, if you miss her day and night when she is young, why don't you marry her back early?"

Pirates don't pay attention to any etiquette, talking and laughing

King Qin took the statue and was very proud: "well, when I marry Mrs. YaZhai, everyone will be promoted one more level..."

Everyone cheered

When the crowd dispersed, uncle Yang stayed alone and painstakingly said, "Your Majesty, I don't want you to have any selfishness..."

"What selfishness will I have? I have no selfishness."

"Now the disposal of Yue Pengju and his wife is all in the court. I hope you don't interfere anymore, so as not to disturb our plan."

King Qin was a little impatient: "how can I meddle in Yue Pengju's business? I knew that Zhao Deji would kill him, the rabbit would die and the dog would cook, and all birds would hide. No one could stop this. I didn't have three heads and six arms, how could I save them?"

Uncle Yang nodded and said in his heart, if only this was the case

After King Qin went out, uncle Yang was still worried about it. He found Zhou Qi in private and told him carefully

As soon as I got ashore, the bleakness of winter became more and more obvious as I walked forward

All the people hurried forward 500 miles. Along the way, the scenery was very different from that of the south. Rows of white poplar trees lost all their leaves and were naked under the yellow sky. The weeds were withered and yellow, and the people were desolate After years of war, most of the vitality of the North was destroyed

King Qin reined in his horse and suddenly remembered that this was actually a "breeding village" That's where the girl ended up after she ran away For six or seven years, she was here, but after thousands of miles of searching, she couldn't find it here. Until one time, Li Xing and others inadvertently passed by, they found her trace

Li Xing and others had already died under the butcher's knife of the Jin man, and he was the only one left of the 18 elite riders that day He looked at his elite team in front of him. These people didn't know their past and their marriage history

In the middle of the afternoon, everyone was tired and thirsty. In the distance, there was a straw hut in front of him, on which floated a broken chess piece with the word "tea" written by the eldest brother

This tea shop is still there

Zhou Qixi said, "Your Majesty, there is a tea shed in front of us. Let's go have a cup of tea first and have a rest before we leave."

King Qin immediately promised

Everyone dismounted. There were few people in the tea shed. King Qin walked over and stopped a foot away Beside the only table, there was a fat monk with a soap jacket and a beard. His face had already restrained the color of the former tyrant, and he was kind-hearted, like a monk who was practicing hard Only next to it was a large Zen stick with a thick bowl

Unexpectedly, I met Ruda here again!

He walked over and sat down heavily beside Ruda Staring at Ruda wantonly, the more he looked, the more strange he felt He read countless people in his life, but never saw such a strange person: his eyes showed deep compassion, but his Zen stick showed Xiao Sha's spirit Tathagata also roars like a lion. Is Luda becoming a Buddha?

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